Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity.. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity.. Give the pupils some time to draw an object depicting their favourite colour a
Trang 1living room garden
bathroom living room
a ball on a chairExpress Publishinga skateboard under a desk
Trang 21 It’s got a big mouth and hair _
2 It’s got two eyes, four ears and a small mouth _
3 It’s got four eyes, two ears and a big nose _
2 and are good for
your and
1 and are good for
Express Publishing
Trang 41 Circle.
1 A can run / ly.
2 A can hop / crawl.
3 A can climb / swim.
4 A can climb / sing.
5 A can sing / dance.
2 Choose Complete.
1 It’s 3 It’s
2 It’s 4 It’s
summer autumn spring winter
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Trang 6© Expr
25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12
11 10
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Trang 7Module 1
Ex 1 (p 4)
Explain the activity Allow the pupils some time to
complete the activity Check their answers
Suggested Answer Key
NAME: Nurlan
HEIGHT: 1.50
Ex 2 (p 4)
Revise commands Read the instructions and explain
the activity The pupils complete the missing letters
and then match the commands to the pictures
Check their answers
Explain the activity The pupils look at the pictures and
tick the shapes used to create them Allow the pupils
some time to complete the activity Check their
Explain the activity Point to the items and elicit the
colours The pupils look at the pictures and write the
colours Give the pupils some time to complete the
activity Check their answers
Answer Key
2 blue 4 yellow 6 orange
3 pink 5 green
Ex 5 (p 6)
Explain the activity Give the pupils some time to draw
an object depicting their favourite colour and then
complete the sentence
Suggested Answer Key
My favourite colour is green
Ex 6 (p 7)Refer the pupils to the picture Read the instructionsand explain the activity The pupils read the prompts
in the balloons and then find the correspondingstickers from the sticker section Have the pupils showthem to you for verification before sticking them onthe page
Answer Key
Ex 7 (p 8)Read the instructions and explain the activity Thepupils colour the picture Then, give the pupils sometime to look at the picture and complete the words Ifyou wish, you can play the recording of the story forthe pupils to listen and check their answers
Answer Key
1 Look at all the colours!
2 Well done, birds!
My Progress! 1 (p 9)Explain the activity The pupils look at the picture andlabel the items Allow the pupils some time to completethe activity Check their answers
Express Publishing
Trang 8Answer Key
Go through the I can section Do a quick revision Ask
the pupils to mime the instructions Can they do it?
Then they tick the corresponding section Repeat with
the other two sections
Answer Key
B 1 C 4 D 2
Ex 2 (p 13)Explain the activity The pupils draw lines through themaze to find what colour the items are and colourthem Then they write them as in the example Allowthe pupils some time to complete the activity Checktheir answers
2 my grandpa 4 my grandma
3 my daddy 5 my mummy
Express Publishing
Trang 9Ex 5 (p 16)
Read the instructions and explain the activity The
pupils colour the picture Then give the pupils some
time to look at the picture and tick the right answer If
you wish, you can play the recording of the story for
the pupils to listen and check their answers
Answer Key
2 A real rose yummy!
My Progress! 2 (p 17)
Explain the activity The pupils look at the picture and
label the items Allow the pupils some time to complete
the activity Check their answers
Answer Key
Go through the I can section Do a quick revision Ask
the pupils to name some family members Can they
do it? Then they tick the corresponding section Repeatwith the other two sections
Answer Key
2 It’s a pen 5 It’s a ruler
3 It’s a pencil 6 It’s a rubber
4 It’s a book
Ex 2 (p 21)Explain the activity The pupils look at the incompletepictures and draw the rest of the picture Then theycomplete the missing letters Allow them some time tocomplete the activity Check their answers
Answer Key
2 teacher 4 pencil case
3 sharpener
Express Publishing
Trang 10Ex 3 (p 22)
Refer the pupils to the picture Explain the activity Elicit
what the pupils can see Allow them some time to
complete the activity Check their answers
Explain the activity Allow the pupils some time to
complete the activity Check the pupils’ answers
Answer Key
1 e 2 a 3 c 4 f 5 b 6 d
2 Turn left
3 Turn right
4 You can park here
5 You can’t ride a bike here
6 Wait
Ex 5 (p 23)
Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask the
pupils to find the corresponding stickers from the
sticker section and then circle the correct answers
Have the pupils show them to you for verification
before sticking them on the page
Answer Key
2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 B
Ex 6 (p 24)Read the instructions and explain the activity Allowthe pupils some time to look at the pictures andnumber them in the correct order If you wish you canplay the recording of the story for the pupils to listenand check their answers
Answer Key
My Progress! 3 (p 25)Explain the activity The pupils look at the picture andlabel the items Allow the pupils some time to completethe activity Check their answers
Answer Key
Go through the I can section Do a quick revision Ask
the pupils to name some things about their school,school items and photos Can they do it? Then theytick the corresponding section Repeat with the othertwo sections
Express Publishing
Trang 11Explain the activity The pupils look at the pictures and
tick the right answers Allow the pupils some time to
complete the activity Check their answers
Answer Key
2 No, he isn’t 4 No, she isn’t
3 No, he isn’t
Ex 2 (p 29)
Explain the activity Elicit the names of the rooms The
pupils read the sections and draw a radio in each
room as well as the garden Then they colour them
accordingly Allow the pupils some time to complete
the activity Check their answers
Answer Key
pink ball – bathroom
blue ball – bedroom
green ball – living room
yellow ball – kitchen
red ball – garden
Ex 3 (p 30)Refer the pupils to the pictures Explain the activity Thepupils look at the pictures, read the sentences andmark them accordingly Check their answers
Answer Key
2 A 3 B 4 B 5 B
Ex 4 (p 30)
Revise the use of these and those Allow the pupils
some time to look at the pictures, read the sentencesand complete them Check their answers
Answer Key
2 Those 3 Those 4 These
Ex 5 (p 31)Refer the pupils to the characters Read the instructionsand explain the activity Ask the pupils to follow thelines and find the corresponding stickers from thesticker section Have the pupils show them to you forverification before sticking them on the page
• Now look again and write (p 31)
Ask the pupils to look at Ex 5 again and complete thesentences
Answer Key
1 kitchen 2 the garden 3 is in the bedroom
Ex 6 (p 32)Read the instructions and explain the activity Gothrough the code and elicit the colours Give the
Express Publishing
Trang 12pupils some time to use the code and colour the
picture Check the pupils’ drawings
My Progress! 4 (p 33)
Explain the activity The pupils look at the picture and
label the items Allow the pupils some time to complete
the activity Check their answers
Answer Key
Go through the I can section Do a quick revision Ask
the pupils to name some rooms in a house Can they
do it? Then they tick the corresponding section Repeat
with the other two
2 nose 3 mouth 4 ears 5 eyes
Ex 2 (p 36)Explain the activity The pupils read the sentences andcolour in the face of the clown Allow the pupils sometime to complete the activity Check their answers.Answer Key
hair – yellow mouth – red ears – blueeyes – green nose – pink
Ex 3 (p 37)Explain the activity The pupils look at the pictures,read the sentences and circle the right word Allowthe pupils some time to complete the activity Checktheir answers
Answer Key
1 big 2 small 3 small 4 big
Ex 4 (p 38)Explain the activity The pupils look at the pictures andfind the words in the word search puzzle Then theylabel the pictures Allow them some time to completethe activity Check their answers
Express Publishing
Trang 13Explain the activity The pupils look at the pictures,
read the sentences and circle the picture which
corresponds to the sentence Allow the pupils some
time to complete the activity Check their answers
Answer Key
2 a 3 b 4 b
Ex 6 (p 39)
Explain the activity The pupils complete the missing
letters and find the corresponding stickers from the
sticker section Have the pupils show them to you for
verification before sticking them on the page
Answer Key
1 Fruits and Vegetables
2 Bread and Pasta
3 Milk and Yogurt
4 Sweets and Cakes
5 Meat, Eggs and Fish
Ex 7 (p 40)Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask thepupils to look at the pictures, read the sentences andsay which picture is being described Give the pupilssome time to complete the activity
Answer Key
2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 A
My Progress! 5 (p 41)Explain the activity The pupils look at the picture andlabel the items Allow the pupils some time to completethe activity Check their answers
Answer Key
Go through the I can section Do a quick revision Ask
the pupils to name different parts of the body Canthey do it? Then they tick the corresponding section.Repeat with the other two sections
Trang 14Explain the activity The pupils do the sums and
complete the speech bubbles Then they match the
speech bubbles to the cakes Allow the pupils some
time to complete the activity Check their answers
Answer Key
2 eleven 3 eight 4 seven
1 c 2 a 3 d 4 b
Ex 2 (p 45)
Explain the activity Elicit the food items The pupils look
at the pictures and tick the corresponding sentences
Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity
Check their answers
Answer Key
2 I don’t like burgers 4 I don’t like chips
3 I like sandwiches
Ex 3 (p 46)
Explain the activity Allow the pupils some time to read
the equations and circle the correct number Check
Ex 5 (p 47)Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask thepupils to circle the words and find the correspondingstickers in the sticker section Have the pupils showthem to you for verification before sticking them onthe page
Answer Key
2 chocolate 4 burgers 6 bananas
3 chips 5 sandwiches
Ex 6 (p 47)Explain the activity Allow the pupils some time to readthe sentences and then draw and colour their pictures.Check their answers
Ex 7 (p 48)Read the instructions and explain the activity Readthe note and elicit the names of the presents Givethe pupils some time to read the sentences andcomplete the activity
Answer Key
3 I can see a kite
5 I can see a ball
6 I can see a schoolbag
Express Publishing
Trang 15My Progress! 6 (p 49)
Explain the activity The pupils look at the picture and
label the items Allow the pupils some time to complete
the activity Check their answers
Answer Key
Go through the I can section Do a quick revision Ask
the pupils to count from one to fifty Can they do it?
Then they tick the corresponding section Repeat with
the other two sections
Explain the activity The pupils look at the pictures, read
the speech bubbles and match the characters to the
animals Allow the pupils some time to complete the
activity Check their answers
Answer Key
2 b 3 a 4 c
Ex 2 (p 53)Explain the activity Elicit the animals and what theycan/can’t do The pupils look at the pictures andcomplete the sentences Allow the pupils some time
to complete the activity Check their answers
Answer Key
2 I can’t fly I can crawl
3 I can fly I can’t climb
4 I can’t sing I can run
5 I can’t climb I can hop
6 I can swim I can’t fly
Ex 3 (p 54)Explain the activity The pupils look at the pictures,read the sentences and circle the right words Allowthe pupils some time to complete the activity Checktheir answers
Answer Key
A autumn, rain B winter, snow
Ex 4 (p 55)Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask thepupils to read the sentences and find the correspondingstickers from the sticker section Have the pupils showthem to you for verification before sticking them on thepage
Answer Key
Express Publishing
Trang 16Ex 5 (p 56)
Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask the
pupils to look at the pictures, read the sentences and
complete them Give the pupils some time to write the
words If you wish, you can play the recording of the
story for the pupils to listen and check their answers
Answer Key
2 bread 3 pot 4 coat 5 drum
My Progress! 7 (p 57)
Explain the activity The pupils look at the picture and
label the items Allow the pupils some time to complete
the activity Check their answers
Answer Key
Go through the I can section Do a quick revision Ask the
pupils to name some animals, seasons and types of
weather Can they do it? Then they tick the corresponding
section Repeat with the other two sections
to complete the activity Check their answers
Ex 2 (p 61)Explain the activity The pupils read the sentences andfind the right picture Allow the pupils some time tocomplete the activity Check their answers
Answer Key
2 A 4 C 6 A 8 B
3 B 5 C 7 C
Ex 3 (p 62)Explain the activity Refer pupils to the pictures andrevise/elicit the places and means of transport Allowthe pupils some time to complete the activity Checktheir answers
Express Publishing
Trang 17Answer Key
2 the mountain by plane
3 the zoo by train
4 the circus by bike
5 the park on foot
Ex 4 (p 63)
Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask the
pupils to read the phrases and find the corresponding
stickers from the sticker section Have the pupils show
them to you for verification before sticking them on the
Then read the example and explain the game The
pupils, in pairs, play the game Go around the classroom
monitoring the activity
Answer Key
Ex 5 (p 64)
Read the instructions and explain the activity Ask the
pupils to look at the pictures and put them in the
correct order to tell the story If you wish, you can play
the recording of the story for the pupils to listen and
check their answers
Answer Key
Order of pictures: A1, B5, C4, D2, E6, F7, G3, H8
My Progress! 8 (p 65)
Explain the activity The pupils look at the picture and
label the items Allow the pupils some time to complete
the activity Check their answers
Answer Key
Go through the I can section Do a quick revision Ask
the pupils to name some items of clothing Can they
do it? Then they tick the corresponding section Repeatwith the other two sections
Trang 18belong in the same category Then they tick the
corresponding words Give the pupils some time to
complete the activity Check their answers
4 Pupils circle the doll and the robot and tick toys
5 Pupils circle the eyes and the nose and tick body
6 Pupils circle the numbers ten and forty-six and
Read the instructions and explain the activity The
pupils read the song lyrics and write the names of the
characters Give the pupils some time to complete
the activity Check their answers
Answer Key
2 Lilly 3 Nanny 4 Charlie
Then the pupils sing the song
Ex 2 (p 71) (Track 05 CD1)
Read the instructions and explain the activity The
pupils read the song and write the commands and
match them to the pictures Give the pupils some
time to complete the activity Check their answers
Answer Key
b 3 c 4 d 2
2 sit down 4 Open your books
3 close your books
Then the pupils sing the song
Ex 3 (p 72) (Track 07 CD1)
Read the instructions and explain the activity The pupils
read the song lyrics and write the shapes Then they
match the verses to the shapes Give the pupils sometime to complete the activity Check their answers.Answer Key
2 square, D 3 triangle, B 4 rectangle, AThen the pupils sing the song
Ex 4 (p 73) (Track 11 CD1)Read the instructions and explain the activity Thepupils read the song lyrics and choose the correctpicture Give the pupils some time to complete theactivity Check their answers
Answer Key: BThen the pupils sing the song
Ex 5 (p 73) Read the instructions and explain the activity Thepupils use words from Ex 4 to complete the speechbubbles Give the pupils some time to complete theactivity Check their answers
Answer KeyIt’s time to go Goodbye!
Bye, bye! See you soon!
Ex 1 (p 74) (Track 20 CD1)Read the instructions and explain the activity Thepupils read the song and label the pictures Give thepupils some time to complete the activity Check theiranswers
Answer Key
2 Liam 4 Lilly 6 daddy
3 grandpa 5 grandmaThen the pupils sing the song
Ex 2 (p 75) (Track 23 CD1)Read the instructions and explain the activity The pupilsread and complete the song lyrics Give the pupilssome time to complete the activity Check their answers.Answer Key
2 table 3 chair 5 radio 4 bedThen the pupils sing the song
Express Publishing