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- Use the prepositions to talk about position of the books in the school library - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get futher practice in library vocabulary by readin[r]


Date of preparing: 12/10/2019 Period 24 UNIT : AT SCHOOL

LESSON : B1 A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

- Know the books in the school library

- Ask and answer about the instructions in the library

- Use the prepositions to talk about position of the books in the school library - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get futher practice in library vocabulary by reading a dialogue

2 Practice skill:

- Pracice listening, speaking, reading and writing skill 3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge:

- Remember the books in the school library and prepositions of position - Ask and answer about the questions from a- g

- Tell at least one book in the school library and its position

+ Advanced knowledge: Describe all the kinds of the books in the school library and their positions

4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: this, that, these, those, library, rack, dictionary, reader, novel, reference book, welcome, on the left, on the right, at the back, in the middle of

- Structure: Where are the magazines? They are on the racks in the middle of the room

Where can I find the Math books, please? They are on the shelves on the left These racks have magazines and those racks have newspapers

5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice reading for details B Teaching- aids: Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster, p.lab

C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Jumple words, Pre questions, Grid, Comprehension questions

D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

7A 14/10/2019


Teacher 's activities SS' activities II WARM UP (4 minutes)

Jumple words

- Write the words with disorded letters on the board ( or use the poster )

- Devide the class into two teams

- Ask students from each team to go to the board and write the correct words

- The team which is faster with more correct words wins the game


Step : Pre Reading(10ms) :

1 Vocabulary : Elicit – model – repeat – copy – check ( stress, pronuciation, part of speech)

(a room or building containing a collection of book) ( realia )

( realia ) ( example ) ( realia )

Check : R.O.R

2 Pre questions

- Set the scence : Hoa and her friends are in the

library The librarian is introducing the books in the library to the children

- Give students two questions and ask them to guess the answers

- Give feed back

Step : While Reading(18ms): Activity : Checking the predictions

- Get students to read the dialogue B1 on page 47 and check their answers

Activity : Grid

- Get ss to draw the grid in their notebooks

- Encourage them to work individual and fill in the grid

- Give feed back

rewrite the words in teams liogoby = biology torishy = history hispics = physics phygrageo = geography luratitere = literature spanweepr = newspaper zagamime = magzine tamh = math 1 Vocabulary

- library ( n ) : th viện - novel ( n ) : tiểu thuyết - reader ( n ) : sách đọc thêm - reference book ( n ) : sách tham khảo

- dictionary ( n ) : tõ ®iĨn - rack ( n ): kƯ, gi¸ đỡ Sts : - listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then individually) - copy


Guess the answer

1 When is the library open ? What kinds of books are there

in the library?

* Answer key

a The library is open at am b There are newspapers, magazines, readers, novels, dictionaries, reference books and many kind of science books…

Open time 7am


Activity : Comprehension questions

- Hve students read the questions on page 48 and work in pairs to answer the qestions

- Give feedback

Step : Post Reading(10ms) : Written exercise

- Have ss make a similar grid about their school library

- Get ss to work in pairs to write about their school library using the information in the grid

- Take some writings and correct before class

-IV SUMMARY (1 minute)

- Reading a text for detail about a library

-V HOMEWORK (1 minutes)

- Do Exercise B1-3 on page 25 ( workbook). - Write te answer of the questions B1 on page 48 - Prepare the next lesson: Unit 4: B2-4


Books on the right

History, Geography, dictionary, literature in Vietnamese

Closing time

4.30 pm

Fill in the grid

Answer the questions * Answer key

a They are on the racks b They are on the racks

c The Math and science books are on the shelves on the left d The history and geography

books, dictionaries and Literature in Vietnamese are on the shelves on the right e The books in English are at

the back of the library f It opens at am g It closes at 4.30 pm


Eg : Our library opens at Homework :

* Evaluation :


Date of preparing:12/10/2019 Period 25




1 Aims:

- Listen and review the words of the school library

- Read and understand about the biggest library in the world

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe the position of books in the library using prepositions of position and know more about the biggest library in the world

2 Practice skill:

- Listening, speaking skills about the books and position of the books in the school library

- Reading comprehension skills about a famous library 3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge:

- Review the words of the school library through the listening text - Tell about the library in B4 through answers (a-e)

+ Advanced knowledge: Learn B4 by heart

4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: librarian’s desk, study area, together, center, to receive, copy, to contain, employees, Congress

- Structure: Wh- questions in the present simple

one of, in the center of, copies of, to keep together 5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice listeing & reading for details

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster stereo C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: R & R, Pre Questions, Comprehension Questions D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting

- Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

7A 17/10/2016

7B 17/10/2016

Teacher 's activities SS' activities


- T shows the map of the library to the students( on


page 48)

- Give ss cards with library vocabulary on them Study area English Geography,

History Librarian’s


Science , Math

Newspapers, Magazines

- Have ss to guess and label the cards in the numbers on the map

- Let them work in group - Give feedback

- Get ss to listen to the tape and chech their prediction

- Give feed back


Step : Pre Reading (10ms):

1 Vocabulary : Elicit – model – repeat – copy – check ( stress, pronuciation, part of speech) - receive ( v ): nhận

- contain (v) : gồm có, chứa đựng - employees (n): người làm công - in the middle ( pre ) : - at the back of ( pre ) : cuối - find (v): tìm thấy

Check voc: R.O.R 2 Pre Questions

- Set the scence: You are going to read about one of

the biggest libraries in the world Guess and answer the questions about it.

a Is the library in the USA ? b Does it contain 100 books ? Step : While Reading (17ms): Activity : Reading and Checking

- Have ss read the text on page 49 to check their prediction

- T gives feedback

Activity 2 : Comprehension Questions

- Ask ss to read the text again to find out the answers - SS work in pairs

- Give feedback


listen Key:

1 - Study Center/ area - Science , Math - Geography, History

4, - Newspapers, Magazines 6, - English books

8- Librarian’s desk Vocabulary

Sts : - listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then individually) - copy


Reading :

Read the text and check their prediction

Answer :

a) Yes, it is.

b) No It contains 100 million books.

Key :

a) It’s in the Washington DC, the capital of the USA

b) It has over 100 million books


Step 3: Post Reading(10ms): B2 (P48) :

- Ask sts to listen then practise the dialogue with their parners

- Ask sts to make a similar dialogue about the library plan in B1

- Ask pairs to say out their dialogues before the class and correct any mistakes

-IV SUMMARY (1 minute)

- Reading a text about the biggest of the library in The USA

Place: WashingtonDC

Number of books: over 100 million books Length of shelves: 1,000 km

Number of employees :over 5,000

- Listen a dialogue to know the position of things in the library

-V HOMEWORK (1 minutes)

- Wirte sentences to compare your library with the library of Congress

Cues : + smaller + more morden + has more books

+ has shorter bookshelves + more emploees

+ largest


My school library is smaller than the library of Congress


d) Over 5,000 people work there

e) Because it receives copies of all American books

Practice :

Practice the dialogue

Homework :

E Evaluation :


I.Objectives: 1 Topic:

- School activities & School children’s life 2 Competences:

- Talk about school subjects

- Ask about and describe class / recess activities 3.Skills:

- Speaking: Ask about and describe class / recess activities

- Listening: Listen to monologues / dialogues within 80-100 words for general information

- Reading: Read dialogues and passages within 100-120 words for general or detailed information

- Writing: Write a paragraph within 60-70 words about related topics with word / picture cues

4 Grammar:

- Tenses: Present simple, Present progressive - Wh-questions: What?

- Adverbs of frequency 5 Vocabulary:

- Names of school subjects: Physical Education, Literature, Geography, …

- Words describing activities at recess : play catch / marbles / blind man’s bluff, II Unit plan:

Unit 5: Work and play (5 periods)

Lesson1: A1 Talking about school subjects by using the simple present tense

Lesson 2: A2 Reading a text about Ba’s activities at school and at home for details

Lesson : A4-5 Listening about school subjects vocabulary

Lesson : B1-2 Present progressive tense to talk about recess activities Listening about school activities

Lesson : B3 Reading for details to understand about recess activities in an American high school




A.Objectives: 1 Aims:

- Introduce the new languages about school, studying - Ask and answer about the activities in the classes

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about school subjects by using the simple present tense

2 Practice skill:

- Further pracice listening, speaking, reading and writing skill 3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge:

- Remember the activities in the classes which are presented in part A1

- Ask and answer questions about Mai and themselves + Advanced knowledge: Write a passage about themselves 4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: map, experiment, to use, to think, how to use, to some experiments - Structure: Wh-questions in the present simple tense

5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice listeing, reading, speaking and exercises

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: W & W, Brainstorming, Presentation text, Questions and answers, Writing

D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting:

- Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

7A 19/10/2019

7B 21/10/2019

Teacher's activities SS' activities

II WARM UP (3 minutes) Brainstorming

- Ask ss to think of the subjects they learn at school - Get ss to go to the board and write down the subjects





Step : Presentation(12m):

1 Vocabulary : Elicit – model – repeat – copy – check ( stress, pronuciation, part of speech) - learn about: häc vÒ ( example)

- use (v): sử dụng (how to use) ( translation) - (be) interested in : yêu thích ( translation) - map (n) : đồ ( realia )

- experiment (n) : thÝ nghiƯm( picture )

- last (adv) : tríc, cuèi cïng ( last lesson )

( explain)

Check voc : What and where Presentation text : A1.P51 - Let sts listen to the text - Ss practise reading the text Checking understanding

- Teacher draws the table on the board

- Ask ss to read the text carefully again and fill in the grids

Step : Practice(17ms) : 1 Speaking :

- Have ss use the grids to make questions and answer about what Mai does in her class

- Teacher models

- Ss practice in open pairs then in close pairs 2 Questions and answers

- Give ss some questions * Questions

1.Which school does Mai go to ? How often does she go to school ? What time her classes begin? What time they finish ? What is her favourite class?

6 Does she think Geography is difficult?

- Ask ss to work in pairs to answer the questions - Give feedback

* Answer key

1 Mai goes to Quang Trung School She goes to school six days a week Her classes begin at 7.00

4 They finish at a quarter past eleven

5 Her favourite class is Computer Science

6 Yes, she does She thinks Geography is difficult Step : Production (10ms):

write the subjects 1 Vocabulary

Sts : - listen - answer - listen and repeat (chorally then individually) - copy


Classes What to do

- Computer science - Geograhy - Physics

-to learn how to use a computer - to study maps and learn about different countries - to some experiments

Eg :

S1 : What does Mai in her Computer science class ? S2 : She learns how to use a computer



- Teacher sticks the poster of questions on the board Questions

1 What time your classes start ? What subjects you learn at school ?

3 What you learn in Computer science class ? What you study in your

Geography class ?

5 What time your classes end ?

- Ask sts to answer the questions about their classes - Ss write the answers for the questions in full and a paragraph


Everyday our classes begin at o’clock At school

we learn Math

-IV SUMMARY (1 minute) - Review present simple tense - School subjects

-V HOMEWORK (1 minutes)

- Rewrite the paragraph after correction - Do exercise (workbook)


Answer the questions and write a paragraph


Everyday our classes begin


Homework : * Evaluation :

Ngày đăng: 05/02/2021, 01:43

