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Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice using “must” or “have to”, “ought to” , reflexive pronouns, Why and Because3. Preparations.[r]


Date of planning: 9/10/ 2020 Period : 16 UNIT 3: AT HOME

LESSON: LANGUAGE FOCUS A.The aims of the lesson

1.Knowledge -The aims:

+ The aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will have a good chance to review: - Reflexive pronouns

- Modals: must, have to, ought to - Why? Because…

+ Vocabulary: fail(v); repairman (n); draw(v); tank(n) + Structures: Reflexive pronouns, modals

Why? Because…

2 Skills:- Practice reading, writing, speaking.

3 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice using “must” or “have to”, “ought to” , reflexive pronouns, Why and Because

B Preparations

1.Teacher : posters, computer, Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, speaker Students: Unit Language focus

C Techniques:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Multiple choice, Fill in the blanks D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8B 13/10/2020

8C 14/10/2020

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

* Warm up: (5’) - Ss exercises

 Multiple Choice / Marks :

1 I have a lot of _ to do, so I can’t go with you

a homework b home works c homeless


III New lesson:

Activity 1: (9’)

*Aim: -SS can understand and practice using “must” or “have to”

*Methods: Gap fill

* Work arrangement : Individual, pair work

* Time: 9’ * Procedure

- Set the scene: “ What does Nam have to when his mother has to go and visit Granma after work?”

He has to/ mustcook dinner

- T explains how to use : “must, have to” Modal verbs: Must , have to, ought to (Both Must and have to express

obligation or necessity, but there are some small differences:

Must expresses the speaker's feelings,

whereas have to expresses, above all, an impersonal idea)

- Must + bare-inf : (phải) diễn đạt tính chất bắt buộc

- Have to + inf :(phải) diễn tả bắt buộc / cần thiết

- T asks : “Now you look at the pictures in your book and the verbs in the box, completing the dialogue by putting “have to” or “must” in the correct blanks

- Ss work in pairs and play the roles the dialogue

- T corrects and notices Ss : * Activity 2: (9’)

*Aim: -SS can understand and practice using “Ought to”

*Methods: Writing

* Work arrangement : Individual, pair work

* Time: 9’

* Activity 1: (9’)

- Ss listen carefully and write notes

1 Look at the pictures Complete the dialogue Use “must” or “have to” and the verbs in the box:


* Procedure

- Set the scene: “ Hoa is very sad because she failed her English test What you say to advise her?”

+ “ You should study harder”

Can you tell me another word for “ should”?

+ “ ought to”

- Use: “ ought to” as well as “ should” is used to give advice to someone

- Form: ought to + Infinitive

- T asks “When we use “ought to” What does it mean?

- Meaning: Nên

- T asks “You look at the pictures page 35 and use “ought to” to give advice to the people in the pictures”

- T gives examples - Ss notices

- Ss give advice (individually) - Ss compare with a partner

- Ss go to the board and give advice - Ss write in their notebooks

* Activity 3: (9’)

*Aim: -SS can understand and practice using Reflexive pronouns

*Methods: Gap fill

* Work arrangement :group work * Time: 9’

* Procedure

- T explains how to use “Reflexive pronouns”

- Set the scene: “ You your homework and no one helps you What you say?” + “ I my homework myself

- Form: We use

I with myself

You Yourself/


He Himself

* Activity 2: (9’)

- Ss answer

 Ought to + inf : (nên, phải nên) : khuyên, đề nghị

2 Look at the pictures Use “Ought to” to give advice to these people:

b You ought to get up early

c You ought to eat more fruit and vegetables

d You ought to go to the dentist

* Activity 3: (9’) - Reflexive pronouns


She Herself

We Ourselves

They Themselves

It itself

- Emphasis pronouns: Used to emphasize a person or a thing

Eg: She cut herself

John saw himself in the mirror

- T asks “Now you work in pairs and complete the conversation by putting the reflexive pronouns in the right blank” - Ss work in groups and play the roles a, b, c, d, e

- T corrects the mistakes

* Activity 4: (9’)

*Aim: -SS can understand and practice using Why-Because.

*Methods: Qs & As

* Work arrangement :pair work * Time: 9’

* Procedure

- T asks: “Why did Hoa go to school late this morning?”

- T asks Ss to work in pairs - opened pairs - T corrects the mistakes

- Ss write

3 Complete the dialogues Use the reflexive pronouns in the box You will have to use some of the reflexive pronouns more than once:

b (1) ourselves c (2) myself (3) yourself d (4) himself (5) herself (6) themselves e (7) yourselves

* Activity 4: (9’)

- Ss answer: Because she watched TV late last night

4 Work with a partner Ask and answer questions about Hoa, Nam, Ha, Nga, and Mrs Vui using Why-Because.

b Why did Nam have to cook dinner? - Because his mom was home late c Why did Mrs Vui, Nam’s mom go home late?

- Because she had to visit his grandma, she was sick


e Why didn’t Nga go to the movies? - Because she had to her chores She had to clean the kitchen and sweep the living-room

IV Summary(1’)

T reminds ss of the main content of the lesson

V Homework(2’)

- Review all model sentences, grammars in Unit - Do exercises in workbook

-Read again all dialogues in language focus (Unit 3) -Prepare :45-minute TEST



I Objectives:

1 Topic: - Our past 2 Competences:

- Talk about past events, express feeling, distinguish between fact and opinions, write a short imaginary story


- Speaking: Talk about the way things used to be and the way they are now - Listening: Listen to monologues / dialogues within 100 words for general or detailed information Listen to the story about the moral lesson

- Reading: Read dialogues and passages within 120-150 words for general or detailed information Read the story”The lost shoes”

- Writing: Write a short imaginary story 4 Grammar:

- Past simple Tense - Used to

- Prepositions of time (in, at, on,…) 5 Vocabulary:

look after(v) ; great grandma(n); meal (n); sound(v) ; electricity(n);

modern(a); equipment(n) ; story(n); folktale (n); traditional (a), air(n); fresh(a) ; polluted(n)

lay(v); discover(v) ; gold(n); shout(v); rich(a); amazement(n); unfortunately(adv); dead(a) = kill(v); foolish(a); greedy(a); find(v) II Unit plan:

Unit 1: A visit from penpal (6 periods) Period : Getting started- Listen and read Period 2: Speak

Period 3: Listen Period 4: Read Period 5: Write


Date of planning:09/10/2020 PERIOD :17th




-The aims: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to listen and read a dialogue to know about the things Nga’s grandparents did in the past + Vocabulary: look after(v) ; great grandma(n); meal (n); sound(v) ;

electricity(n); modern(a); equipment(n) ; story(n); folktale (n); traditional (a) + Structures : - Past simple tense

- “used to”

- Prepositions of time: on, in, at… 2 Skills:- Practice reading, speaking.

3 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to listen and read a dialogue

Help Ss to learn hard and to look after their grandparents and parents B Preparations

1.Teacher: posters, computer, Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, speaker, projector

2 Students: Unit Getting started, listen & read C Techniques:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: T / F Statement Predictions, What and Where, Guessing

D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8B 15/10/2020

8C 15/10/2020

II Review of the previous lesson(3’)

T asks Ss some questions: Do you have a television/ a telephone/ ? Did your family have it 30 years ago?


Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content * Warm up: (3’)

- T asks Ss to look at the picture on page 38 and write the names of the things that not belong to the past

- Ss work in groups

III New lesson 1 Pre - reading: (8’)

Elicit – model – repeat – copy - check  Checking :

- T writes each word on the board inside a circle Rub out the words one by one

- T gets Ss to repeat the words including the rubbed out words

- Ss try to remember all the words T / F statement predictions :

- T asks Ss to read the statements on the posters and predict they are True or False

- Ss write T if it’s True, F if it’s False - Ss work in pairs

2.While - reading: (15’)

- T plays the tape “Listen and read” page 38 - Ss listen

- T plays the tape again

- Ss listen and check their predictions - T asks Ss to correct the False statements - Ss correct and write on the board

- T gives feedback - T has Ss play roles

- Ss work in pairs (ask and answer the questions)

- Play a game teams ask and answer - T corrects the mistakes

Getting started: - the TV

- the stereo

- the mobile phone - the light fixture

- modern clothes / school uniforms

III New lesson Listen and read:

New words:

- (to) look after : (synonym) - e’quipment (n) : (example) - a folktale : (example)

- tra’ditional (a) : (translation) - a great-grandma : (explanation) - used to:

What and Where :

T / F statement predictions : a Nga used to live on a farm b Nga’s grandma didn’t go to school

c She has an easy and happy life when she was young

d There wasn’t any modern equipment at her time

e “The lost shoe” is a short story Gues s Read Corrections a b c d e F T F T F - Grandma used to live on a farm


- T asks Ss to write the answers in their note-books

- T asks Ss to read the statements part on page 39 and decide which is a fact and which is an opinion

- Ss work individually - T gives feedback 3 Post - reading: (12’)

- T asks Ss some questions to check get up late ?

Who used to

ride bicycle … ?

……… -Ss answer and write down


Ask and answer the questions a She used to live on a farm b Because she had to stay at home and help her mom to look after her young brothers and sisters

c She used to cook the meals, clean the house and wash the clothes

d Her great grandma used to lit the lamp and her great grandfather used to tell stories e She asked her grandma to tell her the tale “The lost shoe”

Fact or opinion: (6’) a

b c d e f


x x x x

x x 

Did you use to … … ? Name - get up late

- ride bicycle too fast - go to school late - eat too much candy - forget to your homework

IV Summary(1’) T reminds ss of the Past simple tense Ex: Use “used to” to write about you and your family I used to …

My father used to …… ……… V Homework: (2’)

- Learn by heart new words

- Read the dialogue page 38 at home - Do exercises: 1,2 page 27, 28


Date of planning: 9/10/2020 PERIOD :18th


LESSON: 2- SPEAK A.The aims of the lesson


-The aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to talk about the differences between the life in the past and now using the pictures

+ Standard knowledge: Talk about the differences between the life in the past and now using the pictures

+Advanced knowledge: Talk about the differences in their house, your hometown

+Vocabulary: air(n); fresh(a) ; polluted(n) + Structures : There used to be + N…

There didn’t use to be + N… S + used to + V…

S + didn’t use to + V… 2 Skill:

- Practice speaking 3 Attitude:

Help ss to have good consciousness in order to talk about the differences between the life in the past and now

Help Ss to learn hard and to understand about the past B Preparations

Teacher: lesson plan, English 8-book, computer, speaker, projector Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, English 8-book C Techniques:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: Ask and answer D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8C 17/10/2020

8B 17/10/2020

III New lesson


- T gives Ss to ask and answer the questions about “Happy memory”  Happy memory :

- What is your favorite childhood memory?

- What sports or games did you use to play when you were younger? - Did you use to have a nickname? - Did you use to cry a lot when you were a small child?

III New lesson 1 Pre-speaking(7’) Presentation:

- Where did Nga’s grandma use to live?

She used to live on a farm Form:

S + used to + inf…… S + didn’t use to + inf…… Did + S + use to + inf…… ? Use: Used to express a past habit, or an action usually happened in the past

Practice :

 Word Cue Drill :

- T asks “another word for always lived”

Answer “used to live”

- T asks Ss to use “used to” to make question and answer

- T explains the form and draws out the rules

- Ss notice

- T gives Ss to exercises - Ss exercises


Talk about the way things used to be and the way they are now:

Picture 1:

- Ss work in pairs

Some pairs of Ss retell their most favorite

Practice :

a live / Hue / Hanoi

- Did you use to live in Hue? No I used to live in Hanoi b have / long hairs / short hairs

- Did you use to have long hairs? No I used to have short hairs c get up / late / early

- Did you use to get up late? No I used to get up early d.walk to school / bicycle

- Did you use to walk to school? No I used to go to school by bicycle 2.While-speaking(15’)

Talk about the way things used to be and the way they are now:

Picture 1:


- T asks Ss compare pictures on page 40, using “used to” to talk about the actions in the past

- Ss work in groups

- T asks: “Now you work in pairs, looking at the picture and the words listed talk about differences between life in the past and now by using “used to”

- Ask Ssto work in pairs -


-Ask ss to tell your partner about the things you used to last year :

- People work on paddy field - Children play at home

- Stack of straw ( Đánh rơm, rạ thành đống)

Picture 2:

- Big houses and buildings - Car

- Shop - TV

- Traffic lights In the past now

- People used to live in small houses Now they live in big houses and buildings

- People used to walk to travel

Now they can go by car or motorbike - There didn’t use to be electricity in the home

Now there is electricity everywhere - People used to work hard all day Now they have a lot of time for entertainment

- Children used to stay at home Now they go to school

- Children used to play traditional games

Now they play computer games

People used to raise cattle them -selves for meat

Now they buy it in the supermarket 3.Post-speaking

Now tell your partner about the things you used to last year :

Ex: Last year, I used to get up late Now, I get up early and morning exercises

IV.Summary:(1’)T reminds ss of the past simple tense by asking ss to remember

and write the verbs they hear

Go-went; Be-were/was; Shout-shouted

Finish-finished; Run-ran; Look-looked; Want-wanted; Decide-decided


Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 10:45

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