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Ebook New real Toeic - NXB Tổng hợp TP Hồ Chí Minh

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n\'O weeks from today the office fire prevention system will be updated to meet f'lew fire safely regulaliof'ls, Next Wednesday U1e workers will be installing the new fir[r]




Da hon mQt nam ke til Real TOEIC duoe xuat ban Jan dau tien Saeh da

nh~n dltoc nhung phan hoi tlch qfC t(r phfa dQc gia vi hoan toan khac vai nhung giao trinh hi~n c6 tren th! truong: cae cau hoi va clap an da t~p trung

dung vilo phall nguai hQc quan tam DVC;1C (hlnh Slra va b6 sling trong Ian tai

ban nay, New Real TOEIC Sf tni thanh nguoi ban tin e~y, dong hanh eung ban trong cuQe hanh trinh ehinh phue cae ky thi TOEIC

Khi ETS bat dau ap dung the thile bai thi TOEIC moi, nhi~u thi sinh 10 lang s'

kh6 dat duoe diem eao c3U trlle M thi duoe dieu chinh Vi vay, ho da d6 x6 di mua sach de luy~n thi Tuy nhien, nhung euon sach kh6ng duoc bien

so<)n dtlllg nhu mt,l.c tieu d~t ra, h~u qua 1.3 cae thl sinh da rat that vqng va cang

10 lang hon

New Real TOEIC thi hoim toim khac!

Qua nghien cuu Sal! rcng cau true bai thi TOEle mai, cu6i cung, chung [oi da tim ra bi guyot giup "ic thi sinh VlIot qua nhung ky thi theo phuong phap

hUll hi~u nhat Hoc theo sach nay, cae thl sinh se c6 nhCrng bubc tien cham

nhung vLIng vang va chac chan Sf d~t duoC ket qua cao

Quyen New Real TOEle lall nay duqc bien SO<}.1l voi su gop sue eua nhieu ngLIoi

Chung t6i xin chan cam on: Jun-yeong, Bo-yu va Se-jun - nhung nguai

da hoc tap My trong nhieu nam; Bak Hye-yeong, Baek Ji-yeong, Jeon Sang-su

-si va giang vien Kim Su-yeon - nhung nguoi da bien tjp rat ky luang toan be giao trinh; va d~c biOt I 0 Yong-jin - ehrl tich ccng ty Pearson Education

Korea, Jeong Jong-dae - giam doc ccng ty va trllong phong Bak Sang-yong cling

nhung nguai khac da nhiet tinh giup da chung toi trong qua trinh bien 50<;\n

giaD trlnh

New Real TOEIC




'Ii EM test New TOEIC tMt Sll khong de

Cau hoi trang cae bai lest New TOEle c6 nhieu thay d6i hon so voi TOEle

truae day, khong e6n nhemg cau hoi d.ng ehuy~n d6i m(it vai tU ngu, rna da

d6i sang nhung diu hoi yeu cau thr sinh phAi hi~u r6 nguyen ly thi mai co

th~ tra loi dUQe Bai ki€m tra tcing h9P mo phong bAi thi tlllrc te eua New

Real TOEle c6 nhieu cali hoi 0 muc d¢ kh6 Thi sinh can phai luy~n t~p cae d.ng eau hoi kh6 nay truoe khi buae vao ky thi thue te flay ehinh I each

tich luy kinh nghi~m d~ c6 th~ lam ba.i thi m()t each de dang va hi~u qua

'r Bao gom 5 biii kiern tra tcing hQ'P mo phong biii thi th"e te (tong eQng 1000 eau hoi)

Cu6n saeh e6 cau tao g6m bili ki€m tra rn6 phong bAi thi thue te tong hop d phan Listening Comprehension Ian phall Reading Comprehension va mqt

Pre-Actual Test flay I mot trang nhung euon saeh luy~n thi TOEle day dtl

nhat, ch~c ch~n Sf giup h<J.1l tv tin vUQt qua ky thi New TOEle voj diem s6

mong dQi!


Pre-Actual Test

Pre-Aclual Tesl baa g6m cae bili lesl rna ph6ng bili thi th~e

te nh~m ki~m tra vii danh gia t6ng hQP_ Chuang nay duoe

bien soan M gillp hoe vien co th~ ttl danh gia duoe nAng

lue dla ban than mQt each thilt khaeh quan trui)e bAt

d~u lam cae bai lesl ma ph6ng bai thi th~e te_

'fl\t~i'' .~, '''-"

N!:" ~

, - -

-.. -~

-,,_ - -, _ ~- .-' -- .- ----- ---_.,-_.-

_.-_." _.'-.-.-.-

::::~.:;::.=::::~~~=: ::.:.";:::: :'-,':'::':

::::=-":!".=:'::":.':.: -"::: :;:': ":!:::

__ _ . _ .'_

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_ .... __ _ '._

' • • - O •• M" _ _ , _ _ _ _ • _ _

" M " ••.• _ ' • "'"

. --_ . . ._.-

f, New Pattern

Day Iii goe trlnh bily nhung loai cau hoi moi 6 New TOEIC va cae chien luoe tra loi theo t(rng Part trude ban b£t

d~u lam bili lesl t6ng hop rna phong bili thi thl.re te tLr Pari

1 Mn Part Nho vay, hoe vien co th~ he thong lai mot l~n

nua phuong phap tra liJi eau hoi thea tUng Pari truoe

lam bili lesl t6ng hop_ & Actual Test

.-Phall nay gam co bili test tong hap, la phall 11IY~1l thi hoan

ehinh Nhung bili lesl rna phOng bili thi thtre te trong ph~n nay dUQc bien so~n dt,ra tren ket qua phan tich cae bili thi

TOEIC moi nhat Ngoili ra, thue hilnh nhu~n nhuy~n 800

eau hoi trong cae bili Ie 51 a ph5n nay se gillp hoc vien co dti

tu tin bude vaa ky thi thIJe te

'* Answers

, - - ,


,~,, -. ~ . -.----

" .-__-_~.-_ _ -"-H • • - '-. .-.­"_._"

- --_.,._

---._ -" - ._- -_._ --_ _--._ -_

~-- ' '-­-_._ - Ph~n vOi n¢i dap an g6m e6 bang ke dung loi ghi am nham cae giup I~a chon hoc vien e6 tra loth~ i dung d~ dang eung

ttl kiem tra va danh gia nang I~e lam bai cila ban than qua

mbi bai Ie 51 M c6 su chu£n bi t6t han truoe khi bUde vao ky

thi New TOEIC tlwe teo


W: Well, thank you But I stili need to come up with more creative ways to draw And yes,

I have one at the Forest Gallery, starting

at the end of next week M: Well, we will definitely be there!

W: Hello, Mr Western, Ihis is Janel Robertson from the Life Care Medical Cenler I'm calling to conium your apPointment for tomorrow M: Oh I'm glad you called rvo been losing my

memory lately When am I supposed to come In?

W: At 3:30, and you'll be seeing Dr Singer Do you remember why you're seeing Dr Singer,

Mr Western?

M: I am sorry I JUSI can" remember why I am

seeing him tomorrow I remember Ihat he doesn', have much hair thOugh


-=- M: Are you going to Ihe company picnic Ihls week?

~ W: No, not this week I'll be in Chicago Irom

Wednesday to Fnday for a conference held there With a theme of "Find the purpose of

your life -I hear some grealthings about it M' Oh don't you worry Irs not until next

Monday You'lI be back In time How did you hear aboutlhis conference?

W: My brother went lasl year, and he came back completely changed I You know how he

used 10 grumble about evorythmg? I haven'l

heard a word from his moutl1lhat is negative


~ M: Excuse me, can you see thai postage chart

E= over there? Man, I guess I have to gel a pair


of glasses soon

W: Sure, I can see 1\ from here You need it to send your package, right? What are you

sendtng Sir?

M: It's a book about 200grams I am sending II

to my grandson who is now II years old My lather used to read this to me when I was

young I want my grandson to read il too

It's a greal story!

W: Wow he IS so lucky 10 have a grandfather

like you!

NeVlR~'i.l1 TQEIC LC,'RC '~6

W: Why IS our monthly conference call moved

up 10 7:30 AM ? Man it's so early mlhe mornlngl Don'lthey sleep?

M: It's early so people from the German office can Join In to diSCUSS the September results W Oh, alnght Well, theY'd belter give us

breakfast I hale working In the morning and

especially without some food In my stomach M: Haha, they '0'1111 lor sure They did last lime,


Part IV

Good evening This IS Marshall Ibanez with Ihe weather report It's clear and sunny this morning and warm weather is expected for Ihe

rest of the week There are a few clouds

moving in from Ihe southwest which means

there's a possibility of scattered rain showers

later in Ihe afternoon Tune in again this

evening at 6, when we will have more weathel updates

"-co '1'6 As part of our secltrily learn you need to learn

about our alarm system which automatically notifies Ihe local police department when" is Iriggered To sel the alarm, IIrsl set the switch to 'alarm mode' ther, you wrll need to enler the

access code, which you can find in Ihe blue binder In the recephonrsl drawer Afler you enler

lhe code, press 'conium ser and Ihen sign the

log book II you have any difficulty setting the

alarm, call Mr Corny, our security chief al home


~ Welcome to Ihe Lalleral Ville County Museum

The museum offers guided lours lor our VIsitors The tour lasts about an hour and begms III tile

lobby From there we go to tho second floor and work our way down The nexllour begins III 10

milluies at o'clock While you're wMing, leel

Iree to browse in our 91ft shop at the end of this corridor nex110 the rest rooms The museum and gill shop close al 5:30 We hope you enjoy your visit


, ~ This is the National Assembly Hall it is famous

for its blue stone used In its construction Because of this stone, the Hall is allen referred

to as the 'Blue Room' When we leave the 'Blue

Room', we will cross the road to the Public

Gardens These gardens are famous for the

extensive collection of flowering trees from all over this continent Many of the trees are in bloom and this will be an excellent opportunity to

take some photographs and enjoy some time in the sunshine Later we will gather in the gardens

to have Ollr lunch,

Good moming everyone I'd like to introduce

Shane Bahrn, who will be leading our training

sessions on internet advertising issues Silane is

an expenenced web designer with a baCkground

in marketing Today, Shane will be going over

some webpage design methods, and tomorrow

he Will talk about new interf'let security sollware, We'll have a break at noon and refreshments will be provided, If you didn't receive a guide book,

make Sllre you get a training manual from the

table in the back of the room

::1:-: Good morning n\'O weeks from today the office fire prevention system will be updated to meet f'lew fire safely regulaliof'ls, Next Wednesday U1e workers will be installing the new fire

suppressant devices in the morning To accomplish this task the office will be closed

next Wednesday morning; therelore, not

report to work before lpm In addition,the workers wit! also be performing tests on the

alarm system; however, Ihey have assured me

that we will be able to work through the tests

that afternoon

-. =

-===- This month the gallery Gobombo is featuring an

exhibit of works of Saith's four most

contemporary painters, entitled the colors 01

jewel light The show will present vibrant landscapes of Saith's natural beauty as well as


colorful lively scenes 01 traditional village life Gallery Gobombo is located on Monroe street, directly across Irom a sculpture garden The

gallery is open Tue.-Fri Oa.m.,6p.m., Sat 10a.m.-10p.m., and Sun 12p.m,-6 p,m,

• Welcome to Peterson's hand blown glass works Glass blowing dates back hundreds 01 years and came to this country in the late 17th century

We don't go back that far, but our company did open its doors in the late 19th century, And while many industrial changes took place in the 20th century, glass blowing hasn't changed much Our specially too, remains the same, No, not shot glasses but rather hand blowf'l candle

holders Now tet's begin our tour by looking out the south window where we can see some yellow colored candles holders being made


-=- Good morning, this message is lor Ms Bathy Piner; this is Fang Pushing at Data Trans and

today IS June 1st I'm calling back with details

about the training program schedUled for the sl

week 01 July I'm going to be on vacation the last week of June, but II you send the

information to me at our main office during the 2nd week 01 June, I will lake care of the

arrangements before I leave, Our address is the

one given Of'l our web site: but the program will

be administered at the Playon building on the other side 01 the street from our oftices; that's

the same place we used last time Thank you so

much, goodbye

Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen I'm

honored to be here and truly grateful to receive

this award When I started FGI Global Exports

years ago, I never dreamed that one day I would be standing here, lowe a 101 to Dr Gin, my Economics Professor at Michigan State

University; he taught me the true meaning of leadership As the Chairperson 01 FGI, I promise that we will maintain to keep a market position in the export lield while catering to the needs 01 our employees and our customers around the world

Ngày đăng: 11/03/2021, 07:39



