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It is possible for robots to look like people, work like people, and (3).... like people.[r]


đề thi kiểm định chất lựơng Hc kỡ I lp 10

Năm học 2007 2008 Môn thi : tiếng anh Thời gian làm : 60phút

( Đề gồm 20 câu trắc nghiệm câu tự luận, trang ) A Phần trắc nghiệm (4đ)

I.Choose the word which has underlined part pronouned differently from the rest.

1 a blind b disabled c idea d hide

2 a added b subtracted c divided d multiplied

3 a computer b turn c miraculous d accuracy

4 a today b together c.work d progressive

5 a media b ache c table d nation

II Choose the most suitable choice.

1 What you often in your free time ?

a overtime b spare time c full time d part time

2 You are making so much that I can not stand any longer

a.noise b.noisy c noisily d.noising

3 Can you please tell me a computer is used for?

a what b which c that d who

4 There is an internationan football match on TV tonight Liverpool against Manchester

a are playing b.has play c.was playing d has been playing

5 They haven’t been kept in touch with each other

a since years b for years c years ago d until years 6.We always drive more at night

a care b careful c carefully d carelessness

7 he works as hard as he used to

a Although his older b Because of he is old c In spite of his age b Because old

8 Since the liberation, the lifestyle of my village has changed

a way of life b daily life c social life d life span At am yesterday they their terminal examination

a are taking b have been taking c were taking d had been taking 10 You will get a good seat if you first

a come b came c have come d will come

11 The house I am living is not in very good condition

a which b in which c in where d in place

12 I don’t think the rich bad Actually most of them work very hard

a is b are c were d was

13 Advertising is one of the businesses in the world

a big b biggest c bigest d bigger

14 All of my councils are fond of tennis

a playing b play c to play d played

15 The lady went on the picnic with us is our teacher

a who b whose c which d whom

B Phần tự luận:(6đ)

I.Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.

1 They built this house last year

 This I’ve never been to this place before

 It’s the first time “ I’m going to Paris next month”, the boy said

 The boy said II Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition

1 He escaped prison yesterday M· ký hiÖu


2 She is not interested English I’d like to invite you my party They are never late school It is very kind you to help me

III Each of the following sentences has one mistake, find it out and correct it. We have not seen Jim since he has leave school in 2002

The mistake: correction: We expect getting a pay rise next month

The mistake: correction: 3.How many students there are in your class?

The mistake: correction: She have to work in that hospital at night

The mistake: correction:

IV Read the passage carefully than fill in each blank with the most suitable word from the box

entertainment bring about designed coverage events Through make In addition to means pictures

Television is one of man’s most important (1) of communication It brings (2) and sound from around the world in to milions of homes A person with a television set can sit in his house and watch the President(3) a speech or visit a foreign country He can see a war being fought and watch statesmen try to (4) peace (5) , home viewers can see and learn about people, places and things in faraway lands TV even takes its viewers out of this world It brings them (6) of America’s astronauts as the astronauts explpre outer space

(7) all these things, television brings its viewers a steady stream of programs that are (8) to entertain In fact, TV provides many more (9) progames than any other kind The progames include action-packed dramas, light comedies, sporting (10) and motion pictures

1 10


Hết -Hớng dẫn chấm đề thi kiểm định chất lựơng học kì I lp 10

Năm học 2007 2008 Môn thi : tiếng anh

A Phần Trắc nghiệm:(4đ)

I (1đ) Mỗi câu trả lời đợc 0,2đ

1.b 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.a

II (3đ) Mỗi câu trả lời đợc 0,2đ

1.b 2.a 3a 4.a 5.b 6.c 7.c 8.a 9c 10.a 11.b 12.b

13.b 14.a 15.a

B Phần tự luận: (6đ)

I (1,5) Mỗi câu trả lời đợc 0,5đ This house was built last year

2 It is the first time I have been to this place

3 The boy said (that) he was going to Paris the following month II (1đ) Mỗi câu trả lời đợc 0,2đ

1.from in 3.to 4.for 5.of

III.(1đ) Mỗi câu trả lời đợc 0,25đ

1 Mistake: has leave Correction: left Mistake: getting Correction: to get Mistake: there are Correction: are there Mistake: have Correction: has IV (2,5đ) Mỗi câu trả lời đợc 0,25 đ


1 means pictures 3.make 4.bring about 5.through 6.coverage 7.In addition to designed entertainment events


Hết -đề thi kiểm định chất lựơng Học kì I lp 10

Năm học 2007 2008 Môn thi : tiÕng anh Thêi gian lµm bµi : 60phót

( Đề gồm 20 câu trắc nghiệm câu tự luận, trang )

A: Phần trắc nghiệm:(4đ)

I Choose the word which has the underlined part prounced differently from the rest.

1 a protected b visited c destroyed d eliminated

2 a listen b visitor c continue d interesting

3 a close b hold c losing d open

4 a tragic b mature c husband d another

5 a about b shout c four d count

II Choose the best option to complete the sentence.

1 She speaks English very She has been learning it for nearly 10 years

a good b well c goodly d welly

2 The person is looking for the key is a genius

a which b whom c who d what

3 The crop by the heavy rain last night

a was destroyed b is destroyed c destroying d destroyed I was late for school because the traffic jam

a from b at c of d for

5 My parents don’t want to let me the night away from home

a staying b to stay c stayed d stay

6 The baby wonderfully up to now

a behaves b has behaved c is behaving d behaved

7 He passed the exams with flying colours

a difficultly b badly c successfully d hardly

8 Liz used , but last year she stopped because her health was very bad

a smoke b to smoke c smoking d to smoking

9 the bad weather, the plane landed safely

a In spite b In spite of c Though d Despite the fact


10 If two people the same language, they often have similar attitudes


a speak b spoke c spoken d will speak 11 They intend to make excursion next month

a a two-week b two-weeks c a two-weeks d two-week

12 They spent a lot of time about what they would

a to talk b talk c talking d talked

13 They in Tran Hung Dao street five years ago

a lived b have lived c had lived d were living

14.Look !, they something on the wall

a were writing b are writing c wrote d.write

15 A fax machine send or receive letters quickly

a used to b is used for c is used to d used for

B phần tự luận (6đ)

I Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means as the same the sentence printed before it.

1 They have taught English in this country for years


2.Those pictures are beautiful


3 “ I can’t help you bacause I have too much to do.”,she said to me She


II.Each of the following sentences has one mistake, underline it then correct it.

1 It took him a long time to get used to drive on the left Mistake:


2 We tried to phone Tom this afternoon, but there was no answer He has gone out

Mistake: Correction: Your plan is different with mine Mistake: Correction:

4 When I came to visit her last night, she is has diner Mistake:


III Fill each blank with a suitable word in the box

think working by computers over given sizes to cannot programs People are fascinated (1) robots Science fiction books and movies feed people’s imagination, making them wonder about the possibilities of robots living and(2) with them It is possible for robots to look like people, work like people, and (3) like people? In the future, anything is

possible Already today, there are tens of thousands of robots doing work all (4) the world

Robot is the name (5) to any machine that can a certain job automatically These machines come in any shapes and (6) It is possible to build a robot in the shape of a person, but most look like machines built for specific purposes They are controlled by (7) the

computers tell the robot what to and how to it People write the (8) for computers that control the robots Robots can sense the environment around them and respond (9) it They can complete several steps in a process and can try other methodsif one does not work Ordinary machines (10) these things


IV Supply the corect form of the word in bold.

1 He tried to overcome his SHY

2 Your proposal sounds attract

3 Patient education is to minimize the importance

risk of a second heat attack

4 On his , colleagues presented him retire

With a set of golf clubs


Hết -Hớng dẫn chấm đề thi kiểm định chất lựơng học kì I lớp 10

Năm học 2007 2008 Môn thi : tiếng anh

A Phần trắc nghiệm(4đ)

I.(1) Mi cõu trả lời đợc 0,2 đ

1.c 2.a 3.c 4.a 5.c

II (3đ) Mỗi câu trả lời đợc 0,2 đ

1.b 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.d 6b 7.c 8.b 9.b 10.a 11.a 12.c

13.a 14.b 15.c

B Phần tự luận(6đ)

I (1,5) Mi cõu trả lời đợc 0,5 đ

1 English has been taught in this country for years M· ký hiÖu


2 How beautiful those pictures are!

3 She said she couldn’t help me because she had too much to II (1đ) Mỗi câu trả lời đợc 0,25 đ

1 Mistake : drive Correction: driving 2.Mistake : has Correction: had 3 Mistake : with Correction: from

4 Mistake : is has Correction: was having III (2,5đ) Mỗi câu trả lời đợc 0,25 đ

1 by working 3.think over given

6 sizes computers programs 9.to 10 cannot

IV Mỗi câu trả lời đợc 0,25 đ 1.shyness

2 attractive important retirement

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 14:40


