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- By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to read about Hoa’s sewing work and futher practice in Wh questions to talk about past activities.. Practice skill:.[r]


Date of preparing: Period: 58 UNIT : AT HOME AND AWAY

LESSON : B1,2 A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

- Tell about their neighbors, use interrogative questions with "Did"

- By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to use the past simple tense with negative and interrogative form and short answers to talk about past activities

2 Practice skill:

- practice the comprehension reading skill,writing and speaking skill

3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Answer the questions in B1; Write answers for B2

Write other questions and answers

+ Advanced knowledge: Ask and answer with friends "Did you ?" 4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: hairdresser, material, clever, dressmaker - structure: Did you buy it? - No, I didn't Mrs Mai bought it.

5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice reading for detalis, doing some exercises and use the questions with "Did "

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster

C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Pelmanism, Presentation Dialogue, Question - answer, Guessing game

D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students B1


Teacher's activities SS' activities

II WARM UP (5 minutes)


- Stick the cards with the verbs in infinitive and past form in one side and the numbers on the other sides on the board

- Give instructions Divide the class into teams - Let Ss play the game


come wore

wear came

improve received

go went

take took


Step : Presentation(12minutes):

1 Vocabulary :

( picture) ( picture) ( explain) ( example)

Checking : Slap the board

2 Presentation Dialogue ( B1.P92 )

- Set the scence: Lan and Hoa are talhing about the

thing Hoa’s aunt and her neighbor did for her.

- Let Ss to practice the dialogue in halves/ pairs - Teacher draws the table on the board Ask Ss to copy down

- Ss read the dialogue again and fill in the Grids - Give feedback and correct

- Teacher models :

Concept check :

- Look at the fist sentence :

- Is the sentence question or statement ? (question) - What does the sentence begin with ? (did) - What come after it ? (subject) - Is the verb past form or infinitive ? (infinitive) - How many ways to answer ? ( two ways ) - What is the tense , present simple or past simple ?

(past simple) Step : Practice(17minutes):

- Ss practice making questions and answers using the grids

- Teacher models :

S1 : Did her neighbor make her dress ? S2: Yes, she did

- Ss practice in halves/ pairs

Step : Production (7minutes):

Guessing game

Ss play the game in teams


- hairdresser (n): thợ uốn tóc - dressmaker(n): thợ may

- neighbor (n): người hàng xóm - material (n) : chất liệu, vật liệu

- cut -> cut : cắt - make -> made : làm Sts : - listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then individually) - copy


read the dialogue Things to Ho a Hoa’s neighb or Hoa’ s aunt Buy the material

x  x Cut her


x x  Make

the dress

x  x Buy the


x x x Eg:

Did Hoa buy the dress ? No, she didn’t.

Did her aunt cut her hair ? Yes, she did.

Form: Did + S + V(inf) ?

- Yes, S + did - No, S + didn’t

Use : To ask and answer about

the activities in the past


- Ask Ss to prepare a piece of paper

- Teacher writes the sentence on the board

- Ss complete the sentence on their own and keep it secret

- Then ask a S to go to the front

- The others guess by asking these questions :

+ Did you go to … ( name of a place/ shop ) ?

+ Did you buy a / some……… (things) ? IV SUMMARY (1 minute)

- The past simple tense with negative and

interrogative form and short answers to talk about past activities

V HOMEWORK (2 minutes)

- Do exercises in workbook - Prepare the next lesson: B3-4

play the guessing game

Yesterday I went to …… and I bought …

Homework :

Exercise 1, ( Workbook)

* Evaluation :

Date of preparing: Period: 59


A.Objectives: 1 Aims:

- Read a text about hobbies and answer questions; describe a process and further practice past simple tense

- By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to read about Hoa’s sewing work and futher practice in Wh questions to talk about past activities

2 Practice skill:

- practice the comprehension reading skill,writing and speaking skill

3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Read and answer the questions, adverbs of frequency,

change the verbs into past tense


- Vocabulary: to sew, useful, hobby, decide, sewing machine, cushion, to fit, to

try on.

- structure: decide to V, try on smth,

+ First, then, next, then, finally. 5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice reading for detalis, doing some exercises

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster

C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Hangman, Ordering, Comprehension questions, Recall

D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minutes) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students B1


Teacher's activities SS' activities

II WARM UP (4 minutes)


- Give instructions - Ss predict these words


Step : Pre Reading(12ms):

1 Vocabulary :

( trans ) ( picture) ( picture) ( trans) .

Checking : What and where Ordering statements

- Set the scene : Hoa likes sewing , her neighbor

helped her make something.

- Teacher sticks the poster on the board and ask them to read the sentences

- Ask sts to guess and put the sentences in the logical

_ _ _ _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ (sewing work ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( dressmaker )


- hobby (n) : sở thích

- sewing machine (n) : máy khâu

- cushion (n) : đệm gối - useful (adj): hữu ích - sew (v) : may

- decide -> decided : định - try -> tried : cố gắng, thử - make -> made : làm

Sts : - listen



- Ss work in pairs to the task - Give feedback

Step : While Reading(18minutes):

1 Cheking the prediction

- Ss read the text B3 on page 93 to check their prediction

- Give feedback and correct

Answer key :

1-c ; –a ; 3- b ; – e ; – g ; 6- d ; 7- f

2 Comprehension questions

- Ask Ss to read the text again to answer the questions bellow the text

* Noughts and crosses :

- Draw the table on the board - Divide the class into groups ( X; O )

- Check the rules - Let Ss play the game - Praise the winner

Step : Post Reading(7minutes):

1 Ordering:

- Ask Ss to copy the verbs in their notebooks

- Ask Ss listen to the text and number the verbs in the order they hear

- Teacher reads :

Hoa watched her neighbor make her dress She decided to learn how to sew First she bought some

Reading :

predict Poster :

a First , she made a cushion b Next, she made a skirt c Hoa bought some materials d Hoa’s neighbor helped her e She tried it on

f It fitted well g It was too big answer the questions

a b c

d e f

g h i

Key :

a.She learned how to use a sewing machine

b.First, she made a cushion for her armchair

c.It was blue and white d.Next, she made a skirt e.It was green with white

flowers on it

f It looked very pretty g It was too big

h Hoa's neighbor, Mrs Mai, helped her

i Finally it fitted very well

Practice :



material Then she made a cushion for her armchair Next she cut out the dress The cushion was fine but the dress wasn’t Then her neighbor helped her so finally it fitted.

2 Recall :

- Ss work in groups of to retell how Hoa did the sewing work, using the information in the pre reading - T goes around and helps sts

IV SUMMARY (1 minute)

- Reading about Hoa’s sewing work

- Futher practice in Wh questions to talk about past activities

V HOMEWORK (2 minutes)

- B on page 94

- Fill in the blanks with the past form of the verbs

Homework :

* Evaluation :

Date of preparing: Period: 60


A.Objectives: 1 Aims:

- Further practice with the past simple tense, prepositions of place

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use past simple tense, prepositions of place

2 Practice skill:

- practice writing, listening and speaking skill

3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Further practice with the past simple and prepositions

of place

+ Advanced knowledge: 4 Basic language:

- The tense: past simple tense

5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to some exercises

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks


- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: Pelmanism, Gap – fill

D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students B1


Teacher's activities SS' activities


III NEW LESSON (41 minutes) Activity 1: The past simple tense

Pelmanism ( 3A P97 )

- Prepare 10 cards with numbers on one side and the jobs and the denitions on the other

- Stick the card son the board so that the students can only see the numbers

- Divide the class into two teams and ask them to choose two numbers at the same time

- Turn over cards and see if they match

- Give the team one mark if cards match If not , turn the cards face down again and ask other teams to choose the numbers

- Continue untill all cards are finished

Activity 2: Gap – fill (3b P97 )

- Ask ss to run through the verbs and the sentences - Ask ss to work in pairs to fill in the gap

- Ask ss to compare with each other - SS work in pairs

T collects ss’ answers and corrects

Activity : Prepositions of place

- Teacher draws the map on the board Ask Ss to copy down

- Ss listen to the text and name each store in the map - Teacher reads :

There’s a library on Le Loi Street To the left of the library there’s a shoe store To the right of the

library , there’s a bookstore The hairdresser’s is next to the bookstore There’s a clothing store opposite the

1 The past simple tense

help helped

remember thought

think took

send sent

take remembered

Answer key talked bought worked sent

2 Prepositions of place


LeLoi Street


Answer key :


shoe store The restaurant is between the clothing store and the mini mart

IV SUMMARY (1 minute)

- The past simple tense - Prepositions of place,

V HOMEWORK (2 minutes)

- Languge Focus 2a on page 96 - Languge Focus on page 98

2 bookstore restaurant hairdresser’s minimart

Homework :

* Evaluation :

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:26

