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Unit 6. The environment

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- By the end of this lesson, Ss know about the environmental problems as well as some activities to make our environment cleanb. - Vocabulary: Related to the environment - Grammar: Con[r]


Period: 39

Unit 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Getting started – Listen and read I Objectives

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: a Knowledge:

- By the end of this lesson, Ss know about the environmental problems as well as some activities to make our environment clean

- Vocabulary: Related to the environment - Grammar: Conditional sentence type 1.

b Skills: skills, but pay attention to reading and writing skills.

c Attitude: Have a positive attitude in learning and protect the environment. 2 Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self-learning capability - Communicative competence - Cooperation capacity

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, cassette and tape 2 Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler …

III Students’ activities 1 Warm up (5’) Net Works

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

-T asks Ss to share their ideas “ things we are spoiling the environment”

-Ss shares their ideas (can speak in Vietnamese), teacher writes in English and introduces new words

- Teacher writes in English and introduces new words

-Ss practice reading new words and take notes

New words : - environment (n) - garbage (n) - dump (n)

- pollute (v), pollution (n) - deforestation (n)

- dynamite (n)

- spray (v) - pesticide (n) 2 Knowledge formation activities (32’)

- T leads in the new lesson -T has Ss exercise a

-Ss work in pairs

-T calls some Ss to give the answers before the class

- Ss give their answers

-T checks and corrects the mistake if necessary -Ss copy down the correct answers

-T asks Ss some questions -Ss answer the questions

1 Getting started.

* Ss know the environmental problems.

Match the environmental problems to the pictures.

Answer keys : a air pollution b spraying pesticides c garbage dump d water pollution e deforestation f dynamite fishing Questions :

- What you often to save the Environment? - What you like to best?

Throwing trash Spraying pesticides Smoking Things we are spoiling

the environment


-T sets up the scene and plays the tape

- Ss listen to the tape once (books closed) to guess main contents of the passages

-T introduces new words

-Ss give the meaning of new words, practice reading new words and take notes

-T has Ss pay attention to the structure -T calls one S to tell the main content of the passage

-T asks Ss to answer some questions - Ss answer some questions

2 Listen and read.

* Ss know the way to keep the invironment to clean.

New words : -rock (n)

-disappointed (adj) New structure :

If you can’t find your place, I will help you * Answer these questions

- How many groups are there? - Who are they?

- Where are they?

-What are they going to do? -T has Ss read the text in silent and does exercise a

Then compare the answers in pairs -Ss give the answers before the class -T checks and corrects if necessary -Ss copy down the correct answers

* While-listening and reading.

a Match the name in column A with the tasks in column b Then write the full sentences.

( Keys : – f, – e, – b, – a, – c, – d ) -T guides Ss exercise b

-Ss work in pairs, read the text again then ask and answer the questions

-T calls some pairs to ask and answer before the class

-Ss answer the questions before the class -T checks and corrects if necessary

b Answer

1 The speaker is Mr Brown

2 They are volunteer conservationists They’re on the beach

4 They are going to clean the beach

5 If they work hard today, they’ll make the beach a clean and beautiful place again 3 Consolidation: 4’

-T asks Ss to tell something about the main content of the passage 4 Its operation: 4’

-T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss answer the questions

Answer the questions :

1 Have you ever done anything similar? If yes, what did you do? Where did you it?

If pollution continues, what might happen? IV Experience:

……… ……… ………

Period: 40

Unit 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Speak + Listen

I Objectives

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: a Knowledge:

- By the end of this lesson, Ss know how to persuade someone to something Furthermore, Ss know more about the pollution of oceans by listening

- Vocabulary: Related to the environment - Grammar:

I think you should … Why don’t you …?

Won’t you …? Why not …?

It would be better if you … What/ How about …?


c Attitude: Have a positive attitude in learning and protect the environment. 2 Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self-learning capability - Communicative competence - Cooperation capacity

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, cassette and tape 2 Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler …

III Students’ activities

1 Warm up (5’) Play game “ Network”

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

-Teacher asks Ss to play game “Net work” -Ss play game ( share ideas )

2 Knowledge formation activities (32’)

-T introduces the situation and the ideas cues in the table

-T explains the new words and new structures

3 Speak

* Ss persuade your partner to protect the invironment.

Vocabulary : - reuse (v) - recycle (v) - reduce (v) - trash (n) - prevent (v) - avoid (v)

- exhaust fume (n) - harm(a)

- littering (n) -Ss practice reading the new words Then take

notes * Structures - I think you should……

- Won’t you ….?

- It would be better if you… - Why don’t we…?

- Why not….? - What/ How about? -T guides Ss make new dialogues to persuade

their partner to something to protect the environment

-Ss practice playing role of A and B -Ss work in pairs

-Some pairs of Ss role play the dialogues before the class

-T checks and corrects any mistakes if necessary -T explains the Questionnaire

-Ss find the possible answers they can use to ask and answer with friends.(pair works )

-T checks and corrects any mistakes if necessary

a Practice the dialogue with partner.

b Find the answers.

Guiding answers to the questionare

-Write on both sides of paper, recycle used paper -Save plastic bags, clean and reuse them

Reuse bottles and cans Collectthe garbage

Activities you can save the environment


-T explains the requirement and gets Ss play role example on page 50 again

-T checks and corrects any mistakes if necessary -T has Ss make short talk about things they have done to make their school clean as well as activities they have done or are going to to protect the environment

-Ss practice making new dialogue basing the cues (pair-work)

-Ss practice speaking in front of the class

-Don’t throw waste and garbage into streams, lakes and even oceans

-Discard/throw garbage in waste bins -Try to reuse and recycle things

c Discuss with a partner the best way to protect the environment.

-T explains the requirement and introduces the content of the listening

-T introduces new words

-Ss practice reading the new words and read before the class

-T corrects students’ pronunciation if necessary

4 Listen

* Ss know the resion which our ocean is polluted and improve it.

* Pre – Listening

Listen to the report on how our oceans are polluted Then complete the notes.

Vocabulary : - raw sewage (n) - pump (v) - vessel (n) - marine life (n)

- not only…….but also… -T plays the tape

-Ss listen to the tape and complete the table -Ss compare the answers in pairs

-Ss give the answers on the boards

Keys: - garbage is

- come from ships at sea

- waste materials come from factories - oil is washed from land

3 Consolidation (4’)

T has some pairs of Ss make conversations to persuade their partners to something to protect the environment

4 Its operation (4’)

- T checks and corrects any mistakes if necessary - Ss copy down the correct answers

- T asks Ss to answer the questions - Ss answer the questions

- How many reasons cause polluted ocean? What are they? - What can we to prevent pollution from these reasons? IV Experience:

……… ……… ………

Signature of the Leader Week 20:

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 16:05
