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unit 12 music tiếng anh 10 nguyễn thị hồng huệ thư viện giáo án điện tử

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-T asks Ss work in groups of three and make the questions and answers. Items Asking answering Partner[r]


Instructor: NGÔ TH THU H NGỊ Ằ

Student’s name: NGUY N TH H NG HUỄ Ị Ồ Ệ


I. Class detail: Grade:10A1 Unit 12: music

Time allotted: 45 minutes II. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to: - use vocabulary items related to music

- improve speaking skill

III Teaching Aids: textbook, computer, board, hand out… IV. Anticipated problems:

i Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic

V. Solutions:

i T tries to give instructions as clearly as possible ii T can explain some new words and phrase iii. T can give some new words related to topic

Time /

Stage Teacher’s activities Student’sactivities Workarrangeme nt


up(5’)  Guessing gameT shows pictures about famous singers around the world one by one and asks Ss guess their names  T gives instruction: “I will show six famous singers If you know their names Raise your hand and say their name ”

Concept checking:



2.What you now?

-T carries out the game

- T gives correct answers and gives small gift

-Find out the names

of six

famous singers -Play game

While-speaki ng (20’)

TASK1: Reading The Passage And Answer The Questions

 T explains some new words and phrase in the passage

* Newword and phrase:  keep sb happy= make

sb happy : làm cho vui

 cheer sb up : làm vui h n.ơ

 band (n) = a group of musicians: nhóm nh c,ban nh cạ

- T asks Ss work in pairs - T asks Ss to read the

passage and answer questions in textbook  T gives instruction: “Now,work in pairs Read the passage and task You have minutes to this task.”

T checks instruction: 1.You will work in pairs or groups?

2.What you now?

-listen and take note

-Pay attention

-Answer the

questions -work in pairs


- T let Ss task - T goes around and

helps Ss when they need

- After minutes, T calls some Ss present their answers

- T gives feedback and the correct answers TASK2: Ask And Answer to get information to

complete the table - T asks Ss to read

items in the first column in the table - T elicits for Ss how to

make the questions and answer

 Kind of music:

- Question: What kind of music you like? - Answer: I like…  Reasons :

- Question: Why you like it?

- Answers: because…  Favourite band /


- Question:Who is your favourite singer/ musician?

- Answer: my favourite singer/ musician is(are) …

 Favourite song/ piece of music

- Question: What is your Favourite song/ piece of music?

- Answer: my Favourite song/ piece of music

- Read the passage and task

-Present their answers

-Listen and answer

-work in pairs



 When listen to music - Question: When you

listen to music? - Answer: I listen to

music when…

-T provides Ss with adjectives and expressions

 Make sb excited/ feel relaxed/ comfortable/ happy

 Help sb forget troubles /worries

 Relaxing: th giãnư  Pleasant: vui vẻ  Rousing: ph n ch nấ ấ -T gives example


T: What kind of music you like?

S: I like pop music T: Why you like it? S: because it make me feel comfortable

-T asks Ss work in groups of three and make the questions and answers

Items Asking answering Partner

1 Partner Kind of

music What kind of music you like?

Reasons Why you like it?

Favourite band / musician

Who is your favourite singer/ musician?


Favourite song/ piece of music

What is your Favourite song/ piece of music? When

listen to music

When you listen to music?

T gives instruction: “now,work in groups of three,and then

complete the table You have minutes to finish this task.”

T checks instruction:

1.you will work in group of three of four?

2 What you now? + The first….

+The second…

- T let Ss task - T goes around to

observe and to help Ss

-Answer the

questions - work in group of three

- Ask and answer to get

informatio n

-Complete the table -5 minutes

-Do task -work ingroups

Post-speaki ng (9’)

- T asks Ss to report what they have found out about their partner - T gives example


1. Lan like pop music because……

2. Both Hung and Nam like rock music They like it



because….Hung’s favourite band is….but Nam prefers… - T calls some Ss to

present their result in front of class

- T gives feedback and

corrects some mistakes -Presenttheir answers -Listen and take note

-work in individual

Home work(1’ )

- Learn new words and phrases

- Prepare for new lesson :listening

-Listen and take note

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 15:12

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