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Nội dung

Read this passage Ask students to compare the direct questions and the reported speech.. What is your name.[r]



1.Competencies: Expressing opinions

Seeking information for learning a foreign language By the end of the unit, ss will be able to:

- Read and understand a dialogue about an oral English test - Give out advices or persuade someone something

- Listen and choose True/ False information

- Write a letter to ask for information about a course leaning on the outline Giving advice to someone

2.Skills: Speaking

- Ask for and give information about language study / language courses

- Express opinions / preferences - Talk about methods of study Listening

Listen to monologues / dialogues within 100-120 words for general or detailed information


Read passages within 150-180 words for general or specific information Writing

Write a letter of enquiry within 80-100 words following a model and an outline given

3.Language focus:

- “if ” with modal verbs: must, have to, should, might, ought to (to talk about conditions and results)

- direct and reported speech: statements and questions 4.Vocabulary:

- Words to describe school settings, study, courses, school life - Words to talk about language study: time-tables,

courses, subjects, ways of learning, learning activities




Period: 23 READ Period: 24WRITE



Date of planning 26/10/2018

Period: 20




A.The objectives:

1.The aims of the lesson

By the end of the lesson ss will be able to: Listen and read a passage about a dialogue an oral English test and then check the reported questions

I Skills :

+ Speaking : Ask for and give information about language courses Express opinions

Talk about methods of study

+ Listening : Listen to monologues or dialogues within about 100-120 words for general or detailed information

+ Reading : Read passages within 150-180 words for general or detailed information

+ Writing : Write a letter of enquiry within 80-100 words following a model and an outline given

I Knowleges:

+ Standard : Read and understand the passage for general or detailed information about an oral English test

Check the reported questions and compare with direct questions

+ Higher : Change some direct questions into reported questions Language contents:


b.Structures : - “ if” with modal verbs: must, have to, should, might, ought to

- Direct and reported speech: statements and question

Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and have a good method in learning foreign languages

B Techniques: -Asking and answering;, guessing games; What and where

C Teaching aids: - Student Palmtop D Procedures:


Class Date of teaching Absent students 9A


II check the old lesson (5’) New words, exercises III.New lesson

Teacher’s and students’activities:

- Write 10 numbers on the board, from to 10

- Tell students each number is for a question but of them are lucky numbers If students choose a lucky number, they not need to answer any questions but they get points and they can choose another number

- Divide the class into teams The teams take turn to choose the numbers

-Tell students that they have to make questions

Content: Warm- up (5’) : - Lucky numbers:

About personal information when teacher gives them a word as a cue

Eg.: Teacher: from

Students: Where are you from? Name (what's your name?)

2 Lucky number

3 live (where you live?)

4 Live with (whom you live with?) Lucky number

6 Old (How old are you?) Lucky number

8 Learn English (When did you start learning English?

9 Lucky number


-T lets Ss practice Voc after Teacher’s pronouncing

-Ss Listen and practice

_T corrects and explains how to pronounce

Write the new words on the board, each word in each

circle.Ask students to repeat the words chorally

Rub out word by word but leave the circles

Go on until all the circles are empty

Get students to go to the blackboard and

write the words in their correct circles

-T.corrects, Ss Listen and consult then copy the keys

-T Sets the scene:

- T guides Ss how to ask and

Step 1- Pre- reading (7’) vocabulary:

aspect (n.): _lmh vuc, mat, khia canh(translation) examiner (n): giam khao

(definition: a person who ask questions

(spoken or written) to find out how much a person know)

coming (adj.): sap den (translation)

college(n): truong Cao dang hay Dai hoc (example)

candidate (n): thi sinh

(Definition: one who takes part in an earn) written examination / oral examination: cu6c thi viet * cuoc thi van dap

Checking vocabulary : What and where

Step 2.While-Reading:(15’)

(Lan is talking to Paola abou the oral examination she has had First, you look at the book and listen to the tape to get the main idea of the conversation.)

Lan is talking to Paola, a foreign student, about the oral examination that she has just taken Give students questions

1 Were the questions in oral exam difficult or easy?

2 How many questions did the examiner ask Lan? Have students work in pairs to answer them


answer the questions after playing the dialogues

Speaking and role play: Ask students to work in pairs to practice asking and answering One student plays the role of examiner and another plays the role of Lan Call on some pairs to demonstrate before the class.Give feedback and correct Have students play the roles of Paola and Lan

- Ask students to read the dialogue between Lan and Paola on page 32 — 33 ad check if their answers are correct or not

-T lets Ss Call on some pairs to play the roles of Paola and Lan before the class Correct their pronunciation/ intonation Ask students to work in pairs to practice the dialogue.Ask

students to write the direct questions and their reported speech in their notebooks - Ss work in Individual and work Pair work

- T Gets students to read the list of questions for the oral

* Answers:

1 They are difficult (according to Lan) About over questions Besides, she was asked to read a passage

II True - False statements: * Answer keys:

Royal English College Examination in English as Foreign Language Stage one: Oral


1 What is your name?

2 Where you come from? Where you live?

4 Do you live with your parents?

5 When did you begin studying English? Why are you learning English?

7 Do you speak any other languages? How did you learn English in your country?

9 How will you use English in your country?

10 What aspect of learning English you find most difficult?

11 What are you going to learn? 12 What are your hobbies?

13 Look at this picture Describe it

14 Read this passage Ask students to compare the direct questions and the reported speech other

Answer keys:

1 What is your name?

-*• She asked me what my name was Where you come from?

-*• She asked me where I came from

3 Do you speak any other languages?• She asked me if spoke any languages


examination of Royal EnglishCollege

Get them to read the dialogue again and decide what

questions that the examiner asked Lan

-T.Lets the students the exercise individually then compare with their partners

-SS Practice

-T corrects and gives them the correct answers

- Ss Go to the board and write on their keys

- T remarks and explains how to write and read or speak in English

-Ss Crossing-check and copy the answer keys

T.lets Ss Ask and answer about this subject

_ T guides Ss ho to ask and answer the questions

-Ss listen and practice -SS Practice in pairs - T lets Ss Crossing-check and remark

-T gives them marks and corrects

•* She asked me why I was learning English How did you learn English in your country?

*• She asked me how I learned English in my country

6 How will you use English in the future? •+ She asked me how I would use English in the future

7 What aspect of learning English you find most difficult?

•*• She asked me what aspect of learning English I found most difficult

8 Read this passage

•*• She asked me to read that passage.* Step Post- reading : (8’)

A: Have you ever Spoken English with foreigners?

B: Yes,I have.

A: Have you ever Used a cassette recorder in English?

B: No, I have not, because I Use VCD or CD A: Have you ever Read fairy tales in English. B: yes, I have

A: Have you ever had an oral examination in English? (If yes, What did teacher ask you?) B: She asked me where I came from.


-Ss Consult and copy the keys

-T recommends Ss some things -Ask students to write all the correct sentences

- Ask student to make three wishes about the present or future

- Have students copy the itinerary into their notebook -Ss Listen and copy the T advises

IV.Consolidation(2’) -Structures :

- Past simple tense: S + V-ed (Past column of the irregular Verbs) Ex: We played badminton last Sunday

-Simple present tense Present perfect tense S + V (-s or es); S + has/ have + PP -Reported Speech ( Review -Grammar in grade 8) What is your name?

*• She asked me what my name was V.Homework : (2’)

-Learn by heart all voc and grammar points -Structures :

- Past simple tense: S + V-ed (Past column of the irregular Verbs) Ex: We played badminton last Sunday

-Simple present tense Present perfect tense S + V (-s or es); S + has/ have + PP -Reported Speech ( Review -Grammar in grade 8) What is your name? *• She asked me what my name was

- Repare next period Speak

- Do the exercises in the work book Unit *Evaluation:

……… ………


Period: 21


A The objectives: The aims

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:

- Ask for and give information about language study - Express opinions

- Talk about method of studying 2 Skills :

+ Speaking: Ask for and give information about language study Knowleges:

+ Standard : Ask for and give information about language study in groups of

+ Higher : Write some kinds of method of studying Language contents:

a.Vocabulary: dormitory, campus, reputation, experience, scenery, work for, improve, skill, useful, native

b.Structures : Present simple, past simple, present perfect

Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and love their mothertongue language B Techniques : -Asking and answering; slap the board.

C Teaching aids: - Student Palmtop D Procedures:


Class Date of teaching Absent students 9A


II check the old lesson (5’) New words, exercises III.New lesson

Teacher’s and Student’s activities:

-T Prepares ten cards with number (from to 10) on one side and the name of countries and their capitals on the


*Warm up (5’) * Pelmanism:


other Stick ten cards on the board so that the students can only see the numbers, make sure the words are mixed up

- T Divides the class into two teams and ask students to choose two numbers, turn the cards over

-T lets Ss look at the

advertisement then supply the voc

-Ss Choose the voc T writes them on the board

-Ss practice the voc

-T exlains the voc and the meaning

-T guides Ss how to pronoun the difficult voc

-Ss Practice -T corrects

-T lets Ss play the games to check their voc

-T.Calls two students or two teams of students to the front of the class Make sure they stand at an equal distance from the board Call out one of the new words (in Vietnamese) in a loud voice, the two students must run forward and slap the word on the blackboard The one who first slaps the correct word is the winner If the students play in team, the winning teams get

continue Go on until all the cards are turned over The iterm which has more marks wins the games


Holland; England; USA…; China… Step 1.Pre-Speaking :(7’)


Scholarship (n): hoc bong (definition: a payment of money to a clever' student to enable him to continue his studies

Abroad (adv.): nuoc ngoai.

persuade (v): thuye't phuc (translation) dormitory: ky tuc xa, nha o tap the

campus (n): khu truong hoc (definition: the grounds of a school, college or university),

reputation (n): danh tieng _ (synonym: fame, honor)

native speaker (n): người ban xứ (noi tieng me de)

(definition: a person who speaks his mother tongue)

Checking vocabulary : Slap the board Put the new words all over the blackboard

Step2.While- Speaking : (15’)


one mark Then ask two more students to come forwards, etc

* Setting the scene: "Tomorrow is Sunday Lan and her friends want lo go somewhere Lan enjoys going to the seaside. What does she say to persuade her friends to go with her to the seaside

_ T guides Ss how to speak -Ss Listen and practice-Divide the class into groups of three Ask students in groups to play the roles of Thu, Tarn and Kim They are awarded a scholarship of US$ 2000 to attend an English language summer course abroad Each person tries to persuade his/her friends to attend the school s/he you likes to go to

-Have students read the three advertisements to get


-T reminds some expressions -Ss Base on the expressions and make own dia

-T gives some examples

-Ss Consult and make the same dia

-T lets Ss practice

-T corrects and supplies some

English language summer course abroad. You work in group of three and play the role of these three students to persuade your partner to attend the school you would like to go to First, you study the advertisements of three language schools that the three girls plan to study.)To persuade her friends to go with her to the seaside?"

" I think we should go to the seaside?" "Why don't we go to the seaside?"

"If we go to the seaside, we can swim and sunbath

• I think

• What you think ? • I agree/ disagree because • I don't understand

• Why don't we / you • I need we can • We should • Let's

Eg: * Thu - the Brighton Language Center UK.

• I think we should go to the Brighton Language Center in the UK Because the school there has excellent reputation and we can live in the dormitory on campus

• Tarn - Seattle School of English -USA. Why don't we go to the Seattle School of English in the USA? You can stay with Vietnamese friends They will

(Now you in group of three play the role of Thu, Tarn and Kim and persuade your partner to attend the school you would like to study Use the expressions in the box as prompts.}



-Ss Consult and copy -T Reminds students of the expression that they can use to persuade someone to something

-T presents the keys Ss Crossing-check and copy

you going to attend, Tarn?

Tarn: I'm going to attend the Seattle School of English in USA It's a very good school in USA Besides, I can stay with Vietnamese friends.

Kirn: Yes What you say is right but the tuition fee is approximately US$ 1, 700 when The Brisbane Institute of English, which I am going to attend, is cheaper only US$1, 200 Why don't we attend this university?

Thu: I think both of you should go to the Brighton Language Center We can live in the dormitory, right on campus We won't have to worry about going to class late or the transport.

Kim: Each school has advantages and disadvantages I choose Brisbane Institute of English It's in Australia so if we all attend this school, we can spend our summer break at home because it's quite close to Viet Nam You agree with me, don't you?

Thu and Kim: Maybe Let's have a second thought

Step3.Post-Speaking (8’)


-T guides Ss some short talks -Ss Base on the conversations and play the role

-Ss Play the role

-T comments and corrects -T gives them marks -Ss Do the same

-Ask students to write all the correct sentences

- Have students copy the itinerary into their notebook IV.Consilidation(2’)

T recommends Ss some things

T Reminds students of the expression that they can use to persuade someone to something

-Learn by heart all voc And the grammar points - Structure: Model + V-inf.

Ex: You should study in USA

.• I think What you think ? I agree/ disagree because I don't understand Why don't we / you

I need we can We should Let's V.Home work : (2’):

-Do exercises in the work book page: 27,28,29. -Review reported speech in grade

-Prepare next period Listen *Evaluation:

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:05
