A = ( 1) I[P (z)ơ p ]//V Average due to multiplication:
M = {n[P(z)crp]}|/N (2) The rising o f conductivity due to domains size does not seem to correspond to the result found in [ I ] for Cai.xNdxMnOj family that with the increasing J ’ *-* o Fig.7 The calculated average conductancc o f the domain accordinc 10 its number o f ihe sinale crystal entities n for a limit number o f the phvs.eal directions (N-3 and 5) For the larger n the conductance approachs a limit value tiiv average grain size becomes smaller, so the single crystal domains too; and this, as said above, must reduce the average isotropical conductivity, i.e raise the activation energy This seeming contradiction mieht be understood ° ® by observing that as L reduced the area o f the grain cross-sections should increase (smaller grains are better bound), so increased the total domain contact surface between the grains (Fig ) This conductive cross-section is different than the isolating space gaps between the grains (denoted A in Fig.8 ) Although smaller L associates with greater grain size d, so with better domain conductivity, it also happens with greater space gaps (and smaller conductive crossscction) which should be recognized as a main source causing the reduction in total conductance Below are the empirical findings for the relationship between L, area o f the space gaps A and area o f the conductive cross-section (B) A - L ' I-D By assuming AB B - kL ° (3) kb we obtained for B: (4) The grain boundary: drawing the areas A ot Space saps, the lengths L o f random walk crosssections (doited lines) alonu urain boundaries and ihe diameters í/ of grains in the Iwo different surfaces shows the interplay between these quantities: a smaller ci reduces A bul increase L 1.5 1.0 u ’ 0.0 10 20 L [a u ] Fig.9 The empirical dependences between (he random walk lenath L and (he conductive crosssection area and the Liap spacc area A for Caa.85Pra,isMri0 97Rii0 03O3 (D=l 37 k= 0.08) The numerical procedure for (3) and (4) may be summarized as follows: - first measure the lengths L o f all possible random walks A through the boundary crosssections visible in SEM images under various magnifications; also measure the total area a that X crossed over; - calculate the length-to-area ratio / = L/a; this was referred to as the 1-dimensional analysis that has been used in [ ]; Table The 2-dimensional analysis o f boundary characteristics fo r Cap asPrp 15Mni_,Ru,03 and Ca I-'.Nd.MnO; Length-toarea coef / L D k 1.51 0.71 0.45 0.37 1.27 1.41 6.6 14.1 22.2 27.0 7.8 7.1 1.27 1.36 0.0K 0.17 0.88 6.21 1.42 1.41 0.11 0.085 0.17 0.20 8.86 2.56 12.7 245 0.79 0.54 253 261 0.75 0.71 Grain Crystal size[nm] size[A] Sample CaMnO} Ca««Ndo.iMnO) Cao.7N dojM n03 Cữn jNdo.sMnOj Ca0.iNdn.7MnO) Cao.1Ndo.4MnO; 8080 2480 1230 334 342 352 1120 52S0 7950 361 375 392 Cao.ssPro.iiMnOj 3750 1030 2360 3300 240 Cao.ss Pro IsMno.96Ruo.u4O3 Ca,) S5P1V115MTI0 jjRuoogOj CilnttfPfa.iiMnnjuRUd 160} 18.5 13.3 14.1 1.32 1.325 1.39 1.44 1.54 1.59 0.140 0.100 0.155 0.140 B ^ L 11 A=L'-° 2.M 4.7') 6.68 K.34 9.41 0.60 0.39 0.27 0.26 0.52 (1.53 0.37 0,28 0.25 0.21 p [Qcm] 14 12 IS E [eV] 0.26 0.14 0.0s 0.08 0.22 J 0.3 0.22 0.27 0.21 0.2 07 0.15 0.11 measure all areas A o f the visible space gaps for each magnification; estimate B = a -A and determine D in equation (3) via the log o f the averages o f L and A; similarly, calculate k in (4) via the slops and the intersection o f the line log( a - A ) versus !og(L) By applying these formulae for the case o f Cạ,„s5Pr» |5MnMẾRu() iụ0 one found D = 1.37 and k = 0.08 The results are shown in Fig.9; this picture says that at lower L, B falling while A raising cause both widening o f the isolating gaps and reducing o f the conductive crosssections; this consequently lowers the conductivity o f material At higher L (finer grains), B runs up almost linearly with L white A approaches a limit At larger L~20, i.e where the grain size was smaller near lOOOnm and each grain contained approximatedly 30-50 single crystal pieces, the area o f the gap spaces become practically stablized at the smallest unchanged minimum; the only remaining factor that drives conductivity was area o f the cross-sections At this limit, however, the calculated average isotropic conductance was small (see Fig.7) due to the insufficient number o f the single crystals within a domain that could not provide a statistically meaningful Gaussian distribution to the orientation o f the preferred axis So the total conductance o f material seems to be limited by the domain conductance even the area B o f the cross-sections is larger Table summarizes the numerical results from the analysis o f the fractal characteristics o f the grain boundary, including the values o f the activation energy calculated from the linear portions o f the graphs shown in Fig.6 We have extended the analysis to cover also the case o f Cai-xNdxMnCV the structural parameters for this class o f compounds and the 1-dimensional analysis o f boundary (determination o f / only) arc found in [ ] E [eV] E [evj Fig 10 Highly linear correspondences between B, A and I versus activation energy E (from left to right) The linear correlation coefficients are 0.99 0,99 and 0.91 for the Ihrce eases consequently Fig 10 shows the interdependence between B, A and the activation energy E obtained for Ca085PraisMn1_,Ru,O3and Cai-xNdxMnCb; for comparison we also reprint the result from the I- dimensional analysis that has been reported in [1] for Cai-xNdxM n03 These strong linear correlations while showing in one hand the better fits from the 2-dimensional analysis (o f areas B,A) than from the 1-dimensional analysis (o f lengths L, /) and signify that the physics o f the grain contacts may be the driving force for the final conductivity o f material, in the other state several questions that are not easily answered First, if B and A evolved linearly with E, then D must evolve logarithmically with !i D~/«E: this but could not be shown in the two compound classes under investigation due to a few number o f the points measured This perhaps limits an attempting consideration on the physical nature o f D as the dimensional quantity o f E i.e something like the degree o f freedom for E, E~eD The speculation o f D as the entropv o f the grain boundary also depends on the verification o f D-/rtE In the fractal context, D only means the dimension (Hausdorff) o f the area filling curve L At this moment, it is not dear whether or not L is a scalling fractal Our main concern was to reconstruct the 2-dimensional picture o f boundary via L and study the primary coưcspondenccs between L and E Next let the grain boundary was the major factor influencing the conductivity o f material, so how it could explain the temperature dependence o f resistivity? Normally we could expect the fractal characteristics o f the boundary, determined on the basis o f SEM images recorded at the certain constant temperature, be unchanged during the variation o f the sample temperature If this consideration was true, Ihen the only possible explanation was that the contribution from the single crystal domains would depend on temperature: this should also be verified especially in the low temperature region where the rapid jump in resistivity was observed Finally, the activation enem y as mentioned in the above sections, would be connected to the conduction band only partially as it was associated with the single crvstal conductivity So the obtained linear relationships miíĩht atmost signify the occurence o f the situation that the formula used for calculating the conduction band activation cncrsy was usuable in our ease, i.e the conduction mechanism accross the grain boundary follows the same exponential law as for the single crvstal semiconductor Conclusion The small doping o f Ru was accompanied by the mere enlargement in the ceil constants and volume but the ccll symmetry remained orthorhombic The single crystal size distribution showed to be standard for perovskitcs where the average sizes moved around 25nm The "rains were radically larger and contained 40 single crystal picccs by average The resistivity o f samples was measured by standard two elcctrode tcchniquc from 100 to 500K The fast drop o f the resistivity o f all samples to the low several ohms in the room temperature re "ion was observed as the contcnt o f Ru substitution increased The calculation o f the single crystal domain average isotropic conductancc resulted in the value near 1/2 o f the maximal anisotropic conductance The investigation o f the fractal characteristics o f boundary, being considered as the plan filling curve, resulted in the linear interdependences between Ihc lengths and areas o f the grain cross-sections, the space saps and the activation energy To be more specific, as the fractal dimension D o f the random walk cross-over path L increased, the area of the grain cross-section enlarged together with the reduced areas o f the space gaps; these changes were observably linear to the decrease in the conduction band activation energy Upto-date we not know about any other study that involves the fractal technique to explain the boundary effects on conductivity This result, although still leaving several conceptual questions regarding the physical nature o f fractal dimension D was stimulated for further study References [1] Dang Le Minh Hoang Nam Nhat, Phung Quoc Thanh Bach Thanh Cong, Hoang Van Hai "Structure and electric property o f the compound Ca/.jNdrMnOj revisited by fractal length-to-area technique", Proc o f the Nimhe Asian-Pacific Physics Conference, Hanoi, 26-30lh Oct 2004 To appear [2] B.B Mandelbrot, "The Fractal Geometry o f Nature", W.H Freeman and Co., New York, NY 1983 [3] A Jouanneaux, "WinMProf: a visual Rietveld software", CPD newsletter 21 {! 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CÁO TÓM TẮT Tên đề tài: Lý thuyết Fractal nghiên cứu nồng độ hạt tải Perovskỉte M anganate pha tạp Ruthenium M ã số đề tài: QT-08-10 Chủ trì đề t i: TS Phùng Quốc Thanh Các cán tham gia: PG S.TS