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Tải Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 2: At school - Giáo án điện tử môn Tiếng Anh lớp 6

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1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , flashcards, poster .... Ss: Listen, repeat and copy down[r]


Period 7: Unit 2: AT SCHOOL

Lesson 1: A – Come in (A1- 4)

A/ The aims and objectives:

1-The aims: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to give the class imperatives and exercise correctly

2- Objectives:

a Language focus

* Vocabulary: Come in, open your book, sit down, close your book, stand up

* Grammar: Imperatives - Come in Go out Sit down Stand up

Open your book Close your book.

b Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette, pictures, flashcards 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books

C/ Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting


II/ Warm-up: (5')

* Check the old lesson:

-T: Call pupils to go to the black board and give them some question: + What is your name?

+ How are you ? + How old are you?

Ss: Answer the teacher’s question - T:comment and give marks

III/ New lesson: (35')

Teacher’s & Students’ activities ContentsPresentation ( 9')

* Act 1: Introduce how to give the orders - T: Ask the Ss to look at the picture A1

page 20 and guess teacher’s requests in the picture

Ss: Look at the picture and guess

- T: Help ss to find out the new words and give the meanning

=> Checking vocab: matching.

- T: Read and ask ss to listen to twice

I- Newwords

- Sit down: ngồi xuống - Stand up: đứng lên - Come in: mời vào - Open : mở

- Close: đóng

- Your: bạn, bạn, - Book: sách


Ask ss to read imperatives Ss: Read aloud

-T: Give the structures Ss: Copy down

Practice( 15')

- T: Call some ss read again some imperatives

Ss: Follow the teacher`s requests

- T: Ask the ss to practive with a group Ss: Groupwork

- Change another imperatives with each St

- T: Ask the ss to exercise A2 page21

Match the imperatives with the right pictures

Ss: Do exercise

* Hold a game: Simon says

- T: Guid ss to play game " Simon says"

+ 10 Ss stand in a circle

+ Listen to the teacher’s commands If the T says “Simon says” Ss as the

- Open your book: mở sách

II- Practice

1-A1 Picture drill

Ex: Stand up Sit down

Open your book Close your book

2- A2 Match and write

* Keywords:

a Open your book b Sit down

c Come in

d Close your book e Stand up


commands, if there is no “Simon says”, no action

Ss: Listen and play - T: Remark

Production (11')

* Further practice:

T: Have ss Gap- fill

Ss: Fill in the blanks with correct words

Exe ( p13)


Come Sit Open Stand Close

your book up


your book down

Further practice:

* Put the correct word in the brackets a .down, please

b Close c .notebook, please d .up, please

e .in

4- Remember

Come in

Sit down and Stand up

Open your book and Close your book

*Exercise A1 (p 13 )

a) Come in b) Sit down


d) Stand up

e) Close your book

IV/ Consolidation:(1' )

- T: Ask ss to retell the imperatives Ss: Answer

V/ Homework:(3')

- Request ss to learn newwords by heart - Do exercises- part A in the exercise book

- Prepare: Unit 2: Lesson 2: B1,2,3

Period : Unit (cont)


1-The aims: At the end of the lesson students will be able to ask and answer about one’s address and name

2 Objectives:

a Language focus:

* Vocab : : You- your, Where, live, do, street, house, city * Grammar: * Reveiw: What`s your name?/ How old are you? * New structure: Where you live?- I live on

b Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette, photocopied pictures , poster,

2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books

C/ Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

II/ Warm-up: (5') * Check the old lesson:

-T: Call pupils go to the black board and give them some question: + What is your name? + How you spell your name?


Ss: Answer the teacher’s question - T:comment and give marks

III/ New lesson: (35')

Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents

Presentation(12') * Present newwords

- T: Hang the photocopied picture-p24/B3 Ask ss to look at it and answer: Where is this ?

Ss: Answer

- T: Introduce newwords

Ss: Listen , repeat, and copy down => Checking: Rub out and remember.

* Act 1: Ask and answer the name:

Who can answer my question ? + What’s your name ?

+ How old are you? Can you ask me ,please ?

- T: Get Ss to pair work(ask and

I- Newwords:

A /ei/ B /bi/ C /si/ D /di/ E /i/ F /ef/ G /dzi/ H /eit/ I /ai/

J /dzei/ K /kei/ L /el/ M /em/ N /en/ O /au/ P /pi/ Q /kuj/ R /a/

S /es/ T /ti/ U /ju/ V /vi/ W /dAblju/ X /iks/ Y /wai/ Z /dzet/


answer about your name, ages) Ss: Pairwork

*Act 2: Ask and answer the address

-T: Request ss to look at the picture (p23)

Is it a city or country? Ss: Answer

-T: Introduce the question about address

- Look at the answers to find out the prepositions and try to remember

Practice (17') * Act 1: Wordcues

-T: Give some wordcues and ask ss to complete the sentences

Ss: Complete the sentences -T: Correct if necessary

* Act 2: Practice the dialogue

-T: Hang on the poster of the dialogue B1- p23

II- Grammar:

* Ex2: Where you live ? I live in Tan Moc

on Le Loi Street

III- Practice: 1 Wordcues

a- What/ your/ name? - My/ name/ Hoa What is your name?- My name is Hoa b- How/ old/ you? - I/ twelve


Ss: Look at on the poster

- T: Have ss practice the dialogue with a partner

Ss: Work in pairs

- T: Call some pairs to practice dialogue

Ss: Practice in front of the class

- T: Comment if necessary.Ask ss to replace words or phrases to make a similar dialogue

Act 3: Play with words.

Ask ss to read the sentences in play with words , notice the stress

T explain some words: city,


- T: Call ss read again the alphabet Ss: Do as teacher request

=> How old are you? -I`m twelve

c- Where/ you/ live? - I/ Luc Ngan Where you live? - I live in Luc Ngan

2 B1- Listen and repeat then practice with a partner.

-P1:What’s your name? -P2:My name’s Nam -P1:How old are you? -P2:I’m twelve years old -P1:Where you live? -P2:I live on Tran Phu street

3.B2- Play with words

Where you live? I live in a house Where you live ? I live on a street Where you live ? I live in a city


IV/ Consolidation:(1' )

- T: Ask ss to retell how to ask and answer about adress Ss: Answer

V/ Homework:(3')

- Request ss to learn newwords by heart - Ask ss to exercises- part B in the workbook

- Prepare: Unit 2: Lesson 3: B4,5,6

Period 9: UNIT (cont)

Lesson 3: B 4, 5,

A/ The aims and objectives:

1-The aims: At the end of the lesson students will be able to spell one’s name , know A B C …and ask for personal information


a Language focus

* Vocab: The alphabet: A, B, C , spell * Grammar: - How you spell ?

b Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette, pictures, poster, 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books

C/ Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1')- Greeting and checking attendance

II/ Warm-up: (5')

* Check the old lesson:

-T: Call pupils go to the black board and read the alphabet Ss: Read

- T: Comment and give marks

III/ New lesson: (35')

Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents


T: Let ss review some questions about

I- Revision



Ss: Practice asking and answering - T: Ask sts to copy down

Ss: Copy down

* Present grammar

- T: Ask ss to look at the picture (p.25) - T: Ask and sts anwer

What’s her name? Who is she? Who is this?

Where are they now ?

* Answer : - She is Miss Hoa - She is a teacher -This is Lan

-They are in the class - T: Play the tape

Ss: Listen

- T: Ask sts to work in pairs Ss: Pairwork

- T: Explain the question “ How you spell your name? ”

+What is your name?- My name is

+ How old are you? I am + Where you live? I live in

II- Listen and repeat:

+ spell: đánh vần

* Grammar:

Ex: - P1:What’s your name ? P2:My name is Lan

- P1:How you spell your name ? P2: L-A-N

*Form: -What`s your name? My name is

=> Hỏi tên người nói chuyện



- T: Request ss to listen and repeat the alphabet

Ss: Listen and repeat

- T: Get sts to make a similar dialogue Ss: Pairwork Make a similar dialogue by replacing word underlined

- T: Call on some pairs to practice dialogue Ss: Practice in front of the class

- T: Comment if necessary

- T: Have ss answer the questions B5- p25 then write down on the notebook

Ss: Copy down the answers on the notebook


- T: Ask ss to read the Remember.

Ss: Read aloud

- T: Request ss to copy down Ss: copy down

III- Practice:

1 B4-Practice with a partner

-P1:What’s your name ? -P2:My name is Hoa

-P1:How you spell your name ? -P2: H-O-A

2 B5-Write.

Ex: a- My name is Mai b- I`m eleven c- I live in Tan Moc d- M-A-I , Mai


T: T shows the poster on the board

(?) How many people are there in the dialogue?(2)

(?) Who are they? (Miss Hoa, Lan) (?) What you have to do?

( Complete the dialogue with suitable word) + Get Ss to work in groups + Deliver them the hand outs

+ Ss write their keys on the hand outs + T gets Ss’ hand outs and asks Ss to check T: Ask ss to the exe (p12) in the workbook

Ss: Do exe in pairs

What’s your name ? My name’s …

How you spell ………? What’s … = What is …

My name is …… = My name’s …

4.Complete the dialogue

Miss Hoa : Come (1).in please Lan: Good morning, Miss Hoa

Miss Hoa: Good (2) morning Please sit down

Lan: Thank you

Miss Hoa: (3) What is your name? Lan: My (4)name is Lan

Exe 3(p12)

a) Lan: Hello My name`s Lan What`s your name?


IV/ Consolidation:(1' )

-T: Ask ss to retell the alphabet Ss: Answer

V/ Homework:(3')

- Request ss to learn newwords by heart

- Ask Ss to exercise1-2-3 in the workbook- P 12 - Prepare: Unit 2: Lesson 4: C1

Period 10: Unit 2: (cont)

Lesson 4: C - My school (C1)

A/ The aims and objectives:

1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice with: This / That positive statements and Yes – No questions to talk about people and things at school

2 Objectives:

a Language focus:


* Grammar: * Structure : This is / That is …………

Is this ……… ? - Yes, it is ( Yes, this/ that is ) Is that ……… ?- - No, it isn`t ( No, this/ that isn`t )

b Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , flashcards 2/ Students: Text-books, notebooks, pen

C/ Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

II/ Warm-up: (5') III/ New lesson: (35')

Teacher’s & Students’ activities ContentsPresentation(12')

*Pre teach vocab:

T: Elicit words from ss Use the picture -p26 to present newwords

Ss: Give their ideas

- T: Write words on the board

I- Newwords:

+ a student: học sinh, sinh viên + a teacher: giáo viên

+ a school: trường học + a class: lớp học


Ss: Listen, repeat, and copy down

=> Checking: Matching:Call ss to go to the board and match

* Present grammar:

- T: Set the scene: Ask ss to look at the picture- p26 and ask: Who can you see in the picture

Ss: Answer

- T: Play the tape for two times Ss: Listen

* T: modles:

T: What is this in English? S: (a student)

T: How you spell it? S: S-T-U-D-E-N-T

-T: Introduce the new structures:

This/ That is Is this/ that ?

Ss: Copy down

Practice (15')

+ a desk: bàn HS

+ that is = that`s :

II- Grammar:

* Eg :

- This is my school

- That is my class - Is this your school?

- Is that your class? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t

* Note:

- This/that: đây/kia

-This is: giới thiệu người/ vật ở khoảng cách gần.

- That is: giới thiệu người/ vật ở

=> Form: This/ That is a/ an


* Act 1: Wordcues drill:

- T gives instruction

+ häc sinh + bàn học + lớp + cô giáo + trờng + phßng häc Ss: Listen and write

*Act 2: picture drill

- T uses the pictures on P.26- 27 and guides Ss to practice using the model sentences - T models first

- Ss work in pairs: open pairs/ closed pairs

Production (8')

* Realia drill:

- T points to real things in and around the classroom and ask and answer

* Eg: T Is this your desk? St: No, it isn’t./ Yes, it is.

- T: Get ss to free practice in pairs Ss: free practice

khoảng cách xa. III- Practice: 1- Wordcues drill:

2- Picture Drill

This is my school That is my class This is my classroom

3- Free practice:

* Eg: S1: Is this your desk?

student class

teacher table


S2: No, it isn’t./ Yes, it is

IV/ Consolidation:(1' )

- T: Ask ss to retell the structure: This/ That is

Ss: Answer

V/ Homework:(3')

- Request ss to learn newwords by heart/ exe 1- p14 in the workbook

- Ask ss to write examples with That is , with This is and make questions with them

- Prepare: Unit 2: Lesson 5: C2-4

Per 11:

Unit : (cont)

Lesson 5: C 2-4

A/ The aims and objectives:

1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice with : This/That and Wh – question with “What ” to talk about people and things at school

2 Objectives:

a Language focus:


* Grammar: What is this?

What is that ? It`s a/an

b Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , flashcards, poster 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books

C/ Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

II/ Warm-up: (5')

* Check the old lesson:

- T: Call pupils to go to the black board and write new words Ss: Write

- T:comment and give marks

III/ New lesson: (35')

Teacher’s & Students’ activities ContentsPresentation(12')

* Pre teach vocab:

-T: Elicit from ss Use picture and realia



Ss: Listen, repeat and copy down T: Ask ss to practice newwords Ss: Practice

=> Check vocab: Matching

- Get ss to go to the board to match individually

* Present grammar.

-T: Show the things around classroom and give examples

Ss: copy down

- T: Let ss practice examples Ss: Practice in pairs

- T: ask ss to give form and usage Ss: Give form and usage

- a board: bảng

- a clock: đồng hồ treo tường - a wastebasket: giỏ rác - a school bag: cặp học sinh - a pencil: bút chì

- a pen: bút mực - a ruler: thước kẻ - an eraser: cục tẩy

* an: đứng trước danh từ bắt đầu nguyên âm (a, i, e, u, o)

* a: đứng trước danh từ bắt đầu phụ âm

II- Grammar:

Eg: - What is this ? It’s a pen - What is that ? It`s a door



*/ Word square:

- T gives instruction: Get Sts to find out the names of things in two groups

Ss: Groupwork

- T: Praise the winner

* / Ask Sts to ask and answer about the pictures a - m

Ss: P Ss: Practice in pairs to ask and answer about the pictures or real things in the classroom


Lucky numbers: T gives instruction * Questions:

III- Practice:

1- Word square







à Pen, desk, ruler

Pencil, door, eraser

Window, board

2.C3- Practice with a partner.


1- Give the word “giỏ rác” in English 2- LN

3- How you spell :”classrooms”? 4- How you spell” clock”?

5- LN

6- Give the word "bút chì” in English 7- How you spell “ ruler”?

8- How you spell “eraser”? 9- LN

Ss: - Play in three groups

What is that ? It`s

* Lucky number




Team1 Team2 Team

IV/ Consolidation:(1' )

-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes Ss: Answer : What is this/ that ? It`s a/an

V/ Homework:(3')


Ngày đăng: 19/02/2021, 21:00


