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Tải Đề thi thử đại học môn Tiếng Anh khối A1 trường THPT Lê Lợi, Quảng Trị năm 2014 - Đề thi thử đại học môn Tiếng Anh có đáp án

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.. In the United States, presidential [r]


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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A habitat B antelope C sociable D politeness Question A volunteer B competition C advantage D capability

Question A famous B climate C enter D attend

Question A acceptance B confidence C apologize D diversity Question A surround B increase C remove D mature

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.

Question I didn't understand his directions However, I asked him to repeat what he’d said A B C D

Question Those who have never been abroad is eager to see how different the other cultures are A B C D

Question With the development of the Internet and the World Wide Web, businessmen not A B hardly have as much traveling as they used to


Question As a child grows on, his physical health is affected by many elements in the air, water and A B C D


Question 10 Although caffeine is a habit-forming drug, coffee is not harmfully to the average healthy A B C D adult

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks

Technology is used for the (11) of human needs and production is increased by technology Science and technology, the (12) concerned with know- what and latter with know- how, are continuously conditioning man’s world view and have (13) material standards beyond any earlier vision of man’s potential However, in this science and technology, there is too much concerned with quantity instead of (14) Technology has made the mass production of articles (15) _and mass production seems to have reduced the quality of goods If a motor-car in the past was made to last, today it is made to be thrown away and (16) _ While the quality in terms of new features has improved, (17) is of little concern to manufacturers In their drive to expand markets and be competitive, manufacturers ignore quality and are concerned with quantity or the number of products that can be sold Evolving technology encourages the economy of transience which is fast replacing the economy of permanence of the old world Medical technology prolongs life and reduces the mortality rate, but the quality of life (18) _ Genetics has increased agricultural productivity, and the Green Revolution that it set in motion had resulted in high- yielding variety of wheat, rice paddy, etc., but they (19) the quality which the traditional variety through low- yielding had Alvin Toffler in his Future Shock considers the lowering of costs of manufacture and increased demand as factors (20) _ for the sacrifice of quality Science and technology should be concerned equally with quality and quantity This concern is of great importance since science and technology are to make further strides


Question 11 A satisfaction B requirement C disappoinment D demand

Question 12 A before B older C former D first

Question 13 A raised B risen C lifted D aroused

Question 14 A number B value C evaluation D quality

Question 15 A necessary B possible C available D important

Question 16 A replaced B refunded C repaired D refilled

Question 17 A endurance B strength C duration D durability Question 18 A deteriorates B diminished C loosens D devastates

Question 19 A wanted B needed C lacked D missed

Question 20 A used B responsible C asking D explaining

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences.

Question 21 As he gets older, he wants to travel less A As soon as he wants to travel less, he gets older B The less he wants to travel, the older he gets

C The more old age he gets, the less he wants to travel D The older he gets, the less he wants to travel

Question 22 If it hadn’t been for his carelessness, we would have finished the work A He was careless because we hadn’t finished the work

B If he was careful, we would finish the work

C If he had been more careful, we would have completed the work D Because he wasn’t careless, we didn’t finish the work

Question 23 The President offered his congratulations to the players when they won the cup A The President congratulated that the players had won the cup

B When they won the cup, the players had been offered some congratulations from the President C The President would offered the players congratulations if they won the match

D The President congratulated the players on their winning the match Question 24 My father couldn’t stand Tom’s behavior

A My father found Tom’s behavior intolerant B My father found Tom’s behavior intolerable C My father was tolerant towards Tom’s behavior D Tom’s behavior was not tolerable

Question 25 The scientists succeeded in finding a vaccine for that disease A The scientists were able to find a vaccine for that disease

B The scientists were finding a vaccine for that disease C The scientists should have found a vaccine for that disease D The scientists couldn't find a vaccine for that disease

Question 26 She had only just begun to speak when people started interrupting A She hardly had begun to speak when people started interrupting

B Hardly she had begun to speak when people started interrupting C Hardly had she begun to speak when people started interrupting D She hadn’t begun to speak when people started interrupting Question 27 If only you told me the truth about the theft A You should have told me the truth about the theft B Only if you had told me the truth about the theft

C Had you had told me the truth , there wouldn’t have been the theft D You only told me the truth if there was a theft

Question 28 My sister worries so much about fitness that she wastes a lot of time and money A My sister wastes a lot of time and money though she worries so much about fitness


Question 29 People believe he won a lot of money on the lottery A He is believed that he won a lot of money on the lottery B He won a lot of money on the lottery, it is believed C He is believed to have won a lot of money on the lottery D He was believed to win a lot of money on the lottery

Question 30 “Leave my house now or I’ll call the police!” shouted the lady to the man A The lady threatened to call the police if the man didn’t leave her house

B The lady said that she would call the police if the man didn’t leave her house C The lady told the man that she would call the police if he didn’t leave her house D The lady informed the man that she would call the police if he didn’t leave her house

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part each of the following questions.

Question 31 If petrol price goes up any more, I shall have to use a bicycle

A develops B rises C raises D decreases

Question 32.Although it’s a long day for us, we feel we are contented with what we

A dissatisfied B excited C shocked D interested

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is NEAREST in meaning to the underlined part each of the following questions.

Question 33 My little boy Tom never screams though he is scared

A in pain B frightened C embarrassed D confused Question 34: I should be grateful if you would let me keep myself to myself

A be quiet B be private C be lonely D be special Question 35 We went away on holiday last week, but it rained day in day out

A every single day B every other day C every second day D every two days

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

In the United States, presidential elections are held in years evenly divisible by four (1888, 1900, 1964, etc.) Since 1840, American presidents elected in years ending with zero have died in office, with one exception William H Harrison, the man who served the shortest term, died of pneumonia only several weeks after his inauguration

Abraham Lincoln was one of four presidents who were assassinated He was elected in 1860, and his untimely death came just five years later James A Garfield, a former Union army general from Ohio, was shot during his first year in office (1881) by a man to whom he wouldn't give a job While in his second term of office (1901), William McKinley, another Ohioan, attended the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York During the reception, he was assassinated while shaking hands with some of the guests John F Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 in Dallas only three years after his election

Three years after his election in 1920, Warren G, Harding died in office Although it was never proved, many believe he was poisoned Franklin D Roosevelt was elected four times (1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944), the only man to serve so long a term He had contracted polio in 1921 and eventually died of the illness in 1945

Ronald Reagan, who was elected in 1980 and reelected four years later, suffered an

assassination attempt but did not succumb to the assassin's bullets He was the first to break the long chain of unfortunate events Will the candidate in the election of 2020 also be as lucky?

Question 36 All of the following were election years EXCEPT

A 1860 B 1960 C.1888 D.1963

Question 37 Which president served the shortest term in office?

A Abraham Lincoln B Warren G Harding C William McKinley D.William H Harrison Question 38 Which of the following is true?


B Only presidents from Ohio have died in office

C Franklin D Roosevelt completed four terms as president D Four American presidents have been assassinated

Question 39 How many presidents elected in years ending in zero since 1840 have died in office?


Question 40 The word "inauguration" in the first paragraph means most nearly the same as A election B acceptance speech C swearing-in ceremony D campaign Question 41 All of the following presidents were assassinated EXCEPT

A John F Kennedy B Franklin D Roosevelt C Abraham Lincoln D James A Garfield Question 42 The word "assassinated" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to

A murdered B decorated C honored D sickened

Question 43 The word "whom" in the second paragraph refers to

A Garfield B Garfield's assassin C a Union army general D McKinley Question 44 In the third paragraph, "contracted" is closest in meaning to

A communicated about B developed C agree about D notified Question 45 How long did Warren G, Harding work as a president?

A years B months C years D years

Mark the letter A, B , C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following question.

Question 46 The polar bear’s _ depends on its ability to catch fish

A survival B survive C surviving D survivor

Question 47 The university is proud of their students, earn national recognition

A many of who B many of whom C that D whom

Question 48 He’d rather _ a hot beverage during a meal

A I not have B I did not have C I not have D I had not Question 49 We carried out a careful _of the area

A education B preparation C calculation D examination Question 50 A few months ago I moved into a very small flat after … for years with my parents A be living B having lived C being lived D have living Question 51 - Is the lift working? - No , it’s _Let’s use the stairs

A out of work B impossible C dangerous D out of order

Question 52.The journalist refused to _the source of his information

A disclose B open C propose D enclose

Question 53 The existence of many stars in the sky us to suspect that there may be life on another planet

A lead B leading C have led D leads

Question 54 Dora _ in university when you come back in three years' time A will be studying B will have been studied C is studying D would study Question 55.The school required that every student _before September 1st

A register B registered C registers D was registered

Question 56 Charlie Chaplin was _of the silent movies

A one of the great actor comics B the greatest comic actors C one of the greatest comic actors D a great comic actor one Question 57 It looked dark and heavy it was going to rain

A although B as if C unless D whereas Question 58 A: Can I help you, madam? B:

A Yes, it's in our summer sale B It's very cheap


C All right Well done D Not to worry Better late than never

Question 60 - " Who wrote this poem?" - " It's said _ written by one of the Bronte sisters."

A to be B to have been C to being D to having been

Question 61 If too many species _ out, it will upset the ecosystem

A disappear B die C go D extinct

Question 62 _ you to be offered that job, would you have to move to another city?

A Should B Were C Had D Provided that

Question 63 Some students in this class are from HCMC, from the provinces

A others B another C the other D each other

Question 64 The strike was caused by the _ of two workers

A dismiss B dismissing C dismissed D dismissal

Question 65 The problem is difficult Therefore students could answer it

A a great number of B a lot of C few D a few

Question 66 In most _ developed countries, up to 50% of _ population enters higher education at some time in their lives

A the/  B /  C the/ a D  /the Question 67 The success of the party was mainly due to the presence of several _ A celebrations B celebrated C celebrities D celebrates Question 68 I don’t believe a word he said, I think he just made _ that story

A up B down C out D off

Question 69 Not only air pollution but it also does harm to our health A car exhaust causes B car exhaust cause

C does car exhaust cause D car exhaust cause

Question 70 He did not share his secrets with many people but he _ in her A confessed B concealed C confided D consented Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer


Paul Watson is an environmental activist He is a man who believes that he must something, not just talk about doing something Paul believes in protecting endangered animals, and he protects them in controversial ways Some people think that Watson is a hero and admire him very much Other people think that he is a criminal

On July 16th, 1979, Paul Watson and his crew were on his ship, which is called the Sea

Shepherd Watson and the people who work on the Sea Shepherd were hunting on the Atlantic Ocean near Portugal However, they had a strange prey; instead of hunting for animals, their prey was a ship, the Sierra The Sea Shepherd found the Sierra, ran into it and sank it As a result, the Sierra never returned to the sea The Sea Shepherd, on the other hand, returned to its home in Canada Paul Watson and his workers thought that they had been successful

The Sierra had been a whaling ship, which had operated illegally The captain and the crew of the Sierra did not obey any of the international laws that restrict whaling Instead, they killed as many whales as they could, quickly cut off the meat, and froze it Later, they sold the whale meat in countries where it is eaten

Paul Watson tried to persuade the international whaling commission to stop the Sierra

However, the commission did very little, and Paul became impatient He decided to stop the Sierra and other whaling ships in any way that he could He offered to pay $25,000 to anyone who sank any illegal whaling ship, and he sank the Sierra He acted because he believes that the whales must be protected Still, he acted without the approval of the government; therefore, his actions were controversial


Watson, they have become impatient Yet, because of their concern for the environment, they will act to protect it

Question 71 According to the reading, an environmental activist is someone who

A runs into whaling ship B does something to protect the Earth C talks about protecting endangered species D is a hero, like Paul Watson

Question 72 When something is controversial ,

A everyone agrees with it B everyone disagrees with it C people have different ideas about it D people protect it

Question 73 The members of a ship’s crew are

A people working on the ship B the people selling ships

C all of the people on a ship, including the passengers D the people who own the ship Question 74 The main idea of paragraph one is that

A Paul Watson is a hero to some people B activists are people who something

C Paul Watson is a controversial environmental activist D Paul Watson does not believe in talking

Question 75 The Sea Shepherd was hunting

A the Atlantic Ocean B whales C the Sierra D Portugal Question 76 The author implies that Paul Watson lives in

A Portugal B a ship on the AtlanticC the Sierra D Canada Question 77 The captain and the crew of the Sierra were acting illegally because A they were not obeying international laws B they were whaling

C they were killing and selling whales D All of the above are correct Question 78 In paragraph , ” it” refers to

A whale meat B the Sierra C whales D the Sierra crew Question 79 The main idea of paragraph is that

A the Sierra sold whale meat in some countries B the people on the Sierra didn’t obey international laws

C the people on the Sierra killed as many whales as they could D whaling is illegal according to international law

Question 80 Watson ran into the Sierra because A he wanted to stop the ship’s crew from whaling B he was impatient with the government’s actions C he wanted to protect the whales from the whalers D All of the above are correct








1. D D A D

2. C D B C

3. D D B D

4. B A D B

5. B C B A


7. C A A A

8. C B D C

9. A B A C

10. C C A A

11. A A C D

12. C B B A

13. A B C B

14. D D D B

15. B B B A

16. A D B B

17. D A B C

18. A D A A

19. C A D C

20. B A C C

21. D C D D

22. C B C D

23. D C A A

24. B D C B

25. A B C D

26. C B A B

27. A B C C

28. C A A C

29. C D D A

30. A C B C

31. D D A A

32. A C D B

33. B A A B

34. B C C D

35. A C B B

36. D D D D

37. D C D A

38. D D D D

39. A B A A

40. C B C A

41. B B B C

42. A B A B

43. B A B C

44 B D B D

45. C A C B

46. A B D B

47. B C C B

48. B A D A

49. D C B D

50. B C B C

51. D D D D

52. A D A C

53. D A B A

54. A B B C

55. A D A C

56. C A B A

57. B C C C


59. D D C D

60. B B C B

61. B A D A

62. B D D D

63. A A A A

64. D C B C

65. C B D B

66. D D B D

67. C C C D

68. A D C D

69. C B A A

70. C A C C

71. B C D B

72. C B C A

73. A C D B

74. C C B B

75. C A A C

76. D B C D

77. D C A C

78. A C C D

79. B A C B

Ngày đăng: 17/02/2021, 13:54


