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Unit 14. The world cup

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/g/ /k/ Group Game Together Again Goal Dog Uruguay Got Margaret Walk Took Club Kick Cup Ticket School Because Compete Walk.1. I’ll do.[r]


Date of teaching: Wednesday,March 26th2015 Class 10C9




By the end of the lesson, student will be able to: 1 Knowledge:

-Pronunciation: - distinguish and pronounce the sound /g/ and /k/ correctly - Language:

2 Attitude:

- want to take part in the games which T gives to them -take more practices of the sound /g/ and /k/


- Teacher: Text book, lesson plan, extra board, hand doubt, radio - Students: text book, notebook, preparation about new words III ANCICIPATED PROBLEMS AND SOLUTION 1 Problems.

- Students may have difficulty in pronouncing two sounds /g/ and /k/ - Students may confuse the use of Will and Going to

- Students may feel uninterested in the lesson 2 Solutions

- Teacher should let students practice two sounds /g/ and /k/ many times and ask them to repeat them

-Teacher should explain the use of Will and Going to clearly and ask students to many exercises - T encourages Ss to learn the lesson


Teacher and Students’ Activities Contents and Board Display WARM UP

-T divides class into groups and provides pictures -Each group has to look pictures and write the words that pictures express in minites


*Suggested answers: 1 dog


Wednesday, March 26th2015 Unit 14: The World Cup

D Language focus - use the structure: “Will & Going to”


3 Uruguay ticket 5.weak goal school 8.kick

Unit 14: The World Cup E Language focus I Pronunciation /g/ - /k/

II Grammar

A Will & Going to

B Will: making prediction C Will: making offers Activities 1: Listen and repeat.

-T demonstrates the sound /g/ and /k/ by playing a record

- T instructs the ways to pronounce two sounds Instruction:

+/k/(voiceless consonant): The sound is made using with the back of the tongue touching the alveolar ridge but no voiced.

+/g/(voiced consonant): The /g/ sound is made exactly the same way except for when you make the /g/ sound you “turn on” your voice

-T may show some words and pictures of those which pronounce with sound/g/ &/k/

- T reads the words and asks Ss to repeat them

/g/ /k/

Group Game Together Again Goal Dog Uruguay Margaret

Club Kick Cup Ticket School Because Compete Weak

-T asks each student to take turn pronouncing words Activity 2- Practice these sentences

-T asks Ss to practice these sentences individual, then T calls some Ss to read the sentences

-T divides class into two groups A and B


/g/ /k/

Group Game Together Again Goal Dog Uruguay Margaret


-Ss in each group take turn write and underline letters which have the sound /g/ or /k/ in minutes The winner is the group which has more corrections Practice these sentences

1 Our group hasn’t scored a goal

2 Uruguay will lose another game again

3 Margaret took the dog and the cat for a walk Can your school club complete in the next tournament?

5 He can’t kick the ball because he’s too weak He has got ticket for the next World Cup in Germany -T shows the answers to Ss check


A Presentation

-T writes on the board some examples containing both “will” and “be going to”.

-T elicits from Ss the forms, meaning, and uses of “will” and “be going to” when talking about the future

-T checks Ss understanding by repeating what T has just say and giving examples

Exercise 1

-T introduces the exercise and asks Ss to the exercise with their partner

-T shows some pictures of words which Ss find them difficult to understand

-T gives the answer for Ss correct the answer *Suggested answers:

1 I’ll get

2 I’m going to wash Are you going to paint


1.2 Going to

S + to be(not) + going to + V - “Be going to” is used to talk about a future intentions decision thought about before the moment of speaking

E.g A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?

B: I’m going to wash the car *Will

S + will(not) +V

1.3 Will” is used to express a future intention or decision made at the moment of speaking

E.g A: I’ve got a headache

B: Have you? Wait there and I’ll get an aspirin for you.

1.3.1. “Will” is also used to making prediction.

E.g: You won’t need your umbrella today I don’t think It’ll rain today 1.3.2 “Will” is also used to making offers

E.g It’s hot in this room!” I will open the window. Exercise 1:

1 I’ll get


4 I’m going to buy I’ll show you I’ll have I’ll

Exercise 2:

- T introduces the exercises and asks students to read all sentence through

- T gets Ss to the exercise individually and goes around providing help

-T asks Ss to compare their answer with others - T calls Ss go to the board and write their answers - T provides correct answers

2 I’m going to wash Are you going to paint I’m going to buy I’ll show you I’ll have I’ll Exercise 2:

*Expected answers: he will help

2 won’t lend me any money It will rain today

4 will have to wear glasses will have a headache won’t like it

7 I won’t pass it Exercise 3

-T divides class into groups and asks Ss to the exercise by guessing actions of each group

-T call one student of each group to describe the given sentence by the actions and other group will give the answers for those The winner is the group who has more corrections than another

Exercise 3: Rewrite the following sentences

* Suggested answers:

1 I’ll make you a cup of tea/I’ll get you some water

2 I’ll answer the door/I’ll open it

3 I’ll lend you some/ I’ll ask Minh for you. 4 I’ll give you a lift

5 I’ll carry them for you CONSOLIDATION

-T plays a short video about Mr Bean, and Ss have to guess what he is going to d/or will

CONSOLIDATION *Suggested answers:

1 He will make sandwich for lunch He is going to cut bread

3 He is going to throw the piece of bread He will put cheese on two piece of bread He is going to wash vegetable/ lettuce He will dry the vegetable/ lettuce HOMEWORK

-T asks Ss to the grammar in the part Test Yourself -T asks Ss to prepare Unit15


- Do the grammar in the Test Yourself - Prepare Unit 15



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Giáo viên hướng dẫn phờ duyt


ần Thị Lan Hơng

Hải Phòng, ngày tháng 03 năm 2015

Giáo sinh

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 14:21
