Ma/yj kjin/gs, emperors a/d scjholars workjed t/o develop t/he u/inversint/yj.. There were no universites in Viet Nam.[r]
(1)(2)(3)(4)Song I’m from
Where are you from? Where are you from? I’m from Vietnam.
I’m from Vietnam.
Lo/g ago, in/ t/he yjear 1050, t/here were /o u/inversintes in/ Vinet/
Nam So, in/ 1056, Emperor Lyj Nha/ To/g decjinded t/o bjuinld o/e - t/he Imperinal Acjademyj It/ ins cjo/sindered t/he frst/ u/inversint/yj in/ Vinet/ Nam The u/inversint/yj was a great/ sucjcjess a/d t/housa/ds of Vinet//amese scjholars graduat/ed from t/hins u/inversint/yj.
The Imperinal Acjademyj has a lo/g a/d in/t/erest/g hinst/oryj Ma/yj kjin/gs, emperors a/d scjholars workjed t/o develop t/he u/inversint/yj Chu Va/ A/ was regarded as o/e of t/he most/ famous t/eacjhers at/ t/he
Imperinal Acjademyj.
I/ moder/ tme, t/he Imperinal Acjademyj cjo/t/ues t/o grow a/d recjeinve recjog/into/ Ma/yj old bjuinldin/gs were recjo/st/rucjt/ed in/
(7)1 When was the Imperial Academy founded? Lo/g ago, in/ t/he yjear 1050, t/here were /o
u/inversintes in/ Vinet/ Nam So, in/ 1056, Emperor Lyj Nha/ To/g decjinded t/o bjuinld o/e - t/he
Imperinal Acjademyj It/ ins cjo/sindered t/he frst/ u/inversint/yj in/ Vinet/ Nam The u/inversint/yj was a great/ sucjcjess a/d t/housa/ds of Vinet//amese scjholars graduat/ed from t/hins u/inversint/yj.
(8)Game: Who is faster?
Scja/ some inmport/a/t/ eve/t/s sucjh as years in/ 30 secjo/ds.
Close yjour bjookjs.
(9)Game: Who is faster?
1 In 1070,
A The frst/ u/inversint/yj in/ Vinet/ Nam was bjuinlt/ B There were /o u/inversintes in/ Vinet/ Nam
C Thousa/ds of Vinet//amese scjholars graduat/ed from t/he Imperinal Acjademyj
2 In 1076, _
A The Imperinal Acjademyj was bjuinlt/ bjyj Emperor Lyj Nha/ To/g B The Temple of Lint/erat/ure was bjuinlt/
C Ma/yj kjin/gs, emperors a/d scjholars workjed t/o develop t/he u/inversint/yj B There were no universites in Viet Nam.
(10)Game: Who is faster?
3 In 1999, _
A The Temple of Lint/erat/ure was recjog/inzed bjyj UNESCO B Ma/yj /ew bjuinldin/gs were rebjuinlt/
C Ma/yj old bjuinldin/gs were recjo/st/rucjt/ed
4 In 2010,
A t/he 81 Docjt/ors’ st/o/e t/abjlet/s were recjog/inzed bjyj UNESCO B t/he 82 Docjt/ors’ st/o/e t/abjlet/s were recjog/inzed bjyj UNESCO C t/he 83 Docjt/ors’ st/o/e t/abjlet/s were recjog/inzed bjyj UNESCO
5 In 2003,
A Two st/at/ues (Lyj Tha/h To/g, Lyj Nha/ To/g) were bjuinlt/
B Three st/at/ues (Lyj Tha/h To/g, Lyj Nha/ To/g, Le Tha/h To/g) were bjuinlt/ C Four st/at/ues (Lyj Tha/h To/g, Lyj Nha/ To/g, Le Tha/h To/g a/d Chu Va/
A/) were bjuinlt/
C Many old buildings were reconstructed.
B the 82 Doctors’ stone tablets were recognized by UNESCO.
(11)Who are they?
(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)Question 1.
Who wrot/e Ho/g Ducj cjode?
(17)Question 2.
Who reing/ed t/he lo/gest/ in/ Vinet//amese mo/arcjh? (76 yjears)
(18)Question 3.
Who fou/ded t/he Temple of Lint/erat/ure in/ 1050?
(19)Question 4.
Who was ho/ored t/o bje t/he a/cjest/or of Vinet//am educjato/, t/he t/eacjher of everyj ge/erato/?
(20)(21)(22) Lear/ bjyj heart/ vocjabjs
Pracjtcje readin/g a/d speakjin/g abjout/ Temple of Lint/erat/ure at/ home.
The Temple of Literature -The Imperial Academy
What's the frst university in Viet Nam? What's the frst university in Viet Nam? The Temple of Literature
The Imperial Academy.
(24) 8277/The-Temple-of-Lint/erat/ure-amp-Imperinal-Acjademyj