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Lesson 5 Write Writing a letter about future plan using “be going to”.. Lesson 6 Language focus Further practice in modal verb may, can, could[r]


Date of preparing:25/10/2018 Period 30

UNIT 5: STUDY HABITS Lesson 6: write (p.50- 51) I.Aims:

-Help ss understand and remember the words and phrases given in the lesson; learn to write letters to friends

-By the end of the lesson ss will be able to know the format of a friendly letter and practice writing a letter to a friend

-Develop skills: W, L, S & R 1.Language contents:

*Grammar: Adverbs of manner, should, Commands, requests and advice in reported speech

* Vocab: Lunar New Year Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, enoyable, celebrate 2.Skills: Writing

3.Attitude and moral sense : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder

II Teaching aids:

Lesson plan, textbook, handouts, posters, pictures, colorchalks 1.Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, posters.

2.Ss’ preparation: books, notebooks, workbooks,review the old lesson, preview vocabularies III.Techniques:

Chatting, ordering, labeling, IV.Procedures:

1.Organization:( (1m)

Class +Date of teaching

+ Who’s absent today? - Absent students: Nobody + What the date?

+ How are you today? 2.Checking the old lesson: (5’)

T asks SS to go to the board and write the new words, newstructures and exercises T corrects the mistakes

3.New lesson: Unit : Lesson 6

Teacher’s activities Time Ss’ activities

* Warm up: Chatting

- Ask ss some questions dealing with writing a letter  Have you ever written letters to someone?  Who you usually write to?

 What you often write about?

* Pre- writing Vocabulary: - T elicits some new words:



+ Lunar New Year Festival: Tết âm lịch (picture ) + Mid-Autumn Festival (n) : Tết trung thu ( explanation) + ẹnjoyable (adj): vui vẻ (synonym) + celebrate (v): tổ chức (translation) -Check : Ro and Rm


- Give ss some parts of the letter

- Ask ss to put them in the correct order - Get feedback

a Opening d Body of the letter b Closing e Signature

c The date f Writer’s address +Answer:

1-f 2- c 3- a 4- d 5- b 6- e Labeling

- T asks ss to indentify the sections of the letter - T gets feedback :

Answer : 1-B 2- D 3- A 4- C Comprehension questions:

- Give ss some questions

- Ask them to work in pairs to answer them a Who wrote the lette? To whom?

b What are there in the heading? c What is the main part of the letter? d What did Hoa receive afew days ago? e Is Hoa good at Math?

f What subjects are hoa good at?

g Where is she going to celebrate the Lunar New Year festival? - Ask ss to practice asking and answering questions

*While writing:

- T asks ss to exercise on p.51

- Ss have to imagine that they are Lan and write a letter to her penpal Donna in Sans Francisco, using the given information - T explains the words that ss don’t understand

- T asks ss to write the heading of the letter

- T asks ss to write this letter depend on the letter in exercise Eg : Dear Donna,

Thanks for your letter I’m pleased to hear you had an






- Listen and repeat in chorus -

individually - Copy down

- individual work

- Pair work a Hoa wrote the letter to Tim, her penpal

b There are writer’s name and date c The body of the letter is the main part

d She recived her first semester report

e No, she isn’t f Science, English and History

g She is going to Hue…


enjoyable Mother’s Day… - T asks ss to work individually Dear Donna,

Thanks for your letter I’m pleased to hear you had an enjoyable Mother’s Day I received my second semester report last month I got good grades for Geography, Physics and math, but my English and History results were poor My teacher told me to improve Eng and History I think I’ll have to study harder next school year.

In a few weeks we’re going to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival That’s a moon festival in autumn or Fall in VN I’m going to Ha Long Bay with my aunt and uncle by bus this afternoon and I’m going to stay there with them until after the festival I’ll send you a postcard from there.

Write soon and tell me all your news. Best,


*Post writing: Correction

- T asks one or two ss to read aloud their letters and correct their mistakes

- T listens and corrects ss’ mistakes


- Individual work - Listen & read their letters

4.Sumarry: (2’)

- T asks ss to repeat what they have learnt - T guides ss to exercises in W.B & N.B 5.Homework:

- Learn by heart vocabulary - Do exercises in W.B & N.B - Prepare the next lesson V.Evaluation:

Date of preparing:25/10/2018 Period 31


Lesson 7: language focus 2- (p.52- 53) I.Aims:

- Help ss revise all the knowledge given in unit

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to remember all the things they have learnt in unit such as: commands, requests, advice in reported speech


*Grammar: Adverbs of manner, should, Commands, requests and advice in reported speech

* Vocab: review 2.Skills: Writing

3.Attitude and moral sense : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder

I.Teaching aids:

Lesson plan, textbook, handouts, posters, pictures, colorchalks 1.Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, posters.

2.Ss’ preparation: books, notebooks, workbooks,review the old lesson, preview vocabularies III.Techniques:

Wordsquare, individual work, pair work IV.Procedures:

1.Organization:( (1m)

+ Who’s absent today? - Absent students: + What the date?

+ How are you today? 2.Checking the old lesson: (5’)

T asks SS to go to the board and write the new words, newstructures and exercises T corrects the mistakes

3.New lesson: Unit : Lesson 7


*Warm up:Wordsquare - Stick a poster on the board

- Ask ss to find words about study in the wordsquare

- Divide the class into two teams, ss in each team goes to the board to circle the words they have found then write them in the colunm of their team The team which has more words will win the game







*Language focus (p.52):

- Ask ss to look at the picture of Mr Hao’s house and answer some questions:

- Is Mr.Hao’s house new? - Is the wall discolored? - How is the door?

- Is there grass in his garden? - Should Mr.Hao repair the roof?

- Give ss explaination of the modal verb: Should + Form: S + should + V-infinitive

+ Use: Give an advice + Meaning: Nªn

- Ask ss to use the words in the box Say what he should - Then T asks ss to work in pairs

- T gets feedback

Eg: Mr.Hao should repair the roof cut the grass paint the house replant the trees mend the door

- T asks ss to write the sentences in their notebooks *Language focus 3,4 (p.53)

- T sets the scene to give model sentence :

Eg 1: Miss Jackson said: “Can you give Tim this dictionary?”  Indirect: Tim’s mother reported it to Tim:

“Miss.Jackson asked me to give you this dictionary.” Eg 2: Miss Jackson said “Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation.”

Indirect: Tim’s mother reported it to Tim:

“Miss Jackson said you should work harder on your Spanish pronunciation.”

*Concept check :

a To report a command or request : (+) S + asked /told + O + to-inf…




- Team work

pronunciation, read, study, write speak


report card practice

- Listen and answer - No, it isn’t - Yes, it is - It is broken - Yes, there is - Yes, he should

- Listen and copy

- individual work


( -) S +asked / told / requested /commanded + not + to-inf b To report an advice :

* S + said + S + should + V

-Then T asks ss to exercise L.F ,4 (p.53) - Gets feedback

*Language focus 3.P53:

a “Miss Jackson asked me to wait for her outside her office.” b “Miss Jackson told me to give you your report card for this semester.”

c “Miss Jackson told me to help you with your Spanish pronunciation.”

d “Miss Jackson asked me to meet her next week.” *Language focus 4.P53:

a “Miss Jackson said you should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation.”

b “Miss Jackson said you should practice speaking Spanish everyday”

c “Miss Jackson said you should listen to Spanish conversations on TV”

d “Miss Jackson said you should practice reading aloud passages in Spanish.”

e “Miss Jackson said you should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words.”

- Do LF 3,4 on page 53 individual

- Copy down

4.Sumarry: (2’)

- Ask ss to retell what they’ve consolidated in this period 5.Homework:

- Learn by heart the structures’ grammar - Do exercise 3,6,7,10 in workbook - Prepare next period


UNIT THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB I Aims: helping students :

- to talk about the future

- to ask for favors and offer assistance - to write a letter telling about a future plan II Language focus:


- Gerunds

- Modals: may, can, could III Allocation:

Lesson Getting started

Listen and read Reading the dialogue for details about some activities of the Y&Y Lesson Speak Asking for favors and respond to favors Lesson Listen Listening for specific information to complete

the song

Lesson Read Reading for details about the youth organization in Vietnam

Lesson Write Writing a letter about future plan using “be going to”

Lesson Language focus Further practice in modal verb may, can, could Present tense with future meaning

IV Vocabulary:

Verbs Nouns Adjectives

enroll fill out

recycle tutor unite

application citizenship drawing fund interest position resources scout tire

academic coeducational

Date of preparing: 25/10/2018 Period 32 UNIT THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB

Lesson 1: Getting started (p.54)- Listen and read (p.54- 55) Language focus (P.61)



- Develop skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing 1.Language contents:

*Grammar: present tense with future meaning, gerunds used after some verbs., modals: may, can, could

*Vocab: enroll, handdicapped, sign, application form 2.Skills: Reading

3.Attitude and moral sense : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder

II.Teaching aids:

1.Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, text book, CD and cassette, poster. 2.Ss’preparation: books, notebooks, workbooks.


Brainstorming, rubout and remember, survey, word cue drill IV.Procedures:

1.Organization:( (1m)

- Class Date of teaching

+ Who’s absent today? - Absent students: + What the date?

+ How are you today? 2.Checking the old lesson:

T asks SS to go to the board and write the new words, newstructures and exercises T corrects the mistakes

3.New lesson: Unit : Lesson 1

Teacher’s activities Time Ss’activities

*Warm up: Brainstorming

helping blind people collect waste paper

clean up the street help elder people + Possible answers:

- take part in sports

- Collect and empty garbage - help handicapped/ street chidren * Pre-Listening

Vocabulary: -T elicits some new words

+ enroll (v): đăng ký, ghi danh (translation) + handicapped (a): khuyết tật (explanation) + sign (v): ký (mime) + application form (n): đơn (example) * Check: Ro and Rm



- Team work

- Listen and repeat in chorus and individually, then copy



*While-reading Listen and read (p.54-55):

- T sets the scene: Nga is a student in grade She wants to enroll in the activities for the summer

- T asks ss to listen and read the dialogue at the same time - Get Ss to work in pairs and complete Nga,s particulars

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate in front of class - Give feedback

* Name : Pham Thi Nga

* Home address : Tran Phu Street * Phone number : Not available * Date of birth : April 22 , 1989 * Sex : Female

* Interest : Drawing, outdoor activities, acting *Ask Ss answer some questions: + What is her name?

+ What does she live? + When was she born? + What are her hobbies?

- Call on some Ss to answer the questions * Concept checking

- What is after “likes”? - What is after “enjoys”?

- What you call “ drawing “ and “ acting “ - What is the form of “gerund”?

- When we use “gerund”?

* Form Like, love, enjoy, hate + gerund * Drill:

word cue drill

- Prepare cards with these cues on them: a play soccer / volley ball

b watch TV / listen to music c read books / homework

d Chat with friends / the housework e Cook meal / decorate the house => What are your hobbies?

*I like / love playing soccer and volleyball * I don’t like playing badminton

- Call on Ss to practice asking and answering - Correct mistakes if any

- Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue *Production


- Ask Ss to copy down the chart and work in groups of three to ask their friends and tick on the chart

Do you like… ? Name






- Rewrite words

- Listen to the tape

- Read the dialogue

- Work in pairs - Report their results in front of class

- Answer the questions ( whole class ) -> drawing -> acting -> gerund -> V- ing - > after some verbs: like, love, enjoy, hate, mind - Copy down - Listen and copy the form Then practice

T – Class Side- Side Open pairs Close pairs


- play soccer - washing up - cooking meals - performing music

- gathering broken glasses - watching TV

- play badminton

- Give feedback by asking Ss to report their friends, hobbies.

- Work in groups

4.Sumarry: (2’)

- Retell the main points of this lesson: What have you learnt?


- Write about their friends hobbies

- Learn vocabulary, main structure Grammar by heart - Prepare the next lesson:

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:24

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