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Tải Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 5: Technology and you - Lesson 1 - Giáo án điện tử môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10

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- Give correct answers and explain all the words carefully to make sure the students understand the meaning of the words + Task 2: Passage Headings.. - Ask the students to read the pass[r]




I Objectives:

1 Education aims: - Students know more about computers.

2 Knowledge: a General knowledge: - Knowledge about the computer and its uses b Language: - The present simple tense

- Vocabulary concerning computers Skills: - Speaking: talk in pairs and in groups

- Reading comprehension: matching, answering the questions II Anticipated problems: understanding the words of computers.

III Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk. IV Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Homework checking (5 mins)

- Ask two sts to EX2 and EX4 in the workbook on the board

- Ask other sts to give remarks - Give remarks and marks 2 Before you read (10 mins)

- Aims: to prepare information and vocabularies for the topic.

- Ask sts to look at the textbook and work in pairs to match each numbered item with one of words or phrases in the box

- Introduce some new words: + mi'raculous (adj): remarkable.

+ de'vice (n): a thing for special purposes. + a'ppropriate (adj): suitable

+ 'storage (n): the storing of information + 'data ( n - U): information

+ 'memo (n): a record of agreement

+ leave (n): the time that a person is permitted to be absent from work

- Ask sts to listen and read the words again then ask some sts to read again

- Listen and check

3.While you read: (20 mins )

- Aims: Read the passage for information to the tasks. + Task 1: Matching.

- Ask the sts to read the passage individually and Task 1: the words in A appear in the reading passage Match them with their definition in B

- Give correct answers and explain all the words carefully to make sure the students understand the meaning of the words + Task 2: Passage Headings.

- Ask the students to read the passage more carefully and choose the best title for it

- Give further explanation and tyhe correct answer

- Give explanation to some words/ phrases or expressions if

EX 2:

1 stimulate origin disabled sorrow professional opposition 7 time - consuming exhibit EX 4:

1 She used to play the piano but she hasn't played the piano for years. 2 She used to be very lazy but she works very hard these days.


- Look at the board and listen to the teacher

- Key: 1- D; - E; - G; - C; - A; - F; - B; - H - Listen to the teacher's remarks - some sts stand up to read the words again

- Read the passage and the task individually

- Share their answers with their partners

- Some sts give out their answers c; - e; – a; - b; - d

- Compare their answers with their partners

- C What can the computer do? - Self-correct the work

- Work in pairs to to ask and answer - Answers:

S1 : What can the computer to help us in our daily life?

S2: It can help us visit shops, offices and places of interest; pay bills; read newspapers.



+ Task 3: Answering questions.

- Ask sts to work in pairs and answer the questions using the cues

- Go around the class and provide help if necessary - Call on some pairs to report in front of the whole class - Listen and give remarks

4 After you read: (9 mins )

- Aims: Give sts a chance to discuss the topic - Ask sts to work in groups to discuss two questions: 1 What are the advantages of computers?

2 What are the disadvantages of computers? - Move around to conduct the activity - Ask some representatives to report 5 Homework: (1 )

- Part A (page 28 )

S4: Because it is capable of doing anything you ask; it can speed up the caculations, ect.

- Suggested ideas: 1 Advantages: - storing data

- a means of entertainment

- a useful device in many services. 2 Disadvantages

Ngày đăng: 04/03/2021, 09:48


