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VINH UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE THE VERB “TO HOLD” AND ITS PHRASE VERB IN ENGLISH STORIES (ĐỘNG TỪ “TO HOLD” VÀ CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ CỦA NÓ TRONG TRUYỆN NGẮN TIẾNG ANH) Time of research: Student:Nguyễn Thị Khánh Ly Supervisor:M.A Nguyễn Thị Vân Lam Vinh, 2010 ACKOWLEDGEMENT For the completion of this work,I have been fortune to receive invaluable contribution from many people.First of all,I would like to express the great thanks to the supervisor:Nguyễn Thị Vân Lam for her enthusiatic help,excellent sugestions Secondly,I would like to express a deep thank to some students in class 48A1_English for giving me some important ideas and their encouragement and help Thirdly I would like to thank my loving parents who provided me many good conditions,the great consolation from beginning to end Finally,I am all too aware that despite all the advice and assistance.I feel that the thesis is far from perfect,it is,therefore,my sole responsibility for any inadequacies and short comings that the thesis may be considered to have ABSTRACT Verb plays an important role in sentence as well as language teaching and learning.In this article,the author discusses the definition and the usage of main verbs,especially,the verb “to hold” from specific details of English stories TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: INTRODUCTION 1.Reason for choosing the Study 2.Aims and Objectives of the Study 3.Methods of the Study 4.Scope of the Study 5.Design of the Study PART II: CONTENTS Chapter I : Overview on English verbs The general matters 1.Verb classifications 1.1 Auxiliary verbs 1.2 Ordinary verbs 2.Verb forms 2.1 Forms of auxiliary verbs 2.2 Forms of ordinary verbs 3.The grammatical catergories of the verbs 3.1 Tense 3.2 Aspect 3.3 Voice 3.4 Mood 4.Verb phrase of the verb “to hold” Chapter II : “To hold” in English stories Verb “to hold” with the meaning “to keep” or “to reverse” Verb “to hold” with the meaning “in a particular position” Verb “to hold” with the meaning “to organize” Verb “to hold” with its phrase verbs Verb “to hold” with prepositions Chapter III: Findings and discussion PART III CONCLUSION REFERENCES PART I: INTRODUCTION Reason for choosing the study It can not be denied that English nowadays is very popular and become an international language in the world.And the number of the people use English to communicate and to learn as the first language has been increasing day by day.In Vietnam,everyone is aware of English learning importance,so the need of learning English has been popular all fields such as economic,culture,society,education etc That is why learning-teaching courses are opened,the quality of training is better day by day.Learning English is very necessary and impotant nowadays.However,it is not easy for students to learn English.Because each English word has many meanings and is used in different context,especially,verbs.We find it so interesting thus researching the English verb is my thesis.According to Ph.D Do Thi Kim Lien (1990:90),she states that : “verb is the complicated word class,it is used widely and takes a leading –position the lexical stock,the verb play a nuclear role in forming the sentence”.And this is the specialization of English verbs because in a sentence,verb is one of the main key for the learners to understand the meaning of the sentence as well as the context of using that verb.That is why the verb is very useful and important in all languages When learning English,we find some problems of learners in approaching to the verb.In my thesis,I want to mention to the verb ‘to keep’ and ‘to catch’ from English stories Aims of the study -Helping learners understand the usage of the verb ‘to catch’ and ‘to keep’ when they are used as an ordinary verb and their meaning in each different context -By means of teaching sugesstion of the verb ‘to catch’ and ‘to keep’,we hope that my small thesis will give some contributions to help learners find mistakes in the process of learning English Methods of the Study -Analysis method We analysise the usage of the verb ‘to hold’ in some English stories and find the way using these verbs in suitable contexts Scope of the Study -Studying the verb ‘to hold’ in some english stories and then find the context of those verbs from those stories Design of the study This project consists of three parts:Introduction,contents and Conclusion Part I: Introduction -Reason for choosing the study -Aims of the study -Methods of the study -Scope of the study -Design of the study Part II: Contents Chapter I: Overview on english verbs Chapter II: ‘To hold” in english stories Chapter III: Findings and Discussion Part III Conclusion PART II :CONTENTS Chapter I :Overview on english verbs The general matters In every language,the verb is considered as a part of speech denoting an action,a process,a state or expressing an idea or emotion,the being of person or thing in the universe.So,the verb play an important role in forming the construction of the sentence.it is very necessary to research a comprehensive understanding of verb 1.Verb classification Verbs can be classified into Auxiliary verbs and Ordinary verbs 1.1 Auxiliary verbs Auxiliary verbs are verbs that have grammatical function in the verb phrases,help complete the meaning of the verb phrase There are two kind of auxiliary verb: -Primary auxiliaries :be,do,have -Model auxiliaries :must,should,can,need,ought to,etc 1.2 Ordinary verbs Ordinary verbs are those that denote action or state and they carry full dictionary meanings There are many catergories to classify ordinary verb: + According to the ability,to be used in progressive form,verbs are classified into Stative and Dynamic verbs _Stative verbs: are verbs that usually refers to a state or condition which is quite static or unchanging.They can be divided into verbs of perception or cognition(which refers in the mind) or verbs of relation(which describe relationships between things) Ex: hate,like,know,taste,smell,sound,want,think… _Dynamic verbs: can be used in the simple and the perfect forms as well as the continuous or progressive forms Ex: eat,drink,go,type,read,write,listen,speak,what… According to the relationship between the verbs elements in the clause,we classify verb into: Intensive and Extensive + Extensive verbs:are verbs that take subject complement(Cs) or obligatory verb(Aob) Ex: She is beautiful S V Cs I am at school S V Aob _Intensive verbs :are verbs that not take any object There are 2kinds of intensive verbs in English: +Transitive verbs are verbs that have a direct object.Some transitive verbs have both a direct object and an indirect object Ex : I like cows It is further divided into three classes: - Monotransitive verbs: have only one object and a direct object Ex: I know the answer S V Od - Ditransitive verbs: are verbs that have two objects,a direct object and an indirect object Ex: I told him S V Oi the answer Od - Complextransitive verbs: have a direct object and a compliment(a word or phrase that says something about the direct object) Ex: They have painted their house purple I will prove you wrong - Intransitive verbs: are verbs that have neither a compliment nor a direct object is an intransitive verb Ex: My brother never smokes in the house 2.Verb forms 2.1 Ordinary verbs Ordinary verbs often have five forms: the base form,the s-form,the past.the –ing participle and the –ed participle.Ordinary verbs occur themselves in sentences and convey some action + Verbs with forms V= V-ed1 =V-ed2 Ex: Set V-s V-ing Sets Setting + Verbs with forms V=V-ed2 Ex: Come V-s V-ed1 V-ing Comes Came Coming + Verbs with forms (most of the ordinary verb) V Drink V-s Drinks V-ed1 Drank V-ed2 Drunk V-ing Drinking + Verbs with forms: There is only verb “be” Be: am,are,is,was,were,being,been 2.2 Auxiliary verbs - Auxiliary verbs are verbs that are used along with a main verb to make different tenses or to express ideas such as possibility,necessity and permission.There are two kinds of these verbs: +Primary auxiliaries: be ,have,do.They can act both as lexical verbs and as auxiliary verb: I have a new car I have bought a new car +Modal auxiliaries: can,could ,may,might,would,shall,should,and must.They are follwed by bare infinitive whereas lexical verbs are followed by to infinitives: I want to know what happened I not like ice cream We should work hard The grammatical categories of the English verbs 3.1 Tense In English, absolute time expression labels specific points in time, such as October 10th,2010,or points within a repeating unit of time such as 2:00 am(which label a time within a day) and Tuesday(which labels a day within the week).The second type of expression may be used for repeating events or states or for a single events.We might expect reference to the time of events and states to end up grammatical too.In fact many, if not most,morden languages have a system for this,called Tense, built into their grammar.Tense morphology divides and states into the general grammatical categories,PAST ,PRESENT , and FUTURE + Simple present - The timeless present : expressed with the simple present form.It expresses the habitual action as well the universal statements Ex: She often gets up late - The limited present: expressed with the present progressive Ex :She is studying at Cua Lo high school + Simple past: indicates that an activity or situation took place and ended at a particular time in the past.It is found with adverbs referring to past time such as: yesterday,last night,last year,last month,ago,etc… Ex: He died three year ago + Future tense: English does not have future tense,but a number of possibilities of denoting future time,future functions can be denoted:Shall (in st persons only)+ V,Will (in all persons) + V .Besides,Be going to +V;be about to +V ;be +Ving;will be +Ving Ex: I am going to finish my project next week I will go to travel this summer 3.2 Aspect The aspect concerns the manner in which the verbal action is experienced There are four subcategories of aspect: - The simple aspect :S/V-s/V-ed1 Ex: she brushes her teeth every day She used to cry when she was a child - Perfective aspect : Have +V-ed2 This is related to time such as : so far,sine,for,before.already,recently… Ex : I have learnt English for years They have become good friends since they saw at the first sight - Progressive aspect : Be + V-ing It indicates temporariness – an action in progress instead of the occurrence of an action or the existence of the state Ex: they were playing volleyball then - Perfect progressive aspect : Having been +V-ing Ex: I have been waiting for you for hours 3.3 Voice In grammar,the voice of the verbs describe the relationship between the action (or state) that the verb expresses and the participants identified by its argument( subject,object).When the subject is an agent or doer of the action,the verb is in the active voice.When the subject is patient,target or undergoer of the action,it is said to be in the passive voice Ex: In the sentence : the cat ate the mouse The verb is an active voice but in the sentence : The mouse was eaten by the cat And the verbal phrase ‘was eaten’ is passive In a transformation from active-voice clause to an equivalent passive voice construction,the subject and the direct-object switch grammatical roles.The direct object get promoted to subject and subject demoted to an complement.In the examples above,the mouse served as a direct object in the active voice version,but become the subject in the passive version.The subject of the active voice version,the cat,becomes part of a prepositional phrase in the passive version of the sentence,and could be left out entirely 10 3.4 Mood English verbs have four moods: indicative mood,impercative mood,subjunctive mood,infinitive mood.It indicates the speaker’s attitude to the predication -Indicative mood: expresses an assertion,denial or question Ex: Have you finished your homework? Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam -Imperative mood: expresses command,prohibition,entreaty,or advice: Ex: Take care! Don’t smoke in this building -Subjunctive mood: expresses doubt or somethingcontrary to fact Modern English speakers use indicative mood most of the time,resorting to a kind of ‘mixed subjunctive’ that make use of helping verbs: Ex: If I should see him ,I will tell him Americans are more likely to say: Ex: If I see him,I will tell him The verbs MAY can be used to express a wish: Ex: May you have any more birthdays The verb WERE can also indicate th use of the subjunctive: Ex: If I were you,I wouldn’t tell a lie with your friend Infinitive mood: expresses an action or state without reference to any subject.It can be the source of sentence fragments when the writer mistakenly thinks the infinitive form is a fullyfunctioning verb When we speak of the English infinitive,we usually mean the basic form of the verb with ‘to’ in front of it: to go,to sing,to speak,to talk… Verbs said to be in the infinitive mood can include participle forms ending in –ed,nad – ing.Verbs and infinitive mood are not being used as verbs,but as other parts of speech: Ex: To err is human;to forgive.Here to err and to forgive are used as nouns He is a man to be admired.Here,to be admired is an adjective,the equivalent of admirable.It describes the noun MAN 5.Phrase verbs: Phrase verb is an idiom which consists of a verb followed by a preposition,a verb followed by an adverb or a verb followed by a verb followed by an adverb,followed by a preposition Ex: I ran into a old friend We put off washing the dishes 11 They all look up to him In these examples the phrase verb “to run ino” consists of the verb “to run” followed by a preposition “into”,the phrase verb “to put off” consists of the verb “to put” followed by an adverb “off” and the phrase verb “to look up to” consists of the verb “to look” followed by the adverb “up,and followed by the preposition “to” There are some characteristic of the phrase verbs: 5.1.Phrase verb consists of a verb followed by a preposition In the case of a phrase verb,the verb followed by the preposition forms an expression with an idiomatic meaning For example:_ the phrase verb “to come across” is an idiomatic expression with the meanng “to find” _the phrase verb “to frown on” is an idiomatic expression with the meaning “to disapprove of” +The position of the object of the preposition The object of a preposition usually follows the preposition,whether the object is a noun or a pronoun Ex: We have launched into a new project Or we have launched into it + The position of an adverb of manner modifying the verb: If the verb is followed by a preposition,an adverb of manner may be placed between the verb and the preposition Ex: I leafed quickly through the book +Stress in spoken English: When a verb followed by a preposition occur at the end of a clause,it is usually the verb is stressed in spoken English Ex : Noone likes to be laughed at The verb ‘laughed’ followed by the preposition “at” occur at the end of a clause and the verb “laughed” is stressed + Expressions in which the verb has an object In the case of some phrase verbs consisting of a verb followed by a preposition may each have an object Ex : I can make nothing of the situation The verb “make” of the phrase verb “to make of” has an object “nothing” and the preposition “of” has the object “situation” 12 5.2 Phrase verbs consisting of a verb followed by an adverb.Some of these phrase verbs are intransitive and some are transitive Ex: The intransitive phrase verb “to show off” is formed from the verb “to show” followed by the adverb “up”.In the following example,the phrase verb does not have an object : At ten o’clock her brother showed off The transitive phrase verb “to sort out” is formed from the verb “to sort” followed by the adverb “out” Ex: We sorted out the papers + The position of the object of the verb In the case of transitive verbs consisting of a verb followed by an adverb,if the object of the verb is a noun,the object can usually either follow or precede the adverb Ex: I called off the meeting I call the meeting off However,in the case of a few phrase verbs,a noun object must usually follow the adverb Ex: We attempted to smooth over the disagreement +The position of an adverb of manner modifying the verb In the case of the phrase verb consisting of a verb followed by an adverb,the verb and adverb usually may not be separated by an adverb of manner Ex: I hurriedly called off the meeting + Stress in spoken English When a phrase verb consisting of a verb followed by an adverb occur at the end of the clause,it is usually the verb which is stressed in spoken English Ex: How did that come about? + Ergative verbs: There are a few phrase verbs consisting of a verb followed by an adverb,which have the same meaning whether they are used transitively or intransitively Ex :The engineer slowed down the train The train slowed down 13 CHAPTER II: VERB “TO HOLD” AND ITS PHRASE VERB IN ENGLISH STORIES I Verb with some meanings: 1.“To hold” with the meaning “ to keep” This is basic of meaning of “hold”,we can use these two verbs is to express “keep” or possess” in most of the tenses Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much They were the last people you'd expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn't hold with such nonsense (Harry porter,ChapterI,p.1) We can summarize the similarity between two verbs: “to hold” with the meaning “reverse” S + hold +Noun/object Two footmen, the princess' and his own, stood holding a shawl and a cloak, waiting for the conversation to finish They listened to the French sentences which to them were meaningless, with an air of understanding but not wishing to appear to so The princess as usual spoke smilingly and listened with a laugh (Harry porter,Chapter II,p 28) And: Dolokhov still sat in the same position, only his head was thrown further back till his curly hair touched his shirt collar, and the hand holding the bottle was lifted higher and higher and trembled with the effort The bottle was emptying perceptibly and rising still higher and his head tilting yet further back "Why is it so long?" thought Pierre It seemed to him that more than half an hour had elapsed (Harry porter,Chapter IX,p 72 ) The latter, a fresh, rosy officer of the Guards, irreproachably washed, brushed, and buttoned, held his pipe in the middle of his mouth and with red lips gently inhaled the smoke, letting it escape from his handsome mouth in rings (Harry Porter,Chapter xviii,p 130) The count, holding his cards fanwise, kept himself with difficulty from dropping into his usual after-dinner nap, and laughed at everything 14 (Harry Porter,Chapter XX,p 146) The princess, holding her little dog on her lap with her thin bony hands, looked attentively into Prince Vasili's eyes evidently resolved not to be the first to break silence, if she had to wait till morning (Harry Porter,Chapter XXI,p 161) A little behind them stood the two younger princesses holding handkerchiefs to their eyes, and just in front of them their eldest sister, Catiche, with a vicious and determined look steadily fixed on the icons, as though declaring to all that she could not answer for herself should she glance round (Harry Porter,Chapter XXIII,p 180 ) "I don't even know what is in this paper," said the younger of the two ladies, addressing Prince Vasili and pointing to an inlaid portfolio she held in her hand "All I know is that his real will is in his writing table, and this is a paper he has forgotten " (Harry Porter,Chapter XIV,p 190) But, whether he had not noticed the trick, or did not dare to attempt it, the 'new fellow,' was still holding his cap on his knees even after prayers were over It was one of those headgears of composite order, in which we can find traces (Madame Bovary) "No- promise that you will not refuse! It will give you no trouble and is nothing unworthy of you, but it will comfort me Promise, Andrusha! " said she, putting her hand in her reticule but not yet taking out what she was holding inside it, as if what she held were the subject of her request and must not be shown before the request was granted (HARRY PORTER,Chapter XXVII,P 236) “TO HOLD”with the meaning “keep in a particular position” Besides holding our hearts together through long periods of separation, it had the effect of making us tolerant of each other's yarns and even convictions 15 Even before Miss Taylor had ceased to hold the nominal office of governess, the mildness of her temper had hardly allowed her to impose any restraint; and the shadow of authority being now long passed away, they had been living together as friend and friend very mutually attached, and Emma doing just what she liked (Jane Austen,Emma) Pierre was ungainly Stout, about the average height, broad, with huge red hands; he did not know, as the saying is, to enter a drawing room and still less how to leave one; that is, how to say something particularly agreeable before going away Besides this he was absent-minded When he rose to go, he took up instead of his own, the general's three-cornered hat, and held it, pulling at the plume, till the general asked him to restore it (Harry Porter,Chapter viii,p 60 ) The black, hairy, snub-nosed face of Vaska Denisov, and his whole short sturdy figure with the sinewy hairy hand and stumpy fingers in which he held the hilt of his naked saber, looked just as it usually did, especially toward evening when he had emptied his second bottle; he was only redder than usual (Harry Porter,Chapter VIII,p 61) Tall and stout, holding high her fifty-year-old head with its gray curls, she stood surveying the guests, and leisurely arranged her wide sleeves as if rolling them up Marya Dmitrievna always spoke in Russian (Harry Porter,Chapter XVIII,p 62 ) they whispered to one another, and the old servant who was holding the count's hand got up and said something to the ladies Anna Mikhaylovna stepped forward and, stooping over the dying man, beckoned to Lorrain from behind her back (Harry Porter,Chapter XXIII,p 181) “To hold” with the meaning “to organize” He hold a grudge with Orochimaru for consistently showing him up, and fucked with him in the wrong manner 16 (Godfather,Chapter I,p ) ‘TO Hold’ with its phrase verb: In this case,we can only use “to hold” to be connected in some phrase,but not another verbs: Dolokhov was holding the Englishman's hand and clearly and distinctly repeating the terms of the bet, addressing himself particularly to Anatole and Pierre (Harry Porter,Chapter IX,p 67 ) 'Hold your noise!' cried a terrible voice, as a man started up from among the graves at the side of the church porch 'Keep still, you little devil, or I'll cut your throat!' (Great Expectation,Charles Dicken) ‘TO Hold” with the meaning ‘catch up with” or “to pursue” Why upon your first voyage as a passenger, did you yourself feel such a mystical vibration, when first told that you and your ship were now out of sight of land? Why did the old Persians hold the sea holy? Why did the Greeks give it a separate deity, and own brother of Jove? Surely all this is not without meaning And still deeper the meaning of that story of Narcissus (Moby Dick) “To Hold” with prepositions -Hold up: to express the meaning “to raise something high”He couldn't know that at this very moment, people meeting in secret all over the country were holding up their glasses and saying in hushed voices: "To Harry Potter the boy who lived!" His daughter, Princess Helene, passed between the chairs, lightly holding up the folds of her dress, and the smile shone still more radiantly on her beautiful face Pierre gazed at her with rapturous, almost frightened, eyes as she passed him (Harry Porter,Chapter iv,p 30) ‘Against your will He will save and have mercy on you and bring you to himself,for in Him alone is truth and peace’,said she in a voice trembling with emotion,solemnly hoding up in both hands before her brother a small,oval,antique ’ (Harry Porter,Chapter ,p 237) -Hold out: express the meaning “stretch forth (a hand )” 17 "Catiche has had tea served in the small drawing room," said Prince Vasili to Anna Mikhaylovna "Go and take something, my poor Anna Mikhaylovna, or you will not hold out." (Harry Porter,Chapter XXIV,p 188 ) After a few more turns of the lathe he removed his foot from the pedal, wiped his chisel, dropped it into a leather pouch attached to the lathe, and, approaching the table, summoned his daughter He never gave his children a blessing, so he simply held out his bristly cheek (as yet unshaven) and, regarding her tenderly and attentively, said severely: (Harry Porter,Chapter XXV,p 199) "Read this if you like, Father," said the princess, blushing still more and holding out the letter (Harry Porter,Chapter XXV,p 200) "You at least must tackle him properly, or else if he goes on like this he'll soon have us, too, for his subjects! How are you?" And he held out his cheek (Harry Porter,Chapter XXVI,p 219) Baxter gulped down the yellow fiery liquid and held out his glass to be refilled (Godfather,chapter IV,p ) _Hold on: express the meaning “keep one’s grasp something: The princess did not reply Their efforts in the struggle for the portfolio were the only sounds audible, but it was evident that if the princess did speak, her words would not be flattering to Anna Mikhaylovna Though the latter held on tenaciously, her voice lost none of its honeyed firmness and softness (Harry Potter,Chapter XXIV,p 191) ‘All right.Fifty imperials….that I will drink a whole bottle of rum without taking it from my mouth,sitting outside the window on this spot’(he stooped and pointed to the sloping ledge outside the window) and without holding on to anything.Is that right? (Harry Porter,Chapter IX,p 69) 18 Chapter III: Findings and discussion Verb is a very wide category and also easy to make learner have some difficulties in accessing.Because it is related to many aspects such as: voice,verb form and mood.Especially, verb phrase is a very complex problem as well.In order to help learner leave out the common mistakes,we find it necessary to find out them and show some measure to get learners correct them and improve their abilities in learning process 1.COMMON MISTAKES: +English verb is different from Vietnamese verb about verb form,so it is difficult to identify use suitable verb and phrase verbs.In other words,each verb has many different meanings when connecting with different prepositions or verb phrase Ex: hold on ≠ hold up +On the other hand,the errors in concord are often made by pupils.English is quite different from Vietnamese in making tense concord etc therefore,Vietnamese learners studying Englih must pay attention to the tense,mood,gender but in Vietnamese they not so Ex: They don’t use “he holds his hand up” Instead of saying: “ he hold his hand up” Using structure wrongly is also common mistake of Vietnamese learners Ex: they hold it down Or they hold down it +Sometimes there is some difficulties in distinguishing between “to keep” and “to hold” Ex: “keep your hand” Or “ hold your hand” II.Some measures to leave out the mistakes Finding out mistakes is a difficult thing but correcting them is even more difficult.Most of the mistakes Vietnamese learners often make is that using not right context and tense concord.The best way to leaving out mistakes worthless is that learners should try to use the verb “hold” correctly and should its meaning and usage in each suitable context.I think there are some advices that may be used in learning the verb “have” _Identify the base differences between ‘to hold’ and ‘to keep’ _Do exercises and practice regularly with friends,teachers to have good knowledge of this verb _try to find out the mistakes as well as the reasons for these mistakes.After that try to correct them to limit or advoice making mistakes later 19 2.Teaching suggestions In order to help Vietnamese learners avoid making mistakes above when teaching the verb “to hold”,teacher should explain the usage,the meaning of it for their students to understand Such as: when the verb “to hold” connect with other prepositions,the teacher should emphasize the meaning and usage of that phrase for their students easy to remember longer Teacher should give the students more chances ro make the sentences with this verb and practice it 3.Suggested exercises: Some following exercises are typical which will help learners improve their knowledge about this verb Exercise 1:Put the correct form of the verb “to hold” 1.Yesterday I ……… 2.This room …… one hundred people 3.sometimes I …….my breath when I swim under the water 4.please … the baby till I get the pram where is my bag?-You ……….it Exercise 2: Translate into Vietnamese: 1.This classroom holds 56 students “hold your noise!” I don’t want to hear about it any more 3.He didn’t hold his promise that makes me very sad 4.You should hold your hand or someone will arrest you soon 5.She always holds her breath when she swims 20 REFERENCE 2.Madame Bovary, http://www.planetpdf.com/ebookarticle.asp?ContentID=madame %5Fbovary&gid=6146 3.Charles Dicken,Great Expectation, http://www.planetpdf.com/ebookarticle.asp? ContentID=great%5Fexpectations&gid=6140 4.Madame Bovary, http://www.planetpdf.com/ebookarticle.asp?ContentID=madame %5Fbovary&gid=6146 5.Heart of Darkness ,http://www.planetpdf.com/ebookarticle.asp?ContentID=heart%5Fof %5Fdarkness&gid=6142 6.http://www.vnsay.com/hoctienganh/thread-1946.html Jane Austen,Emma: http://www.planetpdf.com/ebookarticle.asp?ContentID=emma&gid=613 7.Leo Tolstoy,War and peace,Russkiy Vestnik, 8.Mario Puzo,The Godfather 21 Part III: CONCLUSION 1.Recapitulation and Implications “to hold” is a ordinary verb which has many meanings in concrete contextsand this study is only a small part in the total study about English grammar as well as about verb phrase.Through this study we understand the use of “to hold” more.However,the meaning is being expressed,it depends on the context,the aim of speaker.We should be more careful when use it.By doing this study,we hope it will help learners very much when the tasks relating to it.In other words,we can find some ways to improve the usage of the verb “to hold” in teaching as well as learning English and it will helps learners reduce mistakes 2.Suggestion for further study Because of the restriction of documents and times,having some mistakes can not be avoidable.We would be very greatful to receive suggestion,comment on my study Vinh,May,2010 22 ... ,http://www.planetpdf.com/ebookarticle.asp?ContentID=heart%5Fof %5Fdarkness&gid=6142 6.http://www.vnsay.com/hoctienganh/thread-1946.html Jane Austen,Emma: http://www.planetpdf.com/ebookarticle.asp?ContentID=emma&gid=613

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