Here is a study in smooth finger legato alternating with two and three-note slurs... t4.[r]
FO REWORD Port Eight presents mqteriol slightly more odvonced'thon thot found in Port Seven, ond is designed to develop 'style' os well os technicol fluency on the port of the pupil' More demonds on Musicionship olso should be mode throughout the progress of this book As o supplementory book of Technic, the outhor's THIRD CRADE VELOCITY is recommended Since eoch pupil is'o low unto himself', no two pupils be hondled olike Therefore the book is plonned to ollow the teocher o wide lotitude The prime purpose of the book is to present moteriol which be odopted to the individuol pupil's needs occording to the discretion of the teocher CONTENTS ETUDE, "Will o' the CLOG DANCE - ETUDE -.- SALUT A l0 PEST ETUDE Burgmuller l3 SCHERZO MAZURKA Hummel t4 " " Mever-Helmund l6 l8 ETUDE " -Corel li AIR DE BALLET 22 ETUDE THEME, from Symphony, No | - - 20 26 Brohms 27 28 30 POEM - Fibich VALSE SOUVENIR 34 Drdlo 40 ETUDE TRITSCH TRATSCH (Polko) BARCAROLLE CERTIFICATE OF MERIT 1A -Strouss 41 44 play this with light, forearm attack and try to suggest the mysterious, dancing light of the lJ7ill o' the wisp Note that the accents are wedge-shaped This indicates mote emphasis than that given the usual accent sign \fil Etude O' The \flisp FRANZ BEHR Allegretto : ; ; ; \\j: t) ? l,:ZL)^ 9l' IJ IJI iJ IJJ.J PP + i+ i ' ?:2 culllt a tefnpo u t-l I I_J /frt) h??r € t^ a,l >> 'lJ :;.;\r.-_g L:LL;,^ A I H nfun poco -=rlten ' I tii l- f ::> ' In all dance forms, thythm is uppermost In addition to the normal accent, note the sostenuto sign ( f) over the first note of each measure in the right hand All slurs should be tossed of rather sharply Give a rather vigorous treatment throughout to suggest the clumping of the heavy wooden shoes Clog Dance Allogrotto I l =. /""'t' - N'F ,,/-* + t" -* I /'- /7* - I I , I ,-'T , * * + D i'r uAll nf i,, -/=-UO t 26.- I poco 'l:-l rit t-l q tenpo "/P /-12 t4 lt r z'* * /- -t * ,.'* t zn* * | -'* | /l* * ,v-_-z' -.-.'/ , l4 - z ) nft f a J nF poco ri,t lJr+: l t l'h''ot:er , 4i r ? l'li:,oaer a tempo tv L-> l* t- t ,/'-* O z'-* lt z-* t | /-) ) / * * ,/'t ll ,I 'f fl "f 3-l i\-_ - 'l ttP ,tr il l- | \- s^z _b I I t4 j l{" + I tl sfz a"; l ffi JW! rl 18 The following is a study in arpeggio playing and consists of broken chords divided between the hands The transfer from one hand to the other must be made as smoothly as possible Each group should be played with a rolling motion of the hand, using the minimum amount of finget action Etude Allegro a P a,r zt I ryTnxoni,oso L1 ,n BURGMULLER , : - r#T i) ,'-T- 1aj ;7 creac 67 /1-t 3l I ? s r =F= J 1, ,Cr- #, > I 53 -\r I = 52 zLJ- rA r 9-I 145 'I 12 I -4, 5-A ;l - 'Te -3-> i-, ;-{ | ,)-L- "tj=- 2l ,2 -Z -.- -'- 1U :-J I L# P -j ,r:-2 '-]- cte3c f> C* -5 P 6? T\ q6t )++: