Mark your answer on your answe r sheet.. Mark your answer on yo ur answer sheet..[r]
Da hon mQt nam ke til Real TOEIC duoe xuat ban Jan dau tien Saeh da
nh~n dltoc nhung phan hoi tlch qfC t(r phfa dQc gia vi hoan toan khac vai
nhung giao trinh hi~n c6 tren th! truong: cae cau hoi va clap an da t~p trung dung vilo phall nguai hQc quan tam DVC;1C (hlnh Slra va b6 sling Ian tai
ban nay, New Real TOEIC Sf tni nguoi ban tin e~y, dong hanh eung ban cuQe hanh trinh ehinh phue cae ky thi TOEIC
Khi ETS bat dau ap dung the thile bai thi TOEIC moi, nhi~u thi sinh 10 lang s' kh6 dat duoe diem eao c3U trlle M thi duoe dieu chinh Vi vay, ho da d6 x6
di mua sach de luy~n thi Tuy nhien, nhung euon sach kh6ng duoc bien so<)n dtlllg nhu mt,l.c tieu d~t ra, h~u qua 1.3 cae thl sinh da rat that vqng va cang
10 lang hon
New Real TOEIC thi hoim toim khac!
Qua nghien cuu Sal! rcng cau true bai thi TOEle mai, cu6i cung, chung [oi da
tim bi guyot giup "ic thi sinh VlIot qua nhung ky thi theo phuong phap
hUll hi~u nhat Hoc theo sach nay, cae thl sinh se c6 nhCrng bubc tien cham nhung vLIng vang va chac chan Sf d~t duoC ket qua cao
Quyen New Real TOEle lall duqc bien SO<}.1l voi su gop sue eua nhieu ngLIoi Chung t6i xin chan cam on: Jun-yeong, Bo-yu va Se-jun - nhung nguai
da hoc tap My trong nhieu nam; Bak Hye-yeong, Baek Ji-yeong, Jeon Sang-su -si va giang vien Kim Su-yeon - nhung nguoi da bien tjp rat ky luang toan be
giao trinh; va d~c biOt I Yong-jin - ehrl tich ccng ty Pearson Education
Korea, Jeong Jong-dae - giam doc ccng ty va trllong phong Bak Sang-yong cling nhung nguai khac da nhiet tinh giup da chung toi trong qua trinh bien 50<;\n giaD trlnh
New Real TOEIC
'Ii EM test New TOEIC tMt Sll khong de
Cau hoi trang cae bai lest New TOEle c6 nhieu thay d6i hon so voi TOEle truae day, khong e6n nhemg cau hoi ehuy~n d6i m(it vai tU ngu, rna da d6i sang nhung diu hoi yeu cau thr sinh phAi hi~u r6 nguyen ly thi mai co
th~ tra loi dUQe Bai ki€m tra tcing h9P mo phong bAi thi tlllrc te eua New Real TOEle c6 nhieu cali hoi muc d¢ kh6 Thi sinh can phai luy~n t~p cae eau hoi kh6 truoe buae vao ky thi thue te flay ehinh I each tich luy kinh nghi~m d~ c6 th~ lam ba.i thi m()t each de dang va hi~u qua
'r Bao gom biii kiern tra tcing hQ'P mo phong biii thi th"e te (tong eQng 1000 eau hoi)
Cu6n saeh e6 cau tao g6m bili ki€m tra rn6 phong bAi thi thue te tong
hop d phan Listening Comprehension Ian phall Reading Comprehension va mqt
Pre-Actual Test flay I mot trang nhung euon saeh luy~n thi TOEle day dtl
nhat, ch~c ch~n Sf giup h<J.1l tv tin vUQt qua ky thi New TOEle voj diem s6 mong dQi!
(5)Pre-Actual Test
Pre-Aclual Tesl baa g6m cae bili lesl rna ph6ng bili thi th~e te nh~m ki~m tra vii danh gia t6ng hQP_ Chuang duoe bien soan M gillp hoe vien co th~ ttl danh gia duoe nAng lue dla ban than mQt each thilt khaeh quan trui)e bAt d~u lam cae bai lesl ma ph6ng bai thi th~e te_
'fl\t~i'' .~, '''-"
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f, New Pattern
Day Iii goe trlnh bily nhung loai cau hoi moi New TOEIC va cae chien luoe tra loi theo t(rng Part trude ban b£t
d~u lam bili lesl t6ng hop rna phong bili thi te tLr Pari Mn Part Nho vay, hoe vien co th~ he thong lai mot l~n nua phuong phap tra liJi eau hoi thea tUng Pari truoe lam bili lesl t6ng hop_
& Actual Test
.-Phall nay gam co bili test tong hap, la phall 11IY~1l thi hoan
ehinh Nhung bili lesl rna phOng bili thi thtre te ph~n
nay dUQc bien so~n dt,ra tren ket qua phan tich cae bili thi TOEIC moi nhat Ngoili ra, thue hilnh nhu~n nhuy~n 800
eau hoi cae bili Ie 51 a ph5n se gillp hoc vien co dti
tu tin bude vaa ky thi thIJe te
'* Answers
, - - , -
,~,, - ~ -.----
" . ~.-__ __ _ -"H -• • - '-. .-."_._" - _.,._ -._ -" -._ - -_._ _ _ ._ -_
~-- ' '--_._ - Ph~n vOi n¢i dap an g6m e6 bang ke dung loi ghi am nham cae giup I~a hoc chon vietra n e6 loth~ i dung d~ dang eung ttl kiem tra va danh gia nang I~e lam bai cila ban than qua mbi bai Ie 51 M c6 su chu£n bi t6t han truoe bUde vao ky thi New TOEIC tlwe teo
Da d~ng hoa giQng phat am lrong Listening Comprehension
6 New TOEle d6 kh6 ella Listening Section da duge tang len e6 nhieu gi9ng doc ngoai giong My, chAng han giong Canada, giong Anh, giong tic, giong New
Zealand TOEle la til viet tat ella Test of English for International Communication
ky thi ki~m tra nang lue giao tiel' tieng Anh quoe te; vi vay, th! sinh phai chung to kha nang trao d6i thong tin voi nguOi n6i tieng Anh nherng quoe gia khae tren toan the gioi New TOEIC da phan nh cae dang tieng Anh duoe giang day va Slr dung nhieu nhat eeng dong qu6c teo
Cau hoi mo ta hmh anh (] Part auQ"C giam b6t va C(lU hoi xac ajnh loi IlgU phap
& Part duqe luqc bo
Part 1, ph~n thuang duoe thi sinh eho la d~ nhat, giam den 50%; Part 6, ph~n
yeu cau th! sinh Kile dinh I&i ngl1 phap va tim iI,a chon tra loi dung M hoan
chinh cau, da bi 10ai bo Noi chung nhung thay d6i khong nh huang
nhieu clen d6 kh6 Clia wan be bai thi
Th! sinh duoe nghc cac cau hoi
Khac vai bai thi TOEIC eu, nguai doc chi doc doan van, a bai thi TOEIC mai, cae eau h6i, ngo;!i tru eje I~a ehqn tra 10i (A), (B), (e), (D), deu duoe doc qua
b~ng Do d6, thi sinh co th~ tra lai eau hoi mqt each thu~n tien han
D(> dili ella 11l9t so cau hoi nghc hicu se lang lim
El¢ dai cae bai nghe Cl'!a Part va Part (} New TOEIC van nhu eu, nhung
Part va Part bal nghe se dai hon tnr()e clay 6 Part 3, bai doi tho~i tang tti A
-B-A len A-B-A-B; b Part 4, moi do~n dQe thO{li se c6 cau hoi so vai 2-3 cau hoi
t6ng hop nhu cac bai thi nghe tretoc day IXli dQc Double Passage
Ele tra loi mQt s6 cau hoi b Part 7, New TOEIC, b{ln phai tham khao nhieu hem mQt dO<.ln van Day la d~ng cau hoi kiem tra kha nang Clia thi sinh vi~e
lien ket thong tin giua eae dO{lil van
Part Picture Description 20 ,au hO~ Part Picture Description 10 cau hoi
listening Part Question and Response -:-30 diu hoi -Part Question and Response 30 cau hOi
Comprehension Part Shorl Conversations 30 cau hoi Part Short Conversations 30 cau hoi
Part Short Talks , 20 cau hoi Pari Short Talks 30 cau hoi
Part Sentence Completion ' 40 cau hoi Part Sentence Completion 40 cau hoi Reading Part Error Recognition 20 cau hoi Pari Cloze 12 cau hoi Comprehension Part 7 Reading Comprehension : 40 fiiu hoi Part Reading Comprehension 48 cau hoi
- Single Passage 28 ciiu hoi
- Double Passage 20 cil.U hoi
- Bao gom 10 cau hoi toan bi) 100 cau hoi phan LC (cau 1- cau 10)
- Twoc bat dau lam bai thi, thi sinh se nghe phAn Direction cua LC khoang 25 giay; Direction cua Part khoang phut 10 gi'y T6ng ci)ng pMn huang dan lam
bai thi nghe Part chiem khoang phut 35 giay - Khoang thai gian gilla cau hoi la giay
- Khi lam het trang, thi sinh se nghe cau "Go on to the next page ", khoang thoi gian trang tll luc ket thuc diu h6i cu den hic bat dau cau h6i moi I 12 giay Thi sinh
nen dtlng khoang thai gian d@ xem buc hinh moL
- Thi sinh nen aanh dau h,ra chc;m td !oi dung velD phieu bai lam
Part 2
- Bao g6m 30 cau hoi toan bi) 100 cau h6i ph,n LC (cau 11- cau 40) - Thl sinh so nghe Direction cua Part khoang phut
- Khoang thbi gian giua cau hOi la giay
- Trong 30 cau hOi Part 2, co khoang 10-15 cau hoi bat dau blng cac til nghi van
(what, when, who why how, which, where), va l~i ia call hoi d~ng cau tU(lng
thuat, cau cho lai khuyen
- flay I dang cau hoi dan diell, vi vay til diu h6i 35 den cau hoi 40, thi sinh rat d~ bi mat tap trung Khi luyen tal' hang ngay, ban phili c6 gang tra lai het 30 cau h6i,
dung dung lai giua chung
- Khi kh6ng nghe r6 mi)t cau hoi nao thi hay be qua M chuan bi cho cau hOi tiel' theo
- Thl sinh nen danh dau l\fa chon tra Ibi dung vao phieu bai lam ~ Part 3
- Bao g6m 30 cau h6i toan bi) 100 cau hoi ph';n LC (cau 41-cau 70) - Thi sinh se nghe Direction cua Part khoang 30 giay
- Trang New TOEle, moi bii d6i tho<)i c6 ba Call hoi va cau hoi (Dng se dU<;Jc dQc qua
- Sau nghe call h6i, thi sinh c6 giay d@ tim Iva chQI1 wi loi Ottng eha moi cau
- Bai doi thoai tang t(r A-B-A len A-B-A-B va cau hoi cung dai han
- Thl sinh nen danh dau l\fa chon tra loi dung vao phieu bai lam
If' Part 4
- Bao g6m 30 cau hoi toan be 100 cau hoi phan LC (cau 71- cau 100) - Thi sinh Sf nghe Direction cua Part khoang 28 giay
(9)- Trong New TOEIC, moi bai d¢c tho~i c6 ba Call hoi va c3U hoi cling se dUQc dqc qua bang
- Moi bai dQc tho.i co khoang 100·120 tu va keo dai khoang 25·35 giay - Thi sinh nen danh dilu I~a chon tra lai dung vao phiell bili lam
-{< Part
- Sao g6m 40 call hoi trang toan bO 100 cau hoi ph~n RC (call 101· Gill 140)
- Co 11·13 cilU Mi tU vung; 12-13 cau hoi ve tu IO.i va 14·16 cau hoi ve ngil phap
- Moi cau hoi co khoang 12 den 20 tU, nghia la cOng dai voi call hoi
bai thi TOEle cu
- Nell vang 30 giay, ban vh khOng tim dUQc I~a chqn tra lai dung hay danh dau {1, roi chuy~n sang cau hoi khac Khi viet dap an vao phi' lI bili lam thi hay xem lai cac cau da bo qua va chqn dap an cu6i cOng
- Thay vi danh dilu vao phi'u bai lam, hay danh dau vao phieu cau hoi, roi viet
I.i vao phieu bai lam truoc kct thuc pMn thi RC khoang phut
- Sao g6m 12 cau Mi trang toan bi> 100 cau hoi ph'n RC (Giu 141· cau 152)
- Phan co passage; moi passage co Giu hoi
- Mac call hoi dUQc 16ng vao cac passage, nhung loai cau hoi va phuong thire tra lai gi6ng voi Part 5; vI vaY, neu chu~n bi t6t (; Part thl ban Sf khong gal' nhieu kho khan tn' loi cau hoi (; Part
- Co 3-4 cau hoi ve tU lo.i; 4·7 cau hoi til v~ng; 2·3 cau hoi ve ngil phap (d.i tu, lien tu, gioi tu, v.v.)
- Thay vi danh dilu vao phieu bai lam, hay danh dilu vilo phieu cau hoi, roi viet lai vao phieu bai lam truoc k't thuc phh thi RC khm\ng phut
1:s Part
- Sao g6m 48 ciiu hoi trang toan b¢ 100 cau Mi phan RC (Single Passage: call 153· cau 180; Double Passage: cau181· cau 200)
- ThOng thuang co bai dqc (; phan Single Passage va caP bai dqc (8 bai dqc)
(; pha n Double Passage
- Cac bai doc co th~ loai: quang cao, email.thu.ghichu.thongbao.boibao V.V - Ban phai hoan tat Part 5, yang 25 phi.t vii phai dimh it nhal 45
phut de lam Part
- Thay vi danh dau vao phi.u bai lam, hay danh ciau vao phieu cau hoi, roi viiit lai vao phi'u bai lam truoc ket thuc phan thi RC khoang phut
(10)(11)Uri noi dau
New Real TOEIC_ Building Skills for the New TOEIC : Structure & Feature, Preview About New TOEIC : New TOEIC Big OLD & NEW ,
About New TOEIC : Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension Iu
Chapter Pre-Actual Test Pre-Actuat Test
Chapter New Pattern
Chicn luQ'C "tim cong" Part Chien iuQ'C "tan congn Part Chien hlQ'C "Wn cong" Part Chien iuqc "-tirn cong" Part Chien hrqc "tan congn Part
Chien iuqc "tan cong" Part
Chicn iuqc "lan cong" Part
Chapter Actual Test Actual Test Actual Test Actual Test ,n
Actual Test 'II
Scripts & Answers
WI/VW h nl VI t m
" (,(]
1 2 •
'if • p
5 ~ ,
• ;t
7 8
9 10
(16)II Mark your answer on your answer sheet 26 Mark your answer on your answer sheet
12 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 27 Mark your answer on your answer sheet
13 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 2S Mark your answer on your answer sheet
14 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 29 Mark your answer on your answer sheet
IS Mark your answer on your answer sheet 30 Mark your answer on your answer sheet
16 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 31 Mark your answer on you,r answer sheet
17 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 32 Mark your answer on your answer sheet
IS Mark your answer on your answer sheet 33 Mark your answer on your answer sheet
19 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 34 Mark your answer on your answer sheet
20 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 35 Mark your answer on your answer sheet
21 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 36 Mark your answer on your answer sheet
22 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 37 Mark your answer on your answer sheet
23 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 3S Mark your answer on your answer sheet
24 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 39 Mark your answer on your answer sheet
25 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 40 Mark your answer on your answer sheet
(17)41 Where does the woman want to go? 47 When does Ihis conversation take place? ~.~
(A) Posl office (A) On Sunday ,
(B) Bank (B) On Salurday
(C) Airporl (C) On Monday , >
(0) SWimming pool (0) On Friday nighl
, • " 42 Where does the man tell the woman to 48 What does the man tell the woman about
lake the bus? the museum?
(A) In fronl of Ihe bank (A) II is closed after pm
(B) At Ihe posl oftice (B) II does nol have any arl pieces
(C) Near Ihe airport anymore
(0) On Ihe olher side from the bank (C) illS being renovaled
(0) ills closed on Sunday
43 What does the woman offer the man?
(A) She asks him 10 come with her to Ihe 49 Where they go because the museum
post office is closed?
(B) She lells him thai she would lake wllh (A) Back 10 Ihe hotel
her anything 110 has to send (B) To their car
(C) She Ie lis him 10 lake care of her Clli1d (C) A customer servIce center of the while she goes to the post office museum
(0) She asks hll11 to lake her 10 the bus (0) Go shopping
SO What will be sent to the client?
44 Who is the woman talking to? (A) A mall
(A) A lecllniclan (B) A photo of construclion project
(B) A farmer (C) An audll report
(C) A waiter (0) A proposal
(0) A restaurant manager
51 What problem does the proposal have?
45 What does she want for a main dish? (AI II needs 10 be approved by olher
(A) Corn workers
(B) A New York Sirip steak (B) II is too sharI
(C) Mashed potaloes (C) II doesn·1 have all the pictures
(0) Fried rice (0) II neecis a Iota I estimate
46 What does the waiter tell the woman 52 Why is the woman thankful to the man?
about her side dishes? (A) He gave her some money she needs (A) They can'l cook steaks right now (B) He is going to help her with the budget
(B) They are oul of corn part of proposal
(C) Tiley only have Pepsi 10 drink (Cl He IS sending oul Ihe proposal 10 Ihe
(D) They have different kinds of corn client
(0) He is her 11usbanel
(18)53 What you know from the conversation? 59 Whal does Ihe man ask Hannah 10 see?
(A) "Dark Days" is a beslseller book (A) His new walch (8) Tile woman wanls 10 buy a book Ihal (B) His new planls
the bookstore needs to order (C) His new window
(e) The bookslore worker doesn'l know (D) I-lis newly decoraled of lice aboullhe book
(D) The book IS 100 popular 10 gel 60 Whal does Ihe man lei I Hannah about
decorating his oHice?
54, When will new copies of the book arrive in (A) Not too long and fun
the store? (8) Long and a lot of activities
(A) This Thursday (C) Long but enjoyable
(8) In three days (D) Silort but complicated
(C) Tomorrow
(D) Nexl Thursday 61 Why does Hannah offer to give her plants
to the man?
55, What will the woman probably do? (A) She doesn't like her plants anymore (A) Walt lor the mail lrom the bookstore (B) She has allergy Irom Iler plants (B) Go 10 anOliler bookstore (e) Her plants have grown to be big lor
(e) Get anoliler verSion 01 the book her window
(D) Go to 1I1e bookstore to get Ihe book (D) Her plants nol smell good
56, What are they discussing? 62 Where is the woman?
(A) Their dale lasl nighl (A) In a bus (B) Gina's new secrelary (B) In a plane
(e) Gina's new Idea lor a producl (e) In a trarn
(D) The new spring merchandise (D) In a building
57, What does Gina suggesl for the 63 Where can the woman exit from the train?
advertisement? (A) In Ihe firsl car 01 the train
(A) Putting an advertlsemenl on the (B) In Ihe middle of the Irain
newspaper (C) Anywhere Irom Ihe train
(B) Telephoning regular clienls (D) In the lifth car ollhe Iraln (C) Putting a commercial on TV
(D) Asking oliler advertising company 64, Why is the woman mad?
(A) She cannollind her kids
58 How have they done their advertising (B) She has missed the station she needs
before? to eXIt
(A) By calling each client (C) She can only exil in the first four cars
(B) By pulling lion radio of the train
(e) By pulling it on the Internet (D) Someone has stolen her baggage
(D) By glvrng oul brochures
NeVI He.11 TOEle lC:RC 20
(19)65 What is the phone call about? 68 What does the woman want to do? f
(A) The woman called earlier so the man (A) Go to the bookstore to buy ,
is calling her back magazines
(B) The woman wants to go to the (B) Read about politics ,
movies (C) Gel information to buy a new car
~ (e) The man asks the woman to go to (0) Discuss the upcoming election with "
the movies with him the man
(D) The man wants to go to class
69 What did the woman assume about the
66 Why can the woman nol go to the magazine the man was reading?
movies? (A) It was a magazine Irom BMW
(A) Sile has a class at o'clock tonight (8) II was a motorcycle magazine
(B) She has to write her paper by (e) It was a car magazine
tomorrow morning (D) It was a politics related magazine
(e) She wanls to go Ice skating instead 01
movies 70 What does the man offer the woman?
(D) She has a class early tomorrow (A) Buying a BMW car
morning (8) BUying a magazine he has in his car
(e) Lending a magazine 118 has in his car 67 What does the man tell her he will do? (D) Showing the magazine he is reading
(A) He will walt for her until her class IS
(B) He will go with someone else
(C) He will just stay home
(0) He will go with l"Ier and someone else:'
(20)New Rcal TOEIC LC/RC 22