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Anh 7-Test 3 - Website Trường THCS Phan Bội Châu - Đại Lộc - Quảng Nam

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Group verbs into sound columns according to the final “ED”:(1pt) (Nhóm các động từ theo cách phát âm tận cùng “ED”).. hoped, collected, asked, started, brushed, called, ironed, filled, r[r]


Tiếng Anh: (3) A MATRẬN:

Level Recognize Understand Use Total


Low High


I Phonetic Sentence: Mark: Percent: 1.0 8,3% 1.0 8,3% II Language focus

Sentence: Mark: Percent: 1.5 16,6% 2.0 22,2% 14 3.5 38,8% III Reading Sentence: Mark: Percent: 12 3.0 33,3% 12 3.0 33,3% IV Writing Sentence: Mark: Percent: 1.5 8,3% 1.5 8,3% V Listening Sentence: Mark: Percent: 1.0 11,1% 1.0 11,1% Total Sentence: Mark: Percent:


Name:……… ONE PERIOD TEST Class:………… Number:…… Tiếng Anh: (3)

I Group verbs into sound columns according to the final “ED”:(1pt) (Nhóm động từ theo cách phát âm tận “ED”)

studied, filled, rented, missed, decided, prepared, tasted, ironed, liked, hoped /id/……… /t/……… /d/……… II.Choose the correct answer:(2pts)

1 You must dink ……water every day (much/ many/ a few/ too much) Milk is good……… your health ( to/ with/ for/ in)

3 How ……… is Nga? – She is 36 kilos (high/ weight/ heavy/ tall)

4 You should………… your hands before meals (to wash/ wash/ washed/ washing) Minh is absent today……… he is ill ( why/ because/ when/ what)

6 He……… come here last night (doesn’t/ won’t/ isn’t/ didn’t) The weather ……… nice yesterday (were/ was/ is/ am)

8 Remember……….your teeth after meals (brush/ brushed/ to brush/ brushing ) III Match the answers to the questions(1.5pts)


1 What will you on your next vacation? How much does it cost?

3 How long does it take to get to school by bike? What did you yesterday evening?

5 How far is it from school to the City’s museum? Who helped her make the dress?

a It’s about two km b Her mother

c I’ll visit Ha Long Bay d Ten thousand dong e About twenty minutes f I went to the movie

1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… IV Complete the passage with the words given and then answer the questions (3pts)

at, returned, to, was, last, postcards, such, it

Nam had a wonderful holiday (1) summer He (2) in Hanoi, the capital of Viet Nam He stayed (3) his uncle house for three weeks He visited a lot of interesting places (4) as Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum, Ba Dinh Square, West Lake, Lenin Park, ect He bought some (5) for his friends and a cap with a national flag on it Nam liked the cap much He worse (6) all day When he (7) to Ho Chi Minh city, he told (8) his friends about his vacation

1 Where was Nam on his last summer vacation? ……… How long did he stay in Hanoi? What did he buy?

4 Did he like the cap? V Rewrite the following sentences so that they have the same meaning: (1,5pts)

1.She went to the doctor because she had a backache

Why did ……….……… ?

2.How old are you?  What is ………?

3.My brother is one meter 70 centimeters  How ………? VI Listen carefully and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D: (1pt)

1/.How old are you? A 40 B 14 C 50 D 15

2/.And your height is…………? A m 50 B m 55 C m 60 D m 45 3/ No, I think I’m……… A shorter B bigger C taller D heavier


/id/ rented, decided, tasted /t/ hoped, liked, missed

/d/ studied, filled, prepared, ironed II Mỗi câu 0,25điểm

1 much For Heavy Wash Because Didn’t Was To brush III Mỗi câu 0,25điểm

1-c, 2-d, 3-e, 4-f, 5-a, 6-b IV Mỗi câu 0,25điểm

1 last – was – at – such – postcards – it – returned – to  Answer the questions:

1 He was in Ha Noi For three weeks

3 He bought some postcards for his friends and a cap with a national flag on it Yes, he did

V Mỗi câu 0,5điểm

1 Why did she go to the doctor? What is your age?

3 How tall is your brother? VI Mỗi câu 0,25điểm


Name:……… ONE PERIOD TEST Class:………… Number:…… Tiếng Anh: (3) I.Choose the correct answer:(2pts)

1 Don’t eat too……… candy (much/ many/ a lot of/ lot of)

2 She doesn’t like pork, and ………… does her uncle (either/ so/ neither/ too) Remember……your hands before meals ( wash/ to wash/ washing/ washes) He……… to the zoo last Saturday (goes/ went/ is going/go)

5 I…… very happy on my last vacation (am/ was/ is/ were)

6 She looks tired What’s the …… with her (matter/ happen/ wrong) A balanced diet is good……… your health ( to/ with/ in/ for)

8 This papaya isn’t green It is……… (small/ ripe/ good/ big)

II Group verbs into sound columns according to the final “ED”:(1pt) (Nhóm động từ theo cách phát âm tận “ED”)

hoped, collected, asked, started, brushed, called, ironed, filled, received, stopped /id/……… /t/……… /d/……… III Matching (2pts)


1 I’m hungry a He’s 40 kilos 1………

2 What is his height? b 50 meters 2…………

3 How heavy is she? c So is Minh 3……

4 Ba is playing soccer d I’d like a bowl of noodles 4……… IV Make sentence with so/ to/ either/ neither (1pt)

1 She phones to her parents twice a week ……… I Jane loves dogs and she loves cats…………

3 They won’t come to the meeting and ………….will we Nam doesn’t like chicken and Hoa …………

V.Give corret form of the verbs:(1pt)

1 He (not come)…………to the meeting last week 2.You should (go) to bed early

VI.Put the question for these anwers: (1pt)

1 I visited the dentist because I had a terrible toothache He got up at five o’clock yesterday morning

I. Listen to choose the best answer: (2pts)

1 Lan had (beef/ mea/ fish) with noodles and vegtable for her breakfast Ba chose fish and rice and some (milk/ fruit/ water)

3 Nga ate (rice/ noodles/ meat) and vegetables

4 Hoa had noodles and some (bananas/ fruit/ oranges)


I Mỗi câu 0,25điểm


/id/ collected, started

/t/ hoped, asked, stopped, brushed /d/ filled, ironed, called, received III Mỗi câu 0,5điểm

1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c IV Mỗi câu 0,5điểm

1 so to neither Doesn’t either V Mỗi câu 0,5điểm

1 didn’t come go

VI Mỗi câu 0,25điểm 1 What did you visit the dentist?

2 What time did you get up yesterday morning? VII Mỗi câu 0,5điểm

Ngày đăng: 08/02/2021, 08:06



