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A RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY IN COLLABORATION WITH THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY ThAi nguyen University Socialist Republic of Vietnam Southern luzon STATE University Republic of Philippines STRATEGIC MARKET PLAN OF BAC GIANG, VIETNAM Advisor : Dr Edwin Bernal Name of Researcher : MAI SON English Name : JACKSON Date of Birth : 29-11-1974 Course SLSU-DBA1 : Bac Giang August, 2013 i A RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY IN COLLABORATION WITH THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY STRATEGIC MARKET PLAN OF BAC GIANG, VIETNAM A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Southern Luzon State University in Collaboration With Thai Nguyen University In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor in Business Administration MAI SƠN August 2013 ii A RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY IN COLLABORATION WITH THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to express my deep gratitude to the persons who assisted and encouraged me to complete the doctoral course Their help was so valuable for me First of all, I would like to thank my parents who gave birth to me They have encouraged me to complete this doctoral course not only by words but also by their proud of their son Thousands thanks for my wife, Trieu Thi Nhung, for her great sacrifice to me and my children She has given us uncountable help, not only by raising up or teaching my children so that I could have time for my work and study, but also supporting me with her good meals and medical care , etc She is a true Vietnamese wife! Special thanks to my advisor, Professor Edwin Bernal, for his talented understanding, encouragement, and support during my candidature The completion of this thesis would not have been possible without his direction and support Many thanks to Mr Dau Anh Tuan - the Head of Legal Department of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) for providing necessary data and information for my research The last persons but not least, all the leaders of my province, entrepreneurs who encouraged me and answered my questionnaires and my face to face interviews Without these, how can I completed my thesis What I could have learned, received and will bring along with me is something much much more than a thesis BacK iii A RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY IN COLLABORATION WITH THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY DEED OF DECLARATION I, Mai Son, hereby submit my DBA thesis, entitled STRATERGIC MARKET PLANNING OF BAC GIANG, VIETNAM, truthfully declare that the said paper is a product of my original research investigation Signed this …………………….2013 at Thai Nguyen University MAI SON DBA Candidate BacK iv A RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY IN COLLABORATION WITH THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENT iii DEED OF DECLARATION iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xi APPROVAL SHEET xii ABSTRACT xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study Statement of the Problem Objectives of the Study Hypotheses of the Study Significance of the Study Scope and Limitations of the Study Definition of Terms CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Related Literatures 12 Related Studies 42 v A RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY IN COLLABORATION WITH THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY CHAPTER III 52 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 52 Locale of the Study 52 Research Design 52 Population, Sample and Sampling Technique .53 Research Instrument .53 Data Gathering Procedure 54 Statistical Treatment .54 CHAPTER IV 57 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 57 The Respondents' Profile 57 Respondents’ Perception on the competitiveness of Bac Giang Province .61 Factors affecting to Bac Giang Competitiveness 71 CHAPTER V .85 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 85 Summary of Findings 85 Conclusions .87 Recommendations 88 REFERENCES 95 BacK vi A RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY IN COLLABORATION WITH THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY APPENDIES Appendix Page SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE 100 CURRICULUM VITAE 126 BacK vii A RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY IN COLLABORATION WITH THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY LIST OF TABLES Table Page Likert interpretation 53 Composition of Respondents According to Working Years and Type of Business 58 Composition of Respondents According to Line of Business and Type of Business .59 Composition of Respondents According to Capital Size and Type of Business .60 Composition of Respondents According to Capital Size and Number of Employee 61 Overall Respondents’ Perception on the Competitiveness of Bac Giang Province by Line of Business .62 Mean Distribution of Respondents’ Perception on the Competitiveness of Bac Giang Province in Terms of Entry Costs by Line of Business 63 Mean Distribution of Respondents’ Perception on the Competitiveness of Bac Giang Province in Terms of Land Access and Tenure by Line of Business 64 Mean Distribution of Respondents’ Perception on the Competitiveness of Bac Giang Province in Terms of Transparency by Line of Business 65 10 Mean Distribution of Respondents’ Perception on the Competitiveness of Bac Giang Province in Terms of Informal Charges by Line of Business 66 11 Mean Distribution of Respondents’ Perception on the Competitiveness of Bac Giang Province in Terms of Time Cost by Line of Business 67 12 Mean Distribution of Respondents’ Perception on the Competitiveness of Bac Giang Province in Terms of Pro-activity by Line of Business 68 viii A RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY IN COLLABORATION WITH THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY 13 Mean Distribution of Respondents’ Perception on the Competitiveness of Bac Giang Province in Terms of Business Support Services by Line of Business 69 14 Mean Distribution of Respondents’ Perception on the Competitiveness of Bac Giang Province in Terms of Labor Training by Line of Business 70 15 Mean Distribution of Respondents’ Perception on the Competitiveness of Bac Giang Province in Terms of Legal Institutions by of Line Business 71 16 Descriptive statistics of regression 72 17 Model summary .73 18 ANOVA of regression .73 19 Results of estimation 74 20 ANOVA between Working years and Competitiveness Factors .76 21 ANOVA between Type of Business and Competitiveness factors 78 22 ANOVA between Line of Business and Competitiveness Factors 79 23 ANOVA between Capital Size and Competitiveness Factors 81 24 ANOVA between Number of Employees and Competitiveness Factors 83 BacK ix A RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY IN COLLABORATION WITH THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Administration Map of Bac Giang Province 11 Theoretical Framwork 49 Conceptual Framework 51 BacK x Appendix C Statistical Tests on Respondents’ Perception According to Related Profile Working years To examine the differences for the assessment of independent variables by working years we used ANOVA analysis method (Analysis of Variance) Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig EC 943 201 405 LAT 983 201 391 TR 1.611 201 223 IC 5.768 201 100 TC 6.682 201 060 PR 3.173 201 062 BSS 5.336 201 130 LT 2.350 201 074 LI 1.162 201 325 CC 5.778 201 100 Results of Test Homogeneity of Variances table shows the significance levels of all independent variables are greater than 0.05, that mean the variance of assessment about entry costs, land access and tenure, transparent, informal charges, time cost, proactive, business support services, labor training, legal institutions and competitiveness capacity between working years did not differ from statistical significance Thus, ANOVA analysis results can be used 114 Between Groups Within Groups Total LAT Between Groups Within Groups Total TR Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups IC Within Groups Total TC Between Groups Within Groups Total PR Between Groups Within Groups Total BSS Between Groups EC LT LI CC ANOVA Sum of Squares df 10.379 79.699 90.078 5.368 109.944 115.312 9.815 99.949 109.764 11.512 212.754 224.266 7.142 85.426 92.568 4.342 84.274 88.616 Mean Square F Sig 3.459 8.723 000 201 398 204 1.786 021 201 542 3.253 204 3.152 000 201 347 204 2.896 008 201 477 204 1.992 003 201 385 204 1.443 3.430 019 201 416 204 2.566 858 Within Groups 81.342 201 481 Total 83.908 204 3.798 1.949 Within Groups 84.801 201 674 Total 88.599 204 4.997 2.531 Within Groups 82.546 201 434 Total 87.543 204 Between Groups 10.187 3.325 Within Groups 78.590 201 393 Total 88.776 204 Between Groups Between Groups 3.374 100 032 5.758 005 8.747 000 115 The table above shows that the sig coefficients of variables are less than 0.05, this indicates that there are significant differences between the respondents’ perception on entry costs, land access and tenure, transparent, informal charges, time cost, proactive, labor training, legal institutions and competitiveness capacity with working years And business support service factor has Sig=0.1>0.05, shows that there isn't significant differences between the respondents’ perception on business support service and working years Type of business To examine the differences for the assessment of independent variables by type of business we used ANOVA analysis method (Analysis of Variance) Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig .102 201 959 2.302 201 078 TR 662 201 576 IC 985 201 401 TC 1.553 201 202 PR 2.213 201 088 BSS 1.493 201 218 LT 890 201 447 LI 911 201 437 CC 1.224 201 159 EC LAT 116 Results of Test Homogeneity of Variances table shows the significance levels of all independent variables are greater than 0.05, that mean the variance of assessment about entry costs, land access and tenure, transparent, informal charges, time cost, proactive, business support services, labor training, legal institutions and competitiveness capacity between type of business did not differ from statistical significance Thus, ANOVA analysis results can be used ANOVA Sum of Squares EC IC TC PR 847 Within Groups 87.359 201 589 Total 90.078 204 879 425 Within Groups 114.443 201 631 Total 115.312 204 4.258 1.546 Within Groups 105.506 201 550 Total 109.764 204 2.013 637 Within Groups 222.253 201 437 Total 224.266 204 1.531 514 Within Groups 91.037 201 586 Total 92.568 204 1.102 489 Within Groups 87.514 201 651 Total 88.616 204 3.785 837 Within Groups 80.123 201 910 Total 83.908 204 1.978 1.056 Within Groups 86.621 201 537 Total 88.599 204 Between Groups Between Groups Between Groups Between Groups BSS Between Groups LT Mean Square F 2.719 Between Groups LAT Between Groups TR Df Between Groups Sig 2.331 119 564 546 2.578 065 1.432 219 903 418 1.004 446 1.534 702 1.960 179 117 ANOVA Sum of Squares EC IC TC PR 847 Within Groups 87.359 201 589 Total 90.078 204 879 425 Within Groups 114.443 201 631 Total 115.312 204 4.258 1.546 Within Groups 105.506 201 550 Total 109.764 204 2.013 637 Within Groups 222.253 201 437 Total 224.266 204 1.531 514 Within Groups 91.037 201 586 Total 92.568 204 1.102 489 Within Groups 87.514 201 651 Total 88.616 204 3.785 837 Within Groups 80.123 201 910 Total 83.908 204 1.978 86.621 201 1.961 Within Groups Total 119 564 546 2.578 065 1.432 219 903 418 1.004 446 1.534 702 1.056 1.960 179 537 987 1.485 198 85.582 201 574 87.543 204 1.856 921 1.785 184 Within Groups 86.920 201 584 Total 88.776 204 Between Groups Between Groups Between Groups Between Groups Between Groups Within Groups LI CC Sig 2.331 BSS Between Groups LT Mean Square F 2.719 Between Groups LAT Between Groups TR Df Between Groups Between Groups 118 The table above shows that the sig coefficients of variables are greater than 0.05, this indicates that there are significant same between the respondents’ perception on entry costs, land access and tenure, transparent, informal charges, time cost, proactive, labor training, business support service, legal institutions and competitiveness capacity with type of business Line of business To examine the differences for the assessment of independent variables by line of business we used ANOVA analysis method (Analysis of Variance) Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig .471 201 702 2.039 201 064 TR 072 201 971 IC 2.101 201 062 TC 1.802 201 072 PR 1.221 201 120 BSS 1.112 201 330 LT 590 201 827 LI 931 201 415 CC 1.784 201 129 EC LAT Results of Test Homogeneity of Variances table shows the significance levels of all independent variables are greater than 0.05, that mean the variance of assessment about entry costs, land access and tenure, transparent, informal charges, time cost, proactive, business 119 support services, labor training, legal institutions and competitiveness capacity between line of business did not differ from statistical significance Thus, ANOVA analysis results can be used ANOVA Sum of Squares EC IC TC PR 462 Within Groups 88.544 201 410 Total 90.078 204 4.012 1.353 Within Groups 113.300 201 574 Total 115.312 204 585 628 Within Groups 107.879 201 1.173 Total 109.764 204 1.858 685 Within Groups 222.408 201 574 Total 224.266 204 642 553 Within Groups 91.926 201 790 Total 92.568 204 9.853 3.423 Within Groups 78.763 201 410 Total 88.616 204 1.645 712 Within Groups 82.263 201 576 Total 83.908 204 1.241 664 Within Groups 87.358 201 419 Total 88.599 204 1.911 Within Groups 85.632 201 Total 87.543 204 Between Groups Between Groups Between Groups Between Groups BSS Between Groups LT LI Mean Square 1.534 Between Groups LAT Between Groups TR Df Between Groups Between Groups F Sig 1.131 337 2.530 056 584 656 1.536 231 1.537 532 8.781 000 1.610 234 1.463 292 229 120 ANOVA Sum of Squares EC IC TC PR 462 Within Groups 88.544 201 410 Total 90.078 204 4.012 1.353 Within Groups 113.300 201 574 Total 115.312 204 585 628 Within Groups 107.879 201 1.173 Total 109.764 204 1.858 685 Within Groups 222.408 201 574 Total 224.266 204 642 553 Within Groups 91.926 201 790 Total 92.568 204 9.853 3.423 Within Groups 78.763 201 410 Total 88.616 204 1.645 712 Within Groups 82.263 201 576 Total 83.908 204 1.241 664 87.358 201 419 1.249 737 Within Groups 87.527 201 875 Total 88.776 204 Between Groups Between Groups Between Groups Between Groups BSS Between Groups LT Between Groups Within Groups CC Mean Square 1.534 Between Groups LAT Between Groups TR Df Between Groups F Sig 1.131 337 2.530 056 584 656 1.536 231 1.537 532 8.781 000 1.610 234 1.463 292 563 372 The table above shows that the sig coefficients of variables are greater than 0.05, this indicates that there aren’t significant differences between the respondents’ perception on entry costs, land access and tenure, transparent, informal charges, time cost, business support service, labor training, legal institutions and competitiveness capacity with line of business And 121 proactive factor has Sig=.000

Ngày đăng: 24/03/2021, 21:17


