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* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to understand the details of a text about where Thuy lives and practice country vocabC. Methods.[r]


UNIT 6: Places I.Objectives

1 Theme 3: Community

- In and around the house

- Places in town / city and country

2 Competences

- Give personal details - Describe places - Describe locations - Describe surroudings

3 Skill

Speaking: Give personal details, - Identify places and their layouts.

Listening: Listen to monologues/dialogues within 50 words for general


Reading: Read dialogues and passages within 80 words for general information. Writing: Write sentences or a paragraph within 50 words with idea/word or

picture cues

4 Grammar: Tenses:Simple present

- Prepositions of position, Where? Which? What?, Adjectives

5 Vocabulary: places, prepositions of position. II Unit plan:

Lesson 1: A1 - 3: to understand the main idea of the text and practice country vocabulary

Lesson 2: A4 - 7: to describe places where they live, understand more about country vocabulary

Lesson 3: B1- 3:

- Improve reading skill by reading a text about where Minh lives.


Lesson 4: C1- 2: Know some more prepositios of places: in front of, behind, to the right, to the left, opposite… , describe things around their house

Lesson 5: C3- 4: to practice questions "Where is … /are….?" answers They also can use town vocabulary & prepositions of place to describe a street

Date of preparing: 09/11/2018 Period 33

Unit 6: Places Lesson : A1-3

A Objectives

* Knowledge; At the end of the leson Ss can be able to

- Reading a text about where Thuy lives to understand the details and practice country vocab

* Skill: Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill

* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to understand the details of a text about where Thuy lives and practice country vocab

B Methods

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: W & W, matching, LN, picture drill, write it up

C Preparations

1.Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, radio , projector 2.Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books

D Contents

I Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students

6A 13/11/2018

6B 13/11/2018

II.Warm-up: (5')

T: Ask ss to tell the things around their houses Ss: Give their ideas

T: Comment if necessary

III.New lesson: 35’

Teacher and students’activities Contents 1.Activity Pre – Reading (15')

+ Pre teach: Vocabulary

1 Vocabulary


- T : uses pictures for eliciting the new Vocab - T/ Ss read the Vocab

- Ss read the Vocab chorally/ individually - Checking the Vocab: R.O.R

+ Open prediction. - T sets the scene

“ You are going to read a text about Thuy and her house Before reading the text , you’ll predict and answer the questions: “ What’s near Thuy’s house?”

Ss : write things in their books + Check:

? Do you predict and answer the questions now? ( Yes )

- Ss give their own ideas - T gets Ss’ prediction

2.Activity While – Reading (10')

- T asks Ss to read the text silently then answer

their predictions

- Ask Ss to give their ideas after reading the text

- Give feedback and correction * Matching

- T asks Ss to read the text again, guess the meaning of these words from context and match

+ Comprehension Questions

T divides the class in to groups: A –B

- T’s instructions -> check - Ss play in groups:

- No1: Q-a, No2: Qd, No3: Qb, No4: LK,

No5: LK, No6:Qe, No7: Qf, No8: Qe, No9: LK

- After finish the game: TWC praise the


- Answer key

a Thuy is twelve b She is a student c His name is Minh d He is twenty

- river (n) : sông - trees (n): cối - flowers (n): hoa - rice paddy (n): cánh

đồng lúa

- park (n): công viên

2 The text

a.Answer the question

(?)What’s near Thuy’s house?

 a lake, a river, a park,  a rice paddy, a hotel

b Matching

near xinh đẹp a yard khách sạn beautiful gần hotel sân

c Answer the questions

(Poster:Questions from a-> f.)  Lucky numbers.





e She lives in s house

f There's a lake, a river and a rice paddy

3.Activity Post – Reading (10') + Picture drill / P62 - 63

- Ask Ss to ask and answer the questions about the things in the pictures/p.62

- T models with a good student

- Ss work in pairs( open pairs/ closed pairs)

+ Writing

* For normal students

- Have Ss complete the sentences using the cues and pictures

- Ss write in groups: A- B - T delivers hand out to Ss

- T gets Ss’ hand out -> stick on the board to check

- TWC praise the winner

* For good students

- Have Ss stand before class and describe the things near their house

- T.WC check and correct

d Practice

Example exchange:

S1: What is this/ that? S2: It’s a river

S2: What are these/those? S2: They’re trees

3 Write it up (A3/p 63) * Answer key

- Our house has a yard It’s near a rice paddy

- There is a hotel near the lake

- There is a river near the park

- There are trees and flowers in the park

IV Summary:(2' )

- Tell some things around the houses

Fair students: Ask ss to ask and answer

What is there near the house? There is a river near the house/ a river

2 near the school/ a rice paddy near the hotel/ a park

V Homework:(2')

- Ask ss to learn by heart newwords

- Ask Sts to test yourself and exercise 1(p75) - Prepare: Unit 6: A4-7

E Evaluation:



Date of preparing: 09/11/2018 Period 34

Unit 6: Places Lesson : A4-7

A Objectives

* Knowledge

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe simply what is near

their house, to understand town and country vocabulary for describing places where they live

* Skill: Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill.

* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to descibing places where we live

B Methods

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: R & R, Picture Drill,


1 Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, radio , pictures , poster Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books


I Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students

6A 14/11/2018

6B 14/11/2018

II.Warm-up: (5')

1 Cho dạng động từ ngoặc để hoàn thành câu sau.

1 She ( get) up at six o’clock Ba ( brush) his teeth every morning Lan and Hoa ( not go) to school at 6.30

2 Sử dụng từ gợi ý viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

1 Hoa/ go/ school/ every morning They/ not have/ lunch/ 11.30

III New lesson(35’)

Teacher and students’activities Contents 1.Activity Presentation: (10')

+ Pre - teach: Vocab

- T uses some techniques for eliciting the

1 Vocabulary


new Vocab

- T/ Ss read the Vocab

- Ss read the vocab Chorally/ individually - Checking the Vocab: What and Where

+ Listening

-Ask Ss to read the words listed in the grid - T plays the tape ans asks Ss to listen and tick the words they’ve listed

-> Check:

? What you have to now?

( Listen to the tape and tick the words we’ve heard.)

- T plays the tape twice - Ss listen carefully

- Give feedback and correct

2.Activity Practice: Picture drill (15')

- Have Ss work in pairs to talk about the place they live basing on the pictures/ P 64 - T asks Ss to run through all pictures

- T models first

- Ss work in pairs: open pairs/ closed pairs

3.Activity Further practice (10')

* For normal students.

- Ask Ss to write some sentences about things where they live

- T WC check and correct

* For good students: Chain game

- T calls on Ss to go to the board They take turn to describe place where they live - Ask Ss to write about their places

- Ss write in groups: A- B - Give feedback and correction

- city(n): thành phố - country(n): nông thôn

2 Listen

Write the words you hear in your notebook.

*Answer key:

a hotel b country

c rice paddy, river

3 Practice: A5/ P.64.

Example exchange.

S1: There is a hotel near our house S2: There are trees near our house

* Write: Write sentences about your


Group A - Group B

* Chain game: ( Speaking)

S1: There is a hotel near our house S2: There is a hotel , and a school near my house

S3: There is a hotel, a school and a lake near our house

S4: ………

IV Summary(2’): to describe places where they live V Homework(2’)

a city a country


- Write sentences about your places - Do Ex1/ P 32-33 ( exercise note book ) - Prepare: B1-

E Evaluation

Date of preparing: 09/11/2018 Period 35

Unit 6: Places Lesson : B1-3

A Objectives

* Knowledge; At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Improve reading skill by reading a text about where Minh lives - Understand and use place vocabulary, prepositions of places

* Skill

- Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill

* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to read a text about

where Minh lives to understand town vocabulary and preposition of place

B Methods

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: Word square, Matching T/ F prediction, gap fill


1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, radio, picture, poster 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books

D Contents

I Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students


6B 16/11/2018

II Warm up and Revision (5’)

- What is there near your house? - What's today class?

+ Revision:

- Rub out and remember [dialogue] A6/P.64

III New lesson (35’)

Teacher and students’ activities Contents 1.Activity Pre- reading: (10’)

+ Pre - teach: Vocab

T: elicits the vocab from the students ( using pictures, explanation)

Ss: - repeat in chorus - repeat individually

+ Check: Matching

- Have ss go to the board to match one English word with one suitable meaning

+ T sets the sence

“ You are going to read a text about Minh He tells us about his family and things rear his house Before reading I have some statements ( some of them are True and some of them are False)

You should read and tell me which sentence is true and which one is false.)

Check: How many sentences are there?

( 6)

? What you have to now? ( Predict True or False)

- Ss give their ideas, T gets Ss’ ideas

2.Activity While - reading (15’)

- Have Ss read the text about Minh on P 65- 66, then check their prediction

- Ss read the text in three minus ( can share woth their partners)

- Have Ss correct the false statements

+ Matching

1 Vocabulary

- (book) store (n): hiệu sách - temple(n): đình, miếu. - restaurant(n): nhà hàng - hospital(n): bệnh viện - factory(n): nhà máy - museum(n): bảo tàng - stadium(n): sân vận động

- neighborhood(n): h xóm, khu lân cận

2 The text

* True or false statements?

a Minh lives in the country

b There are four people in his family c Their house is next to a bookstore d There is a museum near the house e Minh’s father works in a hospital f Minh’s mother works in a factory

=> Answer key:

a b c d e f



- Ask Ss to go to the board to the

matching ( one by one)

- TWC read the words again - Ss read in chorus/ individual + Gap – fill

- Ask Ss to read B1 again Then complete the sentences

- Ss work in groups to ( A- B) + Check

? How many sentences are there?( 5) ? How many gaps are there? ( 8)…… - Ss in minutes

- T gets groups’ ideas and check

3.Activity Post- reading: (10’) + Pre –listening

- T sets the scene: “ You are going to

listen to a paragraph But there are some gaps First you’ll predict and fill in each gap with one suitable word

- Check:

? How many gaps are there? ( 4)

? Do you guess to fill in the gaps? ( Yes )

- Ss give their ideas T gets their


+ While listening

- T plays the tape, asks Ss to listen

carefully then check their predictions

- Give feedback and correction

+ T elicits the model sentences from the students

- Have Ss read the model in chorus/


- Concept check:

+ Meaning, Form, Use, Pro

+ Practice: Noughts and crosses. Group A - Group B Example exchange

S1: Where does Minh live?

a in the city e in a factory f in a hospital.

* Fill in the gaps with suitable words: B2/p.66.

 Answer key:

a city

b restaurant… bookstore… temple c hospital

d house…… store e factory

3 Listening: B3/p.67

a Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

I live in a (1)……on a (2)…… , in a (3) ……near a ( 4)…….where friends meet to eat

 Answer key

1 house city

2 street restaurant

b Model sentences.

Where you live? does she

I live in Dong Son

She lives on Tran Phu street => Form:

Where + do/ does + S + live? S + live ( s) + in + place on



S2: He lives near a park - Ask Ss to speak about things near their house

- Have Ss stand before class to describe - TWC check/ correct

where someone lives

Lan / museum ( 1)

They / country (4)

She /

restaurant ( 7)

Minh / park (2 )

Mai / factory ( 5)

He / river (8)

You / city

( )

Hoa /

bookstore (6)

You / street ( )

IV Summary(2’)

- improve reading skill by reading a text about where Minh lives - understand and use place vocabulary, prepositions of places

- ask and answer where somebody lives and works. V Homework(2’)

- Learn by heart the Vocab

- Do B1-2 / P 62- 63 ( work book)

- Write sentences describing your house - Prepare C1-

E Evaluation

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:15

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