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ACKNOWLEDGMENT My first graceful acknowledgment is made to Mrs Nguyen Thi Van Lam, MA my supervisor who helped me devotedly with her profound knowledge and experience in teaching as well as great enthusiasm, she has given me alot of advice, commonts and encouragement for the accomplishment of my study My thesis could not be complete without contribution of my all teacher in English Language Departement and a lagre amout of reference I have get from th library My deepest thanks are for my beloved family and my friends who always stand by my side, help and encourage me during my preparation till th completrtion of the study I have tried to the best of my ability, however, as a result of the limitation of knowledgment, experience as well as materials and mistakes are unvoidable Thus, I would like receive any regard and comment from you on my study Vinh, 17, May, 2010 Luong Thi Hien i ABTRACT When communication has become more and more important to people all over the world and English is the international language, it is urgent and common that there are more people who speak English fluently However, not all people can use English as their second language.Pronuciation was born from the necessaris of communication between two or more language speaking people It is no easy to be a good and skillfull pronuciation because pronunciation is a major that needs a lot of skills and need much hard – working This research is an attempt to investiage the position of pronucing vowel in English This analysis will help students to improve their pronunciation skills as well as gives teachers insights their students level and method of practicing ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ABSTRACT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii PART I INTRODUCTION Justification of the Study Aims and Objectives of the Study Methods of the Study Scope of the Study Format of the Study PART II Development CHAPTER THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 What is Pronunciation the vowels of American English? 1.1.1: Defnition 1.1.2: What is important of Pronunciation? 1.2.3: English Pronunciation for Students 1.2 The Way for You Improve Your Pronunciation 1.3 What is Advantages? chapter Describle the symbol and position vowels 2.1 introduction 2.2 How to describle and Name Pure Vowels 2.3 Classification of the English Vowel 2.4 Short and Long Vowel English iii Page i 2.4.1: Short Vowel 2.4.2: Long Vowel 2.5 Dipthong and Tripthong 11 2.5.1: Dipthongs 11 Definition 11 Describle about Dipthong in American English 11 2.5.2 Triptnong 13 Definition 13 chapter 3: some note on problems pronunciation on your OWN 14 1.1 Notes for Teacher 14 1.2 Using English Pronunciation on your own 14 1.2.1: Exercise 14 1.2.2: Practice 14 1.2.3: Check Yourself 15 part iii: conclusion 16 Recapitulation and 16 Suggestions for and Further 16 references 17 iv using english Implications Stuties PART I INTRODUCTION 1.Justification of the Study What you distinguish what’s your friends want to speaking! It is language! Language in general and English in specific Nowaday, English has become very popular and widely used all over the If you want to understant about peole you must know language and the most important is pronunciation, It make clearly words and helped to people easier comprehensive when comunication with foreign language because almost peope have mistake about coversation When I study this thesis will help you improve your pronouncing As you know that pronunciation is a initial study to you understand and vocabulary distinguish So that I want to research thesis before to myself know about exactly, the second will helps many learn foreign language easier because in order to comprehensive pronouncings complete not easy Although English pronunciation emphasizes pronunciation It can also help you increase your vocabulary: When you not understand a word or idiom In order to English pronouncings exactly is very difficult so that this research useful to you and I hope that it will aparts to you improve your pronouncings Aims and Objecives of the Study The Study Aims at: Studing how to improve and renovate the process of the process of the learning and teaching English pronunciation Clarifying the usefulness of Language speaking and their applications in learning pronunciation Recommending some symbol to be applied in teaching pronunciation at American English 3.Methods of the Study This study investigates English Pronounciation employing several methods as followed The first method applied in this investigation is the rewied of pulished The second is the analysis the use of pronouncing in English.Contrastive analysis and comparative methos have been applied Additionally, both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed in the thesis: First is find out data from source such as: books, further books Second is analyse and inflect the data and choose essential useful data which research need Final is join the datta which are chosen throughly to finish the resaerch Scope of the Study Language speaking can be applied in a large dimansion of practcing English such as grammar, structure, phrases, vocabulary, speaking, writing skill and so on However, within the scope of a study paper, it is out of question to cover all the aspects concerning the teaching and learning English and to touch all kinds of speaking skill This paper only focuses studying the role of speaking skill and learning English pronunciation Format of the Study This paper consists of three main parts:part I: Intrudoction; part II: Development: Chapter Theoretical Background, Chapter Development, and Chapter Some Note on Problems and Using Englsih Pronunciation on your own; Part III Conclusion PART II Development CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Background Dr Paulette Dale is a full frofessor of Speech Communication/Linguistics at Miami-Dale College and an adjunct professor in the graduate program in Linguistics at Florida International University Dr Dale is an internationally know author and consultant in the area of English Pronunciation and Speech Communication Her pulished works include numberous articles, a pronunciation program written for Berlitz International, and five successful texts pulished by Pearson Education ( English Pronunciation for International Students, English Pronunciation for Japanese Speakers, Speech Communication for International Students, and Speech Communication Made – Simple: A Multicutural Prerspective) Dr Dale’s pronunciation program have been feaured in newpapers and on radio and TV talk shows She has conducted workshops in techniques of teaching English pronunciation for professional and teachers world wide and has made presentions at a variety of U.S and international TESOl conferences You probably want to know what the purpose of this thesis is, and what you can expect to learn from it An important purpose of the thesis is to explain how Englsih is pronounced in the accent normally chosen as the standard for people learning the English spoken in England I study about “ English pronunciation” to the comparatively advanced leved context of a general theory about speech sounds.Why is it necessary to learn this theortical background? The same question arises in connection with grammar: at lower levels of study one is concered simply with setting out how to form grammatical setences but people who are going to work with the language at an advantced level as teachers or researchers need deeper understanding provided by the study of grammartical theory and related areas of linguistics The theorical material in the present thesis is necessary for anyone who needs to understandt the principles regulating the use of sounds in spoeken Englsih 1.1: What is pronunciation the Vowels of American English? 1.1.1 Definition As you progress through English pronunciation, you will frequently see the terms articulartors, vowels, dipthongs, and tripthongs We will know difine these terms for you Articulartors: The articulartors are different parts of the mouth area that we use when speaking, such as the lips, tongue, teeth, and jaws.Includes: Nose Upper and lower teeth Upper and lower lips Tongue: tip, blade, front, back, root Alveolar ridge Hard palate Soft palate / velum Pharynx Larynx Vowel: A vowel is a speech sound produced with vibrating vocal cords and a continuous unrestricted flow of air coming from the mouth The most well – know vowels in English are: A E I O U The various vowel sounds are affected by the changing shape and position of your articulartors The different vowels are created by: The position of your tongue in the mouth For example, the tongue is high in the mouth for the vowel [ i ] as in “ see ”, but is low the mouth for the vowel [ a ] as in “ hot ” The shape of your lips For example, the lips are very rounded for the vowel [ u ] as in “ new ” But are spread for [ i ] as in “see” The size of your jaw opening For example, the jaw us open much wider your for [ a ] as in “ hot ” than it is for the dipthongs [ei ] as in “ play ” Dipthong: A dipthong is a combination of vowel sounds It begins as one vowel and ends as another Puring the production of a dipthong, your articulators glide from the position of the first Vowel to the positoin of the second For example, when pronouncing [ ei ] as in “ vein ” your articulators glide from the vowel [ e ] to the vowel [ I ] In English, the most common dipthongs are [ei] ,[ai], [ɔi], [aU], and [oU] Tripthong: The most complex English sounds of the vowel type are the tripthongs They can be rather difficult to pronounce, and very difficult to recognise A tripthong is a glide from one vowel to another and then to a third, all produced rapidly and without interruption For example, a careful pronunciation of word “ hour ” begins with a vowel quality similar to [ a: ], in English, the most commom tripthongs: [aʊ̯ə] , [aɪ̯ə], [eɪ̯ə], [ɔɪ̯ə], [əʊ̯ ə] 1.1.2: What is important of Pronunciation? English Pronunciation is designed to help students develop pronuciation skills and overcome pronunciation problems when speaking English.We understand how frustrating it is to have some say “ I can not understand you because of your accent ” We know that students of English as a second language may be afraid of to use certain words like rise and berry , for instance English Pronunciation gives students the fundamental understanding of pronuciation and the confidence they need so they langer have to avoid certain words and phrase Most important, studens not have to be misunderstood by other people English Pronunciation can be use either as a classroom textbook or as a comprehensive program for self – study The most important, English pronunciation used indepently, by studens who want to be better understood in English presented in class, easy to understand terms, the material in this thesis 1.1.3: English Pronuciation for Students I had been look for some material about English Pronunciation so that in the “Longman Dictionary of American English” defined accent as “ a ways of speaking that someone has because of where s/he was born or lives” So the truth is, we all have accents! In fact, you should be proud that you speak English with an accents A “Foreign” accent tell people that you speak at least two language And the world would be very dull if we all sounded the same Unfortunately, the disadvantage to having a “Foreign” accents is that it may hinder effectved communication in your native language and cause you to be misunderstood of North American English This will enable you to communicate clearly what you want to say Frequent practice and reviews is importand 1.2: The Ways for you improve your Pronunciation When I am research this thesis I would like all students in the world improve your accents because it is very importand to you with communication so that I will gives some ways: you must practise sessions at least three or four time a week, even if you can only manager 20 or 30 minutes each session We know this is hard work, take breaks when you get tired Improvement takes time, but little by little, you succed 1.3: What is Advantage? If you live or work among Engish speaker, you will quikly finds ways to apply what you learn in English pronuciation to situations outside of class But even if you live in non – English speaking, environment, you should try to get as much practise possible in applying the material in the book CHAPTER Describle the symbol and position vowel 2.1: Introduction Phonemes: The smallest unit of sound that can be altered to change the meaning of a word is called a phoneme.Phoneme not have meaning by themself To Trancribe: to write a word using phonetic symbols, phoneme, sound 2.2: How to describe and Name Pure Vowels: Vowel phoneme: includes short vowels, long vowels, dipthongs, and tripthongs Pure vowels:- A vowel that remains constan, does not glide - 12 pure vowels in English, shorts and long Distance between tongue and roof of mouth ( hard palate ): close, mid, or open The part of the tongue that is raised: fron, cetral, or back 2.3: Classification of the English Vowels a According to which part of the tongue is the highest Front vowels: [i, I, e, æ] Central vowels: [з] Back vowels: [ u ] b.Shape of the lips Rounded vowels [u, U, ] all the rest are unrounded vowels c.Openess of the mouth: open vowels, close vowels [ u ] all the rest are either semi – open or semi – close d.The number of the sound Monophthongs: [з ; U] Dipthongs: [ei, au,] Tripthongs: [aʊ̯ ə] as in hour 2.4 :Short and Long Vowels English 2.4.1: Short Vowels English has a lager number of vowel sounds, the firsts ones to be examined are short vowels The symbols for these short vowels are I, e, D, U, „.Short vowels are only relatively short, as we shall see later, vowel can have quite different lengths in different contexts Each vowel is decribed in relation to the cardinal vowels [„ ] as in at, fat, and happy pronouncing [„ ]: Lips: Spead Jaw: Open wider than for [„ ] Tongue: Low, near the floor of the mouth Prosible pronuciation problems: The vowel [„ ] migh not exist in your language and may be difficult for you to hear and produce Also, irregular English spelling pattrms are likely to cause confusion Eg: If you say [a ] instead of [„ ]: hat will sound like hot When producing the vowel [„ ], remeber to spead your lips and open your mouth But not open it too wide, or you will find yourself substituting [ a] instead! [U ] as in put, pull, push Pronouncing [U ]:lips: Relaxed and slingtly parted Jaw: Slingtly lower than for [ u ] Tongue: High, but lower than for [ u ] You must be remeber NOT to protrude your lips and tense them as you would for [u] [U ] short vowel, quick sound: your lips should barely move while saying it But in this vowel a less frequent spelling pattern for [U ] is the letter o e.g: wolf – woman Hint: The letters oo followed by d or k are ussually pronounced [U ]: hood good wood book look cook The letter [u ] followed by sh is ussually pronounced [U ]: bush push cushion [ Λ ] as in up ,but ,and come Pronouncing [ Λ ] :Lips : Relaxed and slightly parted Jaw : Relaxed and slightly lowered Tongue : Relaxed and midleved in the mouth Possible pronunciation problems: The vowels [ Λ ] may not exist in your language and may be difficult for you to heas and pronounce It is easy to be come confushed by inregular English spelling pattesns and to substiture sounds that more familiar to you eg : If you say [ a] instead of [ Λ ] : color will sound like collar If you say [ɔ ] instead of [ Λ ] : done will sound like dawn Remember,[ Λ ] is a short ,quick sound you should not feel any tension,and your lips should barely move chering its production [ Λ ] Is a vowel that occur only in stressed syllables of words It does not occur in unstressed syllables Therefore, the following words are pronounced with the unstressed vowel [ə ] rather than with [ Λ ] a upon the soda alone alike suppose campus Less frequent spelling patterns for [ Λ ] consist of the letters ou, oo, oe, and a cousin trouble flood cloes was what [e ] as in egg, pet, and head Pronouncing [ e] : Lips : slightly spead and unround Jaw : open wider than for [ ei ] Tongue : high,near the roof of the mouth Possible pronunciation problems occur because of confusing english spelling patterns and the similary betweem [ e ] and other sounds eg: If you say [ ei ] instead of [ e ]: pen will sound like pain When pronouncing [e] open your mouth wider than for [ ei ] but not as wide as for [„] NOTE: Less frequent patterns for [ e ] consist of the letters a, ai, ie, ue, and eo: any again friend leopard The most common spelling patterns for [ e ] is the letters e before a consonant in a stressed: let amendment attended plenty The letter e before l is ussualy pronounced [ e ]: well tellephone felt seldom The letter ea before d are ussually pronounced [ e ] thread ahead ready dead 2.4.2 Long Vowels In part 2.4.1 the short vowel were introduced In this past we look at other types of English vowel sound The first to be introduced here are the five long vowels there are the vowel which tend to be longer than short vowels in similas context.The symbols consist of are vowels symbol plus a length –maslc made of two dost (:).Thus we have : i:, a:, u:, з:, ɔ: We will now look at these long vowels undivisually [ i:] as in me, tea, and bee Pronouncing [ i:]:Lips: only slingtly spead and in “smile” position Jaw: Almost completly raisoed Tongue: High, near the rof of the mouth Pronuciation problems occur because of confusing English spelling patterns and the similar of [ I ] and [ i: ] eg: If you say [ I ] instead of [ i: ]: sheep will sound like ship You must remember to feel tension in your lips,tongue, and jaw ,[ i: ] is a long sound be sure to prolong [ u: ] as in you, too, and rude Pronouncing [ u: ]:Lips: Tense and in “Whistling” position Jaw: Almosst completely raised Tongue: High, near the roof of the mouth Pronouncing ploblems occur because of confusing English spelling patterna and the similar [ u: ] and [U ] eg: when you substitute [ ] for [u: ]: pool become pull suit become soot - Less frequent spelling patterns for [ u: ] consist of the letters ui, ou, oe, ieu, and ough: fruit group shoe lieutenant through -The letters oo followed by l, m, or n are usually pronouced it [ u: ] school boom moon When the letter u follows t, d, n, or s, some Americans pronounce it [ju]: Tuesday duty new suit [ a: ] as in arm, hot, and father Pronouncing [ a: ]: Lips: completely apart in a “ jawning” position Jaw: lower than for any other vowel Tongue: flat, on the floor of the mouth Irregular English spelling patterns are the main reason you may have pronunciation problems with the vowel [D] The letter o in English is frequently pronounced [ D ],, like the [ D ] in Father Eg: [ ou ] instead of [ a: ]: not will sound like note Remember to open you mouth wider than fof any other vowel when you pronounced [a:] The letter o followed by b, d, g, p, t, or ck is ussually pronounced [ a: ]: robin rod log stop lot pocket pot The letter a followed by r is ussually pronounced [ a: ]: farm alarm cart start are [ɔ :] as in all, caught, and boss Pronouncing [ɔ:]: Lips : in a tense oval and slinghtly Jaw: open more than for [ ou ] Tongue: Low, near the froor of the mouth The vowel [ɔ:] is another troulb remarker confusing English spelling patterns can cause you to substitute familiar vowels Eg: [ a: ] instead of [ɔ: ]: caller will sound like collar Less frequent spelling patterns for [ɔ: ] consist of the letters oa and ou: broad cough though The letter o followed ff, ng, ad ss is usually pronounced [ɔ: ] offer off long strong loss tossing The letter aw usually pronouncing [ɔ:]: lawn draw awful The letter a followed by ll, lk, and ld is usually pronouncing [ c: ]: ball talk salt bald [з: ] as in turn, first, and sever Pronouncing [з:]:Lips: protruded ang slightly parted Jaw: slinghtly lowered Tongue: midleved in the mouth [з: ] is the a sound that occurs only in stressed syllables of words The vowe [з: ] does not exist in most language Just remember that [з:] always receives strong emphasis and is tound only stressed syllabes.It is produced with slingtly protruted lips and tense tongue muscles Less frequent spelling patterns for [з: ] consist of the letters ear, our,and or 10 heard journey work 2.5: Dipthongs and Tripthongs 2.5.1:Dipthongs Dipthongs has a larger number, sounds which consist of a movement or glide front one vowel to another A vowel which remain constans and does not glide is called a Pure Vowel, and one of the most common pronunciation mistake that result in e learner of English having a “Foreign” accents is the production of pure vowel where a dipthongs should be pronounced Perhaps the most important think to remmeber about all the dipthongs is that the first part is much longer and stronger than the second part [i] •U I • • • e [a] ə •aI • ɔI a Dipthong Centring ending in ə Iə eə Uə Closing ending in I eI aI ending in U ɔI əU aU Describle about Dipthong in American English Dipthongs in British English but only Dipthongs in American English I will be study about this dipthongs : ei, ou, au, aI, ɔI: [ eI ] as in ate, game, and they This dipthong is compound vowel sound made by blending two vowels together very quickly [ eI ] begins with [e ] and ends with [ I ] 11 When Pronouncing [eI ]: Lips is spead and unround; Jaws rises with the tongue and closes slingtly and Tongue glide from midleved to near the roof of the mouth Pronunciation problems occurs because of confusing English spelling patterns and the similasty of [eI] and [e] Less frequent spelling patterns for [ eI ] consits of the letters ea, ey, ei: break great they grey vein When a is in a syllable ending in silent e; the letter a is pronounced [ eI ]: same name case lane bake The letter ay, ai,and ey are usually pronounced [ eI ]: play away bait aim they The letter ei followed by g or n are usually pronounced [ eI ]: weigh neighbor reign vein [ oU ] as in oh, no, and boat: this dipthong [oU ] begins with [ o ] and ends with [U] When pronouncing [ oU ] the Lips is tense and very rounded; Jaw rises with the tongue and close slightly and Tongue glides from midlevel to near the roof of the mouth When o is in syllabe ending in silent e, the letter o is pronounced [ oU ]: phone note home rope The letters oa is usually pronounced [oU ]: coal boat roasting toaster The letters o followed by ld as: cold old soldier told When speaking English, many international studens frequently forget to prolong the dipthong [ oU ] before consonants [ aU ] as in out, house, and cow: this dipthong begins with [ a ] vowel similar to [ a: ] but [ a ] little more front Sine this is an open vowel, a glide to [ U ] would necessitate a large movement Usually in English the glide toward [ U ] begins but is not completed, the end of the dipthong begin somewhere between close – mind and open – mind in tongue height There is only slight lip – rounding A less frequent spelling pattenr for [ aU ] consist of the letters ough: bough drough plough [ aI ] as in I, my, and pie: this dipthong begins with an open vowel which is between front and back, Lips glide from an open to a slightly partrd position; Jaws rises with the tongue and closes and Tongue glides from low to high near the roof of mouth So that the dipthong [aI ] should be quite easy for you to pronounced Remember that [ aI ] is frequently represented by the letters i or y: 12 ice my The letter i followed by gh, ld, or nd is usually pronounced [ aI ]: sight wild find When i is in a syllable ending in silent e, the is pronounced [ aI ]: bite fine refinement confine [ɔI ] as in void, coin, and boy: this dipthong you should not have many with the dipthong [ɔI ] English words with this dipthongs are spelled oy or oi There are virtually no exception to this rule When pronouncing you must remeber the Lips glide from a tense oval shape to a relaxed, slightly parted position; Jaw rises with the tonghue and close; and Tongue glides from a low position to a high position near the roof of the mouth 2.5.2: Tripthongs Definition The most complex English sounds of the vowel type are Tripthongs They can be rather difficult to pronounce, and very difficult to recognise A tripthong is a glide from one vowel to another and then to a third, all pronounced rapidly and without interruption; formed by adding /e/ to a closing dipthong It have only phoneme, thus we get: • ɔI + ə = ɔI ə aI + ə =aI ə • eI + ə = eIə aU + ə = aUə • oU + ə = oUə Difficult of Foreign Learner When Pronounced with Tripthongs You know that in present – day English the extent of the vowel movement is very small, except in very careful pronunciation.Because of this, the middle of the three vowel qualities of the tripthong ( that is, the I or U part ) can hardly be heard and the resulting sound is difficult to distinguish from the some of the dipthongs and long vowels I will not go through a detailed description of the each tripthong because these is so much variation in a mout of vowe lmovement according to how slow and careful the pronunciation, so that i can not research enough material to explained clearly the tripthong but to help identify these tripthongs, some example words are given below: • / eIə/ player ; layer /oUə/ lowering ; mover • /aIə/ fine ; lire /aUə/ hour ; power • /ɔI ə/ loyal ; royal 13 CHAPTER : some notes on problems and using englsih pronunciation on your OWN 1.1 Some Notes on Problems I feel that had a completely free choice of model accent it would be possible to find more suitable ones: many Scotish and Irish accents, for example, have a much more strainghtforward relationship between spelling and sounds than does Received pronunciation ( RP), and have simpler vowel system, and would therefore be easier for most foreign learners would be reluctant to learn to speak in the classroom with such an accnet, so this is not a practiccal possibility So that Pronunciation teaching is not popular all the time with teacher and language - teaching theorists, and in recent years it has been fashionabel to treat it as a rather outdated activity It has been claimed, for example that it attempts to make learners try to sound like native speakers of RP, that is discourages them through difficult and repetitive exercise and that is fails to give importand to Communication A person may speak with sounds very different those of his hears and yet be clearly intelligible all of them 1.2 Using English Pronunciation on your own 1.2.1: Exercise Exercise 1: Draw a vowel quadrilateral and indicate on it the correct places for the following English vowel b Λ a „ c I d e Exercise 2: Write th symbols for the vowels in the following words: a bread b rough c foot d hymn e pull f cough g.mat h.friend 1.2.2: Practice Read aloud the paragaph about t Olympics All the boldfaced words contain the vowel [ I]: The Winter Olympics Since 1924, the Winter Olympics have been an international event now these activities are seen by millions on television Men and women from distant cities and countries participate 14 in this competition They all wish to be winners They ski downhill amidst pretty scenery Figure skaters spin to victory Skill will make the diffenrence Some will finish with a silver medal, some with a gold But all will win our hearts and infinite respect 1.2.3: Check Yourself ex: you need a new ( wheel / will) They cleaned the ( ship / sheep) Will he ( leave / live) The boy was ( beaten / bitten) His clothes are ( neat / knit) She has plump ( cheeks / chicks) If you are using these material for self – study, you will probably watn to own the entire set of classroom CDs or cassettes, so you can get the most from the comprhensive program To get the greatest benefit, follow these simple suggestion: • Exercises: Go to the appropritate exercise in the audio program Read the direction Listen Repeat words or phrase during the pause Stop and go back whenever you like If you have difficult at time, stop and reread the direction for pronoucing the sound Look in mirror as you say the sound to be sure that your articulators ( tongue, Lips and so no) are in the correct position • Practice: When you are satisfied with your pronunciation of the taget sound in the exercises, you are ready to apply what you have learneed to content and situation similat to those you might encouter in real life Practice provides cotrolled practice with this Be aware of situation in your daily life that provide paralled practice Have fun recognizing and producing the sound in other poems, readings, and coversation, and try to find other ways to incoporate what yoy have leared in your daily encouters with Englsih 15 • Check yourself: Do not discouraged if you make some mistakes in this section The pupose of the Check Yourself section is ti help you measure your progress and to identify areas that still need word This intructions for Check Yourself exercise are different You may wonder how long it will take before you see improvement We believe that improvement depends on practice – and Englsih Pronunciation provides all the tools to practice often I hope you find it makes in a matter of weeks! PART III: CONCLUSION Recapitulation and Implications Teaching – learning process of a language is only said to be effective when four skills: listening, writng, speaking, and reading are equally focused And the most important is pronunciation in a language as discussed aboved is undeniable The research shows that the position pronuncing to learning pronunciation is a new effective way It helps learner to learn and practice method pronuncing items in a natural and habit To teaching for students alway pronuncing exactly is not very easy due to the problems mentiond in the chapter However, in this thesis, many methods and some paticular rules to help teacher find out a good way for themselves It is obvisously not suitable for all student’s level Teacher can chose any of them but remmeber that the best rules and popular forr their students Suggestions for Futher Studies • Pronunciation must be considered as importand as grammar and vocabulary, and these three elements of a language should be taught in combination • Teacher should try their best to make their lesson interesting and get students more involed in teaching and learning process Teacher should also give students as many apportunities as possible to practice their pronuncing for the purpose of effectiveness in communication • During the writing of the thesis, mistakes are unvoidable though I have tried my best Thefore, I would highly appreciate all remarks, comment and suggestion on the thesis 16 from teacher, students and readers Finally, I would like to express my thanhks to all who have hepled me a lot of in this study REFERENTCE Ad Wilkins.(1987) Linguistic Language Teaching London Brow, HD(1994) Priciples of Language Learning and leaching Perntice Hall Fries , cc Teaching and learning English as a Foreign Language Michale Mc carthy.(1997) Pronunciation: An introduction to English Language teaching Longman 17 ... suggestion on the thesis 16 from teacher, students and readers Finally, I would like to express my thanhks to all who have hepled me a lot of in this study REFERENTCE Ad Wilkins.(1987) Linguistic Language

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