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E 9 W9 P 17 18 UNIT 3 READ WRITE

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Sau chuyến đi, chúng tôi cảm thấy rất hạnh phúc và chúng tôi muốn chúng tôi có thể thăm khu vực này một lần nữa vào một ngày nào đó.[r]


Unit 3

A trip to the countryside

Date of planning : 10/10/2019 Period:17

Lesson : Read


1 Aims: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the text in details, know more about the country life in the USA

2 Practice skill: - Practice reading

3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Read a text about the life in the countryside for details and complete the summary

+Advanced knowledge: Play the role of Van and the student to ask and answer 4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: Grow maize (v) : Work part – time (v) Grocery store ( n ) Collect eggs Exchange student ( n )

- Structure: The present simple 5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to read the text and know more about the country life in the USA

B Teaching- aids: Poster, colored chalks , picture C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work - Some techniques can be used: Matching , Ordering

D Procedure: I Organization (1’)

Class Date of teaching Absent students

9A 17/10

9B 17/10


Teacher’s Activities Students’ activities II WARM UP : (3minutes)

*Jumbled words: exchange, grocery, feed, collect

III NEW LESSON( 38 minutes) Step1/ Pre - reading :

- Introduce “ Today we will study about the life on a farm of an American family ”

* Vocabulary :

+ Grow maize (v) : Translation + Work part – time (v) : Explanation + Grocery store ( n ) : Explanation + Collect eggs ( Translation

+ Exchange student ( n ) : Translation Checking technique : Slap the board

- Have Ss work in pairs and guess about the differences between life on American farms and Vietnamese ones , Using the suggested questions : What trees / vegetables farmers in America grow

2 What animals they raise ? What they usually eat ?

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate their ideas Step2/ While - reading :

- Now you read the text and exercise a ) : Match the words in column A with the word or groups of words in column B having the same meaning: A

B Key Maize

a bring things together 1-d

2 Feed

b where people buy food and small things 2-c

3 Grocery store c give food to eat 3-b

4 Part – time d corn

1 Newwords

+ Grow maize (v) : trồng ngô + Work part – time (v) : làm việc bán thời gian

+ Grocery store ( n ) : cửa hàng tạp hoá

+ Collect eggs thu gom trứng + Exchange student ( n ) sinh viên trao đổi

-Ss work in pairs and guess about the differences between life on American farms and Vietnamese ones , Using the suggested questions :




5 Collect

e shorter or less than standard time 5-a

- Call on some Ss to read the answers aloud - Correct mistakes if any and give correct answers ( Table above )

Checking their understanding by asking some questions :

1 Where is the Parker family,s farm?

2 How many children Mr and Mrs Parker have ? 3 What does Van in the afternoon ?

4 What the whole family on Saturday afternoons

- Ask Ss to read the text and answer the questions - Call on some pairs to read their answers aloud - Correct mistakes and give correct answers : - Ask Ss to read the text again and complete the summary

- Call on some Ss to read the complete passage aloud - Remark and correct mistakes if any Then give Answer keys :

1 Ohio farmer works part – time Peter and Sam after farm they watch baseball

10 member of

- Ask Ss to read the complete passage loudly - Correct pronunciation

Step3 / Post reading :  Ordering :

- Ask Ss to close their books and listen to the passage which is divided into four small pieces to order the logical passage

- Call on some Ss to read their passage aloud Correct mistakes if any

Roleplay: Ask Ss to work in pair One is Van, the others play the role of a student who is going to the USA as a exchange student

3 Reading

Comprehension questions: It is 100 Km outside Columbus Ohio

2 They have two children : Peter and Sam

3 He feeds the chicken and collects their eggs

4 Peter plays baseball , the Parker family and Van eat humbuggers and hot dogs Gapfill:

Ss to read the text again and complete the summary

1 Ohio farmer works part – time Peter and Sam after farm they watch baseball

10 member of


IV SUMMARY (1 minutes)

Ss will be able to know more about the country life in the USA

V HOMEWORK (2’) Learn by heart all new words Redo all the exercises and copy Prepare the next lesson: Write


……… ………



Date of preparing: 10/10/2019 Period 18




1 Aims: By the end of the lesson students will be able to write a passage about “ A country picnic”

2 Practice skill:

- Practice the writing skill

3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Talk about a picnic to the country, to write a passage about“ A country picnic”

+ Advanced knowledge: retell “A Coutry Picnic” 4 Basic language:

Language focus: Past simple Vocabulary:

- Words to describe the country/ a trip to the country: location, direction, outing activities

5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice past simple, write a passage about “ A country picnic”.

B Teaching- aids:

-text books, posters/ computer, pictures C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work - Some techniques can be used: matching, exhibition/ retell D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

-Class Date of teaching Absent students

9A 18/10

9B 22/10

9C 22/10


II WARM UP: (5 minutes) Noughts and crosses

maize Grow Feed

Nearby Go fishing hamburger

Part- time Enjoy picnic

Ask Ss to play games in groups : Make sentences with the words from the table

Eg: People grow maize in the countryside Remark and lead in the new lesson III NEW LESSON (36 minutes) Step1 Pre- writing :

- Have Ss look at the pictures and introduce some new words :

+ Picnic site ( n) Translation + Lay out ( v) : Explanation

+ Blind man ,s bluff (n) : Explanation

+blanket (n) chăn, chiếu, + gather (v) thu gom

+ hurriedly ( adv) vội vã

* Checking technique : What and where / Matching

Step While - writing :

- Hang the picture of the picnic on the board

- Introduce the aims of the lesson, help Ps run through the picture and suggested words and then ask Ss to write a passage , beginning with :

It was a beautiful day …….

- Go around and provide help if any

- Tell them to exchange their writings and correct mistakes

- Call on some Ss to read their writings aloud - Correct common mistakes and give suggested writing

- Call on some Ss to read the suggested writing again

Step Post - writing :

Play games in groups

1 Newwords

+ Picnic site ( n) :điểm dã ngoại

+ Lay out ( v) : dọn ( đồ ăn) + Blind man ,s bluff (n) :

chơi bịt mắt bắt dê

+blanket (n) chăn, chiếu,

+ gather (v) thu gom + hurriedly ( adv) vội vã 2 Write

It was a beautiful day , my

friend and I decided to go on a picnic We took a bus to the countryside and them we walked about 20 minutes to the picnic site next to the river We put down the blankets and laid out the food After the meal we played the games … What song is it ? and blind man ,s



(*Retell ( for good students)

- Ask ps to close their books and look at the picture on the board, try to retell “A Coutry Picnic”

* Games : What song is it ?

* Exercise : Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences :

1 We were enough lucky to catch the last bus yesterday

2 Many people enjoy go a picnic to the countryside They have carefully arrangements for the holiday It took us 30 minutes getting to the airport

- Call on some Ss to read the correct answers and give the correct answers :

1 lucky enough going

3 careful arrangements to get )

luckily to catch the last bus and we arrived home very late that evening

IV SUMMARY (1 minutes)

- ? What is the writing text about? Write the passage about a country picnic Please write about your picnic

Your class had weekend picnic to the countryside last Sunday, write a paragraph about it

Last Sunday I had / trip / countryside about 50 kilometers /the south / noi This journey was very interesting We got up very early / caught a –o’ clock To the village / the journey , we saw many green paddy fields and bamboo forests At the entrance / the village ,there was / big old banyan tree After climbing / the

mountain / an hour ,we felt very hungry and tired ,so we stopped / take a rest and have / snack under / tree From the top / mountain ,we enjoyed the beautiful scenery / this are and the fresh air In the afternoon, we went boating / the river and went home late / the evening After the journey ,we felt very happy and we wish we could visit this area again some day (148 words)

V HOMEWORK (2 minutes) - Learn vocab by heart

- Write the passage in their notebooks

Your class had weekend picnic to the countryside last Sunday, write a paragraph about it


climbing up the mountain for an hour ,we felt very hungry and tired ,so we

stopped to take a rest and have a snack under a tree From the top of mountain ,we enjoyed the beautiful scenery of this are and the fresh air In the afternoon,we went boating on the river and went home late in evening After thi journey ,we felt very happy and we wish we could visit this area again some day.

Lớp bạn có dã ngoại nông thôn chủ nhật trước, viết đoạn văn buổi dã ngoại

Cuối chủ nhật tơi có chuyến nơng thơn khoảng 50 km phía nam Hà Nội Đây hành trình thú vị chúng tơi đứng dậy sớm bắt gặp 7-o ' đồng hồ đến làng hành trình, chúng tơi thấy nhiều ruộng lúa xanh rừng tre Ở lối vào làng, có đa lớn Sau leo lên núi , cảm thấy đói mệt mỏi, chúng tơi dừng lại để có phần cịn lại có bữa ăn nhẹ gốc Từ đỉnh núi, chúng tơi thích phong cảnh đẹp khơng khí lành buổi chiều, chúng tơi thuyền sông nhà muộn Sau chuyến đi, cảm thấy hạnh phúc chúng tơi muốn chúng tơi thăm khu vực lần vào ngày

- Prepare Language focus E


Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:48

