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Promoting the second year fast track students’ autonomy in impromptu speaking at felte vnu ulis

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION GRADUATION PAPER PROMOTING THE SECOND-YEAR FAST TRACK STUDENTS’ AUTONOMY IN IMPROMPTU SPEAKING AT FELTE, VNUULIS Supervisor : Đinh Hải Yến, M.A Student : Phạm Thị Lệ Tuyết Group : QH2008.1.E1 Hanoi, 2012 i ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH KHOÁ LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP THÚC ĐẨY TÍNH TỰ CHỦ TRONG HOẠT ĐỘNG ỨNG KHẨU CỦA SINH SIÊN NĂM THỨ HAI HỆ CỬ NHÂN CHẤT LƯỢNG CAO, KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH, ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ, ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Ths Đinh Hải Yến Sinh viên: Phạm Thị Lệ Tuyết Lớp:QH2008.1.E1 ii HÀ NỘI – NĂM 2012 iii ACCEPTANCE PAGE I hereby state that I (Pham Thi Le Tuyet, Group 08.1.E1), being a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (TEFL) accept the requirements of the College relating to the retention and use of Bachelor‟s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Signature iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This graduation paper may not be completed without the invaluable help and unconditional support from many people First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Ms Dinh Hai Yen for her stimulating suggestions, critical comments and endless support from the initial to the final stage motivated me to continue the hard work Secondly, I owe my heartfelt thanks to 39 second-year Fast Track students in group QH2010.1.E1 and QH2010.1.E21 and their two teachers of speaking skill, who who have enthusiastically helped me to carry out the study with ease Thirdly, I would love to send my words of thanks to my teachers, Ms Phung Ha Thanh, Ms Thai Ha Lam Thuy, Ms Phan Ngoc Quynh Anh and Ms Nguyen Thi Chi, who gave me constructive and valuable advice for the research design of my paper Fourthly, it would be an omission without mentioning the great encouragement from my family, my friends and my classmates in QH2008.1.E1, especially Tran Thi Hanh, Luu Xuan Lieu, Vu Bao Chau, Tran Duc Phuong Anh, who gave me tremendous support in any circumstance Lastly, I also express my blessings to all of those who supported me in any respect during the completion of the study v ABSTRACT In the recent decades, the concept of learner autonomy has drawn attention from many researchers and educators In attempt to explore the current situation of training learner autonomy in impromptu speaking for the second-year Fast Track students at Faculty of English Teacher Education, VNU-ULIS, this paper includes three parts in which theoretical background related two key terms “learner autonomy” and “impromptu speaking”, the research methodology as well as major findings and pedagogical implication basing on the data gathered will be fully clarified To be more specific, the investigation involved the participation of teachers and 39 students was pursued with three research instruments, classroom observations, questionnaires and interviews The analysis of the collected data focused on student‟s perceptions on learner autonomy in impromptu speaking, students‟ and teachers‟ strategies to foster self-learning and the effectiveness of techniques employed as perceived by both participants In the process of data analysis, mismatches in teachers‟ and students‟ responses were mainly utilized to add into discussions Afterwards, the issues raised in the discussions were explained in the light of theoretical framework to draw significant implication, which is expected to help better application of learner autonomy in impromptu speaking and also other skills in the future vi LIST OF TABLES, FIGURES AND ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF TABLES Table 1: The related terminologies Table 2: The levels of learner autonomy (Nunan, 1997, p.192-203) 10 Table 3: The schedule of collecting data 15 Table 4: Some particular areas of investigation through survey questionnaires 16 Table 5: The frequency of strategies used in impromptu as perceived by students in group E1 Table 6: The frequency of strategies used in impromptu as perceived by students in group E21 Table 7: Students‟ opinions on teachers‟ strategies in promoting learner autonomy in impromptu speaking (E1) Table 8: Students‟ opinions on teachers‟ strategies in promoting learner autonomy in impromptu speaking (E21) 34 34 37 37 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Criteria for assessing autonomous learner by Littlewood (1991, as cited in Tran, 2010, p 9) Figure 2: The necessity of practicing impromptu speaking autonomously as perceived by the students Figure 3: The students‟ perception on the benefits of processing good impromptu speaking skill Figure : The role of teacher in promoting learner autonomy in impromptu speaking as perceived by students Figure 5: The most important aspects of impromptu speaking as perceived by students in two groups E1 and E21 vii 12 21 22 25 28 Figure 6: Students‟ difficulties in impromptu speaking practice as perceived by 39 students in two classes K44E1 and K44E21 Figure : Students‟ sources for impromptu speaking practice LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS FELTE Faculty of English Language Teacher Education ULIS University of Languages and International Studies VNU Vietnam National University, Hanoi ESL English as a Second Language viii 30 32 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS…………………………………………………… ii ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………… iii LIST OF TABLES, FIGURES AND ABBREVIATIONS…………………… iv PART A – INTRODUCTION………………………………………………… 1 RESEARCH PROBLEMS, THEORETICAL BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE………………………………………………………… RESEARCH AIMS AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS……………… SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY…………………………………… SCOPE OF THE STUDY…………………………………………… METHODS OF THE STUDY……………………………………… ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY………………………………… PART B – DEVELOPMENT……………………………………………… CHAPTER - LITERATURE REVIEW………………………… 1.1 IMPROMPTU SPEAKING…………………………………… 1.2 LEARNER AUTONOMY IN LANGUAGE LEARNING… 1.2.1 Definitions and differentiation of related terms………… 1.2.2 Classifications of learner autonomy……………………… 1.2.3 Levels of learner autonomy……………………………… 1.2.4 Components and assessments…………………………… 10 1.2.5 Approaches to support learner autonomy………………… 12 CHAPTER - METHODOLOGY 2.1 14 Impromptu speaking in the speaking course of the second year Fast-Track students………………………………………………… 14 Samplings and participants…………………………………… 14 2.2 Data collection instruments…………………………………… 15 2.3.1 Classroom observations……………………………… 15 2.3.2 Questionnaires 16 2.3.3 Interviews 17 Data collection procedure…………………………………… 18 2.4.1 Step – Design research instruments…………………… 18 2.4.2 Step – Conduct observation in the participating classes… 18 2.4.3 Step – Distribute questionnaires to the participants…… 19 2.4.4 Step – Conduct interviews with the teacher participants 19 Data analysis methods and procedure………………………… 20 2.3 2.4 2.5 CHAPTER - DATA ANALYSIS AND DISSCUSSION OF MAJORS FINDINGS…………………………………………………………… 3.1 21 Research question 1: The students‟ perceptions of autonomy in impromptu speaking……………………………………………… 21 3.1.1 The necessary of practicing impromptu speaking autonomously 21 3.1.2 The perceptions on teacher‟s and learner‟s roles in practicing impromptu speaking……………………………………… 24 3.1.3 The most suitable time practicing impromptu speaking 27 3.1.4 Knowledge about impromptu speaking 28 3.2 Research question 2: The students‟ strategies when practicing impromptu speaking autonomously and the effectiveness of the employed techniques 30 3.2.1 Students‟ difficulties in impromptu speaking practice 30 3.2.2 Students‟ sources of practicing impromptu speaking autonomously 32 3.2.3 Students‟ strategies to practice impromptu speaking autonomously 34 D: Actually when I give a speech, I will not care about the teacher’s assessment criteria such as high volume or body stance, try to speak naturally  Interviewer: Do you think that the teacher understands your difficulties? D: No, I don’t think so, because if she understood, there would be no such requirement  Interviewer: So in your opinion, are the teacher‟s teaching methods effective? D: Yes, to some extent, because it is obvious that we will have improvement thanks to being called to the board regularly, thinking and speaking rapidly  Interviewer: The last question: Do you have any suggestion for teacher to improve her teaching methods? D: First of all, it would be better if she has a discussion with students on the criteria, because everyone learns for good marks Besides, the teacher should have eliciting questions to ask students’ opinions about her own strategies Sometimes she imposes her ideas and students have no chance to raise their voice  Interviewer: Anything more? D: I think that’s enough  Interviewer: Thank you so much for a very interesting sharing Interview with student E  Interviewer: Please introduce something about yourself (name, class…) E: My name is E, I’m student of group 10E21  Interviewer: Ok, now we come to the first question What you think about the activities that your teacher used to teach impromptu speaking? E: Well, there are not so many activities used Actually the teacher just gives us topics and allows us to make an impromptu speaking speech in front of the class 84  Interviewer: Do you spend time exercising this skill autonomously? E: Actually the teacher did encourage us to find the topics on the Internet and practice, but I don’t regularly that  Interviewer: Why don‟t you regularly practice this skill? E: Because there is no pressure built up on me, I have no motivation to it  Interviewer: Do you think that it is necessary to practice impromptu speaking autonomously? E: Yes, I think it is necessary to practice like other speaking skills But as I said, have no motivation to that  Interviewer: Did the teacher inform you about the criteria? E: Yes, she did, but I see that she did not assess our ideas (whether they are good or not), she just focused on voice volume, speech organization, fluency, pronunciation  Interviewer: you have any problem in practicing impromptu speaking? E: I think the most challenging is idea development because it takes more time to think about the topic  Interviewer: How about pronunciation, body language, etc.? E: I think I have no big problem with those criteria  Interviewer: What have you done to overcome the problems? E: I read a lot In class, when my friends perform impromptu speaking, I pick out a piece of paper and note down my own ideas on this topic, or I will note the topic and practice brainstorming it again at home  Interviewer: So how long does it take you for each practice? E: About some minutes  Interviewer: Do you think that the teacher understands your difficulties? E: I think idea development is our general problem; every student has to face with it Actually I think that the teacher does not pay much attention on idea development 85  Interviewer: How can you evaluate teacher‟s strategies in training impromptu speaking? E: Her strategies are effective in terms of giving us chances to practice impromptu speaking in front of the class  Interviewer: Do you have any suggestion to help teacher improve their strategies? E: I think it is necessary to add the exercises that help us practice developing ideas quickly Besides, she can let us peer checking to improve our critical thinking Another way is she can find sample videos on impromptu speaking and share with us to exercise both impromptu speaking and other skills such as pronunciation or body language  Interviewer: Thank you very much Interview with student F  Interviewer: Please introduce something about yourself (name, class…) F: My name is F, I’m student of group 10E21  Interviewer: Ok, now we come to the first question What you think about the activities that your teacher used to teach impromptu speaking? F: I think they are quite effective  Interviewer: Can you give some examples? F: Well, first of all, the teacher will call some students to describe some pictures without preparation Also, we have some skits to practice quick responses Furthermore, she gives us topics and asks us to perform in front of the class  Interviewer: Do you think that it is necessary to practice impromptu speaking autonomously? 86 F: I think it is important because practicing frequently help us to improve our idea development and organization  Interviewer: Do you exercise impromptu speaking at home? F: No, I don’t  Interviewer: Why are your opinions so controversial? F: Because it’s so boring when practice impromptu speaking alone But it would be more interesting if we could practice in pair  Interviewer: have you ever tried practicing alone? F: Once or twice I thought of a topic and gave my opinions on that topic  Interviewer: Did the teacher instruct you how to practice impromptu speaking autonomously? F: Yes, she asked us to follow the structure of impromptu speech and exercise more at home  Interviewer: Did the teacher inform you the assessment criteria on impromptu speaking? F: Yes, she did For example, she assesses us on voice volume and body language Actually she used a form of assessment to evaluate us  Interviewer: Do you have any problem when practicing impromptu speaking? F: Yes First of all, I am often nervous and stressful because I don’t know what I should say for the fact that I have no time for preparation and I cannot use my background knowledge to answer the question The second is the pressure of voice volume Whenever I speak a little bit soft, the teacher asks me to turn up  Interviewer: How about other factors such as body language, pronunciation, grammar or idea development? F: Yes, pronunciation and idea development also  Interviewer: Among those problems, are there any difficulties that you did overcome? 87 F: Yes, my pronunciation has been improved thanks to speaking slowly Also, thanks to practicing in-class, I feel less nervous and stressful  Interviewer: Do you think that the teacher understands your problems? F: I think she can understand  Interviewer: So how did she do? F: For example, the more I’m unconfident, the more teacher calls me to perform in front of the class After my speech, teacher gave comments on my strengths and weaknesses  Interviewer: In your opinion, are teacher‟s strategies in teaching impromptu speaking effective? F: Yes, for me they are effective to some extent  Interviewer: For example? F: Confidence, pronunciation, voice volume  Interviewer: Do you have any suggestion to help the teacher improve her teaching methods? F: I think teacher can ask more students to present the same topics to practice idea development Or other students can add more ideas into a topic after I perform it  Interviewer: How you think about the topic given by the teacher? F: Before doing forums, we were confused on some abstractive topics such as “Which comes first, the duck or the egg?” At that time I did not know what to say However, after each forum, the teacher uses topics related to the theme of the forums so that we have an understanding about the theme and brainstorm ideas better  Interviewer: Thank you very much 88 Interview with Ms X  Interviewer: Can you introduce something about yourself?  Ms X: My name is Ms X, I’m a teacher at Vietnam National University and this is my second year teaching  Interviewer: Thank you In your opinion, what is “autonomy”?  Ms X: Autonomy is when someone takes responsibility for their own learning  Interviewer: When and how did you know about this term?  Ms X: I think that… well, I mean the actual word itself I probably learned was from the high school or college but the concept is from…maybe… in the middle school or maybe the ownership that we’re gonna talk to Read on your own and take your own responsibility for education  Interviewer: OK, as far as I know, the American people are very independent since they were children You‟re also American, right? So in your opinion, are there any differences between American and Vietnamese viewpoint on learner autonomy?  Ms X: Well, I think it is easier for American to have learner autonomy cause it is focused more on individual, and I think that Vietnamese people are more communitive, which is great in some aspects of their relationship but then may be more difficult when it comes to education  Interviewer: Yeah, I agree with you So come back to the main topic, what you think about your role in the process of promoting learner autonomy?  Ms X: I really try to focus on my students to be coming confident, because I think that if they are confident, they will be more enthusiastic, and more up to thing more outside the classroom that will help their learning  Interviewer: So you think that your main role is enhancing the students‟ confidence?  Ms X: Yeah, as I have mentioned 89  Interviewer: ok, I also have some questions from your answer in the questionnaire For question 5, you think that the role of a teacher in helping students practicing impromptu speaking is that Teacher introduces impromptu speaking and finds topics from different sources for students to practice In my opinion, why don‟t you introduce impromptu speaking and finds topics from different sources but you can also encourage the students to find the topics or find the videos to practice themselves at home or in class, because it can reduce the teacher‟s workload and help the students to promote their own learner autonomy?  Ms X: I think that they will be… for the impromptu speaking test, they know that it will be an impromptu regarding some general topics to discuss as last semester, but I don’t give them the impromptu beforehand So to practice for the test, they must practice random topics and they have to deal with the topic So if they want to practice for the test, they have to come up with topics on their own regarding the topics used in class So it’s up to them when they want to practice for the test or not  Interviewer: Yeah, I understand And from what I observed in your class and you also use impromptu speaking as one type of assessing your students‟ speaking competence So what are your criteria for assessing impromptu speaking?  Ms X: The first one is voice volume, which is the one that I think it’s overlooked But I think for Vietnamese speakers they often speak quietly But it’s not just so that I can hear them but actually it’s proved that if you talk louder, it makes you feel more confident and make you give up the nervousness , so I really want to it for the benefits of my students, so that they have to talk louder and then become less nervous, become more confident And also emotion and voice, pronunciation, of course, and body movement, I want to see them natural and to feel (again) more comfortable when speaking  Interviewer: Is that body stance? 90  Ms X: yeah, I think body language includes body stance, how they are standing, also hand motions, and eye contacts, anything non-verbal I can consider as body language  Interviewer: How about the content of the speech?  Ms X: the content of the speech, for impromptu speaking I really just grade for organization, so not as much focusing on reasoning but I grade them fluency (they can speak something they have prepared) and then they have introduction, they have point transitions, quite clear conclusion So I think, also again for the benefit of the students, I think they should have a clear outline what they want to say, even if they have only little to say about it, they can feel less nervous, cause they can say “ok, I’m now in an impromptu”, “ok, now I need to conclude”, so it’s just no rambling but no outlining  Interviewer: well, I think impromptu speaking, for the first time learning, it is quite hard for students and they have to overcome a lot of difficulties when they practice impromptu speaking So how can you find the students‟ problems in impromptu speaking?  Ms X: well, before I graded them for the midterm and the final test, I help them a lot of practice, just small, sometimes funny impromptu speaking so that they can be more comfortable and then I correct them in front of the class with one of their final test In midterm when I actually graded them , I don’t stay in front of the class but I think that for practice, it’s good for all the students to see right away of examples of which one is good, which one is not good  Interviewer: so what have you done to help them overcome the difficulties in their own?  Ms X: Help them overcome the difficulties, you mean at home or in the classroom?  Interviewer: I mean both 91  Ms X: well, in the classroom I just have them practice I try to make it fun, so that they can become more confident, and again, my act of speaking loudly just become more confident to help other thing and things like that, so they focus on In impromptu speaking, you really need to…you can practice by yourself, but it would be much more helpful if you can practice with people So I encourage them before a speaking exam to present in front of their roommates, or their family but I don’t know how many factually taking my advice  Interviewer: So how you evaluate the effectiveness of your teaching method?  Ms X: I have seen their improvement obviously One thing that I have done to make them more confident, I have some skits also in my speaking class so that they can have fun, and be someone else not themselves that hopefully make them forget the nervousness and be more confident, so that seems to help them a lot  Interviewer: Do you think that the topics that you find can give them interest?  Ms X: For a lot of topics that they tried are from the topic of forum that they have The topic is chosen by that So I hopefully think they find the topics interesting  Interviewer: So is there any target that you expect your students to reach but they haven‟t achieved?  Ms X: I think that they still have something unconfident, but I think they are more confident than they were at the beginning so I hope I will see some more improvement but they haven’t achieved at the level I want  Interviewer: ok, thank you for being here with me today Hope that you will be more and more successful in teaching career Interview with Ms Y  Interviewer: Can you introduce something about yourself? 92  Ms Y: My name is Y I’m currently teaching speaking for second-year students of the Fast-track program  Interviewer: Thank you, and here are some questions that I want to ask you about impromptu speaking As a teacher, what you think of your role in the process of promoting learner autonomy in impromptu speaking?  Ms Y: I think that impromptu speaking is one of the main activities that we designed for students to practice their speaking skill in speaking lesson The key approach applied for the Fast track program is that we would promote learner autonomy in all types of activity including impromptu speaking So my role in promoting learner autonomy in impromptu speaking is as for other activities That means I would provide the students with guidelines and instructions and group them according to the tasks, and then they will work on themselves, and then report to the whole class, and then I will be the monitor assessing them of their performance  Interviewer: so what are your criteria of assessing impromptu speaking?  Ms Y: For impromptu speaking, we mainly want to develop in the students’ public speaking skills, communication skills, and later on their leadership skills and most importantly to improve their confidence in speaking and in responding to any topics So my assessment criteria include first of all, the ability to stay focus on the topic, the ability to narrow down the topic to more manageable topic for suitable period of time of two or three minutes and the ability to provide an ok outline, and an impressive opening and convincing conclusion Also, I would assess them on their fluency But I would not pay much attention on their grammar or pronunciation but more on fluency, and ideas or the new perspective of looking at the issues  Interviewer: how about adding their personality into their talk?  Ms Y: You mean personalizing the topic or something?  Interviewer: Yes, that‟s it 93  Ms Y: yeah, it is one criterion also  Interviewer: Do you inform all these assessment criteria for them?  Ms Y: Yes, I train them along  Interviewer: Ok So through the process of teaching impromptu speaking, can you find your students‟ problem in impromptu speaking? If yes, what are they?  Ms Y: Yes, impromptu speaking is challenging, because they don’t have time to prepare, so their problem would be how to generate the ideas and how to organize the ideas quickly, and how to produce a speech without much time to prepare Also, they make a lot of pronunciation and grammar mistakes because they have to focus on the content and ideas  Interviewer: Yes, so what have you done to help them overcome all the mentioned difficulties?  Ms Y: Well, as I said before, I don’t pay much attention on pronunciation or grammar mistakes but I pay more on the ability to organize their talk and to narrow down the topic, stay on focus and make an impressive opening So I train them along, step by step, from making outline to making an impressive opening and let them first of all work on their own for one minute to prepare under pressure then they can share with their peers, people sitting next to them and select better ideas and then report to the whole class So like in the previous session, we practice making impressive opening and to make the task more challenging, I asked some of them to develop into an impromptu speech but only two of them could have the confidence to volunteer to so They are learning along  Interviewer: Yes, that is for the problem of confidence, for sure By the way, in the process of teaching and practicing impromptu speaking, topics play a very important role How can you choose the topics for the students to practice? Do you think of any interesting topics for them to practice?  Ms Y: Yeah, I search for impromptu speaking topics on the Internet, and also I make a list of topics which are close to students’ life, close to their interest and 94 their concern And also, I select contemporary topic which I expect the students should know about and should have certain knowledge about these topics, like topic about the family and the problems of the modern family nowadays, or the role of education in personal life  Interviewer: Ok, so one more question Do you think that it is important for students to practice impromptu speaking autonomously?  Ms Y: Yeah, I think so, because in class we just have only, for this semester, about six hours for impromptu speaking, everything like from the training of theory, the skills and I expect to have the final session for them to an impromptu speaking contest, but that is not enough if they want to improve, they will need to practice a lot, especially in speaking exam because there will be a lot of impromptu speaking in the speaking exam  Interviewer: so have you shared some strategies for them to practice impromptu at home?  Ms Y: no, I haven’t I will at the end of the theory lessons  Interviewer: So, what is your self- evaluation on the result of your teaching method?  Ms Y: I haven’t conducted any evaluation on the students’ feedbacks on the effectiveness of my lessons but from my observations I think that they are interested in this activity Also, because it is challenging but maybe they will need more from the teacher and more practice in class We not have much time for this activity because this is just one of the main activities during this semester I think that their involvement was good and their attention was good, but I haven’t done any official evaluation so I’m not sure about whether my teaching method is effective or not or I can improve it some ways  Interviewer: till now, is there any target that you expect your students to reach but they have not achieved? 95  Ms Y: we are two third of the way in developing impromptu speaking skill but I think majority of the students in this class, they are still not confident enough to produce an impromptu speech I expected by joining the impromptu speaking contest, they will be confident to produce, to deliver a speech but maybe the majority of them are not ready yet  Interviewer: ok, thank you for being here with me today Hope that you will be more and more successful in teaching career 96 APPENDIX 6: SKIT RUBRIC Skit requirements: - MORE THAN minutes LESS than 10 minutes - Story plot: rising action, climax, and resolution - Two creative elements per student (prop, costume, music, etc.) - Evenly distributed acting/ speaking Voice Level most Level all of Level and Level of the time Score or the time or often higher higher almost occasionally the whole time higher Emotion Non-verbal Expressions - Facial and expressio language n show that the were - Smile speaker needs distracting, - Body more body and Expressions body and language movement confidence - Expressions Expressions body and language not sometimes enhance language enhance speech making but did not speech it create a more and Eye- (playing with interesting contact hair, shaking, speech either body interesting more understandable etc.) Fluency There were There long pauses pauses, in thought speaker were Speech Speech but flowed well, completely got there were a natural back on track few minor enjoyable pauses tangents 97 or listen to and to Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation Intonation created a was problem a was in problem very but good, a few good, the not audiences‟ understanding and/or ability fairly was hinder mistakes to the speech understand and voice was inflection lacking made the inflection speech seem very natural and aided in the speech‟s interest Preparation – Directions Directions all not followed but ideas out, requirements completely more unique ideas were followed was needed Interesting effort Directions followed Creativity Not very Some much interesting thought/ ideas information Did not have Creativity two creative could elements be improved 98 Well thought very were Exceeded followed requirement well expectations Creativity Creativity was was good excellent ... 2.1 Impromptu speaking in the speaking course of the second year Fast- Track students According to the guideline and the program provided by teachers of the Fasttrack group, FELTE, VNU- ULIS, impromptu. .. autonomy in impromptu speaking Part B Areas of investigation - 10 speaking - 12 16 Students‟ strategies in 11 - 14 promoting learner practicing autonomy in impromptu impromptu speaking speaking... speaking encouraged the researcher to take an investigation in analyzing the reality of impromptu speaking and seeking the solutions to promote the second year Fast Track students‟ autonomy in

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