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Teaching aids: book, text book, tape, cassette player, pictures.. T reminds Ss the structure.[r]


Preparing day: 14/12/11 week: 13

Teaching day: 17/12/11 period: 38

Unit 6: Places

Lesson (C3, 4, 6)

I. Objective: by the end of this lesson students will be able to practice more prepositions of place to describe the position of the place with Wh-questions: What is + prep ? Use the town vocabulary to speak

II. Teaching aids: book, text book, tape, cassette player, pictures. III. Procedures:

Contents Teacher and students’ activities

Warm up - Hangman: MOUNTAIN Introduction

T introduces game Ss play game

T praises the winner

T introduces the new lesson Presentation

New words:

- the drugstore: hiệu thuốc - the toystore : cửa hàng đồ chơi - the movie theater: rạp chiếu phim - the police station: đồn cảnh sát - the bakery :tiệm bánh mì - photocopy store : tiệm phơtơ - between :

Checking technique.

Structures: revision the structure:

Where + be + S?

S + be + preposition + place?

T pre-teaches new words

Ss listen and read the new words in chorus then individually

T checks pronunciation

Rub out and remember T reminds Ss the structure

Ss take note and make sentence with this structure


3 Listen and read.

4 Practice with a partner.

5 Remember.

T plays tape for twice

Ss read the dialogue in chorus then individually

T asks Ss to practice in pairs

T corrects pronunciation mistake if any

T explains the job Ss practice in pairs

T calls on some pairs to read before class

T corrects pronunciation mistake if any


Ss listen and take note then read them Production


S1: There’s a bakery near my house S2: There‘s a bakery and bookstore near my house

S3: There’s a bakery, bookstore and a hotel near my house

T introduces game Ss play game

T takes feedback and corrects T praises the winner

IV. Home works:

Learn by heart the new words Prepare the next lesson

Preparing day: 14/12/11 week: 13


Further practice


Objective: by the end of this lesson students will be able to master with all the grammar and vocabularies that they have learnt

II. Teaching aids: book, text book, tape, cassette player, pictures. III. Procedure:

Contents Teacher and students’ activities

Warm up: matching

- the drugstore cửa hàng đồ chơi - the toystore đồn cảnh sát - the movie theater tiệm bánh mì - the police station

- the bakery tiƯm ph«t« - photocopy store r¹p chiÕu phim - between hiÖu thuèc


T introduces game Ss play game

T praises the winner

T introduces the new lesson Presentation

Review the structures:

S + be + Adj

Which grade/class are you in?

- I’m in grade /class 6A

Which floor is your classroom on?

- It is on the first floor

How many floors does Phong’s school have?

There are two floors What time is it? It’s Where + is/are + noun? What is there+ giới từ địa điểm When+do/does+S+have/has+subject

 S+have/has+subject+on+they of a


Yes/No questions

Do you play soccer? Yes, I / No, I don’t Does she

Yes, she does / No, she doesn’t

The simple present tense

I, We, You, They + V He, She, It, Marry + V_s/es

Thêm es động từ tận bằng: -o, -ss, -x, -z, -ch, -sh

Where + be + S?

S + be + preposition + place?

T reminds the structure that they have learnt

Ss listen and take note Ss make sentences with the structure

T takes feedback and correct



Chia động từ ngoặc


Ba (wash) his face



She (go) to school at 6:15


Where you (live)?


She (have) breakfast at 6:00 2. WH question: điền từ để hỏi vào

chổ trống

a …….do he b …… class is she in c …… does he get up d …… you spell it 3. Trả lời câu hỏi thân a How you spell your name? b Is your school big?

c Where you live? d When you get up?

4. Sắp xếp từ sau thành câu hoàn chỉnh

a Ba/six/gets/up

b The/near/a/ there/rice paddy/the house/is

c He/lunch/twelve/has/at

d Do/what/you/morning/every/do?

Ss takes feedback and corrects

IV. Home works:

Learn by heart the new words Prepare the test

Preparing day: week: 14

Teaching day: period:40



Chia động từ ngoặc


Ba (watch) TV


She (get) _ up at 5:45


Where(do) she (live) _?


They (have) breakfast at 6:00

II. WH question: điền từ để hỏi vào chổ trống 1) …….do your father do?

2) …… class are you in? 3) …… does he get up? 4) …… you spell it?

III. Trả lời câu hỏi thân. 1) How you spell your name? 2) Is your school big?

3) Where you live? 4) When you get up?

IV. Đọc đoạn văn sau trả lời câu hỏi True/False

Phong’s school is in the country It is small There are eight classrooms There are four hundred students in the school

Thu’s school is in the country It is small There are twenty classrooms There are nine hundred students in the school

1/ Phong’s school is in the country 2/ Thu school is small

3/ There are four hundred students in Phong’s school 4/ There are eight class room in Thu’s school

V. Nghe đoạn văn, chọn từ cho sẳn khung

1) museum stadium temple hospital

2) store bookstore restaurant hotel

3) park lake yard river

4) hotel tree street house


Part I:

1 watches gets

3 does / live have Part II:

1 what which when how part III:

Học sinh trả lời ngữ pháp Part IV:

1 True False False True Part V:

1 museum (There are three museums in the city.)

2 bookstore (The bookstore is in the other side of the street.) river (She walks along the river every morning.)

4 street (Children can’t play soccer on the street.)

Preparing day: week: 14

Teaching day: period: 41


I. Objective: by the end of this lesson students will be able to listen to a dialogue and read a letter about a house to understand the details

II. Teaching aids: book, text book, tape, cassette player, pictures. III. Procedure:

Contents Teacher and students’ activities

Warm up Kim's game: Look at the picture, try to remember the things and write them


T introduces games Ss play game

T introduces the new lesson Presentation

New words:

- a garden: vườn - a vegetable: rau - a photo : ảnh

- dear: thương mến (lời chào thư)

Checking technique.

Structures: -Simple present tense: Is there a/an ?

Yes, there is./ No there isn’t Are there any ?

Yes there are/ No there aren’t Is it… ?

Yes it is/ No, it isn’t

* True or false prediction. a The house is in the country b There is a river near the house c There are trees to the left of the house

d There are two gardens

T pre-teaches new words Ss listen and take note

Ss read the new words in chorus then individually

Rubout and remember T pre-teaches the structure Ss listen and take note

Ss practice by making sentence with each structure

T explains the job

Ss guess the statement is True or False


1 Listen then practice with a partner.

Now work with a partner Ask questions about their house.

2 Listen and read Then match the questions and answer.

T sets the sense, and plays tape for twice

Ss listen and practice with a partner T explains the job

Ss practice

T corrects pronunciation mistake if needed

T sets the sense and play tape for twice

Ss listen and practice

T takes feedback and correct Production

*True or false statements. a The house is in the country


b There is a river near the house c There are trees to the left of the house

d.There are two gardens * Hang man


T introduces game Ss play game T praise the winner

IV. Home works:

Learn by heart the new words Prepare the next lesson

Preparing day: 20/12/11 week: 14

Teaching day:23/12/11 period: 42


I. Objective: by the end of this lesson students will be able to practice the

question with: “ Is there a …/ Are there any …?” and short answers to describe the town

II. Teaching aids: book, text book, tape, cassette player, pictures. III. Procedure:

Contents Teacher and students’ activities

Warm up hang man



T introduces game Ss play game T praise the winner

T introduces the new lesson Presentation

New words:

- a bank: ngân hàng - a post office: bưu điện - a super market: siêu thị - a shop: cửa hàng

- any:

Checking technique

T pre-teaches new words

Ss listen and read the new words in chorus then individually

T corrects pronunciation mistakes if needed

Rub out and remember Practice

3 Practice with a partner 4 Work in pairs Look at the

picture Choose one of the house Don’t tell your partner which house Ask questions to find which house your partner chooses 5 Listen to this description

Which house is it? 7 Remember

T explains the job and models Ss practice in pairs

T corrects pronunciation mistake if any T explains the job and models

Ss practice

T sets the sense and plays tape for three times At the 2nd interrupt for Ss to choose

Ss listen and choose the house T reminds the structures and vocabularies that Ss have learnt Ss listen and take note

Production Lucky number

1. Is your house big? 2. Lucky number

3. Are there any trees in your yard?

4. Are there any lakes in your house.?

5. Lucky number

6 Is your house beautiful? Is there a yard in your house?

T introduces games


IV. Home works:

Ngày đăng: 06/03/2021, 00:29
