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Improving the tenth form students’ speaking ability through role playing technique at bach dang high school hai phong

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  • 1.1. Introduction

  • 1.2. What is speaking in second language learning ?

  • 1.3. Difficulties in teaching speaking skills to high school students

  • 1.3.1. Difficulties from teachers

  • 1.3.2. Difficulties from students

  • 1.3.3. Difficulties from objective factors

  • 1.3.4. Difficulties in teaching English speaking skill to students in Vietnam Difficulties from teachers.

  • 1.4. Some effective techniques to teach English speaking skill to High school students

  • 1.4.1. Some techniques in the “Before you speak” stage

  • 1.4.2. Some techniques in the “While you speak” stage

  • 1.4.3. Some techniques in the “After you speak” stage

  • 1. 5. Role-play

  • 1.5.1. What’s role-play?

  • 1.5.2. Why use role-playing?

  • 1.5.3. The difficulties when using role-play in classroom

  • 1.5.4. Role-playing activities in language classroom

  • 1. 6. Summary


  • 2.1. Introduction

  • 2.2. An overview of Bach Dang High School

  • 2.3. An overview of the textbook “Tiếng Anh 10”

  • 2.4. The Tenth graders at Bach Dang High School

  • 2.5. The chosen classes for pilot teaching

  • 2.6. Using role-play to teach speaking to students of the pilot classes

  • 2.6.1. Preparations:

  • 2.7. Feedback from students

  • 2.7.1. The questionnaire

  • 2.7.2. Findings and discussion

  • 2.8. Summary


  • 1. Recapitulation

  • 2. Implications for teachers

  • 3. Suggestion for further research



Nội dung

VIET NAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY-HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGE & INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES ***************** NGUYỄN THỊ KIM DUNG IMPROVING THE TENTH FORM STUDENTS’SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH ROLE- PLAYING TECHNIQUE AT BACH DANG HIGH SCHOOL, HAI PHONG (CẢI THIỆN KỸ NĂNG NÓI TIẾNG ANH CỦA HỌC SINH LỚP 10 TRƯỜNG THPT BẠCH ĐẰNG THƠNG QUA HOẠT ĐỘNG ĐĨNG VAI) M.A Minor Thesis Field: English Teaching Methodology Code : 60.14.10 Ha Noi - 2012 VIET NAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY-HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGE & INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES ***************** NGUYỄN THỊ KIM DUNG IMPROVING THE TENTH FORM STUDENTS’SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH ROLE- PLAYING TECHNIQUE AT BACH DANG HIGH SCHOOL, HAI PHONG (CẢI THIỆN KỸ NĂNG NÓI TIẾNG ANH CỦA HỌC SINH LỚP 10 TRƯỜNG THPT BẠCH ĐẰNG THƠNG QUA HOẠT ĐỘNG ĐĨNG VAI) M.A Minor Thesis Field: English Teaching Methodology Code : 60.14.10 Supervisor: Dr Lê Văn Canh Ha Noi - 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii PART I: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Background to the study Aim of the study Research Questions Scope of the study Design of the study CHAPTER 1.1 Introduction 1.2 What is speaking in second language learning ? 1.3 Difficulties in teaching speaking skills to high school students 1.3.1 Difficulties from teachers Inappropriate teacher pedagogical practices 1.3.2 Difficulties from students 10 1.3.3 Difficulties from objective factors 11 1.3.4 Difficulties in teaching English speaking skill to students in Vietnam 12 1.4 Some effective techniques to teach English speaking skill to High school students 12 1.4.1 Some techniques in the “Before you speak” stage 12 1.4.2 Some techniques in the “While you speak” stage 13 1.4.3 Some techniques in the “After you speak” stage 14 Role-play 15 1.5.1 What‟s role-play? 15 1.5.2 Why use role-playing? 16 iv 1.5.3 The difficulties when using role-play in classroom 15 1.5.4 Role-playing activities in language classroom 17 Summary 18 CHAPTER 20 2.1 Introduction 20 2.2 An overview of Bach Dang High School 20 2.3 An overview of the textbook “Tiếng Anh 10” 21 2.4 The Tenth graders at Bach Dang High School 23 2.5 The chosen classes for pilot teaching 23 2.6 Using role-play to teach speaking to students of the pilot classes 23 2.6.1 Preparations: 23 Teaching plan and teaching materia 23 Class organization and the teacher‟s teaching 25 2.7 Feedback from students 33 2.7.1 The questionnaire 33 2.7.2 Findings and discussion 35 2.8 Summary 35 PART III: CONCLUSION 36 Recapitulation 36 Implications for teachers 37 Suggestion for further research 38 REFERENCES 39 APPENDIX : Students‟ questionnaire I APPENDIX 2: Results from Questionnaire II v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Ss : Students T : Teacher TTT: Teacher talking time STT: Student talking time EFL: English as Foreign Language ESL: English as Second Language CLT: Communicative Language Teaching % : per cent vi PART I: INTRODUCTION Rationale Speaking skill is a very important skill when learning English The real situation of English language teaching in Vietnam shows that this is the skill students usually neglect and are not good at even though they have very good grammatical knowledge Students‟ learning methods depend much on teachers, students still are quite passive in their learning process In order to improve the students‟ speaking ability, teachers can use many kinds of communicative activities Among them, role play is regarded as a very typical and effective one Role-play has been widely used as a teaching method in the ESL/ EFL classroom It is widely agreed that learning takes place when activities are engaging and memorable According to Jeremy Harmer (1986), role-play is used to teach English speaking skills for the following reasons: - It's fun and motivating; - Quieter students get the chance to express themselves in a more forthright way - The world of the classroom is broadened to include the outside world, thus offering a much wider range of language opportunities - Real situations can be created and students can benefit from the practice - Mistakes can be made with no drastic consequences Background to the study English as a foreign language in Viet Nam is taught in high schools as a compulsory subject The implementation of English teaching at present is based on the content standard Its target is to help students to reach an informational level It means that school leavers are expected to be able to have adequate knowledge to use it to communicate with others in English (Depdiknas, 2006) O‟Malley and Pierce (1996) states that speaking is an important skill that a learner should acquire It is very important in order to enable students to communicate effectively through oral language because the disability of the students to speak may lead them to be unable to express their ideas even in a simple form of conversation In addition, Burn and Joyce (1997: 54-55) state that one of the aims of most language programs is to develop spoken language skills and most programs aim to integrate both spoken and written language Learning a language means using it in communication in oral or written form, and being able to express feeling, thoughts, and experiences in various contexts Lado (1964: 51) states that to know the language is to use it He further states that students not know a sentence until he can speak it In fact, the English instruction in some High Schools does not demonstrate a satisfactory result Many students fail to reach the goal of the English teaching They are not able to communicate with the foreign language either orally or in written form although they have learned English for many years (Lestari, 2000: 27) Many of the learners in a speaking class are reluctant speakers This reluctance is partly due to their prior learning experience Many of them are educated in a large class in schools situated in noisy neighborhoods where opportunities to speak are severely limited Others were taught in schools where speaking was simply not encouraged Comparing to other techniques, role-play seems to be the interesting one for the students In role-playing technique, the students act or pretend to be someone else in the actual world situation that is brought into the classroom Utilizing the technique, peer learning is also encouraged and sharing of responsibility between the teacher and the learner when the learning process takes place Besides, for the shy learners, for instance, role play helps them by providing a mask where learners with difficulty in conversation are liberated Role-playing technique is one of the effective tools for teacher to teach speaking skill to the students Huang (2008), in her study on communicative skills, concludes that role play is really a worthwhile learning experience for both the student and the teacher Not only can students have more opportunities to "act" and "interact" with their peers trying to use the English language, but also students' English speaking, listening, and understanding will improve Role play lightens up the atmospheres and brings liveliness in the classes Students learn to use the language in a more realistic, more practical way Thus they can become more aware of the usefulness and practicality of English Role play is indeed a useful teaching technique which should be experimented and applied by ESL/EFL teachers more often in the ESL/EFL classrooms Based on the theoretical background and the findings of some previous studies about the effectiveness of role-playing, the researcher chose this technique and used it to improve the speaking ability of the tenth year students of Bach Dang High School This technique is chosen as the object of study of this thesis as it is thought that is employed effectively it will help high school students to improve their speaking skill – a macro-skill which seems to be neglected by both high school students and teachers in Vietnam in general and students and teachers at Bach Dang High School in particular Aim of the study The aim of this study is to use role-play to develop speaking skill to the 10 graders at Bach Dang High School, Hai Phong Research Questions In order to achieve the above aim, the following research questions are raised for exploration: What is the current practice in teaching and learning speaking skill at Bach Dang High School? What is role-play in foreign language teaching? How is role-play employed to develop 10 graders‟ speaking skill at Bach Dang High School? Scope of the study As stated above, the aim of the study is to explore what is meant by the term role play in foreign language teaching and to use it to teach 10 graders at Bach Dang High School To achieve this aim, the study first attempts to first provide the teaching and learning of English at Bach Dang High School in general and the teaching and learning speaking of its 10 graders in particular Then, it will explore the notion of role-play in the foreign language teaching literature Then it will present some sample speaking lessons taken from Tiếng Anh 10 in which role play is used to develop speaking skill to 10 graders at Bach Dang High School And finally, in order to see how effective role-play is in teaching speaking to the students, a small survey is conducted to get the pilot students‟ opinion Design of the study Apart from table of contents and appendices, this paper is structured in three main parts namely, Introduction, Development and Conclusion The Introduction presents the rationale, the aim of the study, scope of the study, the research questions, and the design of the study The Development” includes two chapters Chapter provides a review on the concepts such as speaking , difficulties in teaching speaking skills to high school students, some effective techniques to teach English speaking skill to high school students, the concept of role-play, the difficulties when using role-play in classroom, the reason to use role-play, and role-playing activities in language classroom Chapter analyses the teaching and learning of English at Bach Dang High School It first takes a look at the textbook “Tiếng Anh 10” Then it mentions briefly the tenth graders at Bach Dang High School, the classes chosen for carrying out the pilot teaching using role-play to develop speaking skill to Bach Dang High School 10 graders Then it will present in some detail how role-play is used to teach speaking skill to the pilot classes The final section is devoted to exploring and discussing how effective role-play is to the Bach Dang High School 10 graders in the pilot classes The Conclusion recapitulates the contents which have been explored, points outs the limitations of the study and make some suggestions for future research PART II: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Introduction In this chapter, an attempt is made to explore the issues concerning speaking such as what is speaking, the difficulties the English learners in the world in general and in Vietnam in particular face when learning speaking Then I will present some effective techniques to teach English speaking skill to High school students In the final section, I will examine the notion of role-play in foreign language teaching 1.2 What is speaking in second language learning ? Speaking is “an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information” (Florez, 1999: 1) It is “often spontaneous, open-ended and evolving” (ibid.:1), but it is not completely unpredictable Its form and meaning are dependent on the context in which it occurs, including the participants themselves, their collective experiences, the physical environment, and the purposes for speaking Speaking is such a fundamental human behavior that we don‟t stop to analyze it unless there is something noticeable about it For example, if a person is experiencing a speech pathology (if a person stutters or if his speech is impaired due to a stroke or a head injury), we may realize that the speech is atypical Likewise, if someone is a particularly effective or lucid speaker, we may notice that her speech is atypical in a noteworthy sense What we fail to notice on a daily basis, however, are the myriad physical, mental, psychological, social, and cultural factors that must all work together when we speak It is even a more impressive feat when we hear someone speaking effectively in a second or foreign language According to Brown and Yule‟s opinions (1983), spoken language consists of short, fragmentary utterances in a range of pronunciation However, speaking is a *Task 3: -T divides the class into 12 groups (each table is a group) - T gives each group one handout and guide them how to the exercise Example: The first WC was held in Uruguay in 1930 The final match was between Uruguay and Argentina Uruguay defeated Argentina by to - T calls on one member of their group to practise talking about the supplied World Cup match - T gives comments *Task 3: Take turns to talk about the World Cup winners -The first WC was held in Uruguay in 1930 The final match was between Uruguay and Argentina Uruguay defeated Argentina by to * Notes: - : Nil - nil - : one - nil - : two all IV/WRAPPING-UP( minutes) -T reviews how to read the score of the match : Example : - : Nil - nil - : one - nil - : two all .- Ss write on their notebook Homework( minutes ) Homework - T asks Ss to write a passage (50 to 70 - Write a passage (50 to 70 words) about a football player you like - words) about a football player best - you like best - Ss write down FEED-BACK:…………………… ……………………………………… 30 Unit 16: HISTORICAL PLACES Part B: Speaking I Objectives - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: Knowledge: basic levels: recognization, comprehension, application - Vocabulary : words related to historical places (mausoleum, Citadel, Enclosure, Forbidden City, admission fee, bombardment, chambers, ) - Language : Ss use sentences, words, phrases, and expressions for making a conversation Skills : - Fluency in expressing about historical places - Role –playing in detailed situation II Preparations - Teacher: text book, pictures, - Students: textbook, notebooks,… III Anticipated problems - Ss may lack of vocabulary to about some historical places IV Procedure Teacher and Ss’ activities I/ Before you speak ( minutes ) - T asks Ss to close their books , work in groups to rearrange words to make a meaningful sentence in/ President/ Ho Chi Minh‟s mausoleum/ is / Hanoi/ situated - Ss work in groups - group- student goes to the board and writes their answer => President Ho Chi Minh‟s mausoleum is siuated in Ha Noi - T check with the whole class, choose a winner - T makes a question and asks Ss to answer: + What you know about the president HCM‟s Mausoleum? -> T leads in new lesson II/While you speak *Task 1: Ask and answer questions with a partner about the president HCM‟s Mausoleum? ( minutes ) Board display Date:…………… Unit 16: HISTORICAL PLACES Part B: Speaking I/ Before you speak * Rearrange words to make a meaningful sentence - in/ President/HoChi Minh‟s mausoleum/ is / Hanoi/ situated ->President Ho Chi Minh‟s mausoleum is siuated in Ha Noi II/While you speak *Task 1: Ask and answer questions with a partner about the president HCM‟s Mausoleum? - Suggestions : When did the constrution of the Mausoleum finish? 31 - T asks Ss to open their books, look at page 169 and Task - Ss work in pairs - T goes round the class and help Ss if necessary - T makes comment How many floors are there in the Mausoleum? What is the use of each floor? On what days can we visit the Mausoleum? What time can we visit the Mausoleum in summer? Task :Work in pairs to act as a Can we visit the Mausoleum in tourist guide to introduce about : October? Why not ? Hue Imperal City, Can we take photograps inside the Mausoleum? Thong Nhat Conference Hall, President Ho Chi Minh‟s Task Work in pairs to act as a Mausoleum,………… (25’ ) tourist guide to introduce about : st - person : a foreign visitor Hue Imperal City, nd - person : a tourist guide Some suggested questions : Thong Nhat Conference Hall, - Where is ? President Ho Chi Minh‟s It is situated in _ Mausoleum,………… - When did the construction of - 1st person : a foreign visitor start/ complete ? - 2nd person : a tourist guide - What time can we visit? - Can I take a photos inside / - How many sections are there ? - How much is its admission fee ?  T goes round the class and help Ss if necessary - T calls some pairs to act out - T makes comment and correct typical errors III/After you speak: III/After you speak: Task Choose a famous Task ( 5’) - T asks Ss to work in groups, each historical place in Hai phong, basing group choose a famous historical suggestions in Task to introduce to the place in Hai phong, basing class suggestions in Task to introduce to the class - T goes round the class and help Ss - Then T calls on some Ss to present in individual - T makes comments and gives marks 32 IV/WRAPPING- UP ( minutes ) -Review the questions in the lesson * HOMEWORK: - Write a paragraph about 100 words to tell the historical place you like FEED BACK: ……………………………………… ……… *HOMEWORK - Write a paragraph about 100 words to tell the historical place like you 2.7 Feedback from students 2.7.1 The questionnaire As mentioned in the scope of the study and at the beginning of this chapter, this section is devoted to exploring the students‟ opinion about how effectiveness role-play is to the teaching of speaking skill to the ten graders at Bach dang High School To achieve this aim, a survey questionnaire is designed and distributed to the students of the pilot classes The questionnaire consists of questions Question is concerned with students‟ learning preferences, Question asks students what speaking activity(ies) they like best, Question asks students what speaking activity(ies) they feel most confident, and Question elicits information from the students about how the practice speaking in the classroom (detail of the questionnaire can be seen in the Appendix, Page I ) The students completed the questionnaires after studing three speaking lessons using role-playing It consists of four questions Question is concerned with students‟ learning preferences Their responses revealed that 43.6 % students in 10 A8, more much 21.9 % students in 10 A5, would like to work in pairs 34.78 % of the students from Group 10A5 would like to practice English in front of class A similar percentage of the students from Group 10A8 ( 35.9% ) shared this view In other words, a majority of the students from both two groups chose practicing in pairs in front of class Moreover, noone in 10A5 chose working in 33 individual, and in 10A8 there was only a student But more 25 % students in 10 A5 than in 10A8 wanted to choose working in groups We can see the difference between the two groups of students, because group A8 was labelled as Category D meaning that they would take the university entrance examinations of Maths, Literature and English while group A5 would not take English as one of the examinations for university entrance Group A8 had 39 students while the other group is 46 Question asks students what speaking activity(ies) they like best There was the same number of students in 10A5 and 10A8 love role-playing most , but in comparision , more 11.32 % students in 10A8 than in 10A5 Moreover, the same number from two groups like that one asks, one answers But more 1.56 % students in 10A5 than in 10 A8 like dicussing in groups Maybe, the difference was due to the fact that Group A8 had four hours, or one hour more, for English per week than Group A5 However, this reason is quite speculative Question asks students what speaking activity(ies) they feel most confident in Units 11, 14, 16 There was more 19.84 % students in 10A8 than in 10A5 felt confident in role-playing activity And, also more 8.92 % in 10A8 felt confident when ask and answer with their partner than in 10A5 But in 10 A5, noone chose teacher asks- students answer, hower there has 7.69 % in 10A8 to choose, and more 17.61 % students in 10A5 felt confidents in these above speaking lessons in discussion in groups Question elicits information from the students about how the practice speaking in the classroom There was the same number of students who love roleplaying from two groups , but in comparision, more7.6 % in 10 A8 like roleplaying than in 10A5 Also, the same number of students in 10A5 and 10A8 want to work in individual But in 10A8 , there has less 5.18 % students who want to work in more three- people groups than in 10A5 For the full information see Appendix II The findings and discussion are presented in the section below 34 2.7.2 Findings and discussion A total eighty-five students participated in this study All took part in speaking lessons using role-playing , and they filled out questionnaires This chapter presents the analysis of the questionnaires Data collection is analyzed and presented separately The results are that students‟ perceived effect of roleplaying activity on their speaking skill The findings of this research suggest that role-playing is beneficial and should be used The data also suggests that roleplaying may perhaps be more beneficial to accelerate and honor than traditional speaking classes 2.8 Summary In this chapter, I have employed role-play as a technique or a communication activity to teach speaking skill to the 10 graders at Bach Dang High School To have a clear background of my task, first I provided an overview of Bach Dang High School Then I employ role-play to teach speaking skill to two 10th form classes at Bach Dang High School And in the final section I devoted to a small section to conduct a survey to get the students‟ feedback on the effectiveness of using role-play to develop speaking skill to the students in the pilot classes It is clear from my survey that role-play is a useful activity that should be used frequently to teach speaking skill to students 35 PART III: CONCLUSION Recapitulation As mentioned at the beginning, this study aimed at answering three research questions: What is the current practice in teaching and learning speaking skill at Bach Dang High School? What is role-play in foreign language teaching? How is role-play employed to develop 10 graders‟ speaking skill at Bach Dang High School? To answer these questions, I have first provided the theoretical foundation for the study in which I examined the notion of speaking in foreign language teaching methodology, the difficulties teachers and students often experiences when teaching and learning speaking skills; and some useful techniques which have been commonly used in the foreign language classroom Realizing that role play was the activity which would constitute the focus of the study, I devoted a separate section to it, examining in some detail the notion of role-play, the difficulties in using roleplay to teach speaking and the various role-play activities employed in the classroom In the second chapter, I used role-play as a technique or a communication activity to teach speaking skill to the 10 graders at Bach Dang High School To have a clear background of my task, first I provided an overview of Bach Dang High School Then I employed role-play to teach speaking skill to two 10th form classes at Bach Dang High School And in the final section I devoted to a small section to conduct a survey to get the students‟ feedback on the effectiveness of using role-play to develop speaking skill to the students in the pilot classes It is clear from my survey that role-play is a useful activity that should be used frequently to teach speaking skill to students It is obvious from my thesis that traditional teaching was described as grammar-based because both teachers and students were more concerned about the 36 students‟ performance in two high-stake examinations – the school graduation examination and the university entrance examination This also means that the current practice in teaching and learning speaking skill at Bach Dang High School was not good From my personal observation as a classroom teacher, students were unwilling to speak English in the speaking lessons Role-play was rarely used in the English classrooms Recognising the important role of role-playing technique to improve students‟speaking skill , moreover it is possible to use in teaching curriculum of English text-book 10 Because the program which points at the themes ensures high communication by the contextualized language content in communication situations closed to reality and highly application In my teaching plan , I studied Speaking which is used role-playing technique to my tenth graders in unit 11, 14, 16 During three speaking periods , students‟ perceived effect of role-playing activity on their speaking skill, they are excited to take part in these activites It is clearer from the students‟ feedback on the effectiveness of using role-play to develop speaking skill to the students in the pilot classes The findings have shown that role-play is a very useful technique that should be used frequently to develop high school students‟ speaking skill Implications for teachers First this study shows that it is necessary to find out the students‟ attitudes toward any teaching technique teachers plan to use Second, students‟ needs and preferences are so diverse that no single teaching technique is good or effective to them Teachers need to use a variety of techniques with their students Regarding role-playing, despite of students‟ different opinions about role-playing, it is a good classroom technique This is because at least half of the students seem to be interested in these activities In conclusion, findings from this study show that in order to enhance students‟ speaking skills, other teaching techniques should be used to complement role-playing 37 Suggestion for further research In general, a majority of the students had a positive attitudes towards roleplaying activities and they perceived some benefits of role-playing activities to their learning how to speak English However, data collection from questionnaire stated that the impact of role-playing activities on their speaking was not great This issue should be researched in the next research cycle using either a quasi-experimental method or an action research 38 REFERENCES A English Brown, Gillian and George Yule (1983) , Teaching the Spoken Language Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Brown, H D (2000), Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (3rd Edition) Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Burns, Anne.1998 Teaching Speaking Annual review of applied linguistics 18, 102-123 Burns, A., & Joyce, H (1997), Focus on Speaking Sydney: NCELTR Bygate, M (1987), Speaking Oxford: Oxford University Press Bygate, M (1991), Speaking Oxford: Oxford University Press Chaudron, C (1988), Second Language Classrooms: Research on Teaching and Learning Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Cook, V (2000), Second Language Learning and Language Teaching (2nd Edition) Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Harmer, J (2000), How to Teach English Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 10 Johnson, K (2002), An Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching Beijing: Foreign Language 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Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 08:42



