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Either excessive social obligations or just plain laziness ________ him from his work.. have been kept.[r]



I Complete these sentences with the best answers

1 You and Mary seem to be getting a long well – Yes, I _ her better than before

A liked B am liking C like D have liked

2 We to Montreal las May and many lobters because they were very cheep

A went / has eaten B went / ate C goes/ ate D had gone/ had eaten Look! The rain

A stopped B have just stopped C has stopped D is going to stop Here are your shoes I them

A just cleaned B have just cleaned C am just cleaning D have just been cleaning I this ring as I _ in the garden

A found/ dug B was finding/ was digging C found / had dug D found/ was digging I some bricks and I am going to build a garage

A bought B had bought C have bought D am going to buy

7 I an hour, then for my drink and left

A have waited/ paid B waited / paid C have been waiting/paid D was waiting/ paying Television very popular since 1950s

A is B has seen C was D had seen

9 Where did get these old shoes? – We them in the old apartment

A found B were finding C were found D have been found

10 You should drive carefully, because accidents easily

A occuring B occure C occurred D are occurred

11 He didn’t go, but he’s

A plan to B planning to C plans to D plan

12 It’s high time you to study seriously

A begin B began C did begin D would begin

13 I called on her yesterday; she _a meal at that time

A cooked B had cooked C was cooking D would cook

14 I wish you you any longer

A will stay B can stay C could saty D stay

15 They were too late The plane _off ten minutes earlier

A took B has taken C had taken D was taking

16 When here? – I here since August 25th

A dis you come/was B have you come/was C you came/ have been D did you come/ have been 17 He _this vacation very much

A have enjoying B having enjoyed C had enjoyed D is enjoying 18 enough time to talk over the matter now

A It hasn’t B There isn’t C There hasn’t D It isn’t 19 It _ a year ago

A has happened B happens C happened D wa happened

20 A number of the pictures excellent

A is B are C D does

21 He walking for several hours and was very tired

A is B has been C began D had begin

22 He said he _not sure he come

A did/ could B does/ can C was / could D was / can

23 I recognize his face, but _remember his name

A can’t/ didn’t B could / didn’t C did / can’t D can / don’t 24 It everyday so far this weeek

A has rained B is rainging C rained D rains

25 He you now, but he you tomorrow

A believe/ isn’t believing B believes/ won’t believe

C is believing/ won’t believe D has believed / isn’t going to believe 26 Two weeks too long for me to wait

A is B are C were D was

27 In ancient time the Egyptians cats

A worshipped B worship C had worshipped D were worshipping

28 You look very tired – I papers all days


A had seen B have seen C saw D see 30 He for a job for some weeks before he found one

A is looking B looks C would have been looing D had been looking

31 My dog as well as my cats twice a day

A eat B has eaten C eats D have eaten

32 Every evening since last Christmas, I _ my dog out for a walk in the park

A take B took C have taken D have been taking

33 By the time the book is finished, he _an agent

A finds B will find C will have found D found

34 How long here? – Exactly four years I ‘m thiking os changing my job next year A are you working B have you been working C did you work D you work 35 Either excessive social obligations or just plain laziness him from his work

A hs ketp B has been kept C have kept D have been kept

36 He on the beach when he _a noise

A sat/ heard B was sitting/ heard C sat / was hearing D was sitting/ heard 37 Sue _ the trip the other day

A loved B love C is loving D was loving

38 How long ago _the second war ?

A was B happened C occurred D took place

39 The sky was overcast; it

A looked like rain B looked like raining C looked like rain D looked like rain 40 Margaret didn’t remember what I her the day before

A would tell B had told C had been told D told

41 We discussed the problem but we _ a final decision

A don’t reach B didn’t reach C hadn’t reach D haven’t

42 In five years’s time, I _ in my home town

A will work B will be working C will have taught D an going to work 43 I’m very tired; I _with you

A not ought to go B ought not to go C ought not go D ought to not go 44 Gold as well as silver , in price, he said

A have fallen B has fallen C fall D are falling

45 The blind unable to see anything

A is B are C has D have

46 Your explanation _reasonable

A is not sound B does not sound C is not sound D is not sounding 47 After I at the bus terminus, I found a crowd of schoolboys

A have arrived B arrived C had arrived D had been arriving

48 I as soon as I have finished my work

A come B will come C will have come D will have been coimg

49 In a few hours the train in London

A is going to arrive B will arrive C will have arrived D will have been arriving 50 By the time he finishes his college, his parents $ 25.000 on his education

A will spend B is spending C will be spending D will have spent 51 Next Sunday she _ exactly 30 years old

A will be B is going to be C will have been D will be being 52 By next spring, they four houses in that field

A will be building B will have been building C will have been built D will build 53 “ How many pages……… so far?”

a have you studied b did you study c you study d had you studied 54 We are too late The plane ……… off ten minutes ago

a has taken b took c had taken d was taken

55 “What a lovely boat!” “I ………half a year building this boat.”

a spend b spent c spending d have spent

56 How …………since we …………school?

a are you/ left b have you been/ have left c were you/ left d have you been/ left 57 I think John ………… tomorrow

a would come b come c will come d comes

58 After he - his driving test he bought a car

a had passed b pass c passed d passing

59 When I got to the office, I - that I had forgot to lock the door


60 When she was 21 she - across the United States

a drove b drive c driven d was driving

61 He often - so nervous before his exams

a feels b felt c was feeling d had felt

62 How long have you - he was a liar

a been knowing b knew c know d known

63 I’m sorry I don’t understand what -

a you say b you’re saying c you will say d you would say 64 - to the radio when you get up everyday?

a Do you listen b Are you listening c Was you listening d Did you listen 65 My sweetheart - smoking next week

a will give up b is going to give up c gives up d gave up 66 There is no red wine? I - white, then

a am going to have b have c will have d am having

67 When the phone rang she - a letter

a writes b will write c has written d was writing

68 As the sun - I decided to go out

a shines b has shone c shine d was shining

69 I - your uncle tomorrow, so I’ll give him your note

a have seen b shall have seen c see d am going to see

70 - study hard when you were at school?

a Must you b Had you c Did you have to d Were you

71 She is tired because she - all day

a is studied b has been studying c had been studying d studied 72 Has your teacher ever - angry with you?

a get b getting c got d gets

73 He

-a will be here soon b will here be soon c will be soon here d be soon will here 74 My daughter - university last June

a left b has left c leaves d was leaving

75 He hates his boss so he - his job

a leaves b has left c is leaving d left

76 While the waiter was picking up the broken plates, he - his finger

a cut b was cutting c had cut d cuts

77 They - to the theatre twice so far this month

a are going b go c went d have been

78 I’ve bought a new computer, I to learn to use it

A will learn B will have learned C am going to learn D will be learning 79 By this time next year, I for him 20 years

A will work B will have been working C will have worked D will be working 80 When summer comes, we _on holiday

A are going B will C will be going D will have gone

81 By this time next year, I $ 300.000

A will save B will bee saving C will have saved D will have been saving 82 I hope all of you the exam

A are going to pass B will pass C will be passing D will have passed 83 me the fishing rod? – Certainly

A Are you lending B Will you be landing C Will you lend D Are you going to lend 84 In 50 years’time we _ entirely on pills

A will live B will be living C will have lived D will have been living 85 They _ for hours when the storm suddenly broke

a had been running b have been running c are running d will be running 86 She _ working on that manuscript for years now

a will be b has been c had been d is

87 When Carol _ last night, I my favorite show on television

a was calling / watched b called / have watched c called / was watching d had called / watched 88 By this time next summer, you _ your studies

a completes b will complete c are completing d will have completed 89 When Carol _ last night, I my favorite show on television


90 By this time next summer, you _ your studies

a completes b will complete c are completing d will have completed 91 Yesterday, I _ for work late because I _ to set my alarm

a had left / forgot b was leaving / was forgetting 92 She me anything about that problem so far

a is not telling b does not tell c will not tell d has not told 93 I think that everything ready for the project procedure by the end of next month

a will have been b has been c had been d is

94 Be quiet! Someone at the front door I it

a is knocking / will answer b knocks / am answering c has knocked / am going to answer d will knock / have answered 95 They enthusiastically when their teacher in

a discuss / comes b will have discussed / comes c will discuss / will come d were discussing / came 96 In the past, people _ to the beach more often

a have gone b used to go c were going d had gone

97 After all, she _ him since her childhood

a knows b knew c was knowing d had known

98 We _ touch since we _ school three years ago

a lost / have left b have lost / leave

99 She said she _ collect it for me after work

a would b did c must d had

100 She said I _ an angel

a am b was c were d have been

101 I have ever told you he _ unreliable

a is b were c had been d would be

102 I am flying to the States tonight I you a ring if I can find a phone

a will give b would give c could give d have given

103 We'll need more staff _ we start the new project

a unless b whether c in case d or

104 If I _ 10 years younger, I _ the job

a am / will take b was / have taken c had been / will have taken d were / would take 105 If she _ the train last night, she _-here now

a took / were b were taking / is c had taken / would have been d had taken / would be 106 _ if a war happened?

a What you would b What would you c What will you d What will you 107 I would send her a fax if I _ her number

a know b knew c had known d could know

108.The captain as well as all the passengers _ very frightened

A were B have been C was D are

109 There is a tendency problems down

A play B to play C playing D was playing

110 My brother gets used ten hours a day

A work B working C worked D to working

111 Would you mind me a hand ?

A give B gave C to give D giving

112 When I him tomorrow, I will tell him about that

A meet

B meeting

C met

D shall meet

II Supply the correct form of the verbs:


I had done what (be) necessary.


They have found that the road (be) very long.


I saw that I (make) a mistake.


The teacher asked Bill why he (not go) to school the day before.


We find that we (take) a wrong way.


I want to know how long she (live) here.


I didn’t know who (help) him.


Do you hear what she (just, say)?


Did you hear what she (just, say)?

10 They believe that the police (capture) the thief soon.

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 14:27

