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- Have Ss open their books , listen to the tape while reading the dialogue. - Call on some Ss to correct the false statements. False -> Mrs Quyen is calling Mrs Smith from Ha Noi 2.[r]


Date of preparing: 28/2/2019 Period 75 Unit 12 – A VACATION ABROAD

Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss understand the content of the dialogue

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to aware of how to make accept and decline invitations

- Developing skills : listening, reading and speaking 1.Language contents:


- Past progressive

- Past progressive with when and while - Progressive tenses with always


2.Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, reading 3.Attitude : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in

English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder II.Techniques:

Pair work, group work, individual

III.Preparation: + T: Textbooks, poster , lesson plan. + Ss: textbook, notebook, pen… IV.Steps of the lesson:

1 Organizaton(1’): - Greeting and checking attendance. - Ask: Who’s absent to day?

2 Checking up + warm up (5’):

* Warm up : Guessing game ( Getting started )

- Show the pictures to Ss , one by one , and ask Ss to guess what country it is - Feedback :

a) The USA b) Australia c) Thailand d) Statue e) Canada f ) Japan

+ Chatting : T :Where you want to visit among these countries? Ss: ……… T : Why ? Ss : ………

3 New lesson:


*Pre- reading : Introduce the topic of the passage reading and some new words

+ Pre – teach Vocabulary :

- to include : bao gồm, gồm có (translation) - to come over : vượt (example)

- to pick so up : đưa đâu xe ca… (explanation) - abroad (adv ) :ở nước (example)

-> to be / go / travel / live abroad

* Checking Vocabulary : Rub out and remember + True / False Prediction

- Set the scene “ Mrs Quyen is going to the USA for a vacation She is ringing her friend , Mrs Smith , to tell her about the trip “

- Put the chart on the board and ask Ss to read the statements a Mrs Quyen is calling Mrs Smith from the airport in San Francisco

b Mrs Smith invite Mrs Quyen and her husband to stay with her while they are in town

c Mrs Quyen does not accept Mrs smith,s invitation because she wants to stay with a Vietnamese friend of hers

d Mrs Quyen and her husband will be in the USA for days e Mrs Quyen and her husband will come over to Mrs Smith,s place for dinner one night

f Mr Thanh ; Mrs Quyen,s husband , goes abroad for a business meeting

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide if the statements are true or false

- Call on some Ss to read their predictions and write them on the board

*While – reading +Checking predictions :

- Have Ss open their books , listen to the tape while reading the dialogue

- Call on some Ss to correct the false statements

1 False -> Mrs Quyen is calling Mrs Smith from Ha Noi True

3 False -> … because her accommodation is included in her tickets price




- Teacher – Ss - Repeat in chorus, individuall

- Copy down

- Whole class

- Ss to work in pairs to decide if the statements are true or false

- Some Ss to read their predictions and write them on the board

- Pair work - Teacher – Ss

- Whole class - Pair work

- Give their prediction and then check


4 True

5 False -> Only Mrs Quyen will come over to Mrs Smith ,s True

+ Grid : Complete Mrs Quyen ,s schedule

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and work in pairs to

complete the grid with the information taken from the dialogue - Call on some Ss to go to the board to write the information in the grid on the board

Date Mon 25 Tue 26 Wed 27 Thu 28

Schedule coming to San Francisco Going out Having dinner with the Smiths Leaving San Francisco - Have Ss copy

+ Comprehension Questions

- Ask Ss to look at their books and answer the questions - Let Ss compare their answers with their partner

- Call on some Ss to answer - Give feedback and correct Answer key :

a) No , they won,t Because they are coming on a tour , and their accommodation is included in the ticket price , so they will stay at the hotel

b) No , he won,t Because he will have a business meeting in the evening that day

c) Mrs Smith will pick her up at her hotel - Get Ss to copy

*Post – reading : Grammar Awareness

- Tell Ss to read the dialogue again and pick out the statements indicating the following situations Making an invitation

2 Accepting an invitation Declining an invitation Making a complaint

- Call on Ss to give their answers and have Ss copy Would you like to come and stay with us … ? you must come over for dinner one night

2 Yes , we ,d love to but we will only be in town for three nights 10’

2’ 1’

- Ss to read the dialogue again and work in pairs to complete the grid with the information taken from the dialogue

- Some Ss to go to the board to write the

- Ss to look at their books and answer the questions - Individual

- Ss compare their answers with their partner

- Pair work

- Ss to read the dialogue again and pick out the statements indicating the following situations Whole class

Pair work

Ss to give their answers and have Ss copy


3 That is very kind of you but we are coming on a tour Oh dear He is always working

4 Consolidation:

- Retell the main points of this lesson: What have you learnt? 5.Homework :

1 Learn by heart new words and structures to give some more examples

2 Do the exercises in the workbook Prepare the next lesson :

Textbooks , cassette , chalks , boards, posters , lesson plan , Pictures , chart ( true / false )

this lesson - Copy down


……… ………

Date of preparing: 28/2/2019 Period 76

UNIT 12 A VACATION ABROAD Lesson : Speak + Listen (1) I Aims

- Help ss talk about their plans for a trip abroad and listen to the weather reports

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to talk about their plans for a trip abroad Ss listen to the weather reports carefully

1.Language contents:

*Grammar: - Past progressive

- Past progressive with when and while - Progressive tenses with always


- Itinerary,- Gallery, Flight, Via, Facilities, Brochure, Gym, Humid, Minus,Low 2.Skills: Developing skills : listening and speaking 3.Attitude : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in

English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder


Pair work, group work, individual IV.Procudures:

1 Organizaton(1’): - Greeting and checking attendance. - Ask: Who’s absent to day?

2 Checking up + warm up (5’): *Warm up : ask ss to match words:

Cloudy rainy snowy cool cold dry fine humid warm wet windy sunny Nắng ẩm ướt mưa lạnh mát mẻ đẹp trời có mưa có mây gió khơ hanh ấm áp có tuyết * Form of checking: speaking and writing

* T corrects 3 New lesson:

Step1.Pre- teach : T elicits the vocabulary : - Itinerary (n) (translation)

- Gallery (n) (example) - Flight (n) (explanation)

- Via (Pre) (translation) - Facilities (n) (explanation)

- Brochure (n) (example) - Gym (n) (example)

- Humid (adi) (explanation) - Minus (example) - Low (adj) (mime) * Check vocabulary: Matching A/ Pre – questions: Speaking

* Brainstorm : sunny cold

Cloudy - Ask ss to read the flight information,

advertisement then answer the questions to get information

- Gets feedback

1 How much is a single/double room a night ? Is it near the city center ?

3 What is the departure/arrival time ? Where can you visit ?

* Open prediction : Listening

- Ask ss to predict the temperature of the cities

City Weather Temperature

Low High

1 Sydney dry, windy 20 26

2 Tokyo dry, windy 15 22

3 London Humid, cold -3 7

4 Bangkok Warm, dry 24 32

- Listen and repeat in chorus, individually - Copy down

- Do matching individual

- Ss brainstorming

- Students read the flight information,

advertisement then answer the questions to get information

- Sts guess the temperature of the cities in the table




Windy, cloudy

8 15

6 Paris cool, dry 10 16

- Gets feedback

Step2.While- stages : Listening and speaking - Ask ss to listen to the tape twice to check their predictions

Then listen again to fill in the table

- Give feedback:

City Weather LowTemperatureHigh

1 Sydney dry, windy 20 26

2 Tokyo dry, windy 15 22

3 London Humid, cold -3 7

4 Bangkok Warm, dry 24 32



Windy, cloudy

8 15

6 Paris cool, dry 10 16

* Mapped dialogue :

Where shall we stay ?

Where should we visit?

What time should we leave Los Angeles ?

- The Revere Hotel is expensive but it has a gym

- I think we should visit Havard Medical School, the Museum and Arts Gallery - There’s a daily flight at 10 am, would that be OK?

Step3.Post – speaking and listening : * Transformation: Example :

Depart (Hue)………

Arrive (Ho Chi Minh City)……… Accommodation……… Sightseeing……… Depart (HCM City)…………

4 Consolidation:

- Retell the main points: What have you learnt? 5.Home work:

- Learn by heart all the vocabulary - Do exercise in workbook

- Prepare for the next lesson: Read + T; lesson plan, textbook , pictures + Ss : homework, text book , pen…

- Students listen to the tape then check their predictions

- Students listen to the tape again then fill in the table

- Do individually

- Sts use the the information to make the dialogues

- Work in pair

- Sts make a plan for their coming holiday


Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:26

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