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cut cut cut C¾t say said said Nãi do did done Lµm see saw seen Nh×n, thÊy draw drew drawn vÏ sell sold sold B¸n drink drank drunk Uèng send sent sent Göi drive drove driven [r]


Bảng động từ bất quy tắc: (irregular verbs) Infinitive (Nguyên mẫu) Past (Qúa khứ) Past participle

(Quá khứ phân từ)

Meanings (nghĩa) Infinitive (Nguyên mẫu) Past (Qúa khứ) Past participle

(Quá khứ ph©n tõ)



awake awoke awoken Thøc dËy lie lay lain N»m be was/ were been Thì, là, lose lost lost Mất

bear bore born Sinh, chịu, mang make made made Làm, sản suất beat beat beaten đập, đánh mean meant meant Có nghĩa become became become Trở nên, trở thành meet met met Gặp

begin began begun Bắt đầu mistake mistook mistaken Phạm sai lầm break broke broken Vỡ, làm gãy pay paid paid Trả (trả tiền) bring brought brought Mang put put put để

build built built Xây dựng read read read đọc buy bought bought Mua ride rode ridden Cỡi

catch caught caught Bắt, đón ring rang rung Rung chuông choose chose chosen Chọn, lựa rise rose risen Mọc lên, bốc lên come came come đến run ran run Chạy

cut cut cut Cắt say said said Nói did done Làm see saw seen Nhìn, thấy draw drew drawn vẽ sell sold sold Bán drink drank drunk Uống send sent sent Gửi drive drove driven Lái (lái xe) set set set đặt để eat ate eaten ăn sew sewed sewn May vá, khâu fall fell fallen Rơi, ngã, té shine shone shone Chiếu sáng feel felt felt Cảm thấy shoot shot shot Bắn feed fed fed Ni nấng, cho ăn shut shut shut đóng find found found Tìm thấy sing sang sung Hát fly flew flown Bay sit sat sat Ngồi get got gotten đợc, đạt đợc sleep slept slept Ngủ give gave given Cho speak spoke spoken Nói go went gone stand stood stood đứng grow grew grown Mọc, lớn lên steal stole stolen Lấy trộm

hang hung Treo spend spent spent Trải qua, tiêu xài have had had Có sweep swept swept quÐt

hear heard heard Nghe take took taken Lấy, cầm hit hit hit đụng teach taught taught Dạy hold held held Cầm giữ, tổ chức tell told told Nói, bảo hurt hurt hurt Làm đau think thought thought Suy nghĩ keep kept kept Giữ throw threw thrown ném know knew known Biết understand understood understood Hiểu

lay laid laid để win won won đợc, chiến thắng lend lent lent Cho mợn write wrote written Viết


- ……… 2) They learned English last year.

- ……….

3) Did my father buy 10 desks yesterday?

- ……….

4) They gave him a present when he retired.

- ……….

5) He finished his work at about o’clock.

- ………

6) They didn’t tell me all the details of the case.

- ………

7) His father took him to school yesterday.

- ………

8) She answered the questions on the paper.

- ………

9) How did he keep his field in good condition?

- ………

10) Minh cleaned his room yesterday.

- ……….

* Hoàn thành câu sau dạng câu bi động 1) He wrote a letter last night.

- ………

2) They learned English last year.

- ……….

3) Did my father buy 10 desks yesterday?

- ……….

4) They gave him a present when he retired.

- ……….

5) He finished his work at about o’clock.

- ………

6) They didn’t tell me all the details of the case.

- ………

7) His father took him to school yesterday.

- ………

8) She answered the questions on the paper.

- ………

9) How did he keep his field in good condition?

- ………

10) Minh cleaned his room yesterday.

- ……….

* Hoàn thành câu sau dạng câu bi động

1) He is writing a letter to his friend

- ……… 2) She learns English

- ……… 3) Does her father buy 10 books at the bookstore?

- ……… 4) They gave me an English book when I left school

- ……… 5) Minh is answering the questions


6) They didn’t speak Vietnamese in the class

- ……… 7) Her teacher took her to school yesterday

- ……… 8) Mr Ha answers the questions on the paper

- ……… 9) They use this computer everyday?

- ……… 10) Tom repairs his bike

- ……… 11) They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview - ……… 12) Ha and Mi should the homework before going to bed - ………

* Hoàn thành câu sau dạng câu bi động

1) He is writing a letter to his friend

- ……… 2) She learns English

- ……… 3) Does her father buy 10 books at the bookstore?

- ……… 4) They gave me an English book when I left school

- ……… 5) Minh is answering the questions

- ……… 6) They didn’t speak Vietnamese in the class

- ……… 7) Her teacher took her to school yesterday

- ……… 8) Mr Ha answers the questions on the paper

- ……… 9) They use this computer everyday?

- ……… 10) Tom repairs his bike


Ngày đăng: 08/03/2021, 10:13

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