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Nội dung ôn tập tại nhà môn Tiếng Anh khối 7 cho học sinh

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Nội dung

Look at the road sign and choose the best answer A, B, C or D expressing the meaning of each road sign correctly.. Slow down and prepare to stop 2.[r]



I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group.

1 A lane B stay C train D anyone

2 A railway B sail C many D safe

3 A obey B pen C bell D ever

4 A pavement B station C mistake D park

5 A train B play C lake D dance

II Read the words aloud then put them in the correct column.

wet well late test bread chess

whale get gate taste wait pen

pain sale sell braid let chase

/e/ /ei/

III Look at the road sign and choose the best answer A, B, C or D expressing the meaning of each road sign correctly.

1 A Stop B Go ahead C No stop

D Slow down and prepare to stop

A Pedestrian only B Intersection ahead C Hiking trails ahead D School crossing ahead

A All traffics turn left B No left turn

C No U-turn

D Truck route to the left


B Hospital ahead C Stop

D No cycling

A No passing

B Road closed ahead

C No parking during daylight hours D No parking


A Four-way intersection ahead B Two-way intersection ahead C Road ends, be prepared to turn D Winding road ahead


A Two-way intersection ahead B Hilly road ahead

C Road ahead gets slippery when wet D Narrow road


A No right turn B Traffic lights C Cycle lane D No parking 10

A Traffic lights B No right turn C Stop

D No cycling

IV Emma ran through the stop sign and was caught by the police officer Now you read the conversation and put the available phrase in the right place.

A Sign here, please B This slip has all the information you need C You ran through the stop sign D May I see your license

E I forgot it back at the house Emma: Sir, did I anything wrong?

Officer: Yes, madam (1) ……… May I see your driver license, please? Emma: Oh, I’m sorry; I didn’t see the stop sign at the corner I didn’t mean it. Officer: That doesn’t justify your violation (2) ……… , please?

Emma: Oh, sorry sir, I don’t have it with me Honestly, (3) ……… But I have the insurance policy with me Here it is.

Officer: I’m sorry, madam I have to give you a ticket (4) ……… You can appeal to the court with 14 days.

Emma: Sorry, sir I still don’t understand what to do.


TUẦN 22 I Make questions for the underlined words

1 It's km from my house to school

……… Mr Bean has been in Hanoi for three years

……… There used to be many trees in this street

……… I ride my bike to school every day

……… When I was young I used to play marbles

……… The most common traffic problem in Hanoi is traffic jam

……… The distance from Mai's house to the cinema is km

……… My mother used to live in a small village in mountain

……… II Use the given words to write the sentence with "used to + V".

1 I/have/ tricycle/ when I/ be/ kid//

We/go/ the same/ little café/ lunch/ every day/ when I/ be/ student//

She/ love/ play badminton/before/she/hurt/her shoulder/

The/walk along/ beach/ every evening/ before bed//

I/ lose/ when I play/ chess/ my father//

She/ be able to/dance/ very well//

My grandfather/ drink/ cup of coffee/ after dinner/ every night//

Luke/ not have/car//

We/live/ Brazil//

10 My family/go/countryside weekend when I/ be/ young//


I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. a gripping b fiction c violent d thriller

2 a engaged b gripped c laughed d wrecked

3 a critic b comedy c cartoon d cinema

4 a terrified b based c starred d entertained

5 a feature b theatre c screen d must-see

II Choose the odd one out.

1 a horror b adventure c gripping d action a director b comedy c producer d actress a touching b hilarious c scary d western a awful c entertaining c fascinating d exciting a thrilling b touching c terrifying d must-see III Fill in the gap with the type of the film.

1 A movie that makes you laugh is a

2 A movie that makes you scream is a film

3 A story that is exciting with lots of guns and explosions is an movie Movies about future, aliens from space or space travel are films

5 A movie about real life is a

6 An is a film in which drawings of people and animals seem to move A film that tells an exciting story about murder or crime is a A humorous film about love story is a

IV Choose the correct answer a, b, cord to complete the sentences.

1 Colin Firth won his first Oscar for best lead actor England's King George VI

a as b with c of d in

2 Twelve Years a Slave is based a true story of Solomon Northup

a in b by c on d from

3 "What of film is The Matrix?" - "Science fiction."

a ranking b plot c review d kind

4 Critics say Midnight Run is a must-see it is funny and exciting a although b because c however d therefore

5 Vin Diesel in many action films, including The Fast and Furious series

a starred b made c produced d directed

6 an all-star cast, Hotel Artemis was a total box-office failure d In spite a Because of b Although c Despite

7 The special effects in Jurassic Park are ! The dinosaurs look so real and aliv a visible b incredible c terrible d believable

8 For a , that film wasn't very funny I didn't laugh once

a thriller b romance c documentary d comedy That vampire film was extremely I had my eyes closed half of the time!

a hilarious b moving c gripping d scary 10 "Could I ask you a few questions about your favorite movies?” “ ”


TUẦN 24 I Write the correct tense or form of verbs in brackets.

1 What is the best horror movie you (see) so far?

2 Tom Hanks (win) an Oscar for playing Forrest Gump in 1994 I (watch) a very interesting Korean drama at present

4 Kong: Skull Island (direct) by Jordan Vogt-Roberts

5 The film was a commercial success although it (not receive) good reviews from critics

6 (your brother/ usually/watch) movies at home or at the cinema? What (you/ do) tomorrow night?

8 Joanna (not be) to the cinema since November

9 The last film I (see) at the cinema was an action film called Fast and Furious 10 Clint Eastwood became one of the most respected directors, in spite of (be) known for his westerns

II Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.

1 The director was so with the actors that he fired all of them (satisfy) La La Land was one of the best-reviewed films of 2016 (famous) It was supposed to be a horror film but it wasn't very (frighten) Julia Roberts is one of the most famous in Hollywood (act)

5 Jennifer Lawrence became a huge star after her excellent in The Hunger Games (perform)

6 The Day After Tomorrow shows a and abrupt climate change (disaster) The Ring is probably one of the horror films of all time (scare)

8 Despite , Zero becomes the 10th highest grossing film of 2018 (critic) I find nature documentaries very I learn a lot from them (educate) 10 Released in September 2018, The Nun at the box office despite bad reviews (success)

III Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets, without changing the meaning. I've never seen such a boring movie (most)

=>It Watching science fiction movies is one of my interests (am)

=>I How long is it since you went to the cinema? (last)

=>When Although she was scared, she enjoyed watching horror movies (spite)

=>In Why don't we go out to dinner and a movie? (suggested)

=>She Despite the heavy rain, they still went hiking (it)

=>Although It was such a gripping movie that I watched it three times (that)

=>The movie The traffic was terrible, but we arrived on time (despite)


Ngày đăng: 06/02/2021, 21:27

