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unit 13 hobbies tiếng anh 11 hồ hồng duyên thư viện giáo án điện tử

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- Give the sentence to the person on the 1 st table of each teams, they have to whisper the message to the other until the last player gets the message.. - Make teams and play together[r]


Tran Quang Khai High School


Class: 11a17 Length of the lesson: 45 minutes

No of students: Date: March 16th, 2016

Unit 13: HOBBIES

Part E – Language Focus

I Aims of the lesson : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to distinguish and pronounce sounds /pt/, /bd/, /ps/ and /bz/ Furthermore, they also know and use the cleft sentences correctly and suitably

II Teaching aids : Textbook, board, pieces of paper

III Key symbols : T – Ss: Teacher – Students Ss – Ss: Students – Students W/C: Whole class IV Procedures:

Stages Stage aims Time Procedures Interaction


Teacher Students

Warm – up stage

Review the previous lesson: /skr/ sound and get ready for the new lesson

5ms - Ask students to make teams to play game: Whisper

“I scream and you scream, we all scream for an ice cream”

- Give the sentence to the person on the 1st table of each teams, they have to whisper the message to the other until the last player gets the message

- Make teams and play together


- The last person, who gets the passage, has to run quickly to the board and writes down the message

- The team, which writes the right message, will be the winner

- Allow them minutes to play - Introduce the topic

Pronunciatio n

Check their knowledge about how to pronounce ending sound –ed and –s/es If they are not clear about these sounds, remind them again

20ms - Show 12 pieces of paper:

Steps Robbed Robs Stops Stopped Stabbed Jumped Maps Grabbed Shops Trapped Clubs - Divide class into teams

- Ask each team to arrange these words with the ending sounds:

 Team A: /pt/  Team B: /bd/  Team C: /ps/  Team D: /bz/

- Allow them minutes

- Ask them to show their answers on the board

- Check with the whole class and give the rules:

- Ending –ed:

 Case 1: voiceless consonants

ending: /k, p, f, s, ʧ, ʃ, ɵ/  -ed

= /t/

- Make the team

- Arrange the words as require

- Show the answers to the board

- Check together and give the rules

- Take notes

T – Ss

Ss – Ss


 Case 2: voiced consonants, vowel

and diphthong ending: /v, b, g, z, r, m, n, l, ʤ, ɗ, n/  -ed = /d/  Case 3: verbs ends in /t, d/  -ed

= /id/ - Ending –s/es:

 Voiceless: /p, t, k, f/  -s/es = /s/  Voice: /b, d, g, r, l, m, n, w, v/ 

-s/es = /z/

 /ʧ, ʤ, ʃ, z/  -s/es = /iz/

- Ask students to practice reading aloud the sentences in their books

- Allow them minutes to practice - Invite some students to read out loud

- Practice reading aloud

- Read out loud

T – Ss

Grammar Introduce the cleft sentences, which result from changing the normal sentence pattern to emphasize a particular piece of information

20ms - Give an example:

Maya gave me a cake yesterday.

S O Adv

- Ask students to look at the sentence and identify what part of speech of the underline words (S, O and Adv) - Ask students to look at following

sentences to find out the similar and different

 It was Maya who/that gave me a cake


It was a cake that Maya gave me

- Look at the example and identify some part of speech

- Look at examples and give the answers



 It was yesterday that Maya gave me a


- Ask students to think and give the rule:

It + is/was + S/O/Adv + relative

clause (that + S + V (+Adv) or that + V + O)

- Explain the rule We can transform the sentence in different ways depending on which part of it we want to bring into focus

- Ask students to make teams and the grammatical exercise in their textbooks

- Prepare pieces of paper, each piece has a number (1 – 7)

- Teams take turn to take a piece of paper If they have number 1, they need to all the sentence number in exercises

- Allow them minutes

- Ask them to check the answers with their friends

- Invite some students to write down the answers on the board

- Listen and take notes

- Make teams

- Choose a piece of paper

- Do exercise

- Check the answers with friends

- Give the answers on the board

Ss – Ss


- Check with the whole class - Suggested answers:

A Exercise 1:

1 It was the boy who visited his uncle last month.

2 It was my mother who bought me s present on my birthday.

3 It was Huong and Sandra who sang together at the party.

4 It was Nam’s father who got angry with him.

5 It was the boys who played football all day long.

6 It was the girl who received a letter from her friend yesterday.

7 It was his presence at the meeting that frightened the children.

B Exercise 2:

1 It is English that the man is learning. 2 It was a book that the woman gave


3 It was the postcard that she sent her friend.

4 It was the book that Hoa borrowed from Long.

5 It was his grandfather who/that the little boy greeted in a strange language.


6 It was the policeman who/that the pedestrian asked a lot of questions. 7 It was the stranger who/that the dog

barked at.

C Exercise 3:

1 It was in the garden that the boy hit the dog.

2 It was for tea that she made some cakes.

3 It was for him that his father repaired the bicycle.

4 It was on his birthday that she presented him a book.

5 It was in Britain that he met his wife. 6 It was from the shop that she bought

that present.

7. It was at 8.00 a.m that the meeting



Get students practice cleft sentences at home

1m - Complete the left exercises in their textbooks

- Prepare the next lesson

Ngày đăng: 10/03/2021, 13:49



