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-T explains how to play this game -T lets 2 teams play togtether -T monitors and praise the winner *Activity2 : Read and write.(9’) -Ss look at the picture. who are they Ss: answer[r]


Date of preparation: 08/3/2019 Week 25: Period 95

Unit 15: Do you have any toys? Lesson 1: Part 1, 2, 3

I Objectives 1.Knowledge:.

- After the lesson, the student will be able to ask and answer questions about toys fluently

- - Sentence patterns: Do you have a teddy bear? Yes,I do./ No,I don’t

- Vocabulary: a doll, a robot, a teddy bear,a car, a puzzle, a kite 2.Skill:

- Practice listening, speaking skills 3.Attitude:

- Educate Ss to love and protect toys that they have II Teaching- aids

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work IV Procedure:

A Organization: ( 1’)

- Greeting: Good morning!/ Good afternoon! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

3A 12/3/2019

3B 11/3/2019

3C 11/3/2019

Teacher and Ss’s activitive Contents B Warm up (5’)

* Activity: Networks

-T devides SS ino teams ( Blue – White) -T explains how to play this game

-T lets teams play togtether



-T monitors and praise the winner C New lesson:

*Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat (10’) -T ask Ss to look at the pictures

T: who are they? Ss: answer

T: What are they doing? Ss: answer

-T asks Ss to open their books to page 30 Ss: open their books to page 30

- T opens the cassette -Ss: listen and point

- T opens the cassette again

-Ss: listen and read in chorus( times) -T - Ss role play

T-Ss, Ss- T, half- half, open pairs

-T checks Ss’s understanding about the dialogue

-T Ask Ss to find the new sentences Ss: Do you have a teddy bear?Yes, I -T model

Ss repeat chorally ( times) *Activity2 : Point and say (10’)

-T introduce some words by eliciting

+ a robot( relia) +a teddy bear relia) +a doll(relia)

+a car: ( picture) +a puzzle(picture) ++ have( translation)

- T models

-Ss: listen and repeat (chorally then individually)

-T writes down on the board

1.Look, listen and repeat

2.Point and say a.Vocabulary.

+ a robot: người máy +a teddy bear: gấu +a doll: búp bê

+a car: ô tô


-Ss: copy

- T: Vocabulary checking( Slap the board) b Model sentences.

-T introduce stucture:

Set the sence: -T : who are they? Ss: answer

-T : what are they doing? Ss: answer

-T: when Mai wants to know Lida has a teddy bear or not

How does she ask?

Ss: Do you have a teddy bear? -T model

-Ss repeat chorally then individually -T wirtes down on the board

How does Linda say? Ss: Yes, I have

-T model

-Ss repeat chorally then individually -T wirtes down on the board

If Linda doesn’t have a teddy bear How does she say

Ss: No, I don’t.

-T checks: form, use, intonation *Picture cues (CNTT) -T lets Ss run through the pictures -T models

-Ss repeat chorally

- T-Ss, Ss- T, half-half, open pairs, close pairs *Play a game: LN

- T explains how to play this game -T lets Ss play together

b Model sentences.

Do you have a teddy bear?

Yes, I have. No, I don’t.

1 


- T monitors and praise the winner *Activity : Let’s talk(9’)

- Ask Ss to ask and answer questions about toys fluently

- T explains how to play this game - Give minutes to

-Ask some ss to perform in front of the class -T give feedback


4 



3.Let’s talk

V Summary (1)

-ask and answer questions about toys fluently VI Homework ( 1’)

-Learn new words and structure by your heart VII Evaluation:

……… ………

Date of preparation: 9/3/2018 Week 25: Period 96

Unit 15: Do you have any toys? Lesson 1: Part 4,5,6

I Objectives 1.Knowledge:.

- After the lesson, the student will be able to ask and answer questions about toys fluently

- - Sentence patterns:Review - Vocabulary: Review


- Practice listening, speaking ,reading, writing skills 3.Attitude:


- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work IV Procedure:

A Organization: ( 1’)

- Greeting: Good morning!/ Good afternoon! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

3A 13/3/2019

3B 12/3/2019

3C 12/3/2019

Teacher and Ss’s activitives Contents B Warm up and Review (5’)

* Activity: Slap the board

-T devides SS ino teams ( Blue – White) -T explains how to play this game

T lets teams play togtether -T monitors and praise the winner C New lesson:

* Activity 1: Listen and number(9’)

Set the scence: Ss look at the picures on page 31

? how many picutres Ss:4

-T lets Ss run through the pictures -T asks Ss to tell the task

-Ss: listen and number

- T plays the recording for Ss to listen 1st time

- T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and tick the correct answer

- Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners before reporting them to the class

- T asks Ss to read out the answer

4.Listen and number

Answer key: 1.c 2.d 3.a 4.b

a doll a car

a ball


- T plays the recording again for Ss to check their answer

Further practice: who is faster *Activity2 : Read and write(9’)

-Ask Ss to look at the picture ? what are they


? where are they Ss: on the shelf -T (pointing a car) ? what is it

SS: a car

? what colout is it Ss: red

T does the same with a ball, a doll -Ask Ssto look at the paragragh ? Is it a paragragh or a dialogue Ss: paragragh

? Is it complete Ss: No

? How many gaps Ss:

-T lets Ss run through - Ss say the task -Ss in minus -Ask Ss to compare

-Asks Ss to tell the answers -T –Ss check

Further practice: Role play * Activity 3: Le’s write

- T tell the task

? How many numbers Ss:

5 Read and write Key:



? Are they complete Ss: No

-T lets Ss run through -T model the first number -Ask Ss to (2minus)

-Get a few pupils to read their writing to the class -T listen and correct their mistakes

V Summary (1’)

-What skills have you practiced? VI Homework ( 1’)

VII Evaluation:

……… Date of preparation: 11/3/2019 Week 25: Period 97

Unit 15: Do you have any toys? Lesson 2: Part 1, 2, 3

I Objectives 1.Knowledge:.

- By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to ask and answer questions about toys

II Language focus:

- - Sentence patterns: : Does he/she have a puzzle? Yes, he /she does/ No, he/she doesn’t - Vocabulary: ship, plane,kite


- Practice listening, speaking skills 3.Attitude:

- Educate Ss to love and protect toys that they have II Teaching- aids

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work IV Procedure:


- Greeting: Good morning!/ Good afternoon! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

3A 14/3/2019

3B 13/3/2019

3C 13/3/2019

Teacher and Ss’s activitive Contents B Warm up (5’)

* Activity: Networks

-T devides SS ino teams ( Blue – White) -T explains how to play this game

-T lets teams play togtether -T monitors and praise the winner C New lesson:

*Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat (10’) -T ask Ss to look at the pictures

T: who are they? Ss: answer

T: What are they doing? Ss: answer

-T asks Ss to open their books to page 32 Ss: open their books to page 32

- T opens the cassette -Ss: listen and point

- T opens the cassette again

-Ss: listen and read in chorus( times) -T - Ss role play

T-Ss, Ss- T, half- half, open pairs

-T checks Ss’s understanding about the dialogue

-T Ask Ss to find the new sentences

Ss: Does he have a puzzle ?No,he doesn’t -T model

1.Look, listen and repeat toys


Ss repeat chorally ( times) *Activity2 : Point and say (10’)

-T introduce some words by eliciting +a ship( picture)

+ a plane( piture) +a kite(picture) - T models

-Ss: listen and repeat (chorally then individually)

-T writes down on the board -Ss: copy

- T: Vocabulary checking( Slap the board) b Model sentences.

-T introduce stucture:

Set the sence: -T : who are they? Ss: answer

-T : what are they doing? Ss: answer

-T: when Quan wants to know Linda’s brother has a robot or not

How does he ask?

Ss: Does he have a robot? -T model

-Ss repeat chorally then individually -T wirtes down on the board

How does Linda say? Ss: Yes, he does

-T model

-Ss repeat chorally then individually -T wirtes down on the board

If he doesn’t have a robot How does she say

2.Point and say a.Vocabulary.

+a ship:tàu thủy + a plane: máy bay +a kite: diều

b Model sentences.

Does he/ she have a robot?

Yes, he/ she does. No,he/ she doesn’t.


Ss: No, he doesn’t

-T checks: form, use, intonation *Picture cues (CNTT) -T lets Ss run through the pictures -T models

-Ss repeat chorally

- T-Ss, Ss- T, half-half, open pairs, close pairs *Play a game: Music box

- T explains how to play this game -T lets Ss play together

- T monitors and praise the winner *Activity : Let’s talk(9’)

- Ask Ss to ask and answer questions about toys fluently

- T explains how to play this game - Give minutes to

-Ask some ss to perform in front of the class -T give feedback

1 

V Summary (1)

-ask and answer questions about toys fluently VI Homework ( 1’)

-Learn new words and structure by your heart VII Evaluation:

……… ………


Date of preparation: 11/3/20189 Week 25: Period 98


Lesson 2: Part 4, 5, 6 I Objectives


- By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to ask and answer questions about toys

II Language focus:

- Sentence patterns: Review - Vocabulary: review


- Practice listening, speaking, reading skills 3.Attitude:

- Educate Ss to love and protect toys that they have II Teaching- aids

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work IV Procedure:

A Organization: ( 1’)

- Greeting: Good morning!/ Good afternoon! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

3A 15/3/2019

3B 14/3/2019

3C 14/3/2019

Teacher and Ss’s activitives Contents B Warm up and Review (5’)

* Activity : Beanbag circle -Devide Ss into groups

-T explains how to play this game Does he/she have …….?

- Yes, he/she does/ No, he/she doesn’t -T let’s Ss play together


C New lesson:

* Activity 1: Listen and tick(9’) Set the scence: Ss look at part ? How many pictures?


-T lets Ss run through the pictures ? How many letters?


-T asks Ss to tell the task -Ss: listen and tick

- T plays the recording for Ss to listen 1st time

- T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and tick the correct answer

- Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners before reporting them to the class

- T asks Ss to read out the answer

- T plays the recording again for Ss to check their answer

*Further practice: who is faster -T prepares pictures about toys -T devides SS ino teams

-T explains how to play this game -T lets teams play togtether -T monitors and praise the winner *Activity2 : Read and write.(9’) -Ss look at the picture

? who are they Ss: answer

? what are they doing Ss: answer

-Ss look at the paragraph

? Is it a dialogue or a paragragh Ss: a paragragh

4.Listen andtick

Answer key: a. T

b. F

c. T

d. T

5 Read and write


? How many questions are there Ss:

Ask Ss to run through -Ask Ss to tell the task

-Ask ss to look the picutures and complete individually( 2)

-Ask Ss to compare

-Ask some ss to tell the answer -T-Ss check together

-Further practice: role play * Activity 3: Let’s sing (9’) -T shows the picture on the board -T asks Ss the content of the picture ? what is it

-Ss: answer -where is it? -Ss:answer

-T opens the song -Ss : listen to the song -T read the lyrics

-Ss repeat after the teacher -T opens the song again -Ss repeat line by line

-Ask ss to sing along with the music and action -T devides Ss into groups

-Ask Ss to sing and actions in groups -Ss sing and actions together

-T calls somes groups perform before the class -T listen and give feedback

2.here 3.here 4.there

6 Let’s sing

V Summary (1’)

-What skills have you practiced? VI Homework ( 1’)


Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 02:49

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