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All of fish are dying because of people kill them for food.. At present, there are no unpolluted places in the world.[r]



I Rewrite these sentences by using “because” He couldn’t meet you because of being


2 She went to bed early because of her


3 We spent the whole day in the garden because of lovely


4 I can’t play volleyball because of my


5 We can’t swim in this part of the river because of highly polluted


II Rewrite these sentences by using “because of” She can’t work hard because she is very


2, He likes her because of she is very


3 he broke the vase because he was


4 He left school because his life was


5 I went to bed early because I feel


III Fill in the blanks with proper words:


Everyone wants to reduce (1) _ But the pollution problem is as complicated as it is (2) _ It is complicated because much pollution is caused by things that benefit people For example, (3) _ from automobile caused large (4) _ of air pollution But the automobile provides transportation to millions of people (5) _ discharge much of the material that pollutes air and water, but factories give employment to a large number of people Thus, to end or greatly (6) _ pollutions immediately, people would have to stop using many things that benefit them Most people not want to that, of course But pollution can be gradually reduces in several ways, (7) _ and engineers can work to find ways t lessen the amount of pollution that such things as

automobiles and factories cause Government can pass and enforce laws that (8) _ businesses and individuals to stop, or cut down on certain polluting activities


A forest is a special place In the forest, surrounded by all trees, you are cut off from the world around you, and filled with the sights and sounds of nature Many fairy tales and legends are set in forests, which have been thought to hold magic and mystery Today we know that these are only stories, but the forest is still a place that holds many of the world’s most valuable resources

Forest has always been important to people In the past, many people got food by hunting forest animals and gathering wild plants With the advance of civilization, fewer people now live in the forests, but forests are more valuable than ever Forests have an important economic value because they provide us with resources such as timber Forests are vital to the environment because they clean the air we breath Forests are also treasured for their beauty

1 Matching

A B Bµi lµm

1 forests a) precious

-2 tales b) the activity of looking for and killing animals

-3 valuable c) important -

4 hunt d) large area of land covered by trees - vital e) stories about imaginary events or people -2 True or False

6 When you are in the forest you are away from the nature

7 The forest is a place that holds many of the world’s most valuable resources Forests are always important to people

9 Many people now live in forests

10.Forests are not only treasured for their beauty but also for their economic value

V: Fill in the blank with proper words

rivers the cutting into causing

is soil with clothes forests




Exercise 1.

Read the following passage and answer the questions

Everyday on radio, on TV, and in the newspaper, we hear, see or read about many problems in the world, for example, pollution problems

Air pollution is the first kind It mostly comes from fumes released from motorbikes, cars, airplanes, trains and poisonous gases emitted from factories Also, waste is dumped any where, even in the city where many people are living The second pollution problem is sea pollution Many people earn their living from fishing in the sea, and the fish they catch feed many people But the sea has become so polluted from oil spills and factory wastes that the fish are dying This pollution is not only killing the fish, but is also affecting those people who eat fish

Seldom you find a place nowadays that is not polluted This problem is growing more difficult everyday We must find a good solution that makes the world a better place to live

Choose A, B, C, or D the best answer to complete the sentences below or answer the question

1 We hear, see and read about problems in the world _

A once a week B every day C every week D every year What causes the air pollution?

A fumes from vehicles B poisonous gases from factories C waste from everywhere D all are correct

3 The sea has become polluted because of _

A oil spills B factories wastes C smoke from factories D a and b are correct

4 In order to make the world a better place to live, we _

A should not prevent pollution B should find a good solution C should kill the fish D None is correct

Decide whether the statements below are true or false Environmental pollution is one of the world’s problems Vehicles and factories account for air pollution

3 Waste is usually dumped in the city where many people are living

4, the sea water is now heavily contaminated by oil spill and industrial sewage All of fish are dying because of people kill them for food

6 At present, there are no unpolluted places in the world Exercise 2: Read the passage and answer the questions

More than two hundred years ago, the term environment pollution was quite strange to people They lived healthily, drank pure water and breathed fresh air Nowadays, the situation is quite different People all over the world are worried about things that are happening to the environment Actually it is man that is destroying the surroundings with many kinds of wastes Everybody knows that motorbikes and cars emit dangerous gases that cause poisonous air and cancer, but no one wants to travel on foot or by bicycle


our health, but no one wants to spend time burying it Is it worth talking a lot about pollution?

1 How did people live more than two hundred years ago?

……… ……… ………

2 What is the man doing with his environment?

……… ……… ………

3 What the gases from motorbikes and and cars cause?

……… ………

4 Do the factories make water and soil polluted?

……… ………

Exercise 3: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. Reading:

Garbage is a (1) problem in the U.S Every year, Americans produce about 308 billion pounds All of the garbage goes (2) the landfills But many landfills not have room (3) all the garbage

One (4) to the garbage problem is recycling Half of all the garbage in the U.S can be (5) and use again

Recycling helps the landfills problem and (6) enough energy too When people recycling newspapers, they save (7) When they recycling glass, plastic, or cans They save oil and electricity Recycling is good for (8)

1 A difficultly B serious C pleased D dangerously

2 A at B in C into D to

3 A to B for C from D in

4 A talk B tell C answer D ask

5 A reused B recycled C product D reduced A save B saving C to save D saves

7 A trees B paper C electricity D water A everything B everyone C something D someone Exercise Fill in each blank of the following passage with one suitable word.

Air pollution can (1) _ people ill Consequently, some countries (2) _ laws to control the quality of smoke (3) _ the air Air pollution causes particular damage to the body (4) _ harming the lungs Leads should not (5) _ used in petrol because it is bad for children’s (6) _ and make them clumsy in using (7) _ hands Poisonous gas from lead collects in those parts of cities where (8) _ are tall buildings Pollution can also have (9) _ influence on the earth’s climate The (10) _ may melt near the North and South Poles, resulting in very bad floods

Exercise Complete the passage with the words provided There is one extra word that you not need to use:


We are all destroying the Earth The seas and rivers are too (1)……… to swim in There is so much smoke in the (2)………that it is unhealthy to live in many of the world’s cities In one well-known city, for example, poisonous gases from cars (3)

………the air so much that policemen have to wear oxygen masks We have to cut (4)……….so many trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world As a result, farmers in parts of Africa cannot (5)………enough to eat In certain countries in Asia there is so little rice Moreover, we not take enough care of the countryside Wild animals are (6)……… disappearing For instance, tigers are rare in India now because we have killed too many for them to survive However, it isn’t so simple to talk (7)………the problem We must act now before it is too late to anything about it Join us now (8)………the Earth

Exercise Read the text, and then decide True or False:

The environment is everything around us, both natural and made by man A major problem in the world today is the destruction of the natural environment This is a complicated

problem We burn fuel, and this causes air pollution We throw away plastic bags, containing toys and other subjects These stay in the environment; they are not like paper or wood that slowly disappears We have made thousands of new chemicals Factories that make or use chemicals always have chemical wastes These are often poisonous and they also stay in the environment Since 1945 several countries have been testing nuclear bombs in the air and underground The explosions in the air cause nuclear fallout The fallout causes cancer and kills animals and people Nuclear power plants that make electricity also produce dangerous wastes and have accidents that can be very disastrous

a Many big cities are facing serious air pollution……… b This is a simple problem ………

c Nuclear bombs were first tested in 1945………

d A nuclear bomb causes a terrible destruction……… B Vocabulary

Exercise Give correct formation of these words The air in the city is _ (pollute)

2 Please listen to the lecture (care)

3 An accident happened because of driving (care) He was (disappoint) that they were not coming Air and water _ (pollute) can make people fall ill Plastic bags will cause _ (pollute)

7 Mr Brown is one of the _ (conserve) We should make our world _ (pollute)

9 We must learn about keeping the environment ……… Don’t eat those vegetables They’re ……… (poison)

11 We’ll live a happier and ……… life if we keep our environment clean (health)

12 You are talking complete ……… (sense)

13 Environment ……… is everybody’s responsibility (protect) C Grammar

Exercise 1: Choose the correct form:


4 I’m ……… Tired I don’t want to anything more (extreme/ extremely) She types the letters very ……… .She can type 80 words per minutes (quick / quickly)

6 Moira is a ……… tennis player (terrible/ terribly)

7 He’s just learnt how to drive a car He still drives very ……… (slow/ slowly)

8 My sister has a ……… Voice She sings very ……… (beautiful/ beautifully)

9 My family live ……… We always concern to one another (happy/ happily) 10 Be ……… This road is very dangerous

11 - I heard Daniel isn’t very ………… (good/ well) - Well, he fell and hurt himself quite ……… (badly/ bad)

12 – There was a ……… (terrible/ terribly) accident on this road two days ago, wasn’t there?

- Yes, two people were killed and the driver of the car was ………… (serious/ seriously) injured

13 - The weather was so ……….awful/ awfully) yesterday

- yes, it was raining quite ……… (heavy/ heavily) so we stayed at home all day

14 You haven’t cleaned the floor ………… (proper/ properly) It still ………… (dirty/ dirtily)

Oh, sorry It is still………… (dirty/ dirtily)

15 You didn’t look very ……… (happy/ happily) last night

Well, I was disappointed that I did so ……… (bad/ badly) in the exam 16 – Can you remember what happen?

- I can’t remember …… (clear/ clearly).It all happened so ……… (sudden/ suddenly) 17 Don’t go up that ladder It doesn’t look ……… (safe/ safely)

- Don’t worry I’ll climb ………… (careful/ carefully) 18 Did you go to Sally’s birthday party?

- Yes, It was really a ……… (cheerful/ cheerfully) party Everybody at the party was …… (colorful/ colorfully) dressed

19 – Why you look so … (nervous/ nervously)?

- Oh, my! I’ve just got a mistake I interrupted my boss while he was on the phone, and he looked at me …… (angry/ angrily) when I interrupted him

20 – Have you seen Richard ……… (recent/ recently)?

- yes, I just met him at Rose’s party two days ago He seemed very (unhappy/ unhappily) He smiled ………… (sad/ sadly) at me when he saw me

Exercise2: Combine these sentences using BECAUSE/ AS/ SINCE: I’m going to the post office I have some postccards to send

-> I’m going to the post office because/ as/ since I have some postccards to send Jane was worried She stayed at home alone

……… Tom couldn’t get the job He was not confident during the interview

……… I have to work extra hours I want to help support my family

……… We adorehim He is very talented


5 She has to depend on us She is an orphan

……… I enjoy reading books They help broaden my knowldege of the world

……… Don’t believe him He is always being a liar

……… I haven’t finished my assighnment yet I don’t have enough materials

……… You must it right now It’s very urgent

……… 10 I feel atracted to her Her voice is very sweet

……… Exercise 3: Supply either BECAUSE or BECAUSE OF :

1 It was difficult to deliver the letter ……… the wrong address We have to cut down on our driving ……….there is an oil shortage Rescue attempts were temporarily stopped ……… the bad weather

4 They visited their friends often ……….they enjoyed their company Paul could not go to the football game ………his illness

6 Marcella was awarded a scholarship ………her superior ability Nobody ventured outdoors ………the hurricane warnings

8 We plan to spen our vacation in the mountains……….the air is purer there We have to drive around the bay ………the bridge was destroyed in the storm

10 The chickens have died ……… the intense heat Exercise Rewrite these sentences by using “because”.

1 He couldn’t meet you because of being busy

……….……… She went to bed early because of her sickness

……….……… We spent the whole day in the garden because of lovely weather

……….……… I can’t play volleyball because of my height

……….……… We can’t swim in this part of the river because of highly polluted water ……….……… Exercise Rewrite these sentences by using “because of”

1 She can’t work hard because she is very old

……….……… 2, He likes her because of she is very beautiful

……….……… he broke the vase because he was careless

……….……… He left school because his life was hard

……….……… I went to bed early because I feel tired


Exercise 6: Combine these sentences using Adj + that clause : He is worried His business is not going well

-> He is worried that his business is not going well We were disappointed She didn’t keep her promise

……… ………

2 I’m sorry I came late

……… ………

3 The boss was angry I misplaced all the documents

……… ………

4 I am happy The article has been very well received

……… ………

5 We are glad You come

……… ………

6 His parents are pleased He won the best prize

……… ………

7 It is important She should accept the offer

……… ………

8 We are afraid The goods won’t be delevered on time

……… ………

9 I’m sure They will never give him a refund

……… ………

10 It is necessary You are prudent

Ngày đăng: 18/02/2021, 16:06

