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de thi HSG A22

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A22 PART I : LISTENING COMPREHENSION: ( 2 pts ) Question 1: Listen to the conversations in the tape two times then pick out ONE best option ( A,B,C or D ) in each question: 1. The car needs replacing A. the front tyre on the driver’s side. B. the front tyre on the passenger’s side. C. both of the front tyres. D. both of the rear tyres. 2. Finally, the tourist decides to book a wake-up call at A. 6.30 o’clock B. 7.00 o’clock C. 7.15 o’clock D. 6.45 o’clock 3. The patient goes to see the doctor because she has got A. a headache B. a stomachache C. a toothache D. a backache 4. The doctor tells the patient A. to stay in bed for some days. B. to take some medicines. C. to stop reading and watching telly. D. to have her eyes tested. Question 2 : Listen to the conversations in the tape two times then pick out the information to complete these sentences: 1. The boarding time for the flight to Manchester will be at_____________. 2. On the flight to Barcelona , the passenger may take on board__________piece(s) of hand baggage. 3. How many passengers are there in the group that is checking in for the flight to Rome at this moment?_____________________. 4. There is an electrical item in the suitcase of the passenger. It is the_______________ . PART II :VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR ( 8 pts ) Question 3: Pick out ONE best option ( A,B,C or D ) to complete sentence : 1. ………the cave was found, millions of visitors from many countries have come to look at its beauty. A. When B. Since C. While D. Unless 2. This is the stone bed………the king had lain before he died in the 14 th century. A. however B. of which C. wherever D. where 3. It’s so long since I last saw him that I almost failed to………….him. A. recognize B. receive C. approve D. accept 4. The coal and steel industries are among the productions……… by the government. A. control B. to control C. controlling D. controlled 1 5. His play made a tremendous………….on audience. A. result B. affect C. impact D. collision 6. Unmarried middle-aged ladies usually dislike being called ……….although it is technically the correct word to use. A. old maids B. spinsters C. maidens D. bachelors 7. She’s so………in doing her research that she never has time to relax. A. involved B. included C. complicated D. approved 8. I apologize. I shouldn’t……………. my temper. A. have made B. have lost C. have showed D. have given Question 4 : Complete these sentences, using the suitable forms of the words in brackets: 1. ………is one of the important factors that lead the firm to success.( managed ) 2. I think he is the most………….in our village. Six members in his family died in the last flood. ( fortunately ) 3. Excuse me, Sir. I know it’s……… to call you up at two A.M. But our factory is on fire! ( convenience ) 4. All those foreign visitors can speak Vietnamese very well. There will be a big…… to have a translator here. ( useful ) 5. The natural disasters have………… seriously the life of all people there.( effect ) 6. Look at the doctor’s………….carefully before you take these tablets.( prescribe ) 7. The behaviour of the woman is very…………The guard of the supermarket is having a look on her. ( suspect ) 8. Finally, the proposal of the students was………….yesterday. ( admission ) Question 5 : There are 8 errors in the passage below. Read the passage, find out these errors then correct them. The number (o) is an example: Social engagements follow rather definite rules of etiquette, but there are varying ( o. degree-> degrees ) of formality and informality. Invitations for formal parties and dinners and to such important occasions as weddings and graduations, is usually made in writing on formal printed or engraved cards. Quite often the invitation will indicate the type of cloth to be worn, but if this is not clear, it is perfectly permissible to telephone the host or hostess to inquire about this. If the native costume of foreign visitors is different with the usual local style of dress, it is always correct to wear the costume one would wear at home for an occasion of comparable formality. The person invited should never reply, as promptly as possible, to let the hostess know whether or not he or she can accept the guests. Usually the hostess must plan for a specific number of guests and any time in that number will also require changes in the sitting arrangements, or in the amount of food to be prepared. Before attending a social function to which he or she has been invited by a written invitation , the guest may send a thank – you card to the hostess . Question 6 : Choose ONE option ( A,B,C or D ) corresponding to the best sentence which is made up from the given cue words. 2 1. / keep / she / rain / wait / minutes / night / I / ten / last / A. She kept me to wait in the rain for ten minutes last night. B. She kept me wait in the rain foe ten minutes last night. C. She kept me to be waiting in the rain for ten minutes last night. D. She kept me waiting in the rain for ten minutes last night. 2. / important / it / stop / father / your / smoke / once/ A. It’s important that your father should stop smoking at once. B. It’s important that your father stopped smoking at once. C. It’s important that your father stops smoking at once. D. It’s important that your father may stop smoking at once. 3. / use / be / footballer / team / football / national / Huynh Duc / the best / of / our / A. Huynh Duc used being the best footballer of our national football team. B. Huynh Duc used to be the best footballer of our national football team. C. Huynh Duc used to being the best footballer of our national football team. D. Huynh Duc uses to be the best footballer of our national football team. 4. / hurt / she / boyfriend / learn / forget / birthday / A. She was hurt when learning that had her boyfriend forgotten her bithday. B. She hurt was when learning that her boyfriend had forgotten her birthday. C. She was hurt that when learning her boyfriend had forgotten her bithday. D. She was hurt when learning that her boyfriend had forgotten her birthday. 5. / highway / now that / take / get / build / hours / there / A. Now that the highway has been built, it takes only two hours to get there. B. Now that the highway has been built, it took only two hours to get there. C. Now that the highway has been built, it is taking only two hours to get there. D. Now that the highway has been built, it has taken only two hours to get there. 6. / stupid / it / give up / him / job / money / need / A. It was stupid with him to give up his job when he needed the money. B. It was stupid to him to give up his job when he needed the money. C. It was stupid of him to give up his job when he needed the money. D. It was stupid for him to give up his job when he needed the money. 7. / survive / we / unless / work / start / cleaner / safer / energy / sources / A. We won’t survive so we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy. B. We won’t survive although we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy. C. We won’t survive unless we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy. D. We won’t survive otherwise we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy. 8. / grateful / I / me / kindness / visit / last month / your factory / A. I’m grateful for your kindness to me when I visited your factory last month. B. I’m grateful with your kindness to me when I visited your factory last month. C. I’m grateful of your kindness to me when I visited your factory last month. D. I’m grateful at your kindness to me when I visited your factory last month. PART III : READING ( 6 pts ) Question 7 : Read the passage below then pick out ONE best option ( A,B,C or D ) in each question : I left school at fifteen. I was an academically bright lad who was urged by some of his teachers not to leave, but I wanted out, to see life, and I didn’t want to reach beyond the expectation of the friends who left school with me. I worked for a year in a laundry, as a van-boy delivering dry cleaning. On turning sixteen I applied to be, and eventually began working as, a trainee heating engineer with a medium- sized company in East Belfast .The first months were boring. The work was not demanding but I found the 3 environment of the factory annoying. I remember my first week .I left the factory to meet up with a friend and I realized that I had forgotten to collect my wages. My friend thought I was an idiot. After many months working in the factory, I was sent off to college to study for my Certificate in Heating Engineering. I found the classroom routine unpleasant and I remember feeling a sense of limitation. Five years of this- to end up as a heating engineer and continue with that for the foreseeable future was not an exciting thought. Although I had left school against the advice of my teachers I had, without telling anyone, tried to continue my studies in literature at evening classes. It was a boring walk from one end of the city to another and to sit amongst adults was confusing. I was the youngest in the class, so the companionship I knew at school was absent. I put up with it for a short period. It was too long a walk on cold winter’s nights and it was hard to concentrate on Shakespeare with wet shoes and soaking trousers. So I carried on reading books and started writing poetry at home. By chance, I won some prizes and literary awards in national competitions. A young woman from a TV company came to the college one day. She told me in the quiet of the corridor that I had won a national poetry award. I stared at her in astonishment and disbelief. She wanted to make a short film about me, to which I said: ‘ No, I couldn’t do that.’ Not that I had any real excuse. I was just frightened. She eventually persuaded me that I should do it the following day. Off I went to Shaws Bridge, on the outskirts of Belfast. They made a short film of me reading one of my poems and I was forever after occupied with a fascination for words. I wondered what I should do after this, and decided some weeks later that I could not stand the idea of spending the rest of my days dealing with pipes. So one evening, I hesitatingly told my parents that I wanted to return to school. They were shocked and, I think, a little afraid but they did not try to persuade me not to. They wanted to know if I was sure, if I knew what it meant and whether I was aware that if I gave up my training it would be very difficult to get a good job. But nothing could put me off, and they pursued the matter no further. 1. One reason why the writer left school at the age of fifteen was that he A. thought he would get a good job. B. had no other choice. C. didn’t get on well with his teachers. D. didn’t want to be different from his friends. 2. What did the writer feel while he was training to be a heating engineer? A. He didn’t receive enough money. B. He preferred the college to the factory. C. He was capable of doing something better. D. He might fail to qualify as a heating engineer. 3. What did the writer find when he attended the evening classes? A. The behaviour of the other students annoyed him. B. The studies were less interesting than he expected. C. He was out of place among the other students. D. He learned more when he studied at home. 4. What does “ it “in ‘ I put up with it for a short period.’ refer to ? A. companionship B. the walk C. literature D. the evening class 5. Why at first did the writer refuse to appear in the film? A. He felt he didn’t deserve it. B. He was taken by surprise. C. He thought someone else should be in it. D. He wanted more time to think about it. 6. Why didn’t he go on with his poetry writing at home? A. He was too busy with his studying at college. 4 B. He couldn’t earn enough for his life. C. He didn’t want to spend all his life sitting at one place thinking and writing. D. His parents wanted him to return to the college. 7. How did the writer’s parents react to his decision to return to school? A. They argued with him. B. They pointed out how it would affect his future. C. They told him he was making a mistake. D. They hid their real thoughts from him. 8. What would be the most suitable title for this extract? A. A change of direction B. Great expectations C. An unlucky beginning D. Pressures of fame Question 8 : Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage below: New drivers could be asked to play a sophisticated video game as part of their training and driving test, under proposals to be announced by transport ministers next week. The Department of Transport has been considering a test devised by researchers which tests people’s “ hazard and perception…( 1 )…”, that is how quickly they are aware of a dangerous situation and how quickly they react to it. This is a particular weak point of new and learner drivers. Dr Frank McKenna, the psychologist heading the £200,000 research project, says: ‘…( 2 ) . people, despite popular belief and, particularly their own estimation of their driving, do not have faster reaction times than older drivers. Although they may be slightly quicker once they notice something dangerous, they are much…( 3 )…at spotting a possible crisis. Dr McKenna says that the video is a much better tool for training and testing than written questionnaires, which were an alternative suggestion put forward in a consultation paper by the department last August:”…( 4 )…may be cheaper, though they are quite expensive to mark, but there is no relationship between being good at answering the questions and being good at avoiding accidents.” Rather than developing a…( 5 )…programme involving high technology, Dr McKenna has concentrated on a scheme that could be carried out quickly and cheaply.” There will be no excuse for not implementing this test.” Drivers being assessed watch a ten-minute video and push a button as soon as they see a dangerous …( 6 ) ….While some of the situations on the video were acted by the research team, several were not, including a dangerously wobbly cyclist who cuts across traffic to go along the white line in the middle of the road, and a woman stepping out into the traffic from a bus stop. Dr McKenna is working on research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council on how drivers judge their own driving skills. His preliminary work suggests that people usually think that their skills are above average which of course, is a nonsense statistically . Indeed, in one…( 7 )…survey in the US not one person from a large sample thought their skills were below average. He believes that one way of reducing road deaths is to get people to realize that they are not as good as they think. He gets them to think of an accident they have…( 8 )…and then to imagine the results. This training is successful at making drivers more careful and Dr McKenna hopes it may become a routine part of driver instruction. Question 9 : The article below is not complete and logical. Eight paragraphs have been removed from it. Find out one of the suitable paragraphs ( A- I ), then insert it into the gaps ( 1- 8 ) where it should be to make the article a good one. There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use: 5 ADMIRING THE SKILLS OF THE AMERICAN SKYWRITERS Skywriting isn’t quite a dying art, but you have to scan the American skies pretty carefully these days to find white smoke puffing out a message. Skywriters have a skill that’s seen by nearly all, but no more than a dozen pilots in the USA regularly practise it. 1 With this information, gunners on the ground could more easily aim their fire at the enemy beneath the smoke. In the mid-1920s a US company began the first advertising campaign in the sky, promoting cigarettes. The plane flew over Philadelphia sending out a message in the air to the people below. This is how skywriting began and it has continue to fascinate us. 2 The memory of that moment stayed with him when he followed in his father’s footsteps as a pilot and now, as head of the Aerial Sign Company in Hollywood , it comes back when he puts floating adverts up in the sky himself. 3 4 He says the pilots need to be highly skilled: Most skywriters work about two miles high. Everything has to be square, otherwise it’s simply poor penmanship that everybody sees. You have to know where your plane is at all times. 5 Together they try it out on the runway, taking half-steps at different corners and turning at angles to be followed in the sky later on. 6 Pepsi-Cola certainly agrees. Fourteen years ago the soft drink company, searching for someone to carry on a tradition begun in the early 1930s, looked through some 3,000 applicants for a skywriter, and chose a 21-year- old woman pilot from Oregon. 7 She says that when you are two miles away from your audience, you forget how big an impression it makes on the people below. Kids stop playing ball and traffic comes to a complete standstill. You can’t actually see while she ‘s writing, of course. But during the descent and on landing she can look back and see what she’s 6 written. 8 Children come up to Asbury- Oliver after her shows. She says that they are really curious because they are learning and form their own letters and they imagine her aeroplane as apencil. Their parents are often surprised when they meet her. Each letter is about half a mile across, so a simple IT’S FESTIVAL TIME !, including punctuation and spacing, takes up about eight miles of sky ! Your answer is: . . . . . . . . . THE REMOVED PARAGRAPHS : A. Butler ’s newest pupil is his 26- year- old son, and Dad shows Junior a diagram he has sketched out to put his wife’s name, Regla, up in the air. The drawing looks like her name backwards, as if in a mirror, with arrows, angles, numbers of seconds, and dotted lines showing the pilot what to do. B. Today that same woman, Suzanne Asbury-Oliver, flies twenty or thirty times a year above festivals and fairs. Suzanne and her husband, Steve, who flies aerobatic man oeuvres, live in Colorado but keep their plane in Illinois . C. Jim Butler remembers the day as a kid in the 1950s in New Hampshire when he looked up from his backyard to see a plane writing in the skies. D. “You’d think it was nothing special to have a woman skywriter, but parents will bring their little girls to meet me. At first they’ll approach my husband and say, “Look what he did,” and he’ll say,” No, she did that.” They’re astonished.” E. She gets great pleasure out of doing it well.” If it’s a beautiful day and the letters are staying, you say to yourself, I did a good job. If a letter isn’t quite right, you become your own worst critic, and you say, I can’t believe I did that.” F. What’s more, Butler doesn’t get as much business from industry as he used to and isn’t sure how much longer he will continue training sky writers. G. “For me to train a skywriter,” Butler says, in his office at North Perry Airport,” they have to be able to fly straight and parallel lines and judge their work without using equipment.” H. “Women are better students in skywriting,” Butler continues, back inside.” They pay more attention to detail, and they’re less likely to depart from procedure.” I. The art began almost eighty years ago in the skies over Europe during the First World War, when a British pilot squirted some light oil into his plane’s exhaust system to make a mid-air spot of smoke above an enemy position. PART IV : WRITING ( 4 pts ) Question 10 : For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original one, but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way: Example: ( o ) There was no conclusion at the end of the workshop. Conclude They did not conclude anything at the end of the workshop. 1. We cannot see animals in a vast area after the forest fire. Absence 7 2. Our environment is polluted seriously. Pollution . 3. We cannot make any comparison with her sacrifice. Compare 4. A huge investment has been put into the field of hydro-electricity. Invest . . 5. They speak English in a high proficiency. Proficiently . 6. He tried his best but he couldn’t succeed. Success . 7. Regular practice will make us skilful. Practise 8. If the factory is opened, everyone will have a job. Unemployed Question 10: Write about how you spend your leisure time and write about leisure-time activities that interest you (in about 150 – 200 words) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The End 8 . words. I wondered what I should do after this, and decided some weeks later that I could not stand the idea of spending the rest of my days dealing with. driver’s side. B. the front tyre on the passenger’s side. C. both of the front tyres. D. both of the rear tyres. 2. Finally, the tourist decides to book

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2013, 08:11

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