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Unit 13. Films and cinema

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- Explain the usage of 2 forms + Adj-ing: used with the nouns reffering to things implying the active meaning. +Adj-ed: used with the nouns referring to people implying the passive m[r]


Ngày soạn: 04/03/2017 Ngày dạy……… Người soạn: Trần Thị Thu Uyên

English 10

Unit 13

Films and Cinema

Language Focus I.OBJECTIVES

By the end of the lesson, students can: + pronounce the sound /f/ and /v/ correctly + use the correct forms of adjective of attitude + use the stucture “It is/was not until ….that …” + use the articles “a, an, the” correctly


_ Textbook and notebook, board, hand out III PROCEDUCES

Stages/ Time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1.Warm up

(3 minutes) _ Draw a flower and the number “ ” _Ask Ss “What is this” _Lead in: Today we will learn how to pronunce sound /f/ and /v/ Unit 13, Part E Lanuage focus

_Aswer the question _Suggested answer +Flower

+ Seven 2.Pronunciation

( minutes)

_Demonstrate the sound /f/ and /v/ _Teach Ss how to pronunce the sounds _Ask Ss to listen and repeat all the words in their books times

_Let Ss check note the case that prounucing /f/ or /v/

* /f/: the words beggin with “f”, the words end by “gh”,”ph”

* /v/: usually the words with “v”


_Read all sentences, ask Ss to listen and underline the words having the sounds /f/ and /v/

_Ask Ss to work in pairs, underline the words having the sound /f/ and /v/ and practice the sentences

_Listen and repeat _Check notes


_Call on some Ss to read the sentences and point out the sounds

_Correct their pronunciation

_Read the sentences and point out the sounds

3.Grammar 1. Adjectives of attitude(12’)

- Give Ss examples

Ex 1/ a, The cartoon “Tom and Jerry” is so exciting

b, I am very excited in the cartoon

Ex 2/ a, I found the book boring b, The book made me bored - Ask Ss to give the Vietnamese


- Point out forms of adjectives of attitude

- Explain the usage of forms + Adj-ing: used with the nouns reffering to things implying the active meaning

+Adj-ed: used with the nouns referring to people implying the passive meaning


- The structure :

S + find/make + O(things) +Adj –ing S + find/make + O(people) + Adj-ed - Ask Ss to write down the usage - Let Ss the exercise

- Call on Ss to write down the answers - Call on Ss to give comments

- Let Ss explain the answers - Check the answer

2 It is/was not until …… that… ( … thì…)(15’)

- Give Ss a example:

* Quang didn’t know how to dance until Loan taught him

~> It was not until Loan taught Quang that he knew how to dance

- Give Ss the form

It is/was not until … that S + V(s/es)/ V(II/ed)

- Explain the tense

-Give the Vietnamese meaning

-write down the usage - Do the exercise - Write down the answers - Give comments

- Explain the answers *Suggested answers


- Ask Ss to write down the form - Ask Ss to work in pairs and


- Call on Ss to write down the answers - Call on Ss to give comments

- Let Ss write down the answers

- Write down the form - Do exercise with the


- Write down the answers - Give comments

- Write down the answers

3 Articles (a/an/the)(5’)

- Give Ss example

+ I have a pen, I have an apple The pen is beautiful, the apple is sweet


- A/an + sing.N (danh từ số ít), indefinite + A : a noun beginning with consonant + An: a noun beginning with vowel - The + N, definite

*Note : The + N + of + the N - Let Ss write down the usage

- Give Ss the hand out of using the articles - Let Ss exercise

- Call on Ss to give the answers

- Write down the usage - Do exercise

- Give the answers

4.Homework (2’) - Ask Ss to complete the exercises - Ask Ss to prepare the next lesson

- Complete the exercises - Prepare the next lesson


Ngày đăng: 10/03/2021, 13:39

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