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* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to ask and answer about the daily routines to talk about habitual actions with the simple present tense.. Teaching- aids.[r]


Date of preparing: 12 /10 /2018 Period 21 Unit 4: Big or Small

Lesson 2: A3,4,6

A Objectives


- Reading a text about school to understand details and get further pratice in numbers and school vocabs

* Skill

- Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill

* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to understand details and

get further pratice in numbers and school vocabs

B Teaching- aids

T: Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster Ss: Book, notebook…

C Methods

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Bingo, answers given, transwriting

D Contents

I Organization: (1’) - Greeting

- Checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students

6A 16/10/2018

6B 16/10/2018

II.Warm-up: (5')

*Jumbled Word

T’s instruction: I have some Jumbled Word The letters in each word are not in order Now you’ll go to the board and rearrange these letters in the correct order to make the meaning full words

roomswscla classroom sutdent student

sked desk

dredhun hundred gib big

malls small - Check Ss understanding

- How may Jumbled words are there?(7) - What you have to now?

- Ss go to the board to do( turn by turn)


Teacher and student’s activities Contents 1.Activity Pre- reading(10’)

T sets the scene:

Last period You have known a short description of Phong’s school and Thu’s school Today the writer tells us more about their schools

+ Open prediction

First, you should predict and fill in the gaps with the information you know

 Check (?) how many gaps are there?

(?) What you have to now? - Divide the class into team ,deliver the hand out to them Ask Ss to discuss and fill in the hand outs Get team’s keys show on board

2.Activity 2.While- reading(15’)

- Ask Ss to open their books and read the text silently then check their reading

- Get Ss to check their prediction after reading

- Give feed back and correct

*Comprehension Question

- Have Ss read the text gain and answer the questions

- First, ask Ss to work in closed pairs to ask and answer the questions - Then , Ss play the game Lucky Number

- T’s introduction

(?) How many questions are there? (?) How many numbers are there? (?) How many lucky numbers are there?

(?) Who is the winner? N01: Qc No6: Lk

1 Fill in the gap with suitable words about Thu’s school and Phong’s school.

Phong’s school is in the(1) It is (2) .There are(3) classrooms There are (4)……… hundred student in the school

Thu’s school is in the (5) It is (6) There are (7) classrooms There are (8) hundred students in the school

Team A Key Team B

1 country small eight four city big twenty nine

2 Answer the questions(poster)

a How many classrooms are these in Phong’s school?

b How many students are there in Phong’s school?

c How many classrooms are there in Thu’s school?

d How many students are there in her school?

e Is your school in the country or in the city?

f How many classrooms are there in your school?

g How many students are there in your school?


N02: Qd No77: Qa

N03: Lk No8: Lk

N04: Qe No9: Qb

N05: Qg No10:

3.Activity Post- reading(10’)

- Ask Ss to write a paragraph (4-5 sentences) telling about their school - Divide the class into groups to write

- Get Ss writings  check



Team A- Team B


IV Summary( 2’): Ss can write a paragraph about their school V Homework( 2’)

- Revise the Vocab

- Answer the questions A3,4 in your notebooks

- Write a short paragraph about your school - Do Ex5,6/P.18-19( exercise notebook)

- Prepare:B1-5 E Evaluation:


Date of preparing: 12/10/2018 Period 22 Unit 4: Big or Small

Lesson 3: B1,


* Knowledge

- By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to improve listening skill by listening to a dialogue about school and "How many, which" questions to talk abschool and class

* Skill

- Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill

*Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to Listening to a dialogue about school to understandthe details

- Practising cardinal numbers, Ordinal numbers and “ which” questions to talk about school

B Preparations

1 Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures, poster, radio, Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books

C Methods: Matching, Board Drill D Procedures:

I Organization: ( 1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students

6A 17/10/2018

6B 17/10/2018

II.Warm-up: ( 5')

Answer my questions: How are you?

Where is your school?

How many students are there in your school? How many teachers are there in your school?

III New lesson ( 35')

Teacher and students’ activities Contents

1.Activity Pre - listening(10’)

+ Pre teach: Vocab./ ordinal numbers

- T uses some techniques for eliciting New Vocab

- Ss read the Vocab after the teacher - Ss read the Vocab chorally then individually

1 Vocabulary.


-> Checking Vocab: What and Where + Predict Dialogue.

T: We are going to listen to a

conversation between Thu and Phong Before listening you predict which

words will fill in the gaps -> Check:

? What you have to now? Ss: Predict and fill in the gaps - Ss predict and give their ideas - T gets Ss’ predictions and writes on the board

2.Activity While – listening(15’)

- T reads the dialogue or play the tape - Ss listen to the dialogue carefully,


check their predictions

- T calls on Ss to give their answers after


- Give feedback and correct

+ Complete the table.

- Ask Ss to look at the table and complete the table

3.Activity 3: Post listening: (10’)

- Board –drill with the table above. Elicit from the students to give

The seventh = 7th The eight= 8th The ninth = 9th The tenth = 10th - floor: ( n) tầng - have (n): có

- grade: ( n): khối, lớp

2 Complete the dialogue.

Thu: Hello, Which grade are you in? Phong: I'm in grade (1)…6

Thu: And which class are you in? Phong: (2)…6A….what about you? Thu: I'm in grade (3) …7 , class (4)…

7C…….How many floors does your

school have?

Phong: (5)…Two…It is a small school

Thu: My school has ( 6)…

four…… floors and my classroom is

on the (7).second… …floor Where’s your classroom ?

Phong: It's on the (8)…

first……….floor. 3 Complete the table

Grade Class Classroom’s floor

Thu 7C 2nd

Phong 6A 1st


+ Writing

- Ask Ss to use the information in the table to write about Thu, Phong and themselves


Thu is in grade She’s in class 7C Her classroom is on the second floor

4 Practice

Example exchange.

S1: Which [ grade] is Thu in? [ class]

S2: She is in [ grade 6] [ class 6A]

S1: Where's [her] classroom? S2: It's on the [first] floor

5.Write it up

IV Summary( 2’): listening to a dialogue about school and practice V Homework( 2’)

- Learn by heart all ordinal number and write each word two line.

- Do B5/P.48 in your exercise book


Date of preparing: 12/10/2018 Period 23 Unit 4: Big or Small

Lesson 4: C1,

A Objectives

* Knowledge

- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to ask and answer about the daily

routines to talk about habitual actions with the simple present tense * Skill: Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill.

* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to ask and answer about the daily routines to talk about habitual actions with the simple present tense

B Teaching- aids

T: Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster.

Ss: Book, notebook…

C Methods

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Jumbled words slap the board,chain game…


I Organization: ( 1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students

6A 23/10/2018

6B 23/10/2018

II.Warm-up: ( 5')

- Which class are you in? - Which grade are you in? - Where is your classroom?

III New lesson: ( 35')

Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

1.Activity Presentation(15’) + Pre teach.

- T uses the pictures on P.49 and elicits the new words

- Ss: repeat the whole class & individually

+ Checking new Vocab

Slap the board

1 Vocabulary.

- get up(v): thức dạy

- get dressed(v): mặc quần áo - brush my teeth(v): đánh - wash my face(v): rửa mặt - have breakfast(v): ăn sáng - go to school(v): học

+ Presentation text C1/P.49

-T sets the scene: Draw the pictures of Mai and Ba and says:

“ This is Ba and this is Mai Mai is asking Ba about his habitual action - Check:

? Who are you?

? What are they talking about?

- T elicits the model sentences from the students

- Have Ss get Ss in chorus or in pairs

2 Model sentences.

Mai: What you every morning? Ba: I gets up

 Form:

What you every morning? I + V( bare-inf)

- > Use: To talk and answer about habitual action


Hoa: What does Ba every morning? Lan: He gests up/ brushes his teeth  Form:

rửa mặt mặc quần áo


ăn sáng học


+ Concept check:

( Meaning/ form / use/ pro.)

- T explains the simple present tense of the ordinary verb

2.Activity 2: Practice (15’) a Gap – fill.

- Show the word cues on the board and ask Ss to fill in each gap with a suitable word or phrase

- T models first Then Ss take turns to

b Asking and Answering

- Gets Ss to ask and answer about Ba’s routines using the word cues above

- T models first – Ss repeat

- Ss work in groups to ask and answer

1/2 of class: ask 1/2 of class: answer  exchange

-T calls on some pairs of students to demonstrate the exchanges

3.Activity Production(5’)

- T divides the class into two groups: A, B

- Ask Ss to go to the board to write the things they every morning Ss take turn to go to the board to write

- T WC: correct and give mark - Praise the winner

- What does (Ba, She, He) every morning?

- Ba/She/He + V<s/es>


- Nếu động từ sau thứ số it ( He/She / It) ta thêm “s” vào sau động từ - Nếu động từ sau ngơi thứ số it( He/she/ It) mà có tận (o, s, x, ch, sh) ta thêm “es” vào sau động từ Eg: go goes

do does

brush brushes wash washes


Hỏi trả lời xem ngời đó( ngơi thứ số it) làm vào buổi sáng

3 Pracrice.

Example exchange.

S1: What you every morning? S2 : I {get up}

Example Exchange

S1: What does Ba every morning S2: He gets up


- Have Ss write sentences about Ba’s routines begin with:

Every morning, Ba gets up Then - Divide the class into teams A-B Ss in each groups takes turn to go to the board to write The team that writes more correct and quickly is the winner

4 Writing

Write a paragraph about Ba’s routines begin with:

“ Every morning, Ba gets up then he

IV Summary( 2’): to talk about habitual actions and practise with their partners. V Homework( 2’)

1 Learn by heart the Vocab in Unit Write the things you every morning Do C1- p.43

E Evaluation:

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 09:43

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