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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY NGUYEN THANH XUAN USING INFORMATION-GAP ACTIVITIES TO ENHANCE SPEAKING PERFORMANCE OF NON - ENGLISH MAJORS GRADE 12 AT THAI NGUYEN HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE GIFTED Sử dụng hoạt động có khoảng trống thơng tin để nâng cao khả nói cho học sinh lớp 12 không chuyên Anh trường THPT Chuyên Thái Nguyên MASTER THESIS RESEARCH Field: English language THAI NGUYEN- 2018 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY NGUYEN THANH XUAN USING INFORMATION-GAP ACTIVITIES TO ENHANCE SPEAKING PERFORMANCE OF NON - ENGLISH MAJORS GRADE 12 AT THAI NGUYEN HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE GIFTED Sử dụng hoạt động có khoảng trống thơng tin để nâng cao khả nói cho học sinh lớp 12 khơng chun Anh trường THPT Chuyên Thái Nguyên MASTER THESIS RESEARCH Field : English language Supervisor: Dr Bui Thi Huong Giang THAI NGUYEN- 2018 DECLARATION The writer fully declares that this research paper is composed by the writer herself and it does not contain materials written or having been published by other people and that from references A THESIS USING INFORMATION-GAP ACTIVITIES TO ENHANCE SPEAKING PERFORMANCE OF NON- ENGLISH MAJORS GRADE 12 AT THAI NGUYEN HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE GIFTED Submitted by: Nguyen Thanh Xuan Approved by Supervisor, Dr Bui Thi Huong Giang i Acknowledgement First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor – Dr Bui Thi Huong Giang for her valuable guidance, critical feedback, and enormous encouragement Without her support, this thesis could not have been completed My thanks also go to all my lecturers from Thai Nguyen University, School of Foreign Languages - Postgraduate Department for their valuable lectures which help me to orient the topic I would like to express my thanks to all my classmates who were willing to help me in sharing materials and ideas when this thesis is worked on My sincere thanks also go to all my colleagues and students at Thai Nguyen High School for the Gifted, for their assistance during the process of data collection Particularly, I find myself in debt to all members of my family for their love, care and tolerance when I was in the process of writing this thesis ii ABSTRACT This study aims at using information activities to enhance speaking performance of non- English majors grade 12 at Thai Nguyen High School for the Gifted It also describes students’ perception and feeling after experimenting Information Gap technique This research is an action research which was carried out in Thai Nguyen High School for the Gifted in the second term of the academic year 2017-2018 It consists of six main steps: Initiation, Hypothesis, Intervention, Evaluation and Dissemination The data were gained through questionnaires, semi structured interview, observations and mini projects The results show that information gap activities can improve students’ speaking performance significantly Hopefully, this study will make a contribution to the implementation of Information Gap Activities in improving speaking skills for students at Thai Nguyen High School for the Gifted in particular and other high schools in general iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION……………….……………………………………………………i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 The rationale of the study 1.2 The objectives of the study 1.3 The scope of the study 1.4 The significance of the study 1.5 Organization of the study CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical framework 2.1.1 The nature of speaking 2.1.2 The role of speaking in foreign language teaching and learning 2.1.3 Motivation- the key factor affecting English speaking performances 2.1.4 Information gap activities 2.1 4.1 The definition of information gap activities The benefits of information gap activities 2.1.4 Some popular information gap activities 2.1.5 Action research…………………………………….………………………….10 2.2 Previous studies……………………………………………………………… 11 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 14 3.1 Research questions……………………………………………………………….14 3.2 The study design………………………………………………………………….14 3.3 The context and participants of the study……………………………………… 14 3.4 Procedures……………………………………………………………………….16 Data collection instruments…………………………………………………… 19 3.5.1 Questionnaires……………………………………………………………….19 3.5.2 Semi-structured interview……………………………………………………19 3.5.3 Observation………………………………………………………………… 19 3.5.4 Mini projects…………………………………………………………………19 iv 3.6 Data analysis………………………………………………………………… 20 3.6.1 Data collected from preliminary investigation stage 20 Data from questionnaire 20 Data from the semi- structured interview 22 3.6.2 Data collected from the intervention stage 23 Data collected from Observation sheets 23 Data collected from Questionnaire 25 Data collected from mini projects……………………………………29 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 31 4.1 Findings……………………………………………………………………… 31 4.2 Discussion…………………………………………………………………… 32 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 36 5.1 Conclusion 37 5.2 Suggestions for teachers and further research ………………………………37 REFERENCES I APPENDIX 1: Questionnaire III APPENDIX 2: Semi- structured interview………………………………….…IV APPENDIX 3: Questionnaire 2…………………………………………………V APPENDIX 4: Observation sheet……………………………………………….VI APPENDIX 5: Video speaking rubric…………………………………………VII APPENDIX 6: Sample of a speaking lesson plan………………………………IX APPENDIX 7: Samples of the information gap activities…………………… XII v CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 The rationale of the study With its essential role in international communication, English has proven to be the most effective means to involve Vietnam in the process of globalization Students with good command of English and know to make use of it will have better job prospects and many other interesting opportunities in their lives Being fully aware of its importance, the Ministry of Education and Training has made English a compulsory subject at secondary schools and developing students’ communicative competence is given the top priority Speaking plays a fundamental role in communication because without it, communication cannot take place directly between people According to Fauziati (cited in Handayani, 2011), mastering “the art” of speaking is regarded as the single most important aspect of learning a second or foreign language, and success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the target language However, to teach the students to speak English so that they become more interested in speaking English and maintain their interest during the lessons is not an easy job at all Richards and Renandya (2002) also believe that speaking in a foreign language is challenging for foreign language learners because the effectiveness of oral communication requires the ability to use the language appropriately in social interaction With regard to Thai Nguyen High School for the Gifted, non-English major students have to learn English as a compulsory subject Most of the students have learnt English for seven years and realized the significant roles of English to their future However, as an English teacher, the researcher finds that although the students not have much trouble with English grammar, many of them tend to be silent and passive in English speaking Many of the students fail to communicate in English They seem to depend heavily on the textbooks and just read them in the speaking class They are hesitant and anxious if they have to speak and perform using English One of the reasons for this situation is that they lack practice in using English in real communication situations Putri (2014) states that speaking activities should provide sufficient time for students to practice the target language The activities also should motivate students so that they can enthusiastically engage on the learning process In our daily life, communication occurs naturally when there is a lack of information between people, and they have a demand for exchanging the information In the same way, if English teachers want to motivate students to speak, they should provide a diverse environment where meaningful communication can take place In the researcher’s opinion, one possible solution that can encourage students to use English for communicating is utilizing Information Gap Activities The benefits of this technique to the students have aroused my interest and encouraged the researcher to carry out this research “Using information-gap activities to motivate speaking performance of non – English majors grade 12 at Thai Nguyen High School for the Gifted.” Hopefully, this study will make a small contribution to the implementation of Information Gap Activities in improving speaking skills for students at Thai Nguyen High School for the Gifted in particular , and at other high schools in general 1.2 Objectives of the study The aim of this study is to improve students’ speaking performance by applying information-gap activities and change students’ attitudes towards speaking learning 1.3 Scope of the study In the school year 2017- 2018, the researcher was in charge of teaching English for grade 12th students During English lessons, many students were very passive in making interactions in English when they are required to work in pairs or groups In fact, there are various effective speaking activities to motivate students to speak; however, due to the limit of the thesis, the study cannot cover all, but focus on information gap activities 1.4 The significance of the study The study is hoped to be beneficial to both teachers and students at the Thai Nguyen High School for the Gifted in particular and at other high schools in general English teachers will be able to enrich their techniques in teaching speaking skills, which can greatly improve students’ speaking performances In addition, this study is believed to be a good source of references for other researchers who want to conduct a research on the related topic 1.5 Organization of the study Chapter is Introduction which consists of the rationale of the study, objectives of the study, scope of the study, the significance of the study and organization of the study Chapter is Literature Review which discusses the theoretical framework and previous studies Chapter is Research methodology which consists of research questions, the study design, participants, materials, and procedure, data collection instruments, techniques of data analysis Chapter describes the result of the study It consists of research findings and discussion Then, chapter is the conclusion and suggestions of the research A Very important B Important C Not very important D Not at all Why you think you need to learn English speaking? (You can tick more than one answer) A Speaking English fluently opens better future prospects B English speaking is compulsory at our school C I am interested in English speaking skill D I want to be able to communicate in English Others How often don’t you want to speak English in class? A Always B Usually C Sometimes D I speak whenever I am told to Others: Why don’t you want to speak English in class? (You can tick more than one answer.) A Being afraid of making mistakes and being laughed at by my classmates and teachers B Sometimes, speaking learning goal in class is not to communicate in real life situations C I have little motivation to talk with my friends in English because I can help myself with the answers when dealing tasks D Monotonous speaking activities APPENDIX SEMI-STRUCTURED INTERVIEW Questions: May I know your name and your class? Can you name some factors that make you feel unwilling to speak English in class? Can you recommend some ways to improve the situation? IV Students Factors Suggested solutions Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student 10 APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE This survey is designed for my research on the application of information gap activities to improve speaking skill for non-English majors grade 12 at Thai Nguyen High school for the Gifted All the data collected in this questionnaire are ONLY for the purpose of the survey The researcher assures that all the information collected will be confidential, with the hope that you will answer these questions accurately and honestly Please read the questions and give your V opinion about the activities you have just joined by putting a tick () in the boxes you want to choose Thank you for your co-operation! Are these information gap activities easy for you to practice in pairs and groups?  Easy  Not very easy  Difficult Are these information gap activities suitable with your level?  Suitable  quite suitable  Unsuitable Are you interested in these information gap activities?  Yes, greatly  Yes, a little No, not at all Do you want to participate in other activities of this type?  Yes, always  Yes, sometimes  Never Tick the advantages when you take part in information gap activities (You can tick more than one answer.) A more chances to speak B comfortable learning atmosphere C real life communicative situations D always have a desire to talk with classmates Others…………………………………………………………………………… Do you have any disadvantages when you take part in information gap activities? (If the answer is yes, please specify the reasons Responses in Vietnamese are also highly appreciated)  Yes No …………………………………………………………………………………… APPENDIX 4: OBSERVATION SHEET (for group work) Observer: (Adapted from Peacock, 1997) Date: Teacher: Class: ……………………… No of students present: Time: 45 minutes Material: Adapted from Tieng Anh 12 Speaking lesson _ Instructions: a This sheet is for observing individual student VI b The observers write down the number of students in each group who correspond with each answer c The observers can add their comments and suggestions Group Group Group Group Group Comments Not very involved Students’ Involved involvement strongly involved Usually keep silent or hesitate too often when speaking Try to interact with classmates in English and Students’ generally interaction respond appropriately Always interact effectively with classmate in English to fulfil the task Total Suggestions: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… APPENDIX 5: VIDEO SPEAKING RUBRIC (Adapted from Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners by J Michael O'Malley and Lorraine Valdez Pierce, 2005) Group: _ Rating: Activity: Comments: _ VII _ _ _ _ Rating Demonstrated competence • Uses a variety of vocabulary and expressions • Uses a variety of structures with only occasional grammatical errors • Speaks smoothly, with little hesitation that does not interfere with communication • Stays on task and communicates effectively; almost always responds appropriately and always tries to develop the interaction • Pronunciation and intonation are almost always very clear/accurate • Uses a variety of vocabulary and expressions, but makes some errors in word choice • Uses a variety of grammar structures, but makes some errors • Speaks with some hesitation, but it does not usually interfere with communication • Stays on task most of the time and communicates effectively; generally responds appropriately and keeps trying to develops the interaction • Pronunciation and intonation are usually clear/accurate with a few problem areas • Uses limited vocabulary and expressions • Uses a variety of structures with frequent errors, or uses basic structures with only occasional errors • Speaks with some hesitation, which often interferes with communication • Tries to communicate, but sometimes does not respond appropriately or clearly • Pronunciation and intonation errors sometimes make it difficult to understand the student • Uses only basic vocabulary and expressions VIII • Uses basic structures, makes frequent errors • Hesitates too often when speaking, which often interferes with communication • Purpose isn’t clear; needs a lot of help communicating; usually does not respond appropriately or clearly • Frequent problems with pronunciation and intonation APPENDIX 6: SAMPLE OF A SPEAKING LESSON PLAN (with an assisted observer) Date of preparation: Distributive period: Date of teaching: Unit The world of work Lesson Speaking A Aims and Objectives: - To teach Ss to talk about ambitions and dreams related to future jobs or careers - To teach Ss to practise sharing and giving responses to new information IX - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Express their opinion about the future jobs + Perform their viewpoints to other people in real life B Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers - Students: Textbook C Methods: mainly Information Gap technique D Procedures: Time/Stages Activities Interactions minutes - T informs the class of the lesson objective: T < > Ss Discussing about the skills and qualities needed for getting a job; telling the partner about the chosen job New lesson * Pre- speaking minutes Activity 1: Match the job with the correct pictures Organization Pair work T < > Ss - This activity aims to create a comfortable atmosphere before the lesson and help students revise vocabulary related to the jobs 10 minutes Activity 2: Pre teach vocabulary and structures -The teacher pre-teaches important vocabulary - Communication skills - Problem solving skills - Sociable (a) - Enthusiastic (a) - Sympathetic (a) X T < > Ss - Energetic (a) - Trustworthy (a) - Elicit students expressions to ask and answer about job skills and qualitiesCheck the answers as a class Suggested expressions - What skills does a teacher need? - What skills are necessary for a teacher? - A teacher needs to have/ should have…………… - What are the essential qualities for a teacher? - What qualities should a teacher have? - He/ she needs to be………… - Distribute the handout, explain how to carry out the task T < > Ss - Give students a careful demonstration to make sure that students know clearly about what they are going to * While speaking 16 minutes Work in pairs: One student has table A, the other has table B Each of the table miss some piece of information Keep the papers secret and complete the information by asking and answering the question Talk about the qualities and skills of a chosen job - This activity provides speaking practice and helps Ss to further develop their communication skills - Set a time limit for the students’ practice and preparation for the report - Go round to give support and control the class - Ask some pairs of students to practise the conversation in front of the class Sample conversation: Nam: What skills does a teacher need? XI Pair work minutes Hoa: He/ she needs to have communication skills and lesson planning skills He/she needs to know very well about the subject they are teaching Hoa: Nam, can you tell me about the necessary qualities for a teacher? Nam: The teacher needs to be sociable and friendly He/ she should to be enthusiastic and patient with the students * Post speaking Group work - Invite some students to talk about the skills and qualities needed for a particular job - Do not stop Ss to correct their mistakes Encourage them to speak freely and just give comments on things such as Ss’ ambitions and dreams about future jobs Consolidation - Summarize what they have learnt by minute asking Ss some questions: T < > Ss What have you learnt today? What can you now? Homework minute - Ask students to learn by heart the expressions T < > Ss - Prepare for the next lesson E Self –Evaluation _ _ APPENDIX 7: SAMPLES OF WORKSHEETS FOR TEACHERS (Adapted from Tieng Anh 12) WORKSHEET 1: GUESSING GAME XII WORKSHEET 2: COMPLETING THE INFORMATION Table A XIII Jobs Skills Qualities - Communication skills - sociable - Lesson planning skills friendly and - Having good knowledge - enthusiastic about the subject to be - enjoy being around Teacher taught children - patient Police officer -working in a team - sympathetic - working under pressure - patient - communication skills - empathetic - Problem solving skills Doctor Table B XIV Jobs Skills Qualities Teacher -Problem solving skills - brave - working under pressure - - following orders country - working in a team - trustworthy - working in a team - polite - working under pressure - confident -Problem solving skills - energetic loyal Police officer Doctor WORKSHEET 3: PERSONAL QUESTIONNAIRE XV to the Likes or Dislikes At Work A Ask about the work activities in the questionnaire and number them (1 to 7), according to how much the job seeker like or dislike doing them Do you like…? Your Partner using computers travelling meeting people making phone calls selling things working in a team repairing things making decisions being creative attending meetings working with figures reading documents writing dealing with the public working overtime making things having responsibility B Work with a partner Ask your partner the questions above and write down their answers (1 to 7) in the corresponding column Ask your partner to explain his/her answers Example: A: Do you like using computers? B: No, I don’t like using computers A: Why don’t you like using computers? B: It’s boring C Now think of a job for your partner based on the work activities he/she likes XVI doing Tell him/her the job you chose and the reasons for your choice I think you love (name) would be a good You also (really) like (job) WORKSHEET 4: JOB INTERVIEW ROLEPLAY XVII for you, because Preparation: Divide your group in to two smaller major groups by having them randomly pick up a card which tells them who they will be: + Group of employers (travel agency, shop owner, restaurant owner……) + Group of employees (who apply to be a tour guide, shop assistant, and waiter/waitress) To prepare for their interview by answering the following questions: Set the tables enabling students to practice their conversations as employers and applicants Conclusion: the employer reports who wins and why they are chosen For candidates For employers: Tell me about yourself + Tell about your personal What are your strengths? identification What are your weaknesses? + Tell you strengths, best skills Why you want this job? + Tell your biggest weakness Why should we hire you? + Tell your career goals, future What are your plans for the plan future? What are your salary expectations + Convince the employer why you are suitable for the job + Tell the employer about your salary expectation XVIII ... THE GIFTED Sử dụng hoạt động có khoảng trống thơng tin để nâng cao khả nói cho học sinh lớp 12 không chuyên Anh trường THPT Chuyên Thái Nguyên MASTER THESIS RESEARCH Field : English language... THANH XUAN USING INFORMATION-GAP ACTIVITIES TO ENHANCE SPEAKING PERFORMANCE OF NON - ENGLISH MAJORS GRADE 12 AT THAI NGUYEN HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE GIFTED Sử dụng hoạt động có khoảng trống thơng tin. .. involved non-English majors grade 12 at Thai Nguyen high school for the Gifted Materials for teaching were adapted from Tieng Anh 12 for the intermediate level Unlike schools in Indonesia with modern

Ngày đăng: 31/03/2021, 08:03


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