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Nội dung

Of course, the sports I like are the ones which need water – sailing, rowing and swimming. It is possible to swim in small swimming pools, but rowing and sailing are impossible without a[r]




I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1) A facsimile B transfer C spacious D fax 2) A equipped B delivered C transferred D received 3) A helps B provides C documents D texts

II Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4) A courteous B subscribe C service D customer 5) A technology B distribution C delivery D facsimile 6) A advanced B technology C express D spacious

B VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR * Circle the best answer for each sentence.

7) The hotel staff is friendly and

A unhelpful B courteous C discourteous D impolite 8) We are proud our staff, who are always friendly and efficient

A well-done B well-appointed C well-behaved D well-trained 9) EMS stand for

A Electronic Mail Service B Express Mail Service

C Economic Mail Service D Environment management Service

10) If someone want to send a document and does not want to lose its , facsimile service will help you A beginning B last C original D recent 11) People can buy daily in many local post office in early morning

A newspapers B books C postcards D letters 12) All post offices in Viet Nam are equipped with advanced

A knowledge B machines C science D technology 13) Fax transmission has now become a cheap and way to transmit texts and graphics over distance

A inconvenient B convenient C uncomfortable D comfortable

14) If you to your favourite newspapers and magazines, they will be delivered to your house early in the morning A buy B book C pay D subscribe

15) Post offices offer a special mail service which is called

A ESM B EMS C SEM D MES 16) Your EMS mail will be in the shortest possible time

A provided B delivered C taken D caught 17) The message introduces the provided by the National Post Office

A parcels B messengers C expresses D services 18) I cannot tell you all I heard

A which B that C as D because 19) I can answer the question you say is very difficult

A which B whom C who D whose 20) This is Mr Jones, invention has helped hundreds of deaf people

A which B that C whose D whom 21) Tom, sits next to me, is from Canada

A that B whom C who D whose 22) The volunteers, enthusiasm was obvious, finished the work quickly

A who B whom C whose D that 23) Many scientists have claimed that like music are often good at mathematics

A children B children who C children whom D whose children 24) My friend, I visited lask week, is taking a holiday soon

A that B whom C which D whose 25) The doctor re examining a patient was taken to hospital last night

A which B who C whom D whose 26) A pacifist is a person believes that all wars are wrong

A who B whose C whom D which 27) My friend, hated horror film, refused to go to the cinema with me

A whom B which C whose D who


* Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.


experimented with inventions that offered potential for moving the mail faster, occasionally suffering embarrassment, ridicule, or even abuse in the process

As mail delivery evolved from foot to horseback, stagecoach, steamboat, railroad, automobile, and airplane, with intermediate and overlapping use of balloons, and helicopters, post office mail contracts ensured the income necessary to build the great highways, rail lines, and airways that eventually spanned the continent

By the turn of the 19th century, the U.S Post Office had purchased a number of stagecoaches for operation on the

nation’s better post roads – a post road being any road on which the mail travels – and continued to encourage new designs to improve passenger comfort and carry mail safely

28) The passage is about

A transportation of the Post Office in the US B the Post Office in the Revolutionary period C the Post Office in the World War I D transportation and public ideas

29) According to the passage, the main purpose of the Post Office is A to develop transportation B to apply new mean of transportation C to deliver mail as safely and fast as possible

D to subsidize every new mode of transportation

30) Which means of transportation used in the Post Office is NOT referred in the passage?

A train B car C plane D motorcycle 31) The Post Office

A has never used helicopters in delivery D makes no contribution to build roads B contributes income to build highways, railroads, and airways

C has never been the first to use a new means of transportation


* Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

31) The waiter whom served us yesterday was polite and friendly A B C D 32) This class is only for people who’s first language is not Chinese

A B C D 33) The man with who I spoke in the meeting used to work here A B C D

34) He is moving to Lang Son city, that is in the north-east of Viet Nam A B C D

35) She asked me if I knew whom had got the job A B C D



I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1) A supply B dirty C energy D happy 2) A decreased B influenced C endangered D established 3) A answer B sweater C swim D switch

II Circle the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4) A nature B danger C human D environment 5) A exist B species C effect D condition 6) A forest B water C destroy D industry

B VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR * Circle the best answer for each sentence.

7) Many rare o animals are in danger of extinction

A species B classes C beings D pairs 8) People are destroying the environment by adding to it

A pollutes B pollutions C pollutives D pollutants 9) Many efforts have been made to protect nature

A danger B dangerous C endanger D endangered 10) Many species of animals are threatened and could easily become

A disappeared B vanished C empty D extinct 11) Many animals are for their fur and other valuable parts of their bodies

A hunted B chased C run after D followed 12) They started a campaign to smoking among teenagers

A encourage B decrease C discourage D prohibit 13) Dinosaurs became millions of years go

A disappear B extinct C lost D endangered 14) The chemical from cars and factories make the air, water and soil dangerously dirty


15) Human beings are for the changes in the environment

A account B faulty C blame D responsible 16) By cutting down trees, we the natural habitat of birds and animals

A hurt B would C damage D injure 17) aren’t effective anymore because insects have become resistant to them

A Fertilizer B Pesticides C Herbicides D Composts 18) They started a campaign to smoking among teenagers

A encourage B decrease C discourage D prohibit 19) He is the singer about I often tell you

A that B who C whom D him 20) The concert I listened last weekend was boring

A to that B to which C for what D for which 21) That’s the girl to my brother got engaged

A which B who C whom D her 22) I like the village I used to live

A in that B in where C which D in which 23) I don’t know the reason she hasn’t talked to me recently

A on which B for which C of which D about which 24) The little girl I borrowed this pen has gone

A whose B from who C from that D from whom 25) The speech _ we listened last night was information

A to which B which to C to that D that 26) The boy to I lent my money is poor

A that B who C whom D B and C 27) The knife we cut bread is very sharp

A with that B which C with which D that 28) The authority gathered those villagers they explained the importance of forests

A who B whom C to whom D to that


* Read the passage carefully then circle the correct answers

Many environmental experts are pessimistic about the future of our (29) They say that in the next few years harmful (30) will further damage the (31) layer, there will be more losses of irreplaceable tropical (32) , and serious (33) pollution will cause the (34) itself to change They also warm us that Third World (35 will continue to suffer ecological (36) , while the (37) countries consume the vast majority of the world’s (38) Animals are also at (39) It is feared that some (40) species may soon die out, as their natural (41) are destroyed In some cases, the only way to save rare species from (42) is to breed them in (43)

29) A country B planet C society D life 30) A chemicals B animals C species D plants 31) A oxygen B dioxide C carbon D ozone 32) A climate B weather C rainforests D rain 33) A air B land C soil D noise 34) A weather B rain C climate D storm 35) A representatives B countries C parties D governments 36) A results B disasters C consequences D problems 37) A poor B developing C European D rich 38) A sources B fuels C materials D resources 39) A risk B danger C accidents D unfortunate 40) A savage B dangerous C endangered D dangered 41) A environment B habitats C resources D disasters 42) A distinction B instinct C extension D extinction 43) A captivity B caption C captive D capsule


* Circle the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting

43) I have two brothers, both of them are studying in England A B C D

43) It was a kind of machine with that we were not familiar A B C D

44) Radio stations at which broadcast only news first appeared in the 1970s A B C D


46) The song to that we listened last night was beautiful A B C D



I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1) A heat B nuclear C feat D clean 2) A power B slow C snow D show 3) A plenty B energy C only D hydropower

II Circle the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4) A electric B potential C plentiful D alternative 5) A alternative B geothermal C environment D expensively 6) A potential B exhausted C pollution D infinite

B VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR * Circle the best answer for each sentence.

7) Non-renewable energy sources are running

A up B on C to D out

8) In some countries people use wind or sea as the environment friendly energy sources

A waves B water C products D weeds 9) People have used coal and oil to electricity for along time

A generation B generated C generate D generates 10) Coal and oil are non-renewable sources

A engineer B energy C engineering D energetic 11) People on earth are need of more nuclear energy

A on B at C in D for

12) energy uses natural sources of energy such as the sun, wind, or water for power and fuel, rather than oil, coal, or nuclear power

A Alternative B Solar C Hydropower D Electricity 13) Oil, coal and natural gas are fuels made from decayed material

A unleaded B smokeless C solid D fossil 14) All fossil fuels are resources that cannot be replaced after use

A unlimited B renewable C avaible D non-renewable 15) We should develop such sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear energy

A tradition B alternative C revolutionary D surprising 16) Increased consumption will lead to faster of our natural resources

A exhaust B exhausting C exhaustion D exhaustive 17) heat comes from deep inside the earth

A Geothermal B Solar C Nuclear D Hydro 18)“Have you ever met the man over there?” “No Who is he?”

A stands B is standing C standing D who he is standing 19) The boy the piano is my son

A who is playing B that is playing C playing D All are correct 20) by his parent, this boy was very sad

A Punished B Punishing C To be punished D Be punished 21) We have apartment the park

A overlooking B overlooks C to overlook D overlooked 22) He was the last person in this way

A to kill B who killed C being killed D to be killed 23) Nellie Ross of Wyoming was the first woman _ governor in the United State

A who elected B to be elected C was elected D her election as 24) in large quantities in the Middle East, oil became known as black gold because of the large profit it brought

A Discovering B Discovered C Which was discovered D That when discovered 25) She is the only in the discussion to using nuclear power

A objects B objected C to object D whom objects 26) Johnny was the last applicant for a position in that energy station

A to interview B interviewing C to be interviewed D which is interviewed 27) The instructions by Professor Johnson helped us know more about the danger of energy pollution

A that explained B explained C explaining D which explained


* Circle the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage.


Many people who live in countryside have to gather fuel wood This takes a lot of time Moreover, it causes indoor air pollution because of heavy smoke For many people living in rural areas in developing countries of the world, biogas is the large energy resources available and costs almost nothing The main use of biogas is for cooking and heating As biogas is smoke-free, it helps solve the problem of indoor air pollution Moreover, plant waste and animal manure cost almost nothing

The tendency to use renewable energy sources is on the increase when non-renewable ones are running out In the near, people in the developing countries may use wind or sea waves as the environment-friendly energy sources

28) What is the role of energy to human beings?

A unimportant B unnecessary C necessary D fundamental 29) What poor people in countryside to have energy?

A They look for coal B They gather fuel wood C They look for oil D They use gas cookers 30) How long does it take to gather fuel wood in the countryside?

A Not much time B A lot of time C Very little time D Half an hour a day 31) According to the passage, what energy sources poor people often use for fuel?

A oil B wood C nuclear energy D petrol 32) What is the main use of biogas?

A It is used mainly for cooking and heating B It is mainly used for lighting

C It is mainly used for operating D It is mainly used for producing in factories 33) According to the passage, what is the most awful effect of using fuel wood?

A It causes indoor air pollution B It may cause fire C It damages their houses D It affects the local scenery

34) Why, according to the passage, is biogas introduced to poor people? A Because it is easy to use B Because it is not harmful

C Because they like it

D Because it is the largest energy resources available in the countryside and cheap 35) What, according to the passage, are the main advantages of using biogas?

A It is smoke-free B It costs almost nothing

C It is clean because it is smoke-free and costs almost nothing D It is clean 36) The tendency to use renewable energy sources

A goes up B goes down C fluctuates D levels 37) What, according to the passage, may be used as the environment-friendly energy sources/

A Nuclear energy B Coal C Wind and sea energy D Oil


* Circle the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting

38) The man to speak to me is John’s brother A B C D

39) He is the second person be killed in that way A B C D

40) They work in a hospital sponsoring by the government A B C D

41) It an essay writing in 1779, Judith Sargeant Murray promoted the cause of women’s education A B C D

42) A dam is wall building across river to shop the river’s flow and collect the water A B C D



I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1) A screw B screechy C scream D screen 2) A rugby B nearby C cycling D apply 3) A strength B event C athlete D wrestling

II Circle the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4) A official B cycling C become D aquatic 5) A advance B gymnasium C solidarity D variety 6) A nation B gather C facilities D stadium

B VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR * Circle the best answer for each sentence.

7) The Vietnamese participants took in the 14th Asian Games with great enthusiasm.

A notice B notes C part D role 8) from several countries competed in many Asian Game


A in B on C at D to 10) The quiet country roads are ideal for cycling The word “cycling” is closest in meaning to “ ”

A driving a car B riding a bicycle C kicking a ball D playing football 11) The Olympic Games is one of the biggest sporting all over the world

A problems B athletes C cultures D events 12) Swimming is one of the sports

A mountainous B aquatic C racing D running 13) can help n athlete to improve the strength of muscles and the appearance of the body

A Shooting B Table tennis C Weightlifting D Playing chess 14) On some special occasions, people often march and demonstrate to show their

A nation B event C culture D solidarity 15) Vietnam won gold in the 15th Asian Games.

A degrees B medals C awards D boards 16) Nearly 500 from 11 nations took part in the first Asian Games in New Delhi, Indian

A viewers B spectators C athletes D passers-by 17) There were many scientists at the meeting, several of were very young

A That B whom C who D which 18) This is the novel I’ve been expecting

A that B which C x (nothing) D All are correct 19) I’m not the man you are looking for?

A that B x (nothing) C whom D A, B or C 20) Fencing was first introduced at the 13th Asian Games, in Bangkok, Thailand in 1998.

A to be held B holing C when was held D which was held 21) Each country sends its best athletes participation expresses the friendship and solidarity

A who B which C that D whose 22) He rang James, a good friend as well as his trainer

A who was B that was C being D to be 23) came from France were really more friendly than any others

A The athletes, that B The athletes whom C The athletes who D The athletes which 24) That is Mr Pike, a referee, I told you about

A that B which C whom D whose 25) This is a picture in the newspaper of a high jumper leg was seriously hurt

A who B who C whose D that 26) I like the book you lent me last week

A who B when C where D Þ 27) I know the man Miss White is talking to

A him B which C whose D Þ


* Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

The Asian Games owes its origins to small Asian multi-sport competitions The Far Eastern Championship Games were created to show unity and cooperation among three nations: Japan, the Philippines and China The first games were held in Manila, the Philippines in 1931 Other Asian nations participated after it was organized

After World War II, a number of Asian countries became independent Many of the new independent Asian countries wanted to use a new type of competition where Asian dominance should not be shown by violence and should be strengthened by mutual understanding In August 1948, during the 14th Olympic Game in London, India representative Guru Dutt Sondhi proposed

to sports leaders of the Asian teams the idea of having discussions about holding the Asian Games They agreed to form the Asian Athletic Federation A preparatory was set up to draft the charter for the Asian amateur athletic federation In February, 1949, the Asian athletic federation was formed and used the name Asian Games Federation It was formed and used the name Asian Games Federation It was decided to hold the first Asian Games in 1951 in New Delhi the capital of India They added that the Asian Games would be regularly held once every four years

28) The text is about

A the origin of the Asian Games B the Far Eastern Championship Games

C the Games in Manila D the relationship of Japan, the Philippines, and China 29) The Far Eastern Championship Games

A were held in Manila after World War II B were held in Japan

C were attended by all countries in Asia D had the participation of only three nations 30) The 14th Olympic Games took place .

A in 1913 B in August 1948 C before the World War II D In February 1949 31) The Asian Games

A were suggested establishing by a Londoner B were first held in China

C were first held in India D were held in the same year of the 14th Olympic Games



* Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

33) This year, that is for the first time, the event is open to all amateur athletes along with the A B C D traditional professional

34) Something was strange happened yesterday has been worrying me I really don’t know A B C what to


35) The 14 Asian gamesth , held in Korea in 2002, attracted many participants.

A B C D 36) Their efforts was much appreciated at the Asian Games A B C D 37) How many participant took part in the 15 th Asian Games ?




I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1) A admired B looked C missed D hoped 2) A admire B avid C variety D while 3) A engrave B pastime C undertake D spectator

II Circle the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4) A envelope B album C usually D accompany 5) A admire B regular C mountain D corner 6) A hobby B oversea C collect D myself

B VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR * Circle the best answer for each sentence.

7) My father is an guitarist

A accomplishing B accomplished C accomplish D accomplishment 8) He is very good at people singing with his guitar

A making B getting C accompanying D having 9) My uncle is interested in stamps

A collect B collecting C collected D to collect 10) She is a very accomplished pianist The word “accomplished” is closest in meaning to “ ”

A skilled B beautiful C interesting D admired 11) A is a series of musical notes that is pleasant and easy to remember

A musical instrument B guitar C practice D tune

12) If you a singer or a musician, you play one part of a piece of music while they sing or play the main tune A accomplish B accompany C collect D admire

13) My for my mother is infinite

A admire B admirer C admiration D admirable 14) I am quite keen on my father’s valuable stamp

A collect B collecting C collection D collector 15) I had forgotten all about it about it because I had been so with other things

A occupied B interested C accomplished D successful 16) You should not indulge yourself anything that can form a bad habit

A in B on C for D at

17) He keeps a lot of pictures and paintings He is at art

A keeper B collector C guitarist D relative 18) I really admire him, for his

A succeed B success C successful D successfully 19) I don’t know the title but I recognize the of this song

A sound B rhyme C tune D theme 20) I don’t have much money, so I bought the camera

A newly B second-hand C immediately D profitably 21) I bought the golden fish

A It was from this shop thatB I was from this shop where C It was this shop which D It was this shop that 22) It was Tom to help us

A comes B that comes C to come D who came 23) the police had rescued from the fire


24) my parents gave me the fish tank

A It was on my birthday when B It was my birthday on that C It was my birthday that D It was on my birthday that

25) I first met my girlfriend

A It was in London that B It was in London where C It was London that D It was London which 26) on the phone

A It is his mother whom is B It was his mother whom is C It was his mother who is D It is his mother who is 27) a high level of blood cholesterol

A It is eggs that contain B Those are eggs it contains C It is eggs that contains D It is eggs contain

28) It is the library

A that I often borrow booksB that I often borrow books from

C where I often borrow books from D from that I often borrow books 29) England won the World Cup

A It was in 1966 that B It was on 1966 that C It was in 1966 when D It was 1966 in that 30) took my car

A It was you B It were you C It was you that D It was you whom


* Circle the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage.

I like to be near water – sea, lake or river That I probably because I was born in a village by the sea, and I have lived most of my life close to water When I am in some place which is far from lake, river and sea, I am restless and I always feel that there is something missing, even though it is sometimes hard for me to decide what it is

Of course, the sports I like are the ones which need water – sailing, rowing and swimming It is possible to swim in small swimming pools, but rowing and sailing are impossible without a lot of water Rowing is best in a river and sailing on the sea or a big lake, but one can some sailing on a river and one can certainly row on a lake or the sea when the weather is good

Of the three sports – swimming, rowing and sailing – I like rowing best because it is the easiest to continue during the winter, when the water is too cold for comfortable swimming and the sea is often too rough for sailing Even on the coldest day one row, only ice on the water or thick fog can stop one Sometimes it is so cold when I go out rowing that drop of water freeze wherever they fall In such weather, it is not very pleasant to swim as one cannot stay in the water very long However, when is rowing, one gets warmer the longer one goes on

31) Where was the writer born? A In a village by the river B In a village near a lake C In a village by the sea D In a sea town

32) How does the writer feel when he is in some place which is nor near the water?

A Comfortable B Convenient C Losing something D Missing something 33) What type of sport does he like? A Water sports B Sports without water

C Sports played only on the sea D Sports played near lakes and river 34) Where can people row and sail?

A In a swimming pool B In the river C On the sea D Both B and C 35) Why does he like rowing best?

A Because it makes him warmer B Because he can still it in cold days C Because it makes him stronger D Because it is easier to play

36) Why are swimming and sailing not easy sports to continue in winter?

A Because the sea is too rough B Because the sea is coo cold C Because the water is too cold D Both A and C

37) What can stop people from rowing? A Ice on the water or thick fog B Cold weather C Hot weather D Cold water

38) What sometimes happens when he goes out rowing in very cold weather? A Water drops B Water is too cold C Drops of water freeze in the places they fall D Drops of water fall

39) Why is it unpleasant to swim in cold weather? A One can only stay in the water for a short time C The water becomes icy B One stays in the weather for a long time D The water gets warmer 40) What does the word “which” in paragraph refer to?

A Lake B River C Sea D Some place


* Circle the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting




I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1) A seats B meets C sits D feats 2) A ranged B managed C changed D raged 3) A rugby B music C undertaken D dull

II Circle the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

7) A ability B activity C sophisticate D entertainment 8) A undertaken B population C karaoke D spectator 9) A pastime B enormous C activity D important

B VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR * Circle the best answer for each sentence.

11) British people are very interested in in sports

A entering B interfering C involving D taking part

12) Which of the following leisure activities you think British people often in their spare time? The word “spare” is closest in meaning to “ ”

A empty B absent C free D lost 13) He got a scholarship so his parents did not have to pay his school

A report B fee C equipment D master

14) My son like sports very much and he can also take part in every school sporting activity He is very A sophisticated B interested C athletic D popular

15) There are several sophisticated hobbies that require hobbyists a lot of time and money The word “sophisticated” is closest in meaning to “ ”

A complex B simple C easy D pleasant

16) There are many other pursuits such as listening to music, reading, and gardening The word “pursuits” is closest in meaning to “ ”

A hobbies B sports C courses D decisions 17) What are you interested doing in your free time?

A for B in C over D on 18) Some training courses can provide people practical skills

A from B on C for D with 19) Our recreation is quite different yours

A between B among C with D from

20) Television viewing is by far the most popular pastime, and nearly all households have a television set The word “pastime” is closest in meaning to “ ”

A translation B invention C emotion D recreation 21) I left it on the table in the drawer

A either – nor B neither – or C either – or D either – either 22) He could not come did not want to

A either – or B neither – or C either – nor D nor – nor 23) Not did she refuse to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again

A even B only C at all D always 24) He neither drank smoked so he had good health

A nor B or C but D also 25) Neither the TV nor the video sets properly

A works B work C has worked D is working 26) She hard but also gets on well with her classmates

A doesn’t only study B studies not only C not only studies D not studies only 27) Either you leave now ! A I will also call the police B but I will call the police

C or will I call the police D or I will call the police

28) Not only John but also his two brothers football as their recreation every weekend

A play B plays C were playing D has played 29) Julia her sister are going to the part

A Both-and B Neither-nor C Either –or D Not-only-but also


* Read the passage below and choose the best answer A, B, C or D to each question.


Next year, I’m going to try the London Marathon It’s hard race 26 miles, or 42 kilometres-and you have to be tough to finish, but I very much want to it I worry a bit about getting too old, and I’d like to prove to myself that I’m still almost as fit as I was twenty years old

I’m interested in mountaineering s well as running I’ll never become an except climber, but I know what I’m doing in the mountains I successfully completed a course in snow and ice climbing when I was younger; and I’ve done a series of easy climbs in the Alps during the last few years My wife doesn’t share my interest in mountains She agreed to go climbing with me once, but she found that she felt ill as soon as she got above 1,000 metres

30) If you cross country running, you must A cross your country B run along the coast C cross your countryside D cross fields, stream, etc …

31) At the end of a run the writer sometimes finds that

A he is able to get the answer to a problem B he grows bigger

C he feels better D he gets a surprising problem 32) The writer wants to take part in the London Marathon because

A it helps to keep him fit B he wants to it before getting old

C the reward is great D it helps him solve his problems 33) The writer takes up mountaineering because

A he wants to become an expert climber B he simply likes it C his wife is interested in it D it is easy to practise

34) The writer’s wife is not interested in mountaineering for

A it doesn’t bring her any interest D The air is cold B she almost feels ill at the height of above 1,000 metres

C She doesn’t want to climb together with her husband


* Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

35) Both Tom with Ann were late for class 36) Mai is no only beautiful but also intelligent A B C D A B C D 37) Both Lan and Minh is good students 38) Neither James or his brother have become to Paris A B C D A B C D



I Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1) A stones B learns C phones D tense 2) A lifted B lasted C happened D decided 3) A speed C person C temperature D psychology

II Circle the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

4) A uncertain B technical C attention D attraction 5) A psychology B cosmonaut C accident D national 6) A uncertainty B satisfaction C psychology D approximate

B VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR * Circle the best answer for each sentence.

8) No one knew precisely what would happen to a human being in space The word “precisely” is closest in meaning to “ ”

A nicely B exactly C rigidly D roughly 9) Many spacemen could never get back to the Earth because of accidents

A tragedy B tragic C tragically D tragedies 10) He finds it difficult for him to recover from his son’s

A die B dead C deadly D death 11) He failed again, which was a/an disappointment

A enormous B big C wide D large

12) The flight will take approximately three weeks The word “approximately” is closest in meaning to “ ” A closely B exactly C about D precisely 13) How long did Yuri Gagarin’s trip into space ? Only 180 minutes

A lengthen B last C late D strengthen 14) When astronaut travels into space, if a technical failure happens, he can never get back to Earth A an / the B Þ / an C an / Þ D the / Þ 15) Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on moon

A a B an C the D Þ

16) Everybody congratulated the astronauts their successful trip into space

A on B for C of D in

17) Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel into space April 12th, 1961.


A astronaut B scientist C engineer D technician

19) When spacemen travel into space they have to face enormous because they not know what may happen A certainties B uncertainties C possibilities D precisions

20) Lisa’s been able to play the flute since she was six, ?

A can’t she B isn’t she C wasn’t he D hasn’t she 21) Neil seemed to have a good time at the party, ?

A hadn’t he B had he C did he D didn’t he 22) There has not been a great response to the sale, ?

A does there B hasn’t there C has there d hasn’t it 23) She had done more work in one day than her husband in three days

A B could C may D done 24) You are going to come to the party, ?

A aren’t you B you C will you D won’t you 25) Despite the bad weather, he get to the airport in time

A could B couldn’t C was able to D almost 26) You’re Cynthia, you?

A aren’t B are C didn’t D were 27) We didn’t eat here last week, we?

A didn’t B did C haven’t D 28) You have ever heard about Yuri Gagarin, ?

A you B haven’t you C don’t you D didn’t you 29) Jenny leave the hospital only fours days after the operation

A was able to B could C can D will be able to 30) At last, they get through the mountain in such a heavy rain

A can B could C are able to D were able to


* Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

Until recently, you may only read in (31) fiction that an ordinary person could (32) a trip into space We have heard ideas about holidays to the Moon, but these were just a story, and everyday flights into space seemed just a distant (33) Aspirations of space tourism are remembered in science fiction works such as Arthur C Clarke’s A Fall of Moondust and Islands

of the Sky. But now, this fiction could become achievable as major steps are being taken to make the dream (34) traveling

into space (35) a practical reality On 28 April 2001, Dennis Tito, (36) millionaire, became the world’s first space (37) Tito was (38) into space onboard a Russian Soyuz capsule He showed that anyone could make a space journey Five years on, scientists are attempting to shape the future in order to give everyone a (39) to fulfill their dreams of traveling into space, whether (40) not they are millionaires

31) A science B scientist C scientific D scientific 31) A B take C invent D establish 33) A views B weightlessness C actions D possibility 34) A in b for C of D on

35) A become B to become C became D becoming

36) A a B an C the D Þ

37) A cosmonaut B astronaut C tourist D engineer 38) A flown B thrown C whirled D launched 39) A chance B opportunity C must D change 40) A nor B or C neither D and


* Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

41) Your grandfather could speak five languages, could he? A B C D

42) She spoke in a very low voice, but I can understand what she said A B C D 43) I used to be to stand on my head but I can’t be able to it now A B C D

Ngày đăng: 19/02/2021, 21:00

