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Nội dung

Câu điều kiện loại 1 là câu điều kiện có thực ở hiện tại, chỉ hành động, tình huống, ước muốn có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại.. Ex: - If she has money, she will buy a new motorbike.[r]



I Revision:


Type 1

a.Type ( thật hiển nhiên ):

IF CLAUSE (Mệnh đề If) MAIN CLAUSE (Mệnh đề chính)

If + S1 + V(inf) / V[-e/es] + O S2 + V(inf) / V[-e/es] + O

Ex: - If you put ice under the sun, it melts

b Type (Điều kiện loại 1):

Câu điều kiện loại câu điều kiện có thực tại, hành động, tình huống, ước muốn xảy

Ex: - If she has money, she will buy a new motorbike

IF CLAUSE (Mệnh đề If) MAIN CLAUSE (Mệnh đề chính)

If + S1 + V(inf) / V[-e/es] + O

S2 + will/shall + V(inf) + O Notes: Unless you + V(inf)… = If you don’t + V(inf)

Có thể dùng động từ must, have to, can, may, should thay cho will mệnh đề


Type (Đ iều kiện loại 2):

Câu điều kiện loại câu điều kiện khơng có thực, khơng thể xảy Chỉ giả thiết, ước muốn trái ngược với

Ex: If I were a bird, I would be very happy

IF CLAUSE (Mệnh đề If) MAIN CLAUSE (Mệnh đề chính)

If + S1 + V[ed/v2] + V(inf) + O Be: were

S2 + would + V (inf) + O could


Notes: - Unless you + V(inf)… = If you didn’t + V(inf)

Có thể dùng động từ “could” “might” thay cho “would” mệnh đề


Type ( Đ iều kiện loại 3):

Câu điều kiện loại câu điều kiện khơng có thật khứ Chỉ giả thiết ngược lại với hoạt động xảy khứ

Ex:If he had known the whole story , he would haven’t been so angry

IF CLAUSE (Mệnh đề If) MAIN CLAUSE (Mệnh đề chính)

If + S1 + had + V[ed/p2] + O

S2 + would + have + V[ed/p2] + O Could


II Practice:

Ex1 Choose the correct answer

1 If the weather is fine, we (goes/ will go) camping tomorrow My parents will give me a gift if I (will pass/ pass) the final exam If you are polite to others, they (will be/ are nice to you)

4 Unless James (studies/ will study) hard, he will fail the exam

5 My parents won’t allow me to go out if I (don’t finish/ won’t finish) my homework You would be more comfortable now if you (didn’t/ wouldn’t) wear high heels I (wouldn’t/didn’t) buy things on the Internet if I were you

8 If you (met/ would meet) your favorite author Mark Twain, what wouldn’t you ask him? His parents would be very proud if he (wouldn’t be/ weren’t) so naughty

10 If Jane had more money, she (would treat/ treated) herself to a decent meal 11 If you were a billionaire, what (would you do/ did you do)/

12 If Kate owned a computer, she (would spend/ spent) most of her free time on it 13 If I (would know/ knew) his address, I would give it to you

14 She would look much better if her hair (didn’t look/ wouldn’t look) so unkempt 15 If I were in your situation, I (would/ will) let the nature take its course

Ex2 Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

1 If I the same problem you had as a child, I might not have succeed in life as well as you have

A have B would have C had had D should have I you sooner had someone told me you were in the hospital

A would have visited B visited C had visited D visit more help, I would call my neighbor

A Needed B Should I need C I have needed D I should need

4 then what I know yesterday, I would have saved myself a lot of time and trouble over the years

A Had I known B Did I know C If I know D If I would know

5 Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people the same language?

A spoke B speak C had spoken D will speak

6 If you can give me one good reason for your acting like this, this incident again

A I will never mention B I never mention C will I never mention D I don’t mention

7 If I had known you were asleep, I so much noise when I came in A didn’t make B wouldn’t have made C won’t make D don’t make

8 Unless you all of my questions, I can’t anything to help you

A answered B answer C would answer D are answering Had you told me that this was going to happen, I it


A doesn’t agree B didn’t agree C hadn’t agreed D wouldn’t agree 11.Jane: “John went to the hospital alone”,

Katy: “If , I would have gone with him”

A had he told me B he had told me C he has told me D he would tell me

12.If you , I would have brought my friends over to your house yesterday to watch T.V, but I didn’t want to bother you

A had studied B studied C hadn’t studied D didn’t study 13.Peter: “Did you need help with your Math last night?”

Mary: “If I had needed, I you"

A would call B called C would have called D will call 14.If someone into the store, smile and say, “May I help you?”

A comes B came C come D should come 15.“Here’s my phone number”

“Thanks I’ll give you a call if I some help tomorrow” A will need B need C would need D needed 16.If I didn’t work for an accounting firm, I in a bank now

A work B will work C have worked D would work 17.The death rate would decrease if hygienic conditions improved

A was B is C were D had been

18.The education in Japan if the basic principles of education had not been taken into consideration

A would go down B would have gone down C went down D had gone down

19.If there , the rice fields could have been more productive A had been enough water B were enough water C would be enough water D are enough water 20.If she him, she would be very happy

A would meet B will meet C met D should meet

Ex3 Complete the sentences with the correct verb form in the bracket.

1 The manager (be) very angry if I am late for work You will have to work very hard if you (take) _ this course I (go) to see the doctor if I don’t feel well tomorrow They can’t hear you unless you (speak) louder

5 If Peter (forget) to write his essay, the teacher (give) him a low mark I could watch foreign TV program without subtitles if I (know) _ English He might be obese if he (not stop) taking in fat and sugar If he knew that it was dangerous, he (not do) _ it

9 If you (see) someone drowning, (you/save) him? 10 She (be) _ happier if her parents (not get) divorced 11 If he had known that the river was dangerous, he (not try) _ to swim across it 12 If you (speak) _more slowly, he might have understood you

13 If you had told me that he never paid his debts, I (not lend) _him the money 14 If he had known the whole story , he (not be) _so angry


Ex4 Using the given information, make conditional sentences with IF

1 He didn't hurry, so he missed the train

→ If We didn't go because it rained

→ If it hadn't We got lost because we didn't have a map

→ If we He lost his job because he was late every day

→ If he The airport was closed She didn't fly to Rome

→ If Sue felt sick because she ate four cream cakes

→ If Sue My brother didn't leave the car keys, so I couldn't pick him up at the station → If my brother We didn't go on holiday because we didn't have enough money

→ If we He didn't have the ticket to the game last week He wasn't be able to get in → If 10 Robert got a bad cough because he started smoking cigarettes

→ If Robert

Ex 5: Rewrite the sentences, using the words given in capitals

1 If the weather is not fine, we won’t go away (Unless)

→ Unless we get some gas, our car won’t work (If)

→ If you don’t hurry up, you will be late (Unless)

→ If you don’t study hard, you will not pass the exam (Unless) → 5.Unless we get up early , we will be late for school (if)

→ Unless he were here now, I would send this present to his mother (If)

→ Without this treatment, the patient would have died


8 He lost his job because he was late every day


9 Peter is fat because he eats so many chips (less)

→ 10 Robert got a bad cough because he started smoking cigarettes (if)

Ngày đăng: 18/02/2021, 17:27

