Tài liệu bao gồm bài giảng môn Tài chính tiền tê thuộc khối Tài Chính. Nội dung hoàn toàn bằng Tiếng Anh.We study the effects of financial markets and institutions on the economy, and look at their general structure and operations. Topics include:Function and Structure of Financial MarketsInternationalization of Financial MarketsTypes and Functions of Financial IntermediariesRegulation of the Financial System
Finance and Money Question??? Why Study Money, Banking, and Financial Markets? Why Study Financial Markets? 1.Channel funds from savers to investors, thereby promoting economic efficiency 2.Affect personal wealth and behavior of business firms Why Study Banking and Financial Institutions? 1.Financial Intermediation Helps get funds from savers to investors 2.Banks and Money Supply Crucial role in creation of money 3.Financial Innovation Why Study Money and Monetary Policy? 1.Influence on business cycles, inflation, and interest rates Finance and Money 3 References Mishkin, Frederick S. (2010), The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 9 th Edition, Pearson Lloyd B. Thomas (2006), Money, banking and financial markets, Thomson Miller, Van Hoose (2007 ),Money, banking and financial markets, Thomson Finance and Money 4 Overview of the Course An Overview of the Financial System Money and payment system Understanding Interest Rates Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy Depository Institutions: Banks and Bank Management The foreign exchange Finance and Money 5 Chapter 1 An Overview of the Financial System . Finance and Money 7 Chapter Preview Suppose you want to start a business to develop iPhone App, but you have no start up funds. At the same time, Makena has money to invest for retirement. If the two of you could get together, perhaps both of your needs can be met. But how does that happen? Finance and Money 8 Chapter Preview We study the effects of financial markets and institutions on the economy, and look at their general structure and operations. Topics include: ─ Function and Structure of Financial Markets ─ Internationalization of Financial Markets ─ Types and Functions of Financial Intermediaries ─ Regulation of the Financial System Finance and Money 9 Function of Financial Markets Channels funds from person or business without investment opportunities (i.e., “Lender-Savers”) to one who has them (i.e., “Borrower-Spenders”) Improves economic efficiency People who need funds borrowers/issuer/seller People who have funds to give lenders/savers/buyers Finance and Money 10 . lenders/savers/buyers Finance and Money 10 Finance and Money 11 Financial Markets Funds Transferees Finance and Money 12 Segments of Financial Markets 1. Direct Finance. bank Finance and Money 13 Direct finance Borrowers sell securities directly to lenders e.g. corporate and Treasury bonds Finance and Money 14 Finance