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__True___The police officer compare the village after the tornado with ‘more disastrous than a war zone’ ♦ Read the passage, choose the best option: (0.5pt).. 23.[r]



SAMPLE SECOND-TERM TEST (GRADE 9) I Listening: Listen and check (V) True / False: (1 pt)

True False Never stay inside when there is an earthquake to avoid being injured

2 When there is an earthquake, you should sit under a strong table You should check the mirrors in the bathroom and bedrooms Put hanging potted plants in metal containers

II Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence (1.5 pts) Bill: “I am taking my end-of-term exam next week.” Bruce: “……….….”

A Congratulations! B Cheers! C Good luck! D Well done! ……….I get angry and upset, I try to take ten deep breaths

A Until B Whenever C Wherever D For

7 Lan: “What a delicious cake!” - Hoa: “……… ” A No, I don’t think so

B I’m sorry I did it badly C I’d prefer it very muchD Thanks I’m glad you like it The New Year is celebrated ……….midnight ………January 1st.

A in – on B at – on C at – in D in – in

9 I think we should use banana leaves to ……… food instead of plastic bags

A wrap B dissolve C tear D collect

10 We need your help as no one told us ……… A how should we

B how to it C what should we doD what to it III Precaution / road signs(0.5pt)

11.What does this sign mean? (A) No parking allowed (B) No partying

(C) No pedestrians allowed (D) No passing allowed 12.What does this sign mean? (A) No left lane

(B) U-turn is prohibited (C) Left lane ends


IV Choose the word or phrase (A,B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage (1.5pts)

Do you run the faucet while you (13) _ your teeth? Do you know that you are wasting the water? Whenever you turn on the faucet, think (14) _ how you’d feel if you had to carry that water from a well! Then you’ll remember not to run extra water while brushing teeth Is there litter around your school or at the park? Litter doesn’t look nice but some litter can be harmful to other creatures Always put litter in trash (15) and be sure to recycle all the aluminum and steel cans Look for the triangle at the bottom of the plastic containers If you see the numbers or in the triangle, the plastic item can be (16) _

Even something as simple as using both sides of the piece of paper can help the earth (17) _ you are finished with a school worksheet, use the back of the paper for drawing or feed it back into printer to use for another worksheet You can (18) electricity by turning off the computer or other electronics when they are not being used and don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave a room

13 a make b c brush d take

14 a of b about c on d for

15 a boxes b cans c bottles d pills

16 a reused b reduced c returned d recycled

17 a What b Who c When d Where

18 a protect b save c waste d spend

V Read the passage, then decide whether the statements are True or False (1.0 pt)

Most of the people in Saragossa were attending a children’s graduation ceremony in the village school when one of the worst tornadoes in American history suddenly struck A sudden loud whistling sound made everyone sit up as the youngest child was shaking hands with the village mayor It was supposed to be a time of great happiness Instead it ended in tragedy The children were receiving their certificates when the tornado hit the village without any warning The walls of the school building fell in while most of the parents were watching the ceremony Tons of concrete were sent crashing down on them Other parents were preparing a huge meal in the school kitchen at the time of the disaster Afterwards no building in Saragossa remained standing Out of the population of 185, at least 25 were dead and a further 112 were injured “The whole village has gone,” said police officer Paul Deishler “There’s nothing at all here now It looks worse than a war zone.”

19 _Most of the village people were at the school when the tornado hit the village 20 _When the tornado was coming, a loud noise like thunder could be heard 21 _Saragossa is in Canada

22 _The police officer compare the village after the tornado with more disastrous than a war zone Read the passage, choose the best option (0.5pt)

23 What is the passage mainly about?

A a graduation ceremony in a village school B the damage after a flood

C the serious damage after a tornado struck a village

D the disappointment of all parents when the ceremony was delayed 24 What does the author imply about the disaster ?

A Natural disasters are very dangerous

B Sudden natural disasters can more severe damage to people and their things than the one made by man


VI Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence (1.5pts) 25 Have you made all the ……… for the class party? (prepare)

26 ………, her husband was lost on the day when the tidal wave occurred (fortunate) 26 According to the weather forecast, Nha Trang will be ……… tomorrow (rain)

27 That man used to live on a ……… island (volcano) 28 He has little ……… of winning a prize (expect)

29 A tidal wave brings death and ……… in its wake (destroy)

VII.Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the sentence printed before it (2.0 pts)

30 I am very pleased with Mai’s intelligent answers

I am very pleased that 31 Although he was successful, he felt dissatisfied

In spite of

32 He said, “ Let’s keep sheets with single printed page for drafting.” He suggested that 33 They live in a very lovely village

The village _ VIII Put the words in correct order to make a complete sentence: (0.5pts) 34 after their refreshment / have left lots of garbage / the drivers / on the ground

 The 35 the first Sunday of April / organizing a celebration / I think / is suitable for /  I think _




SAMPLE SECOND-TERM TEST (GRADE 9) I Listening: Listen and check (V) True / False: (1 pt)

True False Never stay inside when there is an earthquake to avoid being injured V When there is an earthquake, you should sit under a strong table V

3 You should check the mirrors in the bathroom and bedrooms V

4 Put hanging potted plants in metal containers V

II Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence (1.5 pts)

5 Bill: “I am taking my end-of-term exam next week.” Bruce: “……….….” A Congratulations! B Cheers! C Good luck! D Well done! ……….I get angry and upset, I try to take ten deep breaths

A Until B Whenever C Wherever D For

7 Lan: “What a delicious cake!” - Hoa: “……… ” A No, I don’t think so

B I’m sorry I did it badly C I’d prefer it very muchD Thanks I’m glad you like it The New Year is celebrated ……….midnight ………January 1st.

A in – on B at – on C at – in D in – in

9 I think we should use banana leaves to ……… food instead of plastic bags

A wrap B dissolve C tear D collect

10 We need your help as no one told us ……… A how should we

B how to it C what should we doD what to it III Precaution / road signs(0.5pt)

11.What does this sign mean? (A) No parking allowed (B) No partying

(C) No pedestrians allowed (D) No passing allowed 12.What does this sign mean? (A) No left lane

(B) U-turn is prohibited


IV Choose the word or phrase (A,B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage (1.5pts)

Do you run the faucet while you (13) _ your teeth? Do you know that you are wasting the water? Whenever you turn on the faucet, think (14) _ how you’d feel if you had to carry that water from a well! Then you’ll remember not to run extra water while brushing teeth Is there litter around your school or at the park? Litter doesn’t look nice but some litter can be harmful to other creatures Always put litter in trash (15) and be sure to recycle all the aluminum and steel cans Look for the triangle at the bottom of the plastic containers If you see the numbers or in the triangle, the plastic item can be (16) _

Even something as simple as using both sides of the piece of paper can help the earth (17) _ you are finished with a school worksheet, use the back of the paper for drawing or feed it back into printer to use for another worksheet You can (18) electricity by turning off the computer or other electronics when they are not being used and don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave a room

13 a make b c brush d take

14 a of b about c on d for

15 a boxes b cans c bottles d pills

16 a reused b reduced c returned d recycled

17 a What b Who c When d Where

18 a protect b save c waste d spend

V Read the passage, then decide whether the statements are True or False (1.0 pt)

Most of the people in Saragossa were attending a children’s graduation ceremony in the village school when one of the worst tornadoes in American history suddenly struck A sudden loud whistling sound made everyone sit up as the youngest child was shaking hands with the village mayor It was supposed to be a time of great happiness Instead it ended in tragedy The children were receiving their certificates when the tornado hit the village without any warning The walls of the school building fell in while most of the parents were watching the ceremony Tons of concrete were sent crashing down on them Other parents were preparing a huge meal in the school kitchen at the time of the disaster Afterwards no building in Saragossa remained standing Out of the population of 185, at least 25 were dead and a further 112 were injured “The whole village has gone,” said police officer Paul Deishler “There’s nothing at all here now It looks worse than a war zone.”

19 True _Most of the village people were at the school when the tornado hit the village 20 True _When the tornado was coming, a loud noise like thunder could be heard 21 False _ Saragossa is in Canada

22 True _The police officer compare the village after the tornado with ‘more disastrous than a war zone’ Read the passage, choose the best option: (0.5pt)

23 What is the passage mainly about?

A a graduation ceremony in a village school B the damage after a flood

C the serious damage after a tornado struck a village.

D the disappointment of all parents when the ceremony was delayed 24 What does the author imply about the disaster?

A Natural disasters are very dangerous.

B Sudden natural disasters can more severe damage to people and their things than the one made by man


VI Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence (1.5pts) 25 Have you made all the preparations…for the class party? (prepare)

26 …Unfortunalely , her husband was lost in the day when the tidal wave occurred (fortunate) 26 According to the weather forecast, Nha Trang will be …rainy tomorrow (rain)

27 That man used to live on a …volcanic island (volcano) 28 He has little expectation… of winning a prize (expect)

29 A tidal wave brings death and …destruction in its wake (destroy)

VII.Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the sentence printed before it (2.0 pts)

30 I am very pleased with Mai’s intelligent answers I am very pleased that Mai answered intelligently 31 Although he was successful, he felt dissatisfied

In spite of his success, he felt dissatisfied

32 He said, “ Let’s keep sheets with single printed page for drafting.”

He suggested that they (should) keep sheets with single printed page for drafting 33 They live in a very lovely village

The village where they live is very lovely The village which they live in is very lovely The village in which they live is very lovely

VIII Put the words in correct order to make a complete sentence: (0.5pts) 34 after their refreshment / have left lots of garbage / the drivers / on the ground




Số Thứ


Dạng bài Chuẩn kiến thức

Mức độ

Số câu Số


Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng

cấp thấp

Vận dụng cấp cao






Q I Listen Listen and give

the answer True or False

2 1

4 1.0


Multiple choice (4 options)

- Prepositions - Vocabulary - Verb form/tense

- Structure/gram - Conversation

2 2 1 1 6 1.5

III Caution/

Road Signs

-Road Signs 2 2 0.5

IV Reading (2

passages) A-Lexical (4 options) B-True /false -Multiple choice questions (4 options) 2 2 2 1 12 3.0

V Word Form

-noun -adjective -adverb

2 2 1 1 6 1.5




- Adverb clause :1 - suggestions: - relative clause :1

1 4 2.0

VII Rearrangem

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 15:22



