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ENGLISH 7 W 17 P 46 REVIEW P49 50 UNIT 8 A1-2 A3

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- Practice some exercises using “ Present progressive, time, This/ that/ these/ those, advebs of frequency, comparison.. The knowledge needs to get:.[r]


Date of preparing: 5/12/2019 Period 46 REVISION 2

A Objectives: 1 Aims:

-By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review grammar and vocabulary they have learnt

- Practice some exercises using “ Present progressive, time, This/ that/ these/ those, advebs of frequency, comparison prepositions and suggestions”

2 Practice skill: - Practice writing skill

3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: “ Present progressive, time, This/ that/ these/ those, advebs of frequency, comparison prepositions and suggestions”

+ Advanced knowledge: Do an exercise : sentence building.

4 Basic language: - “ Present progressive, time, This/ that/ these/ those, advebs of frequency, comparison prepositions and suggestions”

5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice doing some exercises B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan Poster, computer, project C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Brainstorming, matching, write it up D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minutes) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

7C 11/12

Teacher's activities SS'activities

II WARM UP (5 minutes) Brainstorming

short adjectives long adjectives cheap expensive

. III NEW LESSON (35minutes)

*Aim: -SS can understand and practice using “present progressive, comparison

*Methods: matching Individual, pair work * Time: 35’

* Procedure

write adjs


1 Present Progressive : a.Presentation:

Form :

(+) S + am /are / is + V-ing (-) S + am /are / is + not + V-ing (?) am /are / is + S + V-ing

Use : - Adv of time: now, at the moment, at present,


3.My brothers (not/ drink) coffee at the moment 4.Look! Those people (climb) the mountain so fast 5.That girl (cry) loudly in the party now

4.Lan ( play) the piano at the moment 5.She( teach) English at school now Suggestions:

a.Presentation: - Let’s + V(inf )

- What about + V-ing …? - Why don’t you + V (inf)… ?

- Should we + V(inf) ?

- Would you like to + V(inf) ? Respond :

- Yes, Let’s - I'd love to - Good idea - Sorry, I can’t - OK - I'd love to, but b.Practice:

Match a sentence in A with a sentence in B


1 What should we now? a Good idea What's your favourite pastime? b I’m sorry I can’t

3 Let’s rehearse the play! c What about listening to some music?

4 Would you like to come for dinner ? d I like collecting stamps

3.Comparison of noun: a.Presentation:

+ Superiority( Bậc hơn): S + V + more + N(s) + than + N + Inferiority ( bậc kém): S + V + fewer + N(s) + than + N + Nocount nouns: S + V + less + N + than + N

b.Practice; Complete the sentences: 1.Hoa has books An has books -Hoa has books than An

-An has books than Hoa

2.Mr Nam produces 100 liters of milk a week Mr Ha produces 90 liters of milk a week

- Mr Nam produces liters of milk than Mr Ha

Answer Key 1-c

2-d 3-a 4-b


- Mr Ha produces liters of milk than Mr Nam * Production:

- Complete the sentences using the cues:: 1.He/ often/ have/ breakfast/ late

2.You/ do/ the housework/ at the moment? 3.I/ not/ go/ to school/ on weekends

4.John’s girlfriend/ wear/ a red T-shirt/ now 5.They/ like/ beer or wine?

6.What/ he/ usually/ do/ at night? 7.The teacher/ never/ lose/ his temper 8.Why/ you/ listen/ to music/ loudly now?

- Complete the following sentences, using comparatives form of the adjective in brackets:

a A new house is (expensive) an old one b Motorbikes are (fast) bicycles

c My television is ( modern) his television d Summer is (hot) Spring

e Jane is (beautiful) her sister f Skirts are (cheap) dresses

g Her English is (good) than my English

h A bicycle is often (convenient) a car in busy cities

i Armchairs are (comfortable) chairs

- Give some examples using fewer/ less/ more IV SUMMARY (1 minute)

“ Present progressive, time, This/ that/ these/ those, advebs of frequency, comparison prepositions and suggestions V HOMEWORK (2 minutes)

-Review Unit 4-7

- Exercises in the notebook

- Translate into Vietnamese: Những giá đỡ có tạp chí Những giá đỡ có tờ báo

- Write the adverbs of frequency in the notebook - Prepare for the first term exam

-Prepare the next lesson Unit A1-2

Answer Key: a, more expensive than

b, faster than c, more modern than

d, hotter than e, more beautiful than

f, cheaper than g, better

h, more

convenient than i, more

comfortable than

*Evaluation :




I.Trọng tâm kiến thức, kỹ năng:

1 Topic:

- Places in the community & Neighborhood 2 Competences:

- Ask for and give directions - Enquire about prices


- Speaking: Ask for and give directions / distances; Inquire about prices; Make purchases

- Listening:Listen to monologues / dialogues within 80-100 words for general information

- Reading: Read dialogues and passages within 100-120 words for general or detailed information

- Writing: Write a process / make notes within 60-70 words with word cues 4 Grammar:

- Prepositions of position: next to, between, opposite, in front of, … - Wh-questions: How much? How far?

5 Vocabulary:

- Words to talk about prices and purchases: phone card, cost, change, expensive, … II Unit plan:

Unit 8: Places (6 periods)

Lesson1: A1- Asking and giving directions

Lesson 2: A3 Futher practice with “ Where ” questions and prepositions of places

Lesson : A4-5 Futher practice with “ How far ?’ to talk about distances Lesson : B1 Futher listening practice in asking and telling the price

Lesson : B2-3 Reading a dialouge to understand the listening and get futher practice in “ need/ would like” and post office vocabulary Lesson : B4-5 Listening for detail and get futher practice in post office


Date of preparing: 5/12/2019 Period 49 UNIT : PLACES

LESSON : A1 - 2 A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

Introduce ss how to ask and give directions 2 Practice skill:

- Practice listening, speaking skill 3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Understand how to ask the way and give the answer, practice fluently A2a,b

+ Advanced knowledge: Do the same the dialogue and give directions to station, post office

4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: souvenir shop, shoes store,toy store,museum,Go straight ahead,Take the first street,You’re welcome

Tenses: simple present, structure: ask and give directions 5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice ask and give directions B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, poster, projector, computer, tablets C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Matching, Presentation Dialogue, Word Cue Drill, Map Cue Drill

D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

7C 12/12

Teacher's activities SS'activities

II WARM UP (5 minutes) Matching

- T gives the names on some places on board and then asks Ss to match them with the pictures of A1 * Answer key

a National bank of Vietnam b Saint Paul Hospital

c Hotel

d The central post office e Hanoi railway station f Dong Xuan market


a b c d e f



Step : Presentation(12ms):

*Aim: -SS can understand and pronounce the words well T introduces the content of the text *Methods: Rub out and remember, Presentation Dialogue

Individual, pair work * Time: 12’

* Procedure Vocabulary : ( picture) ( picture) ( picture) ( picture) ( BB drawing) ( BB drawing)

( How you say to answer the thanks) * Check voc : ROR

2 Presentation Dialogue

- T sets the scene using picture of Nga, Lan and tourists

Who are they?

What does the tourist ask Nga and Lan?

- Let sts listen to the dialogue and then practice saying : open pairs then close pairs

- Ask ss to find the question that tourist asks Nga and Lan then find the answer

Concept check :

Look at the first sentences :

+ Are they questions or statements ? - Questions

+ What they start with ? - Could you

+ Are they the same meaning ? - Yes, they are

+ Are they about asking for the way or making the sugestion?

- Asking for the way

+ What about the answers - Use: to ask for and give directions - Meaning:

- Intonation :

Step : Practice(17ms):

*Aim: -SS can understand and practice asking the way

*Methods: Word Cue Drill


- souvenir shop (n)

quầy bán đồ lưu niệm

- shoes store (n) tiệm giày dép

- toy store (n) tiệm bán đồ chơi

- museum (n) bảo tàng

- Go straight ahead: - Take the first street:

- You’re welcome : Sts : - listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then individually) - copy


listen to the dialogue and then practice saying : open pairs then close pairs


Could you tell me how to get to the bank ? show me the way - Go straight ahead Take the first street on your right

- Go straight to the first street.Turn right

Practice: practice


Individual, pair work * Time: 17’

* Procedure Word Cue Drill:

- Runs through the cues - Models the cue

- T - Wc - Half - half

- Open pairs -> close pairs

- Goes round to monitor and help Step : Further Practice(7ms):

- Ask sts to ask for and give directions freely, using the structure they have learnt and the map - Open pairs -> close pairs

-IV SUMMARY (1 minute) - Asking for and giving directions

Could you tell me how to get to the ? show me the way

V HOMEWORK (2 minutes) Write it up :

- Ask for and give directions to : souvenir shop

shoes store hotel

- Prepare the next lesson A3

go ahead / first / left Museum ?

go straight / second / right Souvenir shop?

straight / left


- Could you show me how to get to the shoe store?

- Go straight ahead.

ask for and give directions in pairs

- Open pairs -> close pairs

-Ss use the tablets to give directions use the map and sent to teacher

Homework :

* Evaluation :


Date of preparing: 5/12/2019 Period 50 UNIT : PLACES

LESSON : A A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

Talk about places with “ Where ” and give the places Introduce prepositions of place in order to descibe the places 2 Practice skill:

- Practice the comprehension listening, speaking skill 3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: ask and answer about places in the map A3

+ Advanced knowledge:Draw the map and talk about places with “ Where ” and give the places

4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: review preposition of places: in, at……… - Structure: Where…….? it’s……

5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice ask and answer the way B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbook, poster, casette C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Brainstorm, Dialouge build, Map Cue Drill, Listen and write

D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

7C 13/12

Teacher's activities SS'activities

II WARM UP (5 minutes) Brainstorm :

- Ask ss to think about the prepositions they have learnt in 30 seconds

- Divide the class into groups

- Ss each group take it in turns go to the board and write the prepositions of places

Answers Opposite In front of Behind


To the left/ to the right… in front of

team work on

practise speaking



Step : Presentation(12ms): Dialouge build

- Set the scence: Mr John has just come to Ha Noi on his business He wants to find a bank to get some money Mrs Mai helps him.

- T writes some key words on the board while sts practising speaking

- Let ss practice in pairs

- Ask some ss to write the missing words on the board

- Ask ss to find out the model sentences

Step : Practice(17ms):

Map Cue Drill : (A3 on page 81)

- Ask ss to run through the places on the map - T models - sts repeat

- open/ closed pairs Eg: Where is the bank?

It's between the hotel and the restaurant opposite the hospital

Step : Further Practice(7ms): Listen and write

- Ss look at the street map again , listen to the tape and write the places

- Let sts listen twice

- Give feedback and correct

- Ask sts to ask and give directions to the places they have written

IV SUMMARY (1 minute) - “Where ” questions - Prepositions of places

V HOMEWORK (2 minutes) - Language Focus : (P.96) Write the location of each store

- Prepare the new lesson A4-5

practice in pairs

write the missing words on the board

find out the model sentences Model sentences :

Mr John : Good morning, Mrs Mai Can you help me?

Mrs Mai : Yes, certainly Mr John : I’m looking at this map But I’m not sure.Where’s the bank?

Mrs Mai : Let me see The bank is between the hotel and the restaurant It’s opposite the hospital.

Mr John : Oh, I see Thank you Mrs Mai : You’re welcome

* Where is the bank?

It's between the hotel and the restaurant

opposite the hospital next to the hotel


1 Bank

2 Police station Bookstore Restaurant Post office School

look at the street map again , listen to the tape and write the places


1 souvenir shop shoe store hotel drug store hospital Homework :

Eg :The clothing store is on Ha Ba Trung Street.

* Evaluation :


Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 06:13

