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Nội dung

Rod Fricker Contents V WAY F ROM HOME FREE TIME Y LIFE WELCOME | , Countries and nationalities Family words Have/Has got Regular and irregular noun plurals There is/are Appearance c go jogging twice a week p6 Adverbs and expressions of frequency Question words The time Daily routines Phrases with have d l'm doing my French homework p7 Can (ability) Present continuous Leisure activities 1a I love this job! p8 Present simple and present continuous Jobs b Whose radio is this? p10 Whose ? Genitive 's and s' Possessive adjectives and pronouns Money Everyday things Shopping c Are there any Countable and uncountable nouns with some, any and no mushrooms? p12 Food and drink Language round-it P P"I4 Skills practice p15 SKILLS FOCUS: READING ArNID WRITING 2a I hate falling over p16 Verbs of emotion + gerund form (-ing) Sports and places 2b Don't look at the ground p18 Imperatives Must/Mustn't for rules Parts of the body 2 Q < - Exclamations Types of music Skills practice p63 SKILLS FOCUS: READING AhJD WRITING 8a If go to a café p64 Zero conditional with if Personality adjectives 8b Will life be different? p66 Will for future predictions The weather 8c If you take too long, l'll p68 First conditional with if Computer language j Language round-uP P70 00 LU Order food in a restaurant Language round-u p p54 Language round-u P P62 LU Buy tickets at the cinema Language round-up p46 r— 6c l'd like a green Z salad, please (O p52 z Function Skills practice p71 SKILLS FOCUS: READING, Ll!STENING AND WRITING 9a Which ones are best? p72 Which + indefinite pronoun one/ones Clothes, accessories and styles 9b You should go to bed.p74 Should/Shouldn't lllness 9c We have to make our beds p76 Have to/Don't have to Want to, want + object pronoun + to Household jobs Language round-up p78 Describe and deal with computer problems Choosi ng clothes to wear Skills practice p79 SKILLS FOCUS: READING AND WRITING C o u n t r i e s a n d nationalítíes Present simple H U B Complete the sentences with one word f l'm Ellen l'm from the UK y v Read what John says and then complete the text about him l'm Brad l'm American ÉH "My ñame is John I come from Scotland, but I don't live there I live in London I go to school in Barnet I play basketball I don't l'm Aki I ' m \ from Japan l'm Kostas 'm Greek play football I like my school, but I don't like London." íl'm Sheila l'm from Australia l'm Sadik l'm Turkish John comes from Scotland, but he there H e in London H e to school basketball in Barnet H e _ Brad is from the USA football H e Kostas is from He Sheila is his school, but h e Ellen is U É I U s e the prompts to write questions Aki is and answers Sadik is from A: Where/you/live? London B: l/in Exeter Family w o r d s Where you live? WtíM Complete the texts with the words from the box I live in Exeter A: Where/your dad/come from? B: He/north London • atifrt • wife • nephew • daughter • cousins • Unele • niece • son A: you/go to a big school? B: / A: your brother/play tennis? B: / This is a picture of my únele and aunt and their two children, Mark and Anne Mark and Anne are m y A: Ed and Sylvia/go to the same school? My brother is married Kylie is his Harry is t h e i r / They've got two children Debbie is t h e i r my B: and Harry is and Debbie is my but they don't cali me A: Where/your aunt/live? B: She/in Canadá b Appearance Regular a n d irregular noun plurals MM Complete the words with one letter in e a c h space Write the plural form of the words in brackets l've got three (brother) Hair style: brothers My favourite (city) S h o r t , medium-lenath, long Straight, w a v y , c are Venice and Seville I There are two (bus) Hair colour: every hour My mum has got blue (eye) Brown, f r, b n , grey, red Poland and Russia are interesting (country) Eye colour: Brown, b e, green There are three (man) Other features: m Here are some (photo) _ s s c , b d, a great in my family _ of my friend ; i _ l've got íour (sandwich) Age: for lunch There are twenty-four (child) Oíd, m I -a d, young this class Looks: Good-looking, 10 b u f There Have/Has 831 is/are Complete the questions and answers got Look at the information and complete the sentences with the correct form of have got or has got My sister: long hair / , straight hair / , blue eyes / , glasses X, a boyfriend X My parents: grey hair X, brown eyes / , blue car / , long hair (mum / , dad X) a bus? Is there a bus (in the picture)? My sister has got long hair She She Yes, there is curly hair She blue eyes She glasses She a boyfriend My parents brown eyes They a blue car dad How many/children? two women? grey hair They My mum four children? straight hair long hair, but my two men? a car? long hair How many/houses? a school? in The t i m e A d v e r b s a n d e x p r e s s i o n s of frequency Look at the d o c k s and say the times f lt'¡'s twenty-five P to sentences thi three in the morning "" DT:30 | "• IM = E D M Daily routines Look at the information and complete the Have lunch Go to the at school cinema Mark: sometimes 4x a year Julie: often x a week Steve and Adam: never 2x a month Complete the text about routines with one Mark sometimes word from the box in each s p a c e has lunch at school Mark qoes to the cinema four times a year • have • watch • play • go (x2) • go to • listen • phone • wake • brush • • read • get (x2) Julie school Julie week Steve and Adam school 1 wake up at half past six, but I don't Steve and Adam up I stay in bed until seven o'clock my teeth to school at eight o'clock then computer games, my f r i e n d s , music o r 1 14 to On 15 January to sleep before half past ten you usually meet your friends? At a café (arebcue) have a p (ytar) you usually go to bed? At about ten o'clock have b (fastrake) have a maths I aren't you at school? It's Saturday have a b have a s is your favourite singer? Rhianna have a ba t h (tha) have a s you go to the cinema? About once a month Rearrange the letters to make phrases have a t oíd are you? l'm fifteen in bed, but I P h r a s e s w i t h have is your birthday? th bed at about ten o'clock What is your favourite colour? Red TV Sometimes, 10 Complete the questions with the correct question word(s) my homework and Question w o r d s home from school at four o'clock month breakfast and is your phone? The red one or the blue one? The red one (set) (knac) (whoer) (eonss) d Leisure activities Present continuous Match the beginnings (1-9) to the endings a Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the box (a-i) • play (x2) • talk • make • • have (x3) • take • watch We are watching a DVD at the moment My sister a bath My friends on the phone now I my homework at the moment My dad football today My mum is in the garden She photos you a sculpture? Yes, I am a) DVD We b) guitar a barbecue today Be quiet Class 8b c) sculpture 10 d) shopping Tom a test his new computer game? No, he isn't He's working e) photographs f) concert iil Use the prompts to make questions Then look at the pictures and write the answers g) basketball h) friends i) bike Can (ability) Complete the questions and answers Amy: Hi, Jack Do you want to come horse riding with us? Jack: Paul: Belle: Max: No, thanks (X hde) / can't ride a horse (you/swim) ? What/she/do? (/) José is from Chile, (you/speak) What is she doing? Chilean? Hannah: (X) She is swimming she/watch/a film? but ( / speak) Spanish That's What/the girl/do? what they speak in Chile! Teresa: Tve got a car Pattie: they/play/basketball? Really? (you/drive) Teresa: (X) ? , but l'm having lessons What/they/do? 1a I love this job! Grammar: Present simple and present continuous _¡É M a t c h the questions (1-10) to the answers (a-j)- What does your dad do? — a) l'm going to the cinema Where you usually go on Fridays? >v b) Yes, I Do you often read in bed? / c) l'm playing Slender Is your mum driving today? V d) Yes, I am Where are you going this evening? e) He's a vet ^ What game are you playing at the moment? LL We usually go to a café Does your mum usually drive to work? g) I usually play horror games What is your dad doing? h) He's reading the newspaper What computer games you usually play? _ ¡) No, she doesn't 10 Are you reading this book at the moment? Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets j) No, she isn't BU Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs from the box My mum is a teacher She usually (work) works at a school, but today she (teach) a boy at his house She (give) • he give • write • teek • you • not • help • talk • you want Ben: Hi, Laura How are you? him lessons twice a week Laura: Hi, Ben l'm OK 'm looking for a My dad is a pilot, but h e (not fly) summer job a plañe today Today, he and Ben: Mum (fly) to Washington to My únele has got a restaurant me to ask him visit my aunt about work there for you? S Ü I Make questions and statements Laura: Great Thanks What about you? What How/you/usually/spend/your free time? How vou usually spend vour free time? Ben: every day? Me? At the moment, I What/you/do/at the moment? The televisión is on, but l/not/watch/it my dad He's a journalist Right now he l/read a story about the school holidays and what students in their free time It's great How often/you/eat/pizza? He to people and I take their photos I can't go out l/wait/for an important email Laura: G r e a t you money for that? My dad/not usually/work/at night M—m N ce smell./your mum/make/a cake? Ben: No, h e 1a Vocabulary Jobs Grammar summary ti&JÉí Match the people (1-9) to the jobs (a-i) make people beautiful I Present simple and present continuous Affirmative Negative I go to school by I don't like football ^ h^ork with money J bus every day He doesn't like He goes to school by car football You aren't playing They are eating at computer games the moment She is watching now It isn't sleeping at televisión at the the moment moment Questions Short answers Do you often have Yes, I lunch at school? Does he often go to fly planes.") the cinema? Are you playing I work for a newspaper computer games? Is she having a bath? D No, I don't Yes, he does No, he doesn't Yes, we are No, we arent Yes, she is No, she isn't cut people's hair Note Usage work in a hotel • a) hairdresser d) vet g) dentist b) pilot e)carpenter h) receptionist c) beautician f) journalist i) cashier á_Ü We use the present simple to talk about routines habits and faets which are always true / often go to the cinema • We use the present continuous to talk about things that are happening now or around now My dad is sleeping at the moment Label the picture • We don't usually use state verbs in the present continuous e.g like, love, hate, understand, know want, believe I don Y understand this exercise NOT l'm not understanding this exercise Form • ln present simple affirmative sentences, we add -sto the verb for he, she, it forms He likes school • ln negatives and questions, we use the auxiliary verb do/does + infinitive without to Does he speak Italian? He doesn 't play football • ln present continuous sentences we use the correct form of the verb to be + verb + ~ing ln questions, we put the verb to be before the subject d 5L What are you writing? NOT What you are writing? Vocabulary: The weather WJD Grammar summary Complete the dialogues with one word in each gap Will for future predicitons Affirmative Negative We will live in People won't go skyscrapers A: What ¡s the weather like There will be a today? 6A cold robots lot of problems B: Terrible It's raining and it's ó to Mars We won't have Questions Short answers Will people use Yes, they will electricity? No, they won't Wh- questions How many people will live on Earth? What will we eat? A: See you later B: Drive carefully It's very f Note outside Usage • We use will to talk about things we think or believe will happen in the future A: Mummy, it's s People will live to 150 years oíd Can I go Form outside? • B: Put a coat and hat on It's f ln affirmative and negative sentences, we use will or won't + infinitive without to out there You will get a good job I won't get married • A: What was the weather I in Spain? We will go to the moon B: Brilliant! It was s Will we go to the moon? every day and very h ln questions, we reverse the order of the subject and the auxiliary verb will • ln short answers, we don't repeat the main verb Will you leave England? Yes, I will NOT Yes, I will leave A: Is the sun ; so * -or I s Common mistakes Where I will live? X today? Where will I live? / B: No, it's c_ but it's quite w^ and at least it isn't raining A: Put your hat on B: Why? A: It's very w today 8c If you take too long, Til Phrases Huí CS Complete the text with the words from the box Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap software A: l'm here at last l'm really sorry l'm late Do you • attachment password think we can still get tickets for the concert? • crashed • website • virus • tabtet • stick • opened • downloaded • internet B: Lef's hope so You wait here I'll go and see A: A I ? My brother got a new tablet last week He B: No They sold the last one five minutes ago A: H a connected it to the l'm sorry I B: J u s t f a with an it Come on got a He it and from it His tablet We've got £10 that we didn't spend on tickets on the first day! Luckily, Dad Let's go shopping had some anti-virus on a memory and he cleaned it Then my brother Vocabulary: Computer language found a and set up his email account Then he got a strange email wasn't here Oh, why didn't I leave earlier? O U S Label the picture with free games He 10 one and another virus! Dad's put a 11 on the tablet now so my brother can't use it if my parents aren't there Grammar: First conditional with if i U É Match the beginnings (1-6) to the endings (a-h) If you get a bad virus, x If you get a tablet, If you don't want these photos, If you don't write any emails, If you use your ñame as your password, If your printer doesn't work, \aptop P charger, P If you press the caps s lock button on your c keyboard, m k_ m 68 If you can't find your a) you won't receive any b) l'll take it to the shop for you c) YOU WILL WRITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS! d) your computer will crash e) it won't be safe f) your phone won't work g) it will be easy to carry h) l'll delete them 8c BS Grammar summary Use the p r o m p t s to complete the dialogues First conditional with if If your computer g o e s wrong, I'll look at it for you A : (What/you/do) What will vou if (Paul/be/late) (you/wait) again? If you send James an email, he'll write back to you for him? B : (X) If you d o n ' t clean your keyboard, it w o n ' t w o r k properly (If/he/be/late) a g a i n , (I /phone/him) If this virus checker d o e s n ' t w o r k , it w o n ' t remove the viruses and tell him to meet me inside the cinema , Questions Short answers Will you help me if I Yes, I will have any problems? No, I w o n ' t A : (Where/you/go) _ Wh- questions (it/be/sunny) this phone? to the w e e k e n d ? (you/go) H Who will you ask if you need help with your new beach? 11 12 (/) Usage (If it/be/warm enough) • We use the first conditional to talk about the result of a likely future event or situation (l/go/swimming) Ifit rains tomorrow (the likely situation), I'll stay in bed Use your English: Describe and deal with computer problems (the result) Form • O Complete the dialogues with one w o r d in We form the first conditional with two clauses, the //clause and the result clause We use lf+ present each space simple + will + infinitive without to Ifyou are late, I'll wait in the café • When we use the //clause first, we sepárate the two clauses with a comma When we start with the result clause, we don't use a comma If I see a cheap tablet I'll buy it I'll buy a tablet if it is cheap Common mistakes If we will drive, it will be quicker X A: Good morning What's the problem? B: There's s o m e t h i n g w If we drive, it will be quicker / with my tablet A: What's t h e m with it? B: It d o e s n ' t w A: S I have a look at it? B: Yes, please T h a t w be great A: What's wrong, Shelley? B: l've got a with my charger p it? A: What's wrong w B: It doesn't charge my phone! A: I'll you my charger B: Thanks That's really 10 k of you 69 Language round-up Complete the sentences with the words from the box ¿v-^rr • : • tempered • shining • crashed Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets • working , • headed • going • email When I woke up, it was (cloud) cloudy so I • annoying • internet switched on my computer At first, there was no • DVD • stick (connect) to the internet, but later I received three emails One had an My brother is really annoying (attach) I wanted to print it, but The sun is m y (print) wasn't working My sister is quite big- My computer has just My brother wasn't v e r y (help) He was looking for h i s (charge) My dad is often bad- He's very (tidy) You need a memory and he can never find anything He's also very (annoy) (boss) My best friend is very easy8 I don't know how to burn this onto a It was 1C and says that l'm (sun) went cycling Later, it was I spend a lot of time surfing the after lunch, so I 11 (wind) and difficult to cycle Then it started raining 10 I think I am quite hard- ,/10 11 I want to attach a photo to this 710 U s e the prompts to write questions and answers Complete the sentences with the correct form What/you do/if it/be/sun/tomorrow? of the verbs in brackets I think you (be) will be interested in my family What will you if it is sunny If I have a problem, my mum always (help) H | If ¡t/be/sun/tomorrow/l/go/for a walk tomorrow? If it is sunnv tomorrow I'll go for a walk me Where/we/go/if/it/rain/tomorrow? If I something wrong, she (not shout) If/it rain/tomorrow/we/go/to a museum If there (be) a problem, my dad (not talk) _ about it What/weather/like/when/you/be/in London? My brother is lazy If my mum (not tell) him to tidy his room or his homework, he (not do) It/be/cold/and wind/but/it/not rain! it If you want to know more about us, I (tell) If/it/snow/tomorrow/you/cycle to school? you I (not have) much time in May X lf/it/snow/tomorrow/l/go/by car because we will have exams ./8 712 LISTEN AND C H E C K YOUR S C O R E Total 70 ./40 8 Skills practice *> m S K I L L S F O C U S : R E A D I N G , L I S T E N I N G AND W R I T I N G W~ Read Listen Read the texts What is each person's Listen to the dialogue and number the things that Helen talks about in the correct problem? order a) Travelling b) The food c) Computers d) The weather Hi Joe, l'm not enjoying my holiday The internet connection on the campsite is slow and my mobile phone doesn't work at all Luckily the weather isn't too bad, but I still don't like camping Beth e) Mum's problems f) Free time V Listen again and answer the questions Where is Helen? ln Scotland Does she like the food? Has she swum? Hi Steve, What a great hotel We're near the beach and the internet connection is amazing That's lucky because it hasn't stopped raining so we haven't been on the beach yet I don't mind I can watch films and play games and the food is great! Has John sent her an email? When are they leaving? What has her mum broken? Write Write a letter of thanks Use the ideas below You were on holiday with your parents and you Sorry I haven't emailed before, but this is the first internet café Tve found I brought my new tablet, but there's no internet connection at our apartment Did you get the text I sent? Why haven't you sent me a reply? Leanne met someone of your age there He/She showed you some interesting places, took you to a club and introduced you to his/her friends Now you are home, write a letter • Introduce the letter • Describe the journey back home Read the texts again and choose the correct options There is no /(a slow)internet connection on Beth's campsite Beth doesn't like the weather / camping • Thank the person for what they did for you and say how much you enjoyed it • Say that you hope he/she wants to keep in touch and you definitely will if they write back • Cióse the letter Jeff hasn't been to the beach because it is too far / the weather is bad Dear Jeff is happy / upset with the holiday H i , it's me, Leanne is sending the email from an internet w a s on holiday in l'm the b o / q ¡ r l y café / her apartment Leanne is upset because Max hasn't sent her an email / a text 71 9a Which ones are best? Vocabulary: Clothes, accessories and styles (ÉB C o m p l e t e the descriptions with one letter in each space jffj Grammar: which + indefinite pronoun one/ones Ben is wearing a cap, a £> a § § & đ p ÜM Complete the dialogues with one or ones tí A: I like these jeans n, s 7* v and b I g c B: Which ones? top A: The b l a c k y, k 2 A: There are a lot of nice shirts trousers here O B: I know I don't know which Lucy has got a A: These flowery around her neck She's wearing i < a p m are nice t, t B: You're joking! n black to buy dress and g s A: I want to wear a hat today B: Which ? Your baseball cap? O) A: No, t h e Melissa has got a top on with a and two 12 top and c 1 u k 13 I p in the front p is wearing a 15 s _ 10 b g _ t s She t around the t, d trousers bought last summer A: What are you doing? B: l'm throwing away some oíd clothes It's difficult to know which to throw away and which to keep A: Are you going to throw this Phrases flEB sweater away? Complete the dialogues with the w o r d s from the box Í r • cost • more : • tn • case • style B: ln that , wear your new jacket A: Why didn't you buy those shoes you liked? B: They a ! A: Try this sweater on B: No This one is my A: I don't look good in red 72 ? 10 have it if you don't want it • rubbish A: l've got an interview for a summer job B: A: This patterned ! i -.rr fnyrf* • fortune B: Which ! Red's perfect for you! 9a Use your English: Choosing clothes to wear Grammar summary Which + indefinite pronoun one/ones WUB Complete the dialogues with one w o r d in Do you like this shirt? each space Which one? A: Do you like my new shirt? The grey one Put your shoes on B: Yes, it \ooks good Which ones? A: Do these trousers s B: No, they're t me? The black ones tight A: What shall I wear this top w B: W Note ? don't you try it with these Usage • black jeans? We use indefinite pronouns to avoid repeating a noun Where's my hat? Which hat-one? A: Which trainers you p ? B: I think these black ones are best A: -H I look in this hat? B: You I • We use one for singular countable nouns and ones for plural nouns That's my house? Which one? l'm going to buy some jeans Which ones? fantastic B S C o m p l e t e the text w i t h the w o r d s f r o m the box i • too • don't • reckon • shall • prefer • size • look • suit • ones • looks A: I think I'll buy this shirt B: Let me see how i t A: So, what you looks ? Does it me? B: No It's the wrong It's small A: But the colour is OK? B: Yes, that's fine Try a bigger one A: OK B: That's better You A: W h a t great I wear with it? B: Some light trousers A: Which you These or these? B: I prefer the light grey ones The brown ones 10 suit you A: OK, I'll get the shirt and the trousers Thanks •-"•fWijfcg ^tfit•¿•'•'-7 - - v* • for your help 73 9b You should go to bed Vocabulary: illness Grammar: Should/Shouldn't WUÉ Match the problems to the pictures Use the correct pronoun US Give advice to each person A: l've got toothache B: ( / go) You should go to the dentist I le/She's got a headache • He/She's got earache He/She"s got stomachache • He/She's got toothache He/She's got a temperature • He/She's got a sore throat C: (X eat) You shouldn't eat sweets A: l've got a temperature B: ( / go) to bed C: (X have) a bath A: l've got a sore throat B: (X eat) ice cream She's got a headache C: ( / take) _ some throat pastilles A: l've got stomachache B: (X eat) fast food C: ( / lie) down A: I feel sick B: ( / go) to the bathroom C: (X go) to school A: l've got a headache B: (X use) luí U s e the prompts and the correct words from the your computer C: ( / take) box to write sentences a painkiller ache • hurts A: l've got a cough • feel B: ( / take) l/tooth My/ankle l/sick l/not/well l/head My/wrist l/stomach l/ill My/arm 74 l've got toothache some cough mixture C: (X play) football A: l've got earache B: (/ phone) the doctor C: (X put) your finger in your ear! 9b líi U s e the prompts to complete the dialogues Grammar summary Should/Shouldn't Affirmative Negative You should work He shouldn't go to harder school today We should leave soon They shouldn't swim in this weather Questions Short answers Should I go to bed? Yes, you should No, you shouldn't Wh- questions What should I wear? Who should I talk to? A: My friend is having a lot of problems at school -(What/l/do?) What should I do? No-re Usage B : (You/talk) to • We use should/shouldn'tto give advice You should more exercise her (She/tell) You shouldn 't wear that shirt her parents and her teacher (She/not/say) things are OK and hope that the problem will go away It won't Form • We should go by bus A: My friends are going to a concert on Friday My parents told me that I can't g o (l/tell) • B : (X) ln negative sentences, we use shouldn't + infinitive without to them l'm going to the cinema, but go to the concert? ln affirmative sentences we use should + infinitive without to We shouldn 't stay out late • To make questions, we reverse the order of should and the subject (You/not/lie) / should leave Should I leave? to your parents It's wrong • ln short answers, we not repeat the main verb Should I ask my mum? Yes, you should NOT Yes, you should ask A: l've got exams soon, but I like going out and meeting my friends (l/stop) going out and stay at What I should do? X What should Ido? / You shouldn't to be late X home studying? B : (/) Exams are ¡mportant Common mistakes • 10 You shouldn't be late / (You/work) hard and meet your friends after the exams 75 9c We have to make our beds Vocabulary: Household jobs Grammar: Have to/Don't have to ÉDH Look at the picture and complete the sentences ÉQb Look at the information and complete the text Jobs list: T i d y room L a y table Empty dishwasher A a K e breakfast v / a s h car A a * e bed *.if.iiii Jac* EUer\ / / X X V / X / / X / ! f > ^ « , w j | i : ' ' Jack and Ellen have to tidy their rooms every Saturday Jack day Ellen the table every the table, but she the dishwasher Jack the dishwasher and he breakfast J a c k breakfast Ellen the car on Sundays Jack and Ellen their beds every day before they go to school 4fiÉSComplete the dialogue with the correct form of have to or don't have to A: Hi Jack What household jobs (you/do) vou have to do? B : (l/tidy/room) Harold ¡s doing the vacuuming every week and (l/make/bed) Marjorie is doing the every day Tom is doing the A: (you/make/breakfast) Emily is doing the Sally is doing the Ü2S Match the beginnings (1-7) to the endings (a-g) make ^ a) the dishwasher \ that, b u t (l/lay) the table A: (you/do/washing-up) b)your room tidy c) the car lay d)the rubbish out empty e) the shopping take f) the table wash g)your bed B: (X) got a dishwasher We've 10 (l/not/empty) that because my sister does it What about you? ' (you/do) a lot of jobs in the house? 76 (My sister/do) B: W A: 12 (/) Grammar summary Grammar: Want to, want + object pronoun + to Have to/Don't have to (£131 Rewrite the sentences with want Debbie, c a n you help me choose a dress for the prom? Thanks Ellie Affirmative Negative have to get up at You don't have to go a.m He has to cook dinner home She doesn't have to leave Ellie wants Debbie to help her choose a dress for the prom Siwottj dbou\+ 9^«^9 swWwi*flffi *H\i.S Sa*fwday? Na*Htf* Questions Short answers Do you have to the Yes, ironing? Does he have to go to bed early? Nathan No, don't Yes, he does No, he doesn't with him on Saturday tSef Tfetizegef£or*\e r*\ífó oh your Usage WAI/ • We use have/has to to say something is necessary / have to make my bed • Ed's parents some milk on his way home / don 't have to get up early J a c k * W ü l Meet u s outscde a t pjrr\ Srrvmo * d a t h y We use don 't/doesn t have to to say that something is not necessary the c i e r n a xxx P Form • ln affirmative sentences, we use have/has to + infinitive without to Emma and Cathy She has to the shopping them outside the cinema at p.m • ln negative sentences, we use don't/doesn't + have to + infinitive without to Class 6C Please work quietly while I talk to a We don 't have to leave yet parent • infinitive without to Class 6C's teacher Do you have to make your bed? while she talks to a parent Mom, I'll óo -fine uto^hing-up, bel* c a n no-f í&tj -fine -rabie? J e o n y Jenny I r the Want io, want + object pronoun + to I want to go to sleep She wants me to help her washing-up, but she the table ln questions, we use Do/Does + subject + have to + Note Form • We use want (+ object pronoun) + to + infinitive / want to listen to this CD I want them to listen 77 Language round-up Complete the sentences with one word in each s p a c e Write short answers Should I phone the doctor? / Yes, you should To Itói* Make my T E U) D fc Do you have to go to bed early? bed / -rhe rubbtsh oo+ -rhe -rabie -rhe dií»hioaí»her -rhe car -rhe shopping Does your mum want me to leave? X Should I take some cough mixture? X Shopping l'tó-f Does she look good in this hat? ChemLs-r'í, Some-rhing for Mom'i Í> -rhroa-r Some c mix-rore Some-rhing for Jame^, tobo f / Do your parents have to work at the weekend? X 710 Clo-tine^ shopping Put the words in the correct order to make questions A neto baseball c A cool T-^hirt - " o doe-^'-r co^-r a f 10 you/do/do/ironing/have/the/to -rha-r Do vou have to the ironing? 12 which/prefer/one/you/do ./11 Complete the text with the words from the suit/this/does/me/shirt box skirt/shall/this/what/with/wear/l • ones (x£) • don't • have • looked • prefer • too • to • size • style dress/do/this/l/how/in/look • suit I bought some new trainers today The which I bought last year a r e for me now l'm a 44! I tried some They 7 should/much/l/how/mixture/cough/take me They are the/sister/dishwasher/does/have/your/to/empty ln the end I found some to/what/have/jobs/you/do/household/do great and I really wanted buy them 1 have 10 do/do/to/what/you/me/want to pay all the money now I paid £10 and I 11 wear/l/to/should/party/what/the small white more my ones black trainers but they d i d n ' t to pay £5 a month for a year /9 /10 I— LISTEN AND C H E C K YOUR S C O R E Total 78 ./40 Skills practice S K I L L S F O C U S : R E A D I N G AND W R I T I N G Write Read the text Which teenager has a problem Complete the letter with the words from the with some other people? box a) Sammy b) Colin c) Miranda l've got an interview for a summer job l've never had an interview before Should I dress very smartly or can I be casual, but clean? l'm going to work in the kitchen of a restaurant, doing the washing-up and cleaning Please help I really want this job Sammy Dear Sir/Madam, I read y o u r article about health last week I n my opinión, some of the things you wrote were w r o n g the problem is that people don't take care of their health m happy at school, but some people in my class laugh at my clothes I know my clothes aren't 'cool', but I think they suit me What should I or say to the other students or should I just not listen to them? Colin knows that y o u n g people eat more fast food and less exercise than y o u n g people ten or twenty years ago of m y friends eat fast food once a week and a have fast food every day for l u n c h I l'm a student in Year 12 of school I don't often have time to go out because we have a lot of homework to I also learn the guitar and Spanish after school l've started getting headaches Should I go to the doctor or should I just try to a bit less? Miranda t h i n k we need better medicine or more doctors We need healthier lives Yours, (Jemttt Match the beginnings (1-6) to the endings (a-e) Two beginnings match the same ending a) think t h a t b) knows t h a t Read the text again and answer true (T), c) opinión false (F) or doesn't say (DS) d) of my friends Sammy works in a restaurant at the e) few people moment Sammy isn't going to be a waiter Colin hasn't got any friends in his class Colin doesn't like the clothes he wears You have read an article that says there shouldn't be school uniforms You don't agree Write a letter giving your opinions and reasons Miranda often meets her friends for them Miranda hasn't been to see the doctor yet Dear Sir/Madam, I am w r i t i n g about your article on school uniforms Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world www.english.com/livebeat €> Pearson Education Limited 2015 The right of Rod Fricker to be identified as author of this Work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the copyright holders First published 2015 ISBN: 978-1-4479-5275-6 Set in Helvética Neue LT Std 55 Román 10/14pt Printed in Argentina by Arcángel Maggio - División Libros 12/15 Illustration Acknowledgements David Banks pages 20.66: Adrián Barclay (Beehive Illustration) pages : Kathy Baxendale pages 11.13 14.68: Kel Dyson (Bright Agency) page 34; Pete Ellis page 74: Kevin Hopgood (Beehive Illustration) pages 10 (left) 53.72: Richard Jones (Beehive Illustration) page 18; Joanna Kerr (New División) pages 10 (right) 16.44.50; Mike Lacey (Beehive Illustration) pages 24: David Shenton pages 26.49: Eric Smith pages 28.40; Jane Smith page 67; James Walmesley (GCI Illustration) page 12 Photo Acknowledgements The publisher would like to thank the follovving for their kind permission to reproduce their photographs: (Key: b-bottom; c-centre: 1-left: r-right: t-top) Alamy Images: Andrés Rodríguez 52cr Angela Hampton Picture Library 52tr dbimages 56br Dennis Hallinan 66br Gordon Scammell 58cr: Corbis: Byron Purvis 60tr Patrice Latron 431: D K Images: Michael Moran 31t: Fotolia.com: Cristovao31 69cl.Filtv 29tc.Monkey Business 35cl Peter Atkins 37tl Riccardo Picinini 7cl Savage ultralight 75cl Scott Griessel 21ti: Rex Features: Martin Karius 63tl SNAP 60tl Startraks Photo 33c: Shutterstock.com: Alan Bailey 15t: The Kobal Collection: 65tl 65tr 65cl 65cr 65bl 65br A l l other images £- Pearson Education Cover images: Fronr Shutterstock.com: Ollyy Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders and we apologise in advance for any unintentional omissions We would be pleased to insert the appropriate acknowledgement in any subsequent edition of this publication BRINC YOUR ENCLISH TO LIFE LIVE BEAT keeps teenage students motivated and focused to achieve better learning outcomes With authentic characters and situations, stimulating videos and animations, and a wealth of interactive activities, students quickly learn how to communicate effectively so they can start using English immediately ENGAGE STUDENTS W I T H TEACH EFFECTIVE SET GOALS AND MONITOR A RICH SELECTION OF COMMUMICATION PERFORMANCE • Realistic communicative activities help students t o start using their English immediately • Regular revisión sections consolídate students' knowledge and build awareness of what they have learnt • Carefully structured lessons focus on both written and verbal communication skills • A comprehensive testing and assessment package allows teachers and students t o track how well they are doing • Interactive communication videos actívate language quickly • MyEnglishLab improves student results and allows teachers to monitor performance MULTIMEDIA • Young native speakers cover topics in video blogs that appeal to students' interests • Functional videos and grammar and pronunciation animations make learning effective and fun • Interactive activities in the eTexts and MyEnglishLab keep students focused pearsonELT.com / livebeat Components: Students' Book Workbook Workbook audio MP3s Students' eText MyEnglishLab Teacher's Book Class audio CDs Motivator worksheets Teacher's eText for IWB Editable tests ISBN 97&-UAW9 GSE 'O J—J Level Level Level CEFR 20 30 ' i i 40 S( •r •

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