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APPENDIX Unit 1 Page: 3 o Present simple to talk about general truths. o Enough: (Not) adjective + enough + to-infinitive Unit 2 Page: 3 o Be going to o Adverbs of place Unit3 Page: 4 o Reflexive pronouns o Modals: must, have to, ought to, should, may, can, could Unit 4 Page: 6 o Past simple tense: used to o Prepositions of time: in , on, at, after, before, between Unit 5 Page: 6 o Adverbs of manner o Reported speech with “ commands, requests & advice” Unit 6 Page: 7 o Present simple with future meaning o Gerunds Unit 7 Page: 8 o Present perfect with “ for & since” o Comparison with “ like, (not) as ….as, (not) the same as, different from” Unit 8 Page: 8 o Present progressive • Talk about future • Complaint with “ always” o Comparative and superlative Unit 9 Page: 10 o Purpose phrase: in order to, so as to, to o Future simple Unit 10 Page: 11 o Passive form o Adjective followed by - an infinitive - a noun clause Unit 11 Page: 13 o Past participles and present participles o Requests: Would / Do you mind if …? Would / Do you mind + V-ing ? Unit 12 Page: 13 o Past progressive o Past progressive with “When & While” Unit 13 Page: 14 o Compound words o Reported speech Unit 14 Page: 15 o Reported speech : “ If & Whether ” o Question words before to-infinitive o Verbs + to-infinitive Unit15 Page: 16 o Present perfect: “ Yet & Already ” o Comparison of present perfect and past simple Unit 16 Page: 16 o Sequence markers Unit 1 Present simple to talk about general truths. o We use the present simple to express general truths. For example. • The earth moves around the sun. • The moon goes round the earth. • The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. • The bear sleeps during the winter. • Today is Monday; tomorrow is Tuesday. • Fish lives in the water. • Water consists of main elements: Hydrogen and Oxygen Use of “enough”. o Enough is put before noun and after adjective. For example She hasn’t enough money to buy a new house. There is not enough time to finish the test. There wasn’t enough room for us to sleep He has enough reasons to be angry. S + V + Enough + N + To-infinitive Enough + N + For + O + To-infinitive The rope is not long enough. She isn’t old enough to drive a car. It is not old enough for her to drive a car. I am fool enough to trust her. S + Be + ADJ + Enough + To-infinitive IT + Be + ADJ + Enough + For / Of + O + To-infinitive ---oOo--- Unit 2 Be going to : dự định o We use “be going to” to express plans or intentions in the near future, it is sure to happen. For example We are going to practice piano for two hours this evening. She is going to travel abroad tomorrow. o We also use “ be going to ” to predict. For example Oh, look ! it is going to rain. Look out, she is going to faint. They are going to be married next May. S + Be (am/is/are) + going to + Bare infinitive Adverbs of place. o We use adverbs of place to show the direction or position of people or things. For example He is not outside; Maybe he is inside. They do not play football here; perhaps, they play there. She is not upstairs; it is possible that she is downstairs. Outside: bên ngoài Inside: bên trong Here: ở đây There : ở đó Upstairs: ở trên lầu Downstairs: ở dưới lầu o We can also use prepositon phrases to show place: in, on, at, behind, in front of, to the left of, to the right of, on the right, on the left. For example • We are sitting in the room. • She stays at home • The book is on the desk. • She stands behind me • Put the chairs in front of the board. • Grow flowers to the left of the house. • Keep standing on the right. Unit 3 Reflexive pronouns o We use reflexive pronouns to emphasize for Subject’s actions. It can stand after main verb or object of main verb. For example He himself answered the phone, not his secretary. He answered the phone himself. o Reflexive pronoun usually refer to the subject of a sentence. He looked at himself in the mirror. o If we put reflexive pronoun after “ by ”, it means “ alone ”. She lives by herself. You must sleep by yourself tonight. o The summary of reflexive pronouns I myself ( tự tôi ) You yourself ( tự bạn ) He himself ( tự anh ấy ) She herself (tự cô ấy ) It itself ( tự nó ) You yourselves ( tự các bạn ) We ourselves ( tự chúng ta ) They themselves ( tự bọn họ ) Modals: must, have to, ought to, should, may, can, could. o Must and have to both express necessity. It has the same meaning “ phải ” For example. • All students must take the term exam. • All students have to take the term exam. (There is no other choice. The exam is required.) o In everyday statements of necessary, have to is used more commonly than must. Must is usually stronger than have to and can indicate urgency or stress importance. For example. • I’m looking for Sue. I have to talk to her about our lunch date tomorrow. I can’t meet her for lunch because I have to go to a business meeting at 1:00. • Where is Sue ? I must talk to her right away. I have an urgent message for her. o Should and ought to have the same meaning “ nên ”: they express advisability. For example. You should study harder. You ought to study harder. Drivers should obey the speed limit. Drivers ought to obey the speed limit. o Can (có thể) usually expresses the idea that something is possible because certain characteristics or conditions exist. Can is also used to combine possibility and ability. For example. • Tom is strong. He can lift that heavy box. • I can play the piano. I’ve taken lessons for many years. • You can see fish at an aquarium. • That race car can go very fast. o May also has the same meaning as can, but its degree is less than 50 % certain. For example. • I can walk to school. It’s not far. • I may walk to school. Or I may take the bus. o In affirmative sentences about past ability, could usually mean “ used to be able to”. The use of could usually indicates that the ability existed in the past but does not exist now. • When I was younger, I could run fast. o Could can be used to make suggestions. • Why don’t we go on a picnic? • We could go on a picnic. Modals + bare infinitive Unit 4 Past simple tense: “Used to” o We use “ used to ” to express the past habits. But now they don’t exist any longer. For example. When she was a little girl, she used to swim in this river. When we were in grade 7, we used to play soccer. Used to (thường) + Bare infinitive Prepositions of time: “ in , on, at, after, before, between ” o In (vào) + (second / minute / hour / day / week / month / seasons / year )  In 20 seconds, she will leave here.  They start working in spring and end in summer.  She always gets up at 5.00 in the morning.  I was born in 1978. o On (vào) + (holidays / days in a week / date) • We are going to have a party for my mom on March 8. • He has Math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. o At ( lúc ) + ( hour time ) • Minh goes to sleep at 10.00 p.m. o After (sau)+(second/minute/hour /day/week/month/seasons/year) o before ( trước )+(second/minute/hour /day/week/month/seasons/year) • After 20 seconds, she will leave here. • They start working before Spring and end after Summer. • She always gets up after 5.00 . o Between … and ……(giữa … và ….) They will build my house between January and September. Unit 5 Adverbs of manner. o We use adverbs of manner to modify main verb in a sentence, it stand behind intransitive verb and behind objects of transitive verb. Adjective + ly => Adv m Safe safely Happy happily Magical magically Beautiful beautifully For example. • We learn how to drive safely. • She sings beautifully • I know he behaves badly. • The child eats his bread quickly. • Gillian angrily answered his question. • He generously helps his friends. Reported speech with “commands, requests & advice” o Command ( câu mệnh lệnh ) Direct: He said to me. “Open the door.” Indirect: He told me to open the door. Direct: The doctor said. “Do more exercises.” Indirect: The doctor told her / him / me to do more exercises. (Tell + S.O + to-infinitive) - We use “tell” to change a direct command into an indirect one. - If reported verb is in the past form, we must change “tell” into “told”. - Change bare-infinitive in direct speech into full-infinitive. o Request ( câu yêu cầu ) Direct: He said to me. “ Could you help me ? ” Indirect: He asked me to help him. Direct: The doctor said. “ Can you do me a favor ?” Indirect: The doctor asked me to do him a favor. ( Ask + S.O + to-infinitive ) - We use “ask” to change a direct request into an indirect one. - If reported verb is in the past form, we must change “ask” into “asked”. o Advice ( lời khuyên ) Direct: My teacher said to Lan. “ you should study harder ? ” Indirect: My teacher advised Lan to study harder. Indirect: My teacher told Lan that She should study harder. ( Advise + S.O + to-infinitive ) Unit 6 Present simple with future meaning o We are be also able to use the present simple to express the future meaning. It is exact to happen. It’s relative with “ Calendar, timetable, program ” For example. • The exhibition opens on January 1 st and closes on January 31 st . • The concert begins at 7.30 and ends at 9.30. • We leave tomorrow at 11.15 and arrive at 17.50. • The flight A320 flies to Paris at 4.50 p.m. • The train leaves the Hanoi Railway Station for HCMC at 12.30. • We have Math, Physics and History tomorrow. Gerunds o Gerund is the “ing” form of a verb. It can be as “subject, object of verb or prep. For example. Playing tennis is fun. We enjoy playing tennis. Common verbs followed by gerunds Enjoy (thưởng thức) appreciate (đánh giá cao) mind (phiền) Quit ( từ bỏ) finish ( kết thúc) stop (dừng) Consider (xem xét) discuss ( thảo luận) suggest (đề nghị) Unit 7 Present perfect with “ for & since” o For + ( a period of time ) For 10 years For 23 seconds o Since + ( a point of time ) Since Monday Since 1989 I have studied English for 10 years. She has not seen Lan since 1989. Comparison with “like, (not) as ….as, (not) the same as, different from” o Like (prep) : giống như He looks like his father. o The same as : giống như Her eyes are the same color as yours The bag on the left is the same as the bag on the right. o (Not) as ….as (như… ) The magazine is not as large as the newspaper. He is as tall as me. o Different from (khác với) What makes him different from the rest of the students? This table is different from that one. Unit 8 Present progressive o Talk about future: we also use the present progressive to express a plan in the near future like “be going to”. For example. We are spending next summer in Australia. He is arriving tomorrow morning on the 13.15 train. o Complaint with “ always”: we use “ always ” to express continually-repeated actions or to complain about someone. For example. • This week, I go to school late six times, so my teacher said. “You are always going to school late.” • I am always hearing strange stories about him. Comparative and superlative o Comparative. ( so sánh hơn) - Short adjective: Adjective + er Tall taller Big bigger Happy happier Lan is 1.8 meters tall. Nga is 1.75 meters tall. Therefore, Lan is taller than Nga Nga is shorter than Lan. (S + BE + ADJ + ER + THAN + S + BE) - Long adjective: More + Adjective Beautiful more beautiful Careful more careful For example. Nga usually causes traffic accidents with her motorbike, but Lan doesn’t; therefore, lan is more careful than Nga. The red skirt is 120,000 VND. The green skirt is 150,000 VND. Therefore, the green skirt is more expensive than the red skirt. o Superlative. (so sánh nhất) - Short adjective: the +Adjective + est Tall the tallest Big the biggest Happy the happiest Lan is 1.8 meters tall. Nga is 1.75 meters tall. Hoa is 1.85 meters tall. Therefore, Hoa is the tallest. - Long adjective: More + Adjective Expensive the most expensive Careful the most careful The red skirt is 120,000 VND. The green skirt is 150,000 VND. The pink skirt is 450,000 VND. Therefore, the pink skirt is the most expensive. Some irregular comparative and superlative forms. Adjective Comparative Superlative Good better (the) best Bad worse (the) worst Far farther (the) farthest further (the) furthest old older (the) oldest elder (the) eldest. Little less (the) least. Much more (the) most Many more (the) most Note: - Short adjective is one-syllable adjective - Long adjective is the adjective with more or equal to two syllables. o Comparative with “-er and -er”. (càng ngày càng ….) Nga is growing fast. She’s getting taller and taller Computers are becoming more and more complicated. (Những chiếc máy tính càng ngày càng phức tạp.) Holidays flights are getting less and less expensive. o The more ……, the more…… (…càng… , thì ….càng…) The more money you make, the more she spends. (Bạn càng làm ra nhiều tiền, thì cô ấy càng tiêu nhiều) The more expensive petrol becomes, the less people drive. (Xăng dầu càng trở nên đắc đỏ, thì càng ít người đi xe hơi.) Unit 9 Purpose phrase: in order to, so as to, to To express the purpose, we use the following phrases: In order to (để) So as to (để) + Bare infinitive To (để) For example. • He came here in order to study English. • He came here so as to study English. • He came here to study English. • He came here so that he studied English. • He came here for English. For + a noun So that + clause Incorrect: He came here for studying English. Incorrect: He came here for to study English. Incorrect: He came here for study English. Future simple o We use the future simple to predict events in the future. For example. Nottingham will win on Saturday. It will rain tomorrow. Will house prices rise again next year ? I don’t know if I shall see you next week. o We use the future simple to promise. I shall buy you a bike for your birthday. o We use the future simple to suggest. Shall we go swimming tomorrow ? ( S + WILL/SHALL + BARE INFINITIVE ) o Some future adverbs in this tense. - Next (kế tiếp) + N (time) Next month Next year, she will go to the China. - In (trong) + ( a period of time) In 20 minutes (trong 20 phút nữa) I shall sleep in 20 minutes. In 10 days (trong 10 ngày nữa) - Tomorrow (ngày mai) Tomorrow morning [...]... the letter o Hope Jack hopes to arrive next week o Learn he learned to play the piano o Offer they offered to help us o Promise I promise not to be late o Volunteer he volunteered to help us o Want I want to tell you something o Wish she wishes to come with us Unit15 Present perfect: “Yet & Already” o We use “yet” in negative and interrogative It is put at the end of the sentence For example Have you... yet ? ( Bạn ăn trưa chưa ? ) No I haven’t had lunch yet ( Chưa Mình chưa ăn trưa ) o We use “already” in affirmative It can stand after subject and before main verb or at the end of the sentence For example Have you taken the semester exam yet? Yes I have already taken the semester exam (I have taken the semester exam already.) Comparison of present perfect and past simple o We use the present perfect... The following day The day after tomorrow (ngày mốt) In two days’ time Next week The following week Yesterday The day before / The previous day Last year The year before The day before yesterday ( hôm kia) Two days before A year ago A year before / the previous year Unit 14 Reported speech : “ If or Whether ” o To change a direct yes/no question into indirect one, we use “ If or whether” For example... to express actions with unidentified time and the past simple with identified time For example She has seen this film before (Present perfect) She saw this film 10 years ago.( past simple ) o We use the present perfect to express actions which happened in the past and continued in present and future, but we use the past simple to express actions which happened and finished in the past For example She... make into new glassware 8 Where do you live and you have a phone number? IV Choose the word to complete the passage Two words aren't used The first has been done for you.(1.0pt) perform, start, mistake, run, difference, pain, importance, walk, depression, heart, body EXERCISE Exercise is one of the best ways of keeping depression away It improves your and your mind and enables you to _ better... that, pour egg stirred into the frying pan • Finally, wait until it can be eaten BÀI TẬP BÁM SÁT 1 I Choose the best answer: 1 The weather nice yesterday a is b was c will be d has been 2 I am going the movie at 8 this evening a see b seeing c saw d to see 3 The theatre is a bit far .your house a from b in c away d at 4 Let’s outside the movie theatre a to meet b meeting c met d meet 5 I’m sorry... being helped by Mary Present perfect: Mary has helped John John has been helped by Mary Simple past: Mary helped John John was helped by Mary Past progressive: Mary was helping John John was being helped by Mary Past perfect: Mary had helped John John had been helped by Mary Simple future: Mary will help John John will be helped by Mary Future perfect: Mary will have helped John John will have been... arrange flowers flower-arranging To wash clothes clothes-washing To make cars car-making To export rice rice-exporting Reported speech: Statements o In indirect speech, we repeat the content of speech, but it is not necessary to use phrases exactly Direct: she said, “My brother is a student.” “ My brother is a student,” she said “ My brother,” she said, “ is a student ” Indirect: she said that her brother... Ask he asked to come with us o Beg he begged to come with us o Care I don’t care to see that show o Claim she claims to know a famous movie star o Consent she finally consented to marry him o Decide I have decided to leave on Monday o Demand I demand to know who is responsible o Expect I expect to enter graduate school in the fall o Fail she failed to return the book to the library on time o Forget I... example He discovered how to open the safe I find out where to buy fruit cheaply I don’t know when to turn the washing machine off She couldn’t think what to say She learned how to make a cake Verbs + to-infinitive Reference list of verbs followed by to-infinitives o Afford I cannot afford to buy it o Agree they agreed to help us o Appear she appear to be tired o Arrange I’ll arranged to meet you at the . taken the semester exam. (I have taken the semester exam already.) Comparison of present perfect and past simple o We use the present perfect to express. affirmative. It can stand after subject and before main verb or at the end of the sentence. For example. Have you taken the semester exam yet? Yes. I have already

Ngày đăng: 10/11/2013, 10:11

Xem thêm: E 8 REVISION hot 100%


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