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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES -oOo - NGUYỄN THỊ HẠNH INFLUENTIAL INTRINSIC FACTORS TO ENGLISH HOMEWORK EFFECTIVENESS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF 11TH GRADERS AT A HIGH SCHOOL IN VIETNAM (NHỮNG NHÂN TỐ NỘI SINH ẢNH HƯỞNG ĐẾN TÍNH HIỆU QUẢ CỦA BÀI TẬP VỀ NHÀ MÔN TIẾNG ANH THEO NHẬN THỨC CỦA HỌC SINH LỚP 11 TẠI MỘT TRƯỜNG TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG TẠI VIỆT NAM) M.A MINOR THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 Hanoi - 2017 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES -oOo - NGUYỄN THỊ HẠNH INFLUENTIAL INTRINSIC FACTORS TO ENGLISH HOMEWORK EFFECTIVENESS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF 11TH GRADERS AT A HIGH SCHOOL IN VIETNAM (NHỮNG NHÂN TỐ NỘI SINH ẢNH HƯỞNG ĐẾN TÍNH HIỆU QUẢ CỦA BÀI TẬP VỀ NHÀ MÔN TIẾNG ANH THEO NHẬN THỨC CỦA HỌC SINH LỚP 11 TẠI MỘT TRƯỜNG TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG TẠI VIỆT NAM) M.A MINOR THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 Supervisor: Assoc.Prof Dr Lâm Quang Đông Hanoi - 2017 DECLARATION Title: “Influential intrinsic factors to English homework effectiveness from the perspective of 11th graders at a high school in Vietnam” I certify that no part of the thesis has been copied or reproduced by me from any other works without acknowledgement and that the thesis is originally written by me under strict guidance of my supervisor Hanoi, 2017 Student’s signature Nguyễn Thị Hạnh i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to sincerely thank my supervisor, Assoc.Prof Dr Lâm Quang Đông, for his support, guidance, advices, valuable comments, suggestions, provisions, love and care which benifited me much in the completion and success of this study Secondly, my sincere grattitude is extended to the respectable teachers and loveable students at the investigated school who allowed me to distribute the questionnaires, enthusiastically answered them and helped me a lot in conducting the interview My thanks and gratitude also go to all professors and lecturers at Faculty of PostGraduate Studies, University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi for their valuable lectures Last but not least, I would like to send my gratitude to my parents, all members in my family and my friends for always showing their loving support and encouragement to me when writing this thesis ii ABSTRACT This study investigated the influential intrinsic factors to English homework effectiveness from the perspective of 11th graders at a Vinhphuc high school The intrinsic factors mentioned included assignments characteristics and classroom factors The survey questionnaires were distributed to one hundred and four English specialized 11th graders at a Vinhphuc high school A follow-up interview with three students was also carried out so as to clarify and elucidate the questionnaires' findings The results showed differences between students' perceptions of intrinsic factors in reality and students' expectations about them On the basis of the findings several pedagogical suggestions for teachers and parents were proposed with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of homework in students' English learning Generally, teachers were suggested to provide students with more choices in their homework and avoid repetition in homework Regarding parents, they were advised to facilitate students' homework completion by giving them a comfortable study area and carefully consider when and how to involve in students' learning With significant findings and practical implications proposed, this study was expected to be useful to English teaching and learning of the investigated school in particular and of Vietnam in general iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF CHARTS AND TABLES vi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Aims and objectives of the study 1.3 Significance of the study 1.4 Scope of the study 1.5 Structure of the thesis CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW .6 2.1 Homework in English language learning and teaching .6 2.1.1 Definitions of Homework 2.1.2 Factors Influencing the Utility of Homework 2.2 Related Studies .9 2.3 Conclusive Remarks 12 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY 13 3.1 Research Design: Mixed-methods research .13 3.2 Participant selection 13 3.2.1 Population .13 3.2.2 Sampling (proportional stratified sampling) 14 3.3 Data collection procedure 15 3.4 Data collection instruments .16 3.4.1 Questionnaire 16 3.4.2 Interview 16 CHAPTER IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 18 4.1 Assigment characteristics 18 4.1.1 Amount .18 4.1.2 Skills/Knowledge Utilized 19 iv 4.1.3 Purposes of Homework 21 4.1.4 Level of Difficulty 25 4.1.5 Degree of Individualization 26 4.1.6 Level of Student Choice 28 4.1.7 Completion Deadlines .30 4.1.8 Social Context 31 4.2 Classroom factors 32 4.2.1 Initial Classroom Factors 32 4.2.2 Classroom Follow-up Factors 35 4.3 Conclusive Remarks 40 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION .42 5.1 Summary of the Findings 42 5.1.1 Assignment characteristics 42 5.1.2 Clasroom factors .43 5.2 Implications 43 5.3 Limitations of the Study 45 5.4 Suggestions for Further Studies 45 REFERENCES 47 APPENDICES I APPENDIX 1- Survey Questionnaire II APPENDIX 2: Interview Questions IX APPENDIX 3: Transcriptions of the Interview X v LIST OF CHARTS AND TABLES Table 1: A process model of factors influencing the effectiveness of homework (Cooper, 2007, p 23) Chart 1: The number of hour(s)/day spent on English homework 18 Table 2: The frequency of skills/ knowledge used to complete homework .19 Chart 2: The frequency of skills/ knowledge used to complete homework 20 Table 3: The purposes of English homework assigned 22 Chart 3: The Purposes of Homework 22 Table 4: Other Homework Characteristics 24 Chart 4: Level of Difficulty .25 Chart 5: Level of Individualization 26 Chart 7: Completion Deadlines 30 Chart 8: Social Context .31 Table 5: Initial Classroom Factors 32 Table 6: Follow-up Classroom Factors 35 Chart 9: Classroom Follow-up – Feedback – Comment 36 vi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale Homework is a topic which attracts public attention from students, parents, pedagogues and researchers, etc Many studies concerning homework have been conducted, yet announced a variety of findings Some researchers indicate that homework is effective, while some show the contrary, some approve homework assignment, whereas some raise objections However, no matter if homework is useful or harmful, it is undeniable that “homework is an important part of most school-aged children’s daily routines” (Cooper, Robinson & Patall, 2006, p 2) and homework occupies a huge part of teachers’ and students’ lives Until now, there have been a great number of studies on homework, particularly homework for English language learning Researchers have been working on different aspects of homework such as: the role of homework in foreign language learning, the correlation between homework and student learning achievement, homework from teachers’ and parents’ perspectives, the effects of homework on students’ learning, et cetera, which will be discussed more in the literature review Generally speaking, they have made big efforts to find out to what extent homework is effective in students’ learning process Cooper, Robinson & Patall (2006, p 9) state, “Homework assignments are influenced by more factors than any other instructional strategy.” However, the voice of students in what factors really impact on the effectiveness of homework from their viewpoint has been investigated by only few researchers In Vietnam, the researcher of this study has not found any research paper concerning the influential intrinsic factors to English homework effectiveness from the perspective of 11th graders at a high school in Vietnam Due to the important role of students in learner-centered learning, students’ perceptions should have been investigated more thoroughly in order to provide information to assist the design and development of homework and homework policies which meet students’ needs and promote students’ English learning In Vietnam, although the issues of homework are frequently put to discussion by the mass media or in educational forums, attention is concentrated on homework in elementary schools In 2008, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam issued a clear guideline number 7720/BDGDT-GDTH on homework, which asks teachers not to give homework to students in elementary schools who attend a fullday curriculum There has been no policy guideline on homework for high school students so far, while grade levels exert enormous influence on the effective of homework and homework also has a big positive influence on the achievement of high school students (Cooper, 1989) The issues of homework for English in high school not seem to be given enough attention by both Vietnamese researchers and educational administrators As an English teacher, I take a great deal of interest in English homework given to high school students Giving homework to my students, I receive different responses from them Students' viewpoints towards the effectiveness of homework are diverse Therefore, I have a strong desire of investigating what factors influence the utility of homework for students’ English learning from their own perceptions in order to design and set appropriate and effective homework for my students With all factors above, I decided to conduct a case study of 11th graders at a Vinhphuc high school which thoroughly investigates "influential intrinsic factors to English homework effectiveness from the perspective of 11th graders." This study is hoped to fill the gap in understanding of homework and contribute some practical changes and improvement to Vietnamese education 1.2 Aims and objectives of the study This research paper aims to provide useful insight into the influential intrinsic factors to English homework effectiveness from the perspective of 11th graders Being participants of the research, students are expected to show their own thoughts about English homework and share their opinions of the intrinsic factors which may have an impact on the utility of homework for their English learning First, the :// minds wisconsin.edu/bitstream/handle/1793/63295/Lisa Watkins.pdf?sequence=1 27 Wilson, J., Rhodes, J (2010) Student perspectives on homework Education, 131(2), 315-358 28 Xu, J (2009) School location, student achievement, and homework management reported by middle school students School Community Journal, 19(2), 27 44 Retrieved from http://www.schoolcommunitynetwork.org/SCJ.aspx 49 APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: Survey Questionnaire I APPENDIX 1- Survey Questionnaire My name is Nguyen Thi Hanh, a senior student from the Faculty of Post Graduation, University of Languages and International Studies I am conducting a graduation paper on "Influential intrinsic factors to English homework effectiveness from the perspective of 11th graders at a high school in Vietnam.” I would like to ask you to help me by answering the following questions concerning how you perceive intrinsic factors influencing the effectiveness of your English homework This is not a test, so there is no "right" or "wrong" answers and you not even have to write your name on it I am interested in your personal opinions Please complete the following questions to reflect your opinions as sincerely as possible and to answer factual questions to the best of your knowledge Your information will be kept strictly confidential If you have any questions, please not hesitate to contact me via email My personal email address: hanhnguyen.ulis@gmail.com Thank you very much for your help! ****** I PART 1: ASSIGNMENT CHARACTERISTICS For questions to 2, please put a tick ( √) at the answer that best fits your response The number of hours that you spend on English homework per week a - b - 14 c 14 -21 d 21 - 28 II e More than 28 The number of hour(s) per day that you spend on English homework a

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 08:50

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