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Workbook 01 Tiny Farmers Theme Environment Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word If something is tiny, it is very a clean c small around the Earth that people breathe b water c winds A garden is a place where you a buy flowers and plants b sell c grow If you scream, you make a a loud noise with your voice b deep If you are afraid, you are a sad ( tiny / like / farmers / They’re ) b strong Air is the mixture of a gases c quiet that something bad may happen b surprised Soil is the top part of the earth where a insects A Unscramble the sentences b plants c scared grow c children ⇨ ( in the soil / make / holes / Earthworms ) ⇨ ( move / Air and water / through / the holes ) ⇨ ( saw / she / The next day, / earthworm / another ) ⇨ B Match the sentence parts Holly was the soil healthy Holly screamed eat dead leaves This makes and jumped away Earthworms also in the family garden B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence He just walked (through / on) the door There is a big (pocket / hole) in my sock Please (rain / water) these flowers every day My father uses (earthworms / leaves) to catch fish (Ships / Plants) need water and sunlight to live A (farmer / fisherman) is working with his cows in the field C Translate each sentence into your language Hollyʼs parents were watering the flowers, and she was helping them ⇨ Plants need healthy soil to grow ⇨ Earthworms’ waste becomes food for other plants ⇨ UNIT 01 • 02 Taking Care of Our Home Theme Environment Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word If you walk, you move with your a bicycle b legs a live a bike a short c turn b body ( cars, / If / the air / don’t drive / cleaner / we / will be ) b tiny b stop ⇨ c dirty working c keep If you something together, you it with a fun ⇨ c car If you turn off something, you make it a start ⇨ ( turn off / brush / you / your teeth, / the water / While ) move If something is clean, it is not ⇨ ( simple ways / the Earth / to help / There are ) on b save To drive is to make a ( What / we / kind of things / can / )? c hands Earth is the planet that we A Unscramble the sentences b each other c alone B Match the sentence parts We need to take care of it Don’t forget that a shorter shower You can also take clean and healthy We need to keep it little things can help B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence He (takes care of / takes part in) his sick mother This DVD player is easy to (sound / use) You should stop at the red (energy / light) It rained heavily, so the (electricity / room) went out (Make sure / Be careful) to your homework before dinner There is (less / little) than an hour left before class C Translate each sentence into your language Riding a bicycle or walking to school also helps the Earth ⇨ When you leave a room, make sure to turn off the lights ⇨ Together, we can make our home a great place to live ⇨ UNIT 02 • 03 Brian's Lucky Day Theme Adventure Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word A map is a a story To dig is to make a a hole of a town, a country, or the world b drawing ( the hole / His father / and saw / came outside ) ( the sun / was hard, / The ground / and / was hot ) it b before b hold To discover is to a use b from ( I want / a new apple tree / the place / to put / That’s ) ⇨ c break the building c behind something for the first time b find find ⇨ c next to If you are outside a building, you are not a in ⇨ c plant If something is hard, it is not soft and is difficult to a open ⇨ in the ground If you follow something, you go a after ( He / to dig / a hole / started ) c view b lake A Unscramble the sentences c make B Match the sentence parts It was a map and gave him $5 Brian carefully of his backyard He thanked Brian followed the map It really was my lucky day B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence The (pirates / places) stole the gold My grandmother grows rose (bushes / holes) in her garden You should listen (loudly / carefully) to your teacher The farmer is planting seeds in the (ground / water) They are looking for (lucky / treasure) on the island The ship hit some big (cans / rocks) and sank C Translate each sentence into your language One day, Brian discovered something under a bush ⇨ The X is the place the pirates put their gold! ⇨ He kept digging and digging, but he only found rocks and an old can ⇨ UNIT 03 • 04 A Trip to Antarctica Theme Adventure Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word If something is giant, it is very a large a lie c tiny b controls ( of my life / was / It / the greatest trip) b happy b land b study ⇨ c travels ( with her father / a special vacation / took / Last month, / she ) ⇨ c surprised B Match the sentence parts c sea Vacation is a period of time people usually use to a work ⇨ a group of countries An iceberg is a very large piece of ice in the a lake ( Antarctica / emperor penguins / They / to see / went to )! c write If you are delighted, you feel very a afraid ⇨ about something b know An emperor is a man who a likes ( got on / a big ship / They / with 90 other people ) b many If you are curious, you want to A Unscramble the sentences or travel c relax Sharon Miller is thousands of them There were a 12-year-old student The penguins were noisy and curious I want to go back someday B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence We will (go / reach) Paris in two hours Walk (past / over) the supermarket and you will see the bus stop I am going to (hike / rise) up the mountain tomorrow The man lived alone on the (island / village) for 20 years Our classroom is always (heavy / noisy) during break time She visited (Antarctica / an airplane) for the first time C Translate each sentence into your language On October 18th, they took an airplane from California to Argentina ⇨ They went past giant blue and white icebergs in the sea ⇨ They hiked through the ice and snow, past seals and seabirds ⇨ UNIT 04 • 05 Kitchen Math Theme Math Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word A kitchen is a room where you a cook fight a fi ght c sleep b see c have Everything means a all b big c important to understand b easy If something equals another thing, they are a different c understand things If something is simple, it is a hard something b remember b the same ⇨ ( only 10 cookies / was / The recipe / for ) it If you are confused, you can’t a reach ( Victor / a recipe / had / the Internet / from ) b wash If you need something, you must A Unscramble the sentences c necessary in size or number c small ⇨ ( had to / He / by three / multiply / everything ) ⇨ ( flour, and sugar / eggs, / There were / on the counter ) ⇨ B Match the sentence parts Ten times three was in the kitchen What should I do? Victor wanted equals 30 Angela’s younger brother to make 30 cookies B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence Can you (explain / need) the question to me? You need (flour / cookies) and milk to make bread There are some dishes on the kitchen (bed /counter) If you (add / multiply) by 4, you get Please read the chicken soup (cooking / recipe) carefully I read a book (in front of / instead of) playing a computer game 10 C Translate each sentence into your language Iʼm making cookies, but Iʼm confused ⇨ Angela explained that it was a simple math problem ⇨ Victor needed nine eggs instead of three, and six cups of flour instead of two ⇨ UNIT 05 • 11 06 What a Useful Number! Theme Math Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word A dozen is a group of a ten things finger a fi nger To count is to say a numbers c twenty b nail ⇨ ( on each hand / one thumb / have / People / and four fingers ) in the correct order b names ⇨ c colors ( lucky / might / The number 12 / be / not ) you a lot b helps ⇨ c hurts B Match the sentence parts things b play c make If you bend your arm, you move it so it is no longer a clean ( / a lucky number / Many people / as / pick ) c line A store is a place where you can a buy ⇨ on your hand If something is useful, it a scares ( into / The four fingers / three parts / can bend ) b twelve A thumb is the short, thick A Unscramble the sentences b strong c straight What about the number 12? Long ago, people easily write numbers A calendar has 12 months and a clock has 12 hours They couldn’t didnʼt have pencils and paper B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence (All / Each) room has big windows The girl wrote her birthday on the (clock / calendar) She (points to / writes to) Antarctica on the map There are 12 (weeks / months) in a year He carefully (picked / called) a name for his son (Last year / Nowadays), many people listen to songs on the Internet 12 C Translate each sentence into your language They used their thumbs to point to the 12 parts of their fingers ⇨ At the store, some things are sold in groups of 12 ⇨ Nowadays, people use 12 to count many different things ⇨ UNIT 06 • 13 07 The Story of the Kiwi Theme Nature Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word To die is to a keep living ( the sky / None of the birds / to leave / wanted ) b make Forever means for all a people c stop ( insects / His trees / because / were dying / were eating them ) b places ( on the forest floor / went / to live / The kiwi ) ( should leave / decided that / The Sky King / one bird / the sky ) from it b away b running An insect is a small animal that has six a bodies ⇨ c white ⇨ c inside A wing is a part of a bird’s or insect’s body, used for flying a fl ying ⇨ c time b light If you leave a place, you go a across ⇨ If it is dark, there is little or no a life A Unscramble the sentences fingers b fi ngers B Match the sentence parts c swimming The Forest King its wings , such as an ant He asked had a problem c legs It would eat the insects the Sky King for help The kiwi lost and save the trees B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence I (come / live) near my school You can hear birds singing in the (forest / sea) We have to solve this (answer / problem) together He (helped / decided) to learn French instead of English My friend (complained / lost) that the exam was too hard There is a photo of the (brave / hard) soldiers in the newspaper 14 C Translate each sentence into your language It’s too cold and dark in the forest ⇨ If the trees die, the other animals won’t have a place to live ⇨ You will be loved by everyone forever ⇨ UNIT 07 • 15 08 Talented Sea Lions Theme Nature Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word If a dog barks, it makes a short, loud a image b music ( Sea lion babies / usually born / are / in the summer ) c sound At an aquarium, you can see animals that live in the a forest b city a hair where your eyes, nose, and mouth are b head ( to tricks / It’s / sea lions / to teach / easy ) ⇨ ( when they grow up / more than / They / can weigh / 1,000 kg ) ⇨ c man b talk If you clap, you hit your a legs ⇨ c swimming If you teach someone, you help the person a use ( They’re / at the zoo / the most popular animals / often / one of ) c water b running A face is the part of the ⇨ A flipper is a body part of some large sea animals, used for flying a fl ying A Unscramble the sentences about something c learn together to make a sound b feet c hands B Match the sentence parts Some of them were probably sea lions Sea lions also have less than 20 kg At first, they weigh four strong flippers A sea lionʼs face looks like a dogʼs B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence He (grew up / got up) in a small town He did magic (skills / tricks) for children It will (probably / always) snow this afternoon Can you (speak / move) a little bit to the right? The elephant (looks / weighs) more than the lion If you hurry, youʼll (catch / leave) the train 16 C Translate each sentence into your language Have you ever seen some sea animals doing tricks at a zoo or aquarium? ⇨ Sea lions can use these flippers to move around easily on land ⇨ Some sea lions can catch a ball on their nose or clap their “hands.” ⇨ UNIT 08 • 17 09 A Healthy Plan Theme Health Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word If you skip something, you a can’t it a decide To score is to a lose c shouldn’t b forget ( fast food / stops eating / He / like pizza and hamburgers ) points in a game b get ⇨ c count ( he / Roberto / so / joins / loves soccer, / the school soccer team ) b friend b sleep If you something properly, you it a wrong ⇨ c say ⇨ c member If you are tired, you feel that you want to rest or a play ⇨ ( a healthy breakfast / starts every day / with / He ) to in the future If you join a group, you become a a boss ( Roberto / much better / Soon, / feels ) b don’t A plan is something that you A Unscramble the sentences b quickly B Match the sentence parts c study He eats his bicycle every day He also rides make a plan c right What’s wrong fresh fruits and vegetables Roberto and his mother with me? B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence Fast food is not (tasty / healthy) for you I (exercise / explain) for 30 minutes every day I’m afraid you’re going in the (good / wrong) direction The player had three (goals / teams) in one game You will get better at English with (play / practice) Plants get (energy / water) from the sun 18 C Translate each sentence into your language During the team’s first practice, he quickly gets tired and plays badly ⇨ You skip breakfast and eat too much fast food ⇨ At his first soccer game, he scores a goal ⇨ UNIT 09 • 19 10 Footsteps in the Night Theme Health Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word If you are awake, you are not a watching If you sleepwalk, you a walk around If you relax, you a rest A reason is a when ( their eyes / people / When / are open / sleepwalk, ) b sleeping c walking b sit down ( as / Most of them / they get older / stop naturally ) ⇨ c grow up ( or by an illness, / It / by stress / can be caused / such as a fever ) or something that you enjoy b exercise ⇨ c study ( bed / before / Always go / to the bathroom ) someone decides to something b where ⇨ c why b talking If something is regular, it happens a again and again ⇨ when you sleep A footstep is the sound that you hear when someone is a bending A Unscramble the sentences c walking at the same time b better and better c one more time B Match the sentence parts If youʼre a sleepwalker, but they’re not They look like theyʼre awake, try to relax at night In the morning, they don’t why people sleepwalk There are many reasons remember anything B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence She (suddenly / nowadays) stopped talking The workers try to follow their (lunch / schedule) The (doctors / scientists) discovered a new planet She got better after her serious (illness / rest) He was really (surprised / tired) to hear the news My brother has a high (fever / energy), so he can’t come to school 20 C Translate each sentence into your language You open your bedroom door and see your brother walking in his sleep! ⇨ Scientists say that about 15% of all children are sleepwalkers ⇨ If you see someone else sleepwalking, don’t be surprised! ⇨ UNIT 10 • 21 11 A Lesson From a Monkey Theme Tales Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word To travel is to a send from one place to another b go If you climb, you go a around c read b under c up a no If you rest, you stop a relaxing about it b forget A greedy person always wants c like food or money b some a buy ⇨ ⇨ ( can learn / We / from that monkey / a lesson ) ⇨ ( jumped / out of a tree / a hungry monkey / Suddenly, ) ⇨ c more and sit down or lie down b sleeping If you lose something, you don’t ( to rest / they / After a few hours, / stopped ) ( wanted / their horses / The son / to feed ) something If you learn something, you get to a know A Unscramble the sentences c working it any more b have c want B Match the sentence parts A wise king was back up the tree It quickly took from its hand It climbed a big handful of peas One pea fell traveling with his son B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence I (feed / give) my dog three times a day I ate a (hand / handful) of popcorn The movie taught me a good (class / lesson) A (stupid / wise) old man gave her advice A (pea / corn) is a small, round green seed (Fortunately / Sadly), my best friend moved to another town 22 C Translate each sentence into your language The monkey didnʼt want to lose any of its peas ⇨ The monkey reached out, but unfortunately it dropped all of the peas! ⇨ If you are greedy, you get nothing in the end ⇨ UNIT 11 • 23 12 Happy Endings Theme Tales Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word A duckling is a a big duck ( was born / He / in 1805 / in Denmark ) b wild If you are successful, you a get c young b lose c find find b long a fast or handsome b pretty If something is easy, it is not ( again / began / He / stories / to write ) ⇨ ( they / In the end, / happiness / find ) ⇨ ( are / to his life / Many of Andersenʼs stories / similar ) ⇨ c healthy B Match the sentence parts to difficult b diffi cult c important A mermaid is a woman in stories who has a a bird’s wings time c free If someone is ugly, the person is not a tall ⇨ the result you wanted or hoped for If you finally finished something, you finished it after a a short A Unscramble the sentences fish’s b a fi sh’s tail instead of legs c an insect’s legs Have you read at all three His life was have problems He failed not easy as a child The characters in his stories The Little Mermaid? B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence These two bags are (like / similar) in size We tried hard but (failed / got) to solve the problem She got a bad grade, so her friend (laughed at / pointed to) her I want my family to live in (happiness / sadness) She is going to (sing / write) a book for children I don’t like the main (character / ending) in that book 24 C Translate each sentence into your language He was very tall and had a long nose, so other children laughed at him ⇨ When he was older, he tried to be a dancer, a singer, and an actor ⇨ Andersen read a lot of books and wrote stories ⇨ UNIT 12 • 25 13 Birthday Traditions Theme Culture Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word If you wake up, you stop a talking c sleeping b use ( you / birthdays / in Denmark / How / celebrate )? b sound b special b good ⇨ c give ( outside / a flag / the house / / Her family ) better ⇨ c taste for it c simple If a thing is shaped like another, the two things look a different ⇨ to another person If you celebrate a day or an event, you something a correct ( the house / His family / with / decorated / beautiful flowers ) c move If you decorate something, you make it a look ⇨ it towards yourself find b fi nd A gift is something that you a lose ( fruits and vegetables / They / shaped like / were ) b sitting If you pull something, you a drive A Unscramble the sentences c similar in form B Match the sentence parts Yesterday, his ears It was her friend Pedro from Brazil They gave him special candies Everyone pulled it was her birthday B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence Jamie is sitting (outside of / next to) me (Hang / Cut) your hat on the hook I’m looking for (everyone / somebody) to help me Will you give me a (cell phone / phone call) after o’clock? The (flag / fruit) is green and has a star in the center My doctor said I should eat more (fast food / vegetables) 26 C Translate each sentence into your language When Anna was sleeping, her family put gifts next to her bed ⇨ It was a great surprise when I woke up ⇨ Iʼm ten years old, so they pulled my ears ten times! ⇨ UNIT 13 • 27 14 Shoes from Around the World Theme Culture Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word An area is a of a place, town, or country a name b group a hard a hot Skin is the thing that a covers ⇨ ( very tall sandals / Geta / wood / are / made of ) to touch b nice ⇨ c hard ( thousands of / The Japanese / geta / wearing / started / years ago ) b cold ⇨ c relaxed a person’s or animal’s body b hurts To curl is to make something into a a star ( reindeer skin / boots / People / wear / made from ) c unclean If something is comfortable, it makes you feel a lonely ⇨ b light If something is soft, it is ( curl / The toes / upward / of the boots ) c part Dirt is something that makes other things A Unscramble the sentences c shows shape b square c round B Match the sentence parts This helps people walk through the snow easily They just wear them any traditional shoes? They wear slippers for special events Does your country have made from camel hair B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence The balloon rose (behind / upward) into the sky Ballerinas dance on the tips of their (toes / fingers) We have a big school (event / place) next month (Take off / Turn off) your boots and come inside My room is cold, so I wear my (sunglasses / slippers) It is (new / traditional) to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day 28 C Translate each sentence into your language In some countries, people wear interesting traditional shoes ⇨ When people wear geta, their clothes donʼt touch the dirt ⇨ People like the slippers because they are comfortable and easy to take off ⇨ UNIT 14 • 29 15 A Fun Trip to the Museum Theme Art Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word A gallery is a place which is used for showing works of a art b sport a farmer a put a sand ⇨ ( a picture / took / I / a knight / next to / of my sister ) ⇨ c soldier b simple c strong your hand or finger on it b bend c twist A statue is the shape of a person or an animal that is made of or metal ( again soon / we / hope / I / can go / there ) on a horse in the past b prince If you touch something, you ⇨ c similar If a bird has brightly colored wings, the colors on its wings are a dark ( were / various galleries / There / inside ) things b expensive A knight is a man who fought as a c children If there are various things, there are many a different A Unscramble the sentences b paper c stone ( the thick paint / under my fingers / I / feeling / enjoyed ) ⇨ B Match the sentence parts It had big statues of Mexican artwork I felt like the Touch Gallery The first gallery was called of lions outside The next gallery was full I was in Mexico! B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence The garden is (full / empty) of beautiful flowers This is my favorite (paint / painting) by Picasso You can find a lot of famous (artwork / schoolwork) in the book My uncle will come to (live / visit) my family this weekend This book is very (thick / thin), so I can’t finish it in a day I had a good time at the history (museum / room) last Saturday 30 C Translate each sentence into your language You can touch all the paintings with your hands ⇨ I looked at all the brightly colored paintings ⇨ We visited a gallery full of old English clothes ⇨ UNIT 15 • 31 16 Try Tie-Dye! Theme Art Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word If you dry something, you take the a dirt off of it b color If you prepare something, you make it a new b soft If you remove something, you take it a away b into a easy b wet b box b shape ( rubber bands / Tie / those places / around ) c ready ⇨ ( in water / the T-shirt / for a few minutes / Soak ) from a place ⇨ c over ( pretty patterns / is / Tie-dyeing cloth / to create / an old way ) c comfortable c string Dye is something you use to change the a color ⇨ to be used To tie is to hold two or more things together using a glue ( your T-shirt / the rubber bands / and dry / Remove ) c water If you soak something, you make it very of your clothes or hair c size A Unscramble the sentences ⇨ B Match the sentence parts I want to look good, your T-shirts? Why not tie-dye new look! After 15 minutes, rinse the T-shirt in cold water What a cool but I only have old T-shirts B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence I (rinsed / added) the shampoo out of my hair Please pour some cooking oil into the (fan / pot) The chef (created / drew) this delicious dish Roll up the poster and put a (rubber band / circle) around it She covered the table with a (rope / cloth) (Boil / Fry) three cups of water and then add some spices 32 C Translate each sentence into your language How can I look cool without buying new T-shirts? ⇨ To make some patterns on the T-shirt, twist it in various places ⇨ Boil water in a pot and add some dye ⇨ UNIT 16 • 33 17 My First 3-D Movie Theme Entertainment Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word An image is a(n) a art that is made by a camera or an artist b person If you put on something, you a wash A movie theater is a a building c picture b cover c show b traveling b hospital Some people need to wear glasses to a see b sleep ⇨ ⇨ c store ( decided to / I / put my 3-D glasses / back on ) around you ⇨ c turning A screen is a large flat thing that shows pictures in a a cinema ( one / instead of / showed / two images / The screen ) ( I felt / my 3-D glasses / I took off / a bit dizzy, / so ) where you watch movies b house ( living things / The characters / like / seemed ) ⇨ part of your body with it If you are dizzy, you feel that everything is a sitting A Unscramble the sentences c zoo better c learn B Match the sentence parts I got special 3-D glasses I put on a big surprise Today I watched looked amazing! The 3-D images on the screen my first 3-D movie B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence The sea lion show was (kind / amazing)! She (shows / seems) to like my brother The rain is (beating / putting) on the windows The flowers are (falling / feeling) from the tree The boy is jumping around with (excitement / fear) I was tired, so I couldn’t walk (fast / slowly) 34 C Translate each sentence into your language The characters seemed to come out of the screen and into the theater ⇨ When Alice fell into the rabbit hole, I felt like I was falling with her ⇨ During the movie, my heart was beating fast with excitement ⇨ UNIT 17 • 35 18 We Love Peanuts Theme Entertainment Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word If someone is lazy, the person does not want to a sleep b play c work If you often something, you it a a few a plan c other doing it b enjoy To print something is to make it a pretty times b many If you give up doing something, you c stop on paper by using a machine b small a drawings or celebrate b win A comic strip is a series of cartoon ( Why / Peanuts / so popular / is )? ⇨ ( just like / They / daily problems / we / have ) ⇨ ( a good friend / He / with / is / a kind heart ) ⇨ ( usually / his doghouse / on top of / just sleeps / He )! ⇨ c appear An anniversary is a special date that you a leave A Unscramble the sentences c remember that tell a story b movies c statues B Match the sentence parts He often fails its 60th anniversary It’s because of but never gives up He always the lovable characters Peanuts celebrated tries his best B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence Did you read today’s (character / newspaper)? I (recently / still) started to learn how to swim The book is about the (daily / kind) life of a superhero I can’t (know / understand) why you are so angry I was (shy / sweet) when I was young, so I didn’t make many friends A lot of people got together to watch the (popular / regular) singerʼs concert 36 C Translate each sentence into your language The comic strip is still printed in newspapers around the world ⇨ Snoopy has interesting ideas and makes exciting plans ⇨ One of the main characters is Snoopy and he is often lazy ⇨ UNIT 18 • 37 19 Pedal Power in My Village Theme Technology Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word A village is a very small a house in the countryside b lake A laptop is a small a case ⇨ ( by pedaling / a simple way / It’s / to make electricity ) that you can carry with you b computer ⇨ c wallet ( her washing machine / My mom / and / works / pedals ) a question when you are not sure b ask b remove b dishes ⇨ c practice B Match the sentence parts with your foot c beat A washing machine is the machine that people use for washing a clothes ( the power / A big battery / until / stores / nighttime ) c an image A pedal is the thing on a bicycle that you a push ⇨ to a machine b power If you guess, you try to a answer ( pedal power / Even / use / our street lights ) c town A battery is a thing that gives a a hole A Unscramble the sentences c cars Hello and welcome to my village My friend pedals pedal at night We don’t and his laptop works Pedal power protects the Earth B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence My computer isn’t (walking / working) now Wear this helmet to (protect / use) your head I want to buy a ticket to (fly / ride) on the train The two girls are walking down the (street / house) My sister and I (take turns / take away) cleaning our room I couldn’t fall asleep (until / while) o’clock in the morning 38 C Translate each sentence into your language Can you guess how my uncle’s juice machine works? ⇨ Instead, many people take turns to pedal during the day ⇨ It’s fun and healthy just like riding a bike ⇨ UNIT 19 • 39 20 The RoboCup Challenge Theme Technology Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word If you cheer, you a jump with joy a happens a give c stays b popular c young someone from danger b saving ⇨ ( for soccer / is / not only / The junior league ) ⇨ c asking B Match the sentence parts something b make If you design something, you make a plans ⇨ ( Scientists / make / from different countries / teams of robots ) people If you compete, you try to ⇨ ( today / They / than in 1997 / much better / are ) b moves Rescue is the act of a losing c smile A junior league is made for a old ( compete / wins / The teams / one team / until ) b shout If something takes place, it A Unscramble the sentences c win for it b gifts c teams RoboCup is to cheer for their team Many fans come get better each year It takes place a world soccer event RoboCup robots in a different country each year B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence The robot has a (human / person) voice I dyed my hair to look (different / like) Our team (beat / played) the other team to I will (take part / take off) in the school play I (get / hope) that you can come to my party Her hobbies (include / start) tennis and painting 40 C Translate each sentence into your language Could you design a RoboCup robot? ⇨ Scientists hope that robots will beat human soccer players by 2050 ⇨ School students like you can take part and make a robot ⇨ UNIT 20 • 41 [...]... / give) my dog three times a day 2 I ate a (hand / handful) of popcorn 3 The movie taught me a good (class / lesson) 4 A (stupid / wise) old man gave her advice 5 A (pea / corn) is a small, round green seed 6 (Fortunately / Sadly), my best friend moved to another town 22 C Translate each sentence into your language 1 The monkey didnʼt want to lose any of its peas ⇨ 2 The monkey reached out, but unfortunately... nothing in the end ⇨ UNIT 11 • 23 12 Happy Endings Theme Tales Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice A Choose the best answer to complete the definition of each word 1 A duckling is a a big duck 1 ( was born / He / in 1805 / in Denmark ) b wild 2 If you are successful, you a get c young b lose c find find b long a fast or handsome b pretty 5 If something is easy, it is not 2 ( again / began / He / stories... book for children 6 I don’t like the main (character / ending) in that book 24 C Translate each sentence into your language 1 He was very tall and had a long nose, so other children laughed at him ⇨ 2 When he was older, he tried to be a dancer, a singer, and an actor ⇨ 3 Andersen read a lot of books and wrote stories ⇨ UNIT 12 • 25 13 Birthday Traditions Theme Culture Vocabulary Practice Sentence Practice... voice 2 I dyed my hair to look (different / like) 3 Our team (beat / played) the other team 5 to 2 4 I will (take part / take off) in the school play 5 I (get / hope) that you can come to my party 6 Her hobbies (include / start) tennis and painting 40 C Translate each sentence into your language 1 Could you design a RoboCup robot? ⇨ 2 Scientists hope that robots will beat human soccer players by 20 50... correct 2 ( the house / His family / with / decorated / beautiful flowers ) c move 4 If you decorate something, you make it a look ⇨ it towards yourself find b fi nd 3 A gift is something that you a lose 1 ( fruits and vegetables / They / shaped like / were ) b sitting 2 If you pull something, you a drive A Unscramble the sentences c similar in form B Match the sentence parts 1 Yesterday, his ears 2 It was... next to) me 2 (Hang / Cut) your hat on the hook 3 I’m looking for (everyone / somebody) to help me 4 Will you give me a (cell phone / phone call) after 8 o’clock? 5 The (flag / fruit) is green and has a star in the center 6 My doctor said I should eat more (fast food / vegetables) 26 C Translate each sentence into your language 1 When Anna was sleeping, her family put gifts next to her bed ⇨ 2 It was a... star 2 ( reindeer skin / boots / People / wear / made from ) c unclean 4 If something is comfortable, it makes you feel a lonely ⇨ b light 3 If something is soft, it is 1 ( curl / The toes / upward / of the boots ) c part 2 Dirt is something that makes other things A Unscramble the sentences c shows shape b square c round B Match the sentence parts 1 This helps people walk through the snow easily 2 They... the sky 2 Ballerinas dance on the tips of their (toes / fingers) 3 We have a big school (event / place) next month 4 (Take off / Turn off) your boots and come inside 5 My room is cold, so I wear my (sunglasses / slippers) 6 It is (new / traditional) to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day 28 C Translate each sentence into your language 1 In some countries, people wear interesting traditional shoes ⇨ 2 When... use for washing a clothes 2 ( the power / A big battery / until / stores / nighttime ) c an image 5 A pedal is the thing on a bicycle that you a push ⇨ to a machine b power 4 If you guess, you try to a answer 1 ( pedal power / Even / use / our street lights ) c town 2 A battery is a thing that gives a a hole A Unscramble the sentences c cars 1 Hello and welcome to my village 2 My friend pedals pedal... working) now 2 Wear this helmet to (protect / use) your head 3 I want to buy a ticket to (fly / ride) on the train 4 The two girls are walking down the (street / house) 5 My sister and I (take turns / take away) cleaning our room 6 I couldn’t fall asleep (until / while) 2 o’clock in the morning 38 C Translate each sentence into your language 1 Can you guess how my uncle’s juice machine works? ⇨ 2 Instead,

Ngày đăng: 16/09/2016, 05:58



