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[1] Some people say that reading is not now as important as it was. These days we have photographs, films, radio, and television. Why read a description of something when you can glance[r]



THÀNH PHỐ ĐÀ NẴNG TRƯỜNG THPT CHUN LÊ Q ĐƠN Khố ngày 21 tháng năm 2008


Môn thi: Tiếng ANH

(hệ số 2)

Thời gian: 150 phút (khơng tính thời gian giao đề)

Thí sinh làm đề thi

Chú ý: Đề thi có 07 trang, thí sinh kiểm tra lại số trang đề thi trước làm

Chữ ký Giám khảo 1 Chữ ký Giám khảo 2 Điểm số Điểm chữ Số phách


I Choose the best option to complete each sentence Write either A, B, C or D in the box for answer (20 marks)

1 You're _ your time trying to persuade him; he'll never help you

A spending B wasting C losing D


2 How much exercise doctors you should take to avoid a heart attack?

A suggest B ask C force D


3 They called from the car to let us know they were on their to our house

A road B path C track D way My sister on holiday twice this year

A was B was being C has been D had been

5 She _her essay for a third time to make sure there weren't any mistakes.

A went off B made out C came across D went through

6 How many languages does Tom speak? - He speaks three foreign languages.

A almost B at least C as many D


7 That old vase will an attractive lamp-holder.

A compose B form C make D assemble

8 Do you want in the morning?

A waking up B to wake up C to be waking up D to be woken up

9 If he working on his report, he’ll have finished it by tomorrow.

A keeps B kept C is keeping D has kept

10 At the time, his father a poorly-paid job in the local shop.

A has B had C is having D will have 10

11 Are you for or smoking in public places?

A out B against C down D off 11

12 Are you paying cash or cheque?

A with B on C in D by 12

13 He always chooses to sit the back.

A at B on C on D to 13

14 She takes her mother.

A for B up C in D after 14


15 Is there any reason she can’t come?

A because B that C which D why 15

16 you are strongest in the group, you can take the lead.

A As B Although C So that D Even if 16

17 After his long absence from school he found it difficult to up with the rest of his class A take B make C catch D work 17

18 Of all the national parks in the United States, Yellowstone is visited.

A one of the most B of the most C one most D the most one 18 19 Radio communication has changed the rapid development of other communication media,

such as television.

A because its B because of C it is because D is because its 19

20 Nobody but Tam and Lan interested in Physics.

A is B are C have D seem 20

II Use the correct form of the word in brackets Write your answers in the box provided

(10 marks) Answers

The old lady hid all her (save) under the carpet

2 Please (fast) _ your seat-belt The plane is taking off

3 Her (anxious) was so great that she broke a glass

4 Her hair is (red) _, not bright red

5 This document requires a (sign) _ I’ll always remember that holiday It was an (forget) _ experience

7 The software (able) you to access the Internet in seconds

8 The train journey, which took sixteen hours, seemed (end)

9 Skiing is a (season) sport

10 (Fortune) _ I won’t be able to join you for dinner this evening 10

III Underline the mistake in the following sentences and write your correction in the box provided There is one mistake in each sentence (10 marks)


1 Some people believe that humans will never use away all the natural resources of


2 The film star, with his friends, are going to the party tonight

3 I knew his name because we'd ready met each other


7 Unlike another department stores, this one does not open on Sundays Several people, their voices could be clearly heard, were waiting outside Of the millions of stars in the galaxy, how much are suitable for life? 10 In those days of frequent air travel, diseases can spread around the world in

a very short time 10


I Read the text below and select the best option for each blank Write your answers (A, B, C, or D) in the box provided (10 marks)


An earthquake is a trembling of the earth’s surface and is caused by natural (1) within the earth itself About a million earthquakes are (2) each year, but the vast (3) are small and cause little or no (4) (5) the energy of a large earthquake can be 10,000 times more powerful than that of the first atomic bomb The terrible earthquake that (6) the cities of Tokyo and Yokohama in Japan in 1923 caused an estimate of 142,807 deaths Even (7) disastrous was an earthquake in China when about 655,000 people died

Most earthquakes (8) under the ocean bed Many of these are harmless, but sometimes tidal waves are set up on the (9) The waves are not high in the middle of the ocean, but they travel quickly, and may be huge as they rush up a shallow shore Such devastating walls of water can (10) widespread destruction

1 A resources B strength C forces D powers

2 A shown B caught C studied D recorded

3 A area B majority C number D amount

4 A hurt B injury C damage D pain

5 A Although B Yet C Therefore D Similarly

6 A destroyed B covered C threatened D affected

7 A more B if C though D so

8 A stay B occur C come D attack

9 A ground B air C mountain D surface

10 A stop B cause C influence D change 10

II Read the passage below and choose the answer that best expresses the meaning of the words in bold type Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the box provided (5 marks)

No one really likes going to the doctor, even though it is the sensible thing to when feeling ill Most people tend to postpone making an appointment in the hope that things will get better in a day or two Yet a common cold or mild case of the flu can sometimes be discussed with a doctor over the telephone Bed rest and a lot of liquids may be the best treatment However, the sooner a person reports any abnormal conditions to a doctor, the sooner he or she can intervene and treat the problem Any illness that lasts longer than a day or includes a fever should be looked at Early treatment may impede the progress of an illness and curtail its spread to other family members It is always best to contact a doctor Doctors should decide whether their patients need appointments

1 When people postpone something, they

A announce it publicly B put it off until later 1

C remember to it D refuse to it later A lot of liquids means

A taking a lot of medicine B doing a lot of exercise 2.

C eating a lot of food D drinking a lot of water



3 An abnormal condition is one that is

A very common B illegal 3

C not normal D expensive to treat

4 When people impede the progress of something, they

A blow it up B improve it 4.

C slow it down D change it

5 When people curtail something, they

A spread it quickly B give it away 5.

C cut it short or reduce it D move it about

III Read the text below and answer the questions Write your answer in the box provided (10 marks) Does Reading Really Matter?

[1] Some people say that reading is not now as important as it was These days we have photographs, films, radio, and television Why read a description of something when you can glance at a photograph? Why read a novel when we can see a film? Why read a newspaper when the latest news is brought to us hourly on radio and TV?

[2] Photography was certainly a wonderful invention Photographs can give a very accurate idea of places and of people that we have never seen An encyclopaedia, for example, is always better for good illustrations But we also need words to explain the photographs and drawings A photograph of an elephant may give us a very good impression of what an elephant looks like, but it tells us nothing about where elephants are found, what types there are, what their exact size and weight are, how they are useful to man and so on

[3] In the same way, a good feature film has action, movement, colour and maybe music These are things we not find on the printed page But reading a novel has certain advantages over watching even an excellent feature film Reading a novel requires imagination and each of us imagines a story differently [4] Television news broadcasts can certainly be interesting But we need newspapers as well Some important events happen when there are no cameras around More importantly, a newspaper does not just report the news It explains what has been happening It also contains interesting articles on many subjects Newspapers are an important part of our lives, if we want to understand what is going on in our own community and in other parts of the world

[5] Reading is thus essential for information and pleasure We need to be good readers to enjoy a full life as human beings Moreover, reading is a skill, and like other skills, it needs practice The more we read, the better readers we become And the better readers we become, the more we enjoy reading! The secret is to get the reading habit Read at least a little every day

1-4 The author disagrees with FOUR of the following views What are they?

A) Reading is no longer important

1 B) The radio brings you the latest news more quickly than newspapers

C) A good encyclopaedia should have photographs D) An encyclopaedia must have writing

E) Photographs of elephants are not very informative F) Films are not worth seeing

G) When we read a novel we must use our imagination H) Some important news cannot be shown on television I) We don’t have to read regularly

5 The author likes photographs, films and television, but he

A also wants to prove that reading is the best form of entertainment B doesn’t think that they are important

C wants us to understand that reading has advantages that these other forms of communication lack D says he never likes these forms of communication

6 In paragraph [1], three questions are asked Who is supposed to be asking these questions?



A The author himself

B People who enjoy reading very much

C People who think reading is not now important D People who think reading is a skill

7 Paragraph [2]

A compares photographs with an encyclopaedia B explains why photographs cannot replace writing C proves that photographs can be most informative D is about things we have never seen

8 Paragraph [3]

A points out that a film has many advantages over reading B says that there is not good music in a feature film C explains why reading a novel can still be enjoyable D explains why we watch a film differently

9 Paragraph [4]

A wants to prove that television is better than newspapers B explains why we still need newspapers

C explains what makes television become more important D explains why we want to understand our life

10 According to the author, the secret of reading is A to make reading a habit

B not to read much C never to make it a habit D not a habit

IV Fill in each of the blanks with ONE appropriate word (10 marks)


Everyone loves Harry Potter! He is one of the most (1) _ characters in the world His creator, J.K Rowling, is now a successful writer, but life was not always easy for her (2) in 1965, Rowling grew up in a small town in England She played in the surrounding fields, imagining that they were (3) _ of magic

Misfortune hit when Rowling was 15 Her mother became ill and died several years (4) _ Rowling had a baby and then her marriage (5) up She became deeply depressed

Harry Potter saved her While sitting on a train in 1990, Rowling got the (6) _ for Harry "All at once, the idea for Harry just (7) in my head… I have never been so excited."

Unemployed and poor, Rowling started writing She worked extremely (8) _ , writing day after day in a cafe, with her baby next to her In 1996, when she tried to sell her first Harry Potter story, twelve publishers (9) it Then she finally received good news - the thirteenth publisher had accepted it! "I felt so happy," Rowling said, "that it was going to be a real book on the shelf of a (10) _."

1 …… …… 10 ……….……


I Rewrite the second sentence in such a way that it has the same meaning as the one before it Write your answer in the box provided (8 marks)

1 Who owns this umbrella?


Who does ……….….? Let’s go fishing this week-end

Why ………?

3 The machine was too rusty to be repaired The machine ………

3 My sister eats very little because she does not want to put on weight

My sister eats very little so as ………

5 Everyone heard about the accident before I did I was ………

5 Patience is a key to succeed in life

As long as you are

6 It’s a long time since I read such a good article

I haven’t……… “I must see the manager!” the customer


The customer insisted ………


II Complete the second sentence in such a way that it has the same meaning as the one before it, using the word given in brackets DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD (7 marks)

1 Is he familiar with the weather yet? (used) Has he ……… the weather yet?

1 That’s the strangest story I’ve ever heard!

(strange) I have never ……… story before!


3 We are friends although we have disagreements about some things (despite) We are friends ……… disagree about some things


4 Sue is the only person who has replied to the invitation (nobody) Apart ……… replied to the invitation


5 He never takes any notice of his teacher’s advice


He never ……… his teacher’s advice


6 “Do you realize what the time is, Tom?” asked his



Tom’s sister asked him … it was


7 They think the chair was made in the 17th century. (thought) The chair is ……… in the 17th century.


III Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following sets of words and phrases, sentences which together make a complete letter asking for information on a writing course (10 marks)

Dear Prof Adams,

1 I / write / find out / you plan / offer / course / report writing


2 There / quite / number / writing courses / available / city


3 However / majority / these courses / seem / about / grammar


4 My problem / writing / logical / well-organized / reports


5 Also / I find / difficult / give / good suggestions


6 A course / where / teacher / time / evaluate / students / writing / be / best


7 I know / classes / start / two weeks / so / time / rather short


8 I / heard / many / excellent compliments / your / school


9 Your / new teaching methods / seem / very popular


10 I hope / find / suitable course / will help me 10


Harriet Washington

The End





Mơn thi: Tiếng ANH

(hệ số 2)

Thời gian: 150 phút (khơng tính thời gian giao đề)



I Choose the best option to complete each sentence (20 marks) B A D C D B C D A 10 B 11 B 12 D 13 A 14 D 15 D 16 A 17 C 18 A 19 B 20 A

II Word formation (10 marks) savings fasten anxiety reddish signature

6 unforgetable enables endless seasonal 10 Unfortunately III Mistake correction (10 marks)

1 use away  use up are  is ready  already eating  to eat developing  to develop hear  heard another  other their  whose

9 how much  how many 10 those days  these days


I Select the best option for each blank (10 marks) Earthquakes

1 C D B C B A A B D 10 B

II Choose the answer that best expresses the meaning of the words in bold type (5 marks) B D C C C

III Choose the best answer to each question (10 marks)

1 - 4: A, E, F, I C C B C B 10 A (any order)

IV Fill in each of the blanks with ONE appropriate word (10 marks)

1 famous/ wellknown / popular Born full later broke up / ended up idea appeared hard refused 10 bookstore / bookshop



I Rewrite the second sentence in such a way that it has the same meaning as the one before it (8 marks)

1 Who does this umbrella belong to? Why don’t we go fishing this week-end?

3 The machine was so rusty that it couldn’t be repaired My sister eats very little so as not to put on / gain weight I was the last person to know about the accident As long as you are patient, you will succeed in life I haven’t read such a good article for a long time The customer insisted on seeing the manager

II Complete the second sentence in such a way that it has the same meaning as the one before it, using the word given in brackets (7 marks)

1 Has he been used tothe weather yet?

2 I have never heard such a strange / a stranger story before We are friends despite the fact that we disagree about some things Apart from Sue, nobody has replied to the invitation

5 He never pays any/much attention to his teacher’s advice Tom’s sister asked him if/whether he realized what time it was The chair is thought to have been made in the 17th century

III Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following sets of words and phrases, sentences which together make a complete letter asking for information on a writing course (10 marks)

Dear Prof Adams,

1 I am writing to find out if you plan to offer a course on report writing There are quite a number of writing courses available in the city However, the majority of these courses seem to be about grammar My problem is writing logical,/(and) well- organized reports

5 Also, I find it difficult to give good suggestions

6 A course where a/the teacher has time to evaluate students’ writing would be the best I know classes start in two weeks, so time is rather short

8 I have heard many excellent compliments on your school Your new teaching methods seem to be very popular 10 I hope you can find a suitable course that will help me

THE END Ghi chú: - Mỗi câu điểm, tổng số điểm: 100

- Tính theo thang điểm mười: 100:10 = 10 đ - Các điểm lẻ ghi sau:


Ngày đăng: 04/03/2021, 20:20

