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Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to ask and answer about the daily routines to talk about habitual actions with the simple present tense5. B/ Preparations:.[r]


Date of planning: 12/10/2018


Lesson 3: C Getting ready for school ( C1-3) A/ The objectives :

1-The aims : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer about their routine, time and know about Simple Present Tense and vocabulary of routines to talk about habitual actions

Language focus:

* Vocabulary : get up, get dressed, brush, teeth, wash, face, have/has, breakfast

* Grammar : What you every morning ? I get up. What does Ba every morning ? He gets up Skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing

4 The knowledge :

+ Standard knowledge: Talk/ Write about Ba’s and Ss’ daily routine + Advanced knowledge: Write about Ss’ daily routine

5 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to ask and answer about the daily routines to talk about habitual actions with the simple present tense

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , radio, picture , poster, cards

2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books C/Techniques: matching,


I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A

6B 6C

II/ Warm-up: (2')

T: asks Ss to write some activities they every morning Ss: answer ( may be in Vietnamese )

T: introduces new lesson III/ New lesson: (32-37')


Presentation * present vocabulary

T: sets the situation and plays the tape one time

Ss: listen and find out new words T: gives new words

Ss: guess meaning and take note Ss: listen and repeat Then practice => Checking: matching

* present grammar T: plays the tape

Ss: listen and repeat Then practice Ss: practice reading

T: cotrols and corrects mistakes T: Ask ss: What you in the morning?

Ss: Answer

T: write example on the board Let ss practice example

Ss: Pracise in pairs

T : explains the way to use the present simple tense

Ss : listen and take note

*Practice - Do the task.

T: Let ss the task Ss: Do as teacher ask

- Practice asking and answering. T: gives model first Then guides the way to practice

What you in the morning? I get up.

I brush my teeth. I have breakfast.

11 -13' 13 -14'

I- New words

- (to) get up : thức dậy - (to) get dressed : mặc quần áo

- (to) brush teeth : đánh

- (to) wash face : rửa mặt -(to) go to school : học - (to) have breakfast : ăn sáng - every (det): mọi,

II- Grammar: Thì đơn(The present simple tense) Ex1: I get dressed.

Ba gets dressed. Ex2: I have breakfast. He has breakfast.

=> Form: S + V/ V(s,es) - I/ We/ You/ They/ Nga and Lan + V

- He/ She/ It/ Ba + V( s/es ) * Use : Để diễn đạt hành động xảy hàng ngày, thói quen

*Note: Những động từ tận cùng “o, sh, ch” với chủ ngữ thứ ba số phải thêm “es”

- Khi với chủ ngữ ngơi thứ ba số “have” chuyển thành “has”

III- Practice:


What does Ba every morning? He brushes my teeth.

T: asks Ss to read part1 again Then write five sentences about Ba

Ss: read the model first Then the task

T: controls and corrects mistakes  Production

T: asks Ss to read part1 again Then write five sentences about Ba

Ss: read the model first Then the task

T: controls and corrects mistakes



Ex1 : What you every morning ?

I get up Then I wash my face …

What does Ba every morning?

Ex2: What does Ba every morning?

He brushes my teeth 3 Write

ex: Every morning, Ba gets up He gets dressed ………

IV/ Consolidation:(2-7' )

-T: Ask ss to retell the the lesson Ss: Answer

* Missing words ( for fair students)

1 Hoa…brushes……… her teeth every day. 2 He……goes…… to school every morning.

3 Minh and Mai …get…… up at six every morning.

4 She ……has……… breakfast with her family every morning. 5 I ……wash………… my face every day.

Ss: listen and task T: controls and corrects V/ Homework:(2-3')

- Learn by heart the new words and structure - Do exercise 1,2 ( P50)

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 4: C4-8 *Evaluation


Date of plannin: 12/10/2018


LESSON 5: C4-8

A/ The aims and objectives :

1-The aims : - By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice telling the time clearly and exactly

- Say about their routine 2- Language focus:

* Vocabulary : o’clock, half, past, what time, late …

* Grammar : What time is it? ~ It’s + … / What time / does + S + V …? 3 Skills: Listening, speaking , writing, reading.

4 Knowledge

+ Standard knowledge: ask and answer about the time, everyday actions + Advanced knowledge: Ask for and say the time: It’s half past

5 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to ask and answer about the time and time of daily routines

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, radio, picture , poster 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books

C/ Techniques: R.O.R, Number dictation, Picture drill, Make a survey D/Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A

6B 6C

II/ Checking-up: (5')

T: Call ss to write newwords Ss: Write on the board

T: comment and may be gives marks Then introduces new lesson III/ New lesson: (31- 35')



*/ Pre teach vocab:

T: Present newwords: Elicit from Sts

+ Write words on the board Ss: listen, repeat, and copy down T: Let ss practise the newwords Ss: Practice

=> checking: R.O.R */ Number dictation. - T: gives instruction

- Ask Sts to listen and write the numbers you hear

+ T reads: ten o`clock, four thirty, five twenty, three fifteen, six forty,

Ss: - Go to the board to rewrite * Set the scene: Ba Lan đứng trước cổng trường Em nghe băng cho biết có chuyện xảy với bạn?


*/ Picture drill.

-T: Ask Sts to ask and answer about the time Use the clocks Ss: pair work

- T corrects if necessary */ Wordcue drill

- T models:

What time does Ba have

breakfast? He has breakfast at half past six

Production */ Make a survey. - T gives instruction

T: explain the differences between “What time you get up ?” and “What time does he get up?” - Get Sts to go around and ask their friends

Ss: a survey

-T: Ask Sts to report the survey

11-13' 12-14' 8-10' I- Newwords

- time (n): thời gian - o`clock: - half: rưỡi - past: qua - at: vào lúc - late (a): muộn

To be late for school: muộn học II- Listen and repeat

* Grammar: Hỏi trả lời giờ Ex: What time is it?

It’s eight o’clock It`s ten fifteen It`s half past ten

What time is it?

Giờ đúng: It’s + số + o’clock Giờ khác: It’s + số + số phút

* Note: rưỡi nói “half past + giờ”

III- Practice: 1/ Picture drill: What time is it? It`s ten o`clock It`s ten ten

2/ Wordcue practice +Ba/ have breakfast / 6.30

S1: What time does Ba have breakfast? S2: He has breakfast at half past six +I/ go to school / 7.05

+ Hoa/ go home / 11.45 3/ Survey

What time you …

Nam Nga Trang get up ?

have breakfast ? go to school ?


Eg : Nam gets up at o’clock ……

Ss: Write

Ex : Nam gets up at o’clock ……

IV/ Consolidation:(1- 6' )

T: Ask ss to retell the way to ask and answer the time Ss: Answer

* Rewrite the the sentences ( for fair students) Hoa gets up at six thirsty

-> Hoa gets up at half past six -> Hoa gets up at thirty past six

2 They have breakfast at seven fifteen He goes to school at six twenty Minh has lunch at eleven forty V/ Homework:(3')

- Learn the new words by heart

- Practice telling the time with a partner - Do exercises part C ( P51-54)

- Prepare : Unit 5: A1,2 *Evaluation



I/Objectives : - By the end of the unit ss can talk about activities 1.Theme: Recreation: - Talk about sports / games and pastime 2 Competences:

- Describe every day routines - Ask for and say the time - Describe school time tables 3 Skills:

Speaking :- Ask and say the time - Describe everyday routines - Describe school timetables

- Talk about sports and pastime activities - Talk about duration

- Describe timetables

Listening :Listen to monologues / dialogues within 50 words for general information

Reading :Read dialogues and passages within 80 words for general information


Write sentences or a paragraph within 50 words with idea / word or picture cues

4 Grammar:

- Tenses: Simple present - Preposition : at

- Yes / No questions: Do / Does…………?/Is / Am / Are ………? - Adv of time

5 Vocabulary:

- Names of sports and pastime activities: badminton, soccer, tennis, … - Classes


- Words describing time: (a quarter) to, past, half past, … II Unit plan:

Lesson 1: A - 2 Lesson 2: A - Lesson 3: A - Lesson 4: B - Lesson 5: C

**************************** Date of planning 12/10/2018


LESSON 1: A- MY DAY(A1 -2) A/ Objectives:

1- Aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice the simple present tense with “ I, he, she” to talk about daily routines perfectly 2- Language focus:

* Vocabulary: play, game, do, homework , every day * Structure: What does Nga every day ?

She gets up at six.

3- skill: writing, speaking skill reading skill 4-Knowledge:.

+ Standard knowledge: use the simple present tense with ‘I’ and ‘ he/ she’ to talk abuot daily routines

+ Advanced knowledge: adv of time

5 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to use the simple present tense with ‘I’ and ‘ he/ she’ to talk about daily routines

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, workbook, lesson plan, radio, pictures , poster 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, workbooks

C/Techniques: Network, R.O.R, Picture drill, D/Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting


6B 6C

II/ Warm-up: (5')

*Let ss play a game : Network.

T: Devide ss into two teams and ask ss to write about activities they every day

Ss: Write on the board

get up

T: Comment Then introduce the new lesson III/ New lesson: (31- 35')

Teacher’s & Students’ activities T ContentsPresetation

+ Pre teach: Vocab

- Elicit words from the students - T guides Ss to read the Vocab - Ss read the Vocab chorally, then individually

-> Checking the Vocab: R.O.R + Presentation text: A1/P.52

- Set the scene:Have Ss look at the picture on P.52 and say: “This is Nga She is in grade She is telling us about things she does every morning Let us read the text about Nga to know her daily routines”

- Ss read the text silently

- Elicit from the students to give the model sentences

- Ss read the model sentences in chorus then in pairs

+ Concept check

Meaning, from, use, pronunciation (?) What subjects go with”do”? (?) What subjects go with”does”? Ss: answer:

Practice * Picture drill

T.reads sentence by sentence Ss

substitute I she and change the verb 11-12'


- (to) : làm

- homework (n) : tập nhà -(to) play : chơi

- game (n) : trò chơi - every day : ngày

II- Grammar: Example:

S1: What you everyday? S2: Everyday, I go to school S1: What does Nga everyday? S2: Every day, She goes to school

Use: Hỏi trả lời xem người làm vào buổi sáng, buổi chiều, hàng ngày

Notes: Do: I/ you/ we/they Does: He/she/it III-Practice:

1- Picture drill:

Every day I go to school Every afternoon I play games



* Answer the questions: A2./P.53

- Ask Ss to practise asking and answering the questions A2./P.53

- Ss work in groups: 1/2 of class: ask 1/2 of class: answer

 Production ( T uses poster) Exe1: Ask Ss to look at the table and complete the form of the verbs

I listen to music

You He She It We They

Exe 2: Now please choose the correct verb form:

a) Every morning,Hoa go/ goes to school

b)We brush/brushes our teeth after breakfast

c)He do/does his homework every evening

d)I do/does my homework every afternoon




- Change into the subject Nga Every day Nga goes to school Every afternoon she plays games ………

2.Answer the questions: A2/P.53

a She gets up at 6.00

b She goes to school every morning c She plays games

d She does her homework IV- Exercises:

Exercise (p55)

I listen to music

You listen to music

He listens to music

She listens to music

It listens to music

We listen to music

They listen to music Exercise (p55)

a) Every morning, Hoa go/goes to school. b)We brush/ brushes our teeth after breakfast

c) He do/ does his homework every evening

d) I / does my homework every afternoon

e) Hoa and Lan play/ plays games after school

f) We go/goes to school every afternoon. IV/ Consolidation:(1-6' )

-T: Ask ss to retell the lesson Ss: Answer

Write the correct form of the verbs( for fair students) They ( go ) to school every morning -> go

2 Lan ( do) her homework every evening -> does Minh and Mai ( brush) their teeth every day -> brush He ( play) games in the afternoon -> plays

V/ Homework:(3')

- Learn by heart the newwords and new structure - Write a short passage about your daily routines - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 5: A3,4



Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:03


