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Unit 6. The environment

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-Teacher gives feedback, teacher can write some possible answers on the board so that weak students can followb. III.[r]




Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read Lesson 2: Speak+listen

3 Lesson 3: Read Lesson 5: Write

5 Lesson 6: Language Focus Date:………

Period :1st

I Aims:

By the end of the lesson, students will know more about the environment problems and the solutions

II Language contents Vocabulary

(n): deforestation, garbage dump, dynamite fishing, spraying pesticides, sewage (adj): disappointed (by / about / at something)

2 Grammar

III Techniques: Brainstorming, What and where, Matching, Prediction IV Teaching aids: Picture, Cd disc, recorder

V Procedure:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents

-Teacher asks students to think of the environment problems in their city

-Teacher gets students to go to the board and write down their ideas

I Warm - up * Brainstorming

 Possible answers

- The destruction of the forests - Rubbish / garbage / trash - Smoke from cars, motobikes… - Smoke from factories

II Presentation UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 1: Getting started


-Teacher asks students pick out the words from the text

-Teacher uses realia, synonym, picture, visual to help students understand the meaning of the words

-Teacher reads, students listen and repeat chorally and individually

-Teacher writes the words on the board, put one word in each circle

-Teacher goes on until all the words are rubbed out

-Teacher points to each circle and asks students to repeat chorally the English words

-Teacher asks students to go the board and write the words again in their correct circles -Teacher asks students to look at the six pictures on page 47 in their text books -Teacher asks them to match the words in the box with the correct pictures

-Students give answers

-Teacher corrects and gives keys

-Teacher asks students to keep the books closed

-Set the scene: Mr Brown is talking to some volunteer conservationists Guess the place where they are going to work

-Teacher gives students minute to guess -Teacher gives feedback

-Teacher asks students to open their books and read the text on page 47 – 48

New words:

-deforestation (n): Sự tàn phá rừng -garbage dump (n): Đống rác

-dynamite fishing (n): Việc đánh bắt cá thuốc nổ

-spraying pesticides (n): Việc phun thuốc diệt sâu bọ

-disappointed (by / about /at something) (adj): thất vọng, buồn rầu

- sewage (n): nước thải, nước cống

Checking vocabulary: What and where.

III Practice

1 Getting started Matching * Answer key:

- Picture a: air pollution

- Picture b: spraying pesticides - Picture c: garbage dump - Picture d: water pollution - Picture e: deforestation - Picture f: dynamite fishing 2.Listen and read

Prediction On the beach


-Teacher lets students check their predicition

-Teacher asks students to match the names in column a with the activities in column B (exercise 2a on page 48)

-Teacher asks them to read the text again and work in pair to match

-Students give answer

-Teacher checks and gives keys

-Teacher asks students to work in pairs to answer the questions on page 48 (exercise 2b)

-Teacher lets students read the text again and answer the questions

-Students write answers on the board -Teacher checks and gives keys

-Teacher asks students to answer the questions

-Students work in pairs to answer -Teacher corrects if necessary

-Teacher reminds students of what they have to home

-Students take notes and

Matching * Answer keys

Group – f walk along the shore Group – e check the sand

Group – b check among the rock

Mr Jones – a collect all the bags and take them to the garbage dump

Mrs Smith – c provide the picnic lunch for everyone

Mr Brown – d give out the bags Comprehension questions. * Questions and answers

1.The speaker is Mr Brown

2.The listeners are (mebers of) the volunteer conservationists

3.They are on the beach

4.They are going to clean the beach

5.If they work hard today, they will make the beach clean and beautiful again soon IV Production

Answer the questions

- Have you ever done anything similar? If yes, what did you do? Where did you it? (Yes, I have We clean our school / the park / street We collected the rubbish and take them to the garbage dump.)

- If the pollution continues, what might happen?

(If the pollution continues, the environment around us won’t be good and it will be harmful to our health; our life)

V Homework

-Learn by heart: newwords Modal sentences

-Do exercise in workbook -Prepare : Unit6 Speak+Listen



-Date:……… Period : 2nd

I Aims:

By the end of the lesson, students can persuade the other people to something to protect the environment

II Language contents: Vocabulary (n): faucet, leaf

(v): prevent, reduce, wrap Grammar:

- How to make and response to persuasion - Adjectives and adverbs

- Adverb clauses of reason (as / since / because)

III Techniques: Jumbled words, Matching, Questionnaire, exhibition. IV Teaching aids: Pictures

V Procedure:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents -Teacher divides the class into two teams

-Students who from two teams go to the board and write more correct words first win the game

-The team which writes more correct words first wins the game

-Teacher asks students pick out the words from the text

-Teacher uses realia, synonym, picture, visual to help students understand the meaning of the words

-Teacher reads newwords

-Students listen and repeat chorally and individually

-Teacher uses “slap the board” technique to check how students master the newwords

I Warm - up

Jumbled words

1 uaderpse = persuade beaargg = garbage roderpvi = provide roderpvi = pollution duproce = produce pairspoidednt = disappointed II Pre-speaking & listening

*New words:

- prevent (v): ngăn chặn - reduce (v): giảm, làm giảm

(Example: last time, this shirt cost 50.000 dongs Now it costs 30.000 dongs What happens?)

- wrap (v): bao bọc

- faucet (n): vòi nước, rô – bi - nê - leaf (n) – leaves (pl):

Checking vocabulary: Slap the board


-Teacher presents expressions to persuade -Students listen and take notes

-Teacher asks students to match the expressions to the ideas so that they have sentences of persuasion then compare with their partners

-Each student, calls out one of their sentences until sentences are finished

- Teacher lets students work in pairs to answer to the questions in questionnaire -Teacher gives feedback, teacher can write some possible answers on the board so that weak students can follow

III While speaking & listening: A Speak

* Form:

I think you should Won’t you

It would be better if you

Can I persuade you to + INFINITIVE Why don’t you

Why not

What / how about + V_ing  Use: Express persuade a Matching

* Example

S1: I think you should use banana leaves to wrap food

S2: Won’t you use banana leaves to wrap food?

S3: Why don’t you turn off the lights before going to bed?

S4: It would be better if you go to school or go to work by bike

S5: Can I persuade you to check all the faucets before going out?

S6: Why not put garbage bins around the school yard?

S7: I think you should use public buses instead of motorbike

S8: What about using buses instead of motorbikes?

S9: ……… b Questionnaire * Possible answers:

a How can we save paper?

* I think you should recycle used paper, newspapers

* Why don’t you use banana leaves for wrapping?


-Teacher asks students to practice asking and answering

- Teacher asks the whole class to work in pairs

-Somes pairs of students practice before class

-Teacher corrects if necessary

-Teacher asks students to complete the notes about the reason why ocean is polluted by listening to the tape

-Students listen and give answers -Teacher checks and gives keys

-Teacher divides the class into groups, each group has a secrectary Teacher asks them to discuss the question: “What you to protect the environment”

-Teacher gets students to use the ideas in exercise 3a, b

- After finishing, the students stick the posters on the wall They can go around the class and read posters


b How can we fewer plastic bags? * How about cleaning and reusing them? * Why not use paper bags instead of plastic bags?

c How can we reduce water pollution? * It would be better if you don’t throw wasters and garbage into streams, lakes or rivers and even ocean

e How can we prevent littering?

* I think we should put garbage in waste bins

* Why don’t you throw all garbage I waste bins

f How can we reduce air pollution?

* Can I persuade you to go to school by bike?

* Why not use private vehicles less?

g How can we reduce the amount of garbage we produce?

* Won’t you try to reuse and recycle things? c Practice speaking

S1: I think we should reuse and recycle bottles and cans to reduce garbage and save natural resources

S2: How can we that? I think only the factory can

S1: What’s about collecting used paper , bottles and cans everyday? It’s not difficult S2: That’s a good idea! Let’s that

B Listen

Complete the notes 2nd: garbage is

3rd: come from ship at sea.

Next: Waste materials come from factories Finally: Oil is washed from the land


- Teacher gives feedback - Teacher gives the homework -Students s take notes

V Homework

-Learn by heart: new words Modal sentences

-Practising speaking again -Prepare : Unit6 Read


Ưu điểm: - -Khuyết điểm: - -Khắc phục: -

-Date:……… Period :3rd

I Aims:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand a poem about the environment

II Language contents: 1.Vocabulary

(n): junk yard, treasure, hedge, nonsense, foam 2 Grammar

III Techniques: Chatting, Rub out and Remember, Matching, Discussion IV Teaching aids: Software, Projector

V Procedure:

Teacher’s and Students’activities Contents

-Teacher asks students some questions about poetry

-Students answer

-Teacher remarks and gives marks

-Teacher asks students pick out the words from the text

I Warm – up:


+ Do you like poetry?

+ Which poet you like best?

+ Name some poems that are your favorite? + Do you think it is easy to understand a poem?

+ Have you ever read an English poem? + Do you understand it? Do you like it? II Pre-reading:

*New words

- junk yard (n): bãi phế thải - treasure(n): kho báu UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT


-Teacher uses realia, synonym, picture, visual to help students understand the meaning of the words

-Teacher reads the newwords

-Students listen and repeat chorally and individually

-Teacher uses “rub out and remember” technique to check how students master the newwords

-Teacher sets the scene and asks the questions

Two people are going on the picnic They are talking about the pollution

-Teacher gives students two questions and ask them to answer before reading the poem

-Teacher has students work in pairs to guess the answers

-Teacher gives feedback

-Teacher has students read the poem and check their answers

-Teacher asks students to practice asking and answering the questions in pairs

-Teacher has students practice guessing the meaning of the words by matching each word in column A with an appropriate explanation in column B

-Teacher shows questions (from – 5) on page 51

-Teacher gets students to work in pairs to answer the questions

-Students write the answers on the board -Teacher checks and gives keys

- hedge (n): hàng rào

- nonsense (n): điều vô nghĩa, dại dột - foam (n): bọt

Rub out and Remember III.While reading:

Questions :

a Who are the people in the poem?

b Where are they?  Answer key:

a) The mother and her son b) They are in the park / woods



1.junk yard 2.end up 3.treasure 4.foam 5.stream 6.hedge 7.folk

a a row of

things forming a fence

b people

c c a

piece of land full of rubbish

d a flow of


e mass of

bubbles of air or gas

f Valuable

or precious things

g Reach of

stage of *Comprehension questions * Answer key:

1 If the pollution goes on, the world will end up like a second hand junk yard


-Teacher divides the class into four groups -Teacher has students discuss the question -Students discuss and give answers

-Teacher corrects if necessary

-Teacher gives the homework and explain it

-Students take notes

3.His mother will take him home right away

4 No Because he is right; if he throws the bottles that will be polluting the woods 5.The poet wants us to learn that everyone is responsible for keeping the environment from pollution

IV Post-reading:


“What could you in your school / house to minimize pollution?”

Possiple answers:

-Don’t litter paper, bottles, cans …

-Reuse and recycle the things Such as: paper , bottles, cans, )

-Use public transportation instead of motorbike

-Don’t throw trash, bottles onto the water ………

V Homework:

-Learn by heart newwords

-Write things that they have to to keep the enviroment unpolluted

-Prepare : Unit 6-write


Ưu điểm: - -Khuyết điểm: - -Khắc phục: -

-Date:……… Period: 4th

I Aims:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a complaint letter II Language contents:

1 Vocabulary:

(n): complain, complication, resolution, gas fire, air – conditioner, fan (v): complain, float, prohibit

2 Grammar:


III Techniques: Categories, Rub out and Remember, Ordering, Matching. IV Teaching aids: Mini boards

V Procedure:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents

-Teacher asks students to find out the verbs beginning with the letters that teacher gives - Teacher divides the class into two groups - Teacher gives four / five letters at the same time, students are to find out four / five verbs beginning with four / five letters given

- The team which finishes first gets one mark

- Teacher asks students pick out the words from the text

- Teacher uses realia, synonym, and picture, visual to help students understand the meaning of the words

-Teacher reads the newwords

-Students listen and repeat chorally and individually

- Teacher uses “Rub out and remember” to check how students grasp the words

-Teacher asks students to keep their books closed

-Teacher provides students five sections of a complaint letter (with their definition) in random order

-Teacher gets them to put the sections in correct order

-Teacher gets them to put the sections in a correct order

-Teacher has students read the letter on page 52

-Teacher sets the scene

I Warm - up Categories Examples:

T a b c d Writes:

S add borrow cut drive T s t u v Write:

S study talk use value T m n o p Writes:

S meet nod open put II Pre-writing:


- complain (v): phàn nàn

Complication (n): điều gây rắc rối - resolution (n): tâm - float (v): trôi, bồng bềnh - prohibit (v): ngăn cản, ngăn cấm

Checking vocabulary: Rub out and Remember

III While-writing: Ordering

a Action: talks about future action b Situation: States the reason for writing c Politeness: ends the letter politely d Comprehension: mention the problem e Resolution: makes a suggestion * Answer key:

1 – b – d

3 – e  SCRAP – a

5 – c

Lable the section with the appropriate letter.


Mr Nhat wrote a letter t the director of L & P company in Ho Chi Minh city The five sections of the letter are not in the right order Label each section with the appropriate letter: S, C, R, A, or P

-Teacher asks students to work in pairs

-Teacher gives feedback: Call on a student to read aloud the letter (in the correct order) Teacher gives ideas if necessary)

-Teacher asks some questions to make sure the students know what they have to write -Students answer

-Teacher corrects and gives keys

-Teacher asks students to write the letter individually

-Teacher gets students to share with their partners and correct if possible

-Teacher moves around the class and help students

R: I would suggest your company to tell your drivers to clear up all the trash on the ground before leaving

S: I am writing to you about the short stop of your trucks around my house on their way to the North

A: I look forward to hearing from you and seeing good response from your company

C: When the trucks of your company have a short break on the streets around my house, the drives have left lots of garbage on the ground after their refreshment When the trucks leave the place, the ground is covered with trash and few minutes later there is smell and flies P: Sincerely

Answer the questions:

a What people in the lake behind your house these days? (They begin to catch fish)

b What makes you worried? (They use electricity to catch fish) c To whom you write the letter to?

(We write to the head of the local authorities)

d What suggestion you want to make?

(We suggest the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone using electricity to catch fish.) e Any future plan you want to make? (We look forward to seeing the protection of environment from the local authorities)

Practice writing

Dear Mr President

I am writing to you about the catching of fish of many people in the lake behind my house

I am very worried because they use electricity to catch fish After a short time, they leave the lake; a lot of small fish die and float on the water surface


-Teacher calls on some students to read aloud their letter

-Teacher gives feedback, correct some letters before the class Teacher can write the mistakes (spelling, grammar …) on the board -Teacher asks students to write their letter in their notebooks

-Teacher gives the homework Students take notes

even birds have also die from electric shock waves

I would suggest the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone using this way of catching fish I look forward to hearing from you and seeing the protection of environment from the local authorities


IV Post writing Correct the mistakes

V Homework:

- Learn by heart new words

- Prepare: Unit 6- Language focus


Ưu điểm: - -Khuyết điểm: - -Khắc phục: - -Date:………

Period: 5th I Aims:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use adjectives and adverbs to make sentences with adjective + that clause, use Conditional sentences type and to make sentences with because / as / since

II Language contents: Vocabulary

(v): sigh, cope (with)

(adj): amazed, respiratory, ideal, inedible (n): exhaust fume

Grammar: Conditional sentences type 1, because / as / since III Techniques: matching, Slap the board

IV Teaching aids: Software, Projector.


V Procedure:

Teachers’ and Students’activities Contents -Teacher asks students to matching

-Students match adjective in column A to adverb in column B

-Teacher corrects

- Teacher teaches the new words -Teacher reads the newwords

-Students listen and repeat chorally and individually

-Teacher reviews grammar points for students

-Students listen carefully and take notes

I Warm - up


A (Adjective)

B (Adverb) extreme

2 good happy sad slow fast

a fast b sadly c extremely d happily e well f slowly II Presentation

* Newwords

-sigh (v): thở dài

-amazed (adj): ngạc nhiên

-respiratory (adj): (thuộc) hô hấp -ideal (adj): lý tưởng

-inedible (adj):khơng ăn (vì độc ) - exhaust fume (n): khói thải

“Slap the board”

* Grammar

Revision of adjective and adverbs  Adj + ly = Adverb of manner

Adjectives can come in two position in a sentence

 Before a noun: a nice girl/ New shoes  After the verb be, look, appear, seem,

feel, taste, sound, smell… These shoes are new

That soup smells good

- Adverbs normally go after the direct object

EX: I read the letter carefully.

If there is no direct object, the adverb goes after the verb

“She walked slowly”

2.Revision of adverb clauses of reason with BECAUSE, SINCE, AS.

Ba is tired because he stayed up late watching TV


- T sets the scene to introduce the structure of Conditional sentences type

- T writes the statement on the board …… we pollute the water, we … have no fresh … to use

-Teacher asks students to use the adverbs provided in “matching” to complete the sentences on Language Focus on page 53

-Teacher gives two sentences and ask students to combine them into one

-Teacher asks students to use other words for BECAUSE

-Teacher has students the Language Focus exercise on page 54 – 55

-Teacher lets students work in pairs and join the pairs of sentences together using Because, Since or As

-Teacher calls on some students to read aloud their sentences

-Teacher corrects if necessary

-Teacher asks students to the exercise in Language Focus on page 55

-Teacher lets students work in pairs to complete the dialogues

-Teacher gives feedback

-Teacher calls on some students to practice the dialogues

3.Adjective + that clause

Ba: Dad! I got mark on my test

Father: That’s wonderful I’m pleased that you are working hard

* Form: S + be + / adjective + that clause complement

4 Conditional type  Form:

If + main clause, subordinate clause (Simple present tense) (will/ infinitive)

Ex: If we pollute the water, we will have no fresh water to use


Activity 1: Language focus 1 Answer keys:

a The old man walked slowly to the park b Tuan sighed sadly when he heard that he failed the test

c The baby laughed happily as she played with her toys

d Mrs Nga speak English quite well Activity 2: Language focus 2 Answer keys:

a I’m going to be late for school because / since the bus is late b I broke the vase because / as I was


c I want to go home because / since I feel sick

d I’m hurry because / as I haven’t eaten all day

* Activity 3: Language focus 3 Answer key:

a Mrs Quyen: When are you going on vacation with your family, sally?

Mrs Robinson: Tomorrow, I’m excited that I can go to Dalat this time

b Lan: I’m sorry that I broke your bicycle yesterday

Tien: Don’t worry I can fix it

c Liz: I forgot to tell you I was going to Lan’s place


-Teacher has students the Language Focus exercise on page 56 They have to match each half – sentence in column A with a suitable one in column B

-Students gives answers

-Teacher checks and gives keys

-Teacher asks students to complete the sentence by writing the main clause

-Students write on the board -Teacher checks and give keys

-Teacher gives the homework Students take notes

not phone me about it

d Miss Lien: Congratulation!

Nga: I’m amazed that I could with first prize Activity 4: Language focus 4

* Matching Answer keys – e – d – a – b – c

Activity 5: Language focus 5 Complete the sentences

1.the environment will become seriously polluted

2.we will have more shade and fresh air 3.the vegetables will become poisonous and inedjble

4.we will live happier and healthier life IV Homework

-Do exercise in workbook

- Prepare Unit 7: Getting started + Listen and read


Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 13:20
